The Hot Next Door Neighbor (R...

By RomanReignsboothang

38.4K 1.4K 107

Roman reigns aka leati anoai outside the ring is you typacle normal person but what happens when he moves int... More

IS He?!?!
Part 2
Part 2
R u serious
3 Months Later part 1
3 Months Later part 2
Going out
Part 2
9 Months later
Where? part 1
Where? Part 2 *Short chapter*
1 year later
Meeting his parents

3 Months Later part 3

525 29 1
By RomanReignsboothang

Mariah grabbed my arm pulling me to the side
Me:Whats ups babygirl
Mariah:Wow i don't know how to put this
Me:What do you mean
Mariah:I wanna baby
Me:Are you sure babe
Mariah:Yes i want us to start a family
Mariah wrapped her arms around my neck looking up at me
Mariah:Please baby
Me:Let me think about it ok
Mariah:Ok baby
I pecked her lips walking back over to the guys i had no problem with starting a family its just that I dont want Mariah to not want the baby at last minute because thats another miscarriage
John:Whats up dude
Phil:You got something on your mind
Me:Its just Mariah wants a baby
Phil:She wants a baby?
Phil:You realize she might not keep her word on wanting one
Me:I know but i cant tell if she really wants one or not
Jon:If she still wants one by the end of the day then she will
I looked at the time it was 6 in the evening mariah walked over to me
Mariah:Baby can we go
Me:Go where
Mariah:Your house
Me:Whats at my house baby
Mariah:I wanna cuddle
Mariah poked out her bottom lip
Me:Ok baby give me a couple of minutes
Mariah:How long
Me:A couple
Me:Did you want anything to eat phil cooked on the grill
Me:Why not
Mariah:Im not hungry
Mariah:Come on lets go pleasee
I chuckled
Me:Ok baby we can go
Mariah pulled my arm i got up as she pulled me out of the park to my truck she got in i walked to my side opening my door getting in and driving off
At joes house
1 hour later
Joe pov
I was laying on my bed when mariah walked back in from the bathroom she crawled into bed beside me i rubbed her ass wrapping my arm around her she grabbed my controller cutting on my xbox to Netflix she cut on Orange is the new black
Me:You watch this?
Me:Because why
Mariah:I like it
Me:That's not a reason
Mariah:Its my reason
Mariah climbed on top of me straddling my waist
Me:Oooh babe that feels good
Mariah:So baby...
Me:Whats on your mind babygirl
Mariah:Remember when i asked for a baby
Mariah:Can I
Me:Babe we just got back together this morning
Me:So?So im saying give it time
Mariah:No i want one now
Me:Babe im not ready for a child yet
Mariah:But at the park you said...
Me:I know what i said im aware of what i said ok i said i would rather have your baby than hers any days am i correct
Mariah nodded
Me:As in anyday i meant any day im ready
Mariah crawled off me grabbing her shoes and putting them on
Me:Where are you going
Mariah:Leave me alone Joe
Me:Are you seriously pissed off at me because i told you i didnt want a child yet
Mariah walked out of the room i got up walking after her she walked down the steps then out the front door
Me:Its too late at night for her to be fucking around like this
I opened my front door i didnt see her i walked outside and saw her on the side of the road walking she was about to reach the highway
Me:Shes playing a really dangerous fucking game
I got in my car cranking it up and pulling out i drove up to where she was and got out
Me:Mariah get in the fucking car and stop walking out here you realize once you reach that highway your dead right so just get in the car baby
Mariah flipped me off and kept walking
Me:Ok ok you wanna play it that way
I got back in the car then grabbed my phone dialing colbys number
Me:Dude do me a huge favor
Colby:Ok what
Mariah pov
I was walking along the highway looking at the cars i passed when i heard a noise i ignored and kept walking then i heard fast footsteps behind me i looked and i didn't see anything i kept walking then i was grabbed i screamed looking at someone in all black and a clown mask yelling
I screamed trying to pull my arm back but he had a strong grip i was really fucking scared i got on the griund as tears flew down my face then a car pulled up in front of me they rolled the window down i saw joe
Joe:Do you wanna get in the car now
I nodded the person let me go i got in the backseat
Joe:Thanks dude
The man took off his mask and i saw Colby who bursted out laughing at me i rolled my eyes
Colby:No problem dude
Joe:Now instead of you walking home im gonna take you
I nodded
Joe:This would have to be the lowest thing youve done mariah
Me:Whatever joe i was doing fine on the highway until you did that shit
Joe:well excuse the hell outta me for looking out for my damn girlfriend.
Me:You weren't looking out for me you wre scaring the hell out of me so i could get in your damn car
Joe:You were trying to walk home
Me:So what if i did no heat on you
Joe:It would kill me from the inside to know you were on the side of the highway walking and i didnt do shit about it thats how much i fucking care!!
Me:If you fucking cared you would respect my fucking decisions and not try to control me damnit dont you fucking think I've went threw enough of that with glen oh wait you wouldn't know your just like him!!!
Joe pulled in i got out the car slamming it shut and walking in the house
April:Are you okay Riah
I ignored her walking upstairs and slamming my door a few minutes later i heard a knock
Me:Who is it and what the fuck do you want
Then joe opened my door
Me:Your supposed to be gone why the fuck are you here still
Joe:I don't know how to put this mariah but i thought the break was gonna help us and it didnt we ended up arguing even worser and i dont think thats the relationship that i want
Me:What are saying
Joe:I think we should see other people
Me:Are you fucking serious right now you gotta be fucking kidding me if thats really what you want then fine ok bye im not gonna beg you to stay since you stood there and said you didnt want me
Joe:I didnt say that i said i didnt want that type of relationship
Me:You still fucking broke up with me
Tears flew down my face
Me:You know what get the fuck out ok when Jon leaves i will send your stuff with him
I shut my door wiping my tears as they flowed down i threw my phone against the wall and it shattered waking up buddy who barked i put him in his cage as he whimpered sadly i packed up everything Joe gave me then my door opened i looked and saw jon
Jon:You okay?
Me:Yea im fine
Jon:What happened one minute at the park you two are the cutest couple and the next mi...
Me:Joe wants to see other people
Jon:Ohh im sorry Riah
Me:Its fine jon no big deal
Jon:If you need anything and i mean anything at all you have my number
I smiled
Me:Ok jon thanks
We hugged then jon grabbed the dog cage and the bag carrying it out april walked in
April:You okay Riah
Me:Everything's fine now april
April:What happened
Me:Joe wants to see other people
April: are you fucking serious right now
Me:But jon told me that stuff like that happens and if i needed anything to just call him
April:He said anything?
Me:Well he said "Anything and i mean anything to call me"
April:Thats jon for ya its obvious he likes you
Me:I already know he likes me
April:Give him a chance you two would be really cute together
I giggled

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