Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

9.1K 1.7K 95

Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 24:
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend

137 29 1
By thebadgirl05

"What in the world is going on?" A child asked as we all peered outside the windows and looked at the sky because of the sudden darkness that enveloped the whole city only to be met by something impossible.

"Whoah! We're in space." Zephyr said in amazement while Mother Hayne sat at one side and made the sign of the cross before beginning her prayers.

I managed to get us all safe out of the house in the woods barely, as soon as we hid behind trees, we saw men coming and the normal thing was to flee. I don't even know what was going on at all.

Just how did these humans manage to locate us? Was their plan after all wasn't just to separate us but also to abduct Mikael while we were away? Things happening right now are ridiculous. I don't know anymore if I was just dreaming or what or I just went crazy. Maybe all.

If Jack hadn't taken off Prince Janus to Idris two days back, even if it was against his will to leave us behind, we'd be in far more trouble. Good thing they were cautious enough. Besides, the prince needs all the cure he can get.

"Zephyr. Kevin's and your's other best friend is back. That damn troublemaker friend of yours is back." I turned at Mae with a frown when I heard her choice of words. Who were they talking about?

"How'd you know?" Zephyr asked with a quirked eyebrow but he seemed to be excited and had a glint in his eyes.

"That bracelet of yours is glowing. He might be tracking you already by now." The little girl said in an 'obviously' tone and my frown only went deeper. When did this sweet girl become such a smart mouth?

Zephyr held out his left wrist and sure enough, we saw a glowing red light on the bracelet made of silver he wore.

"Hmmmm. After all those months of disappearing he finally comes back. I hoped he never did." Another boy among the kids said and my curiosity only grew. Okay---I know nothing about what they were talking about. Neither did I have a clue.

"This damned demon!" Mother Hayne suddenly blurted out words she wasn't supposed to especially in front of kids when the door opened with a bang.

"Mother Hayne. No bad words." We all turned to the new comer and my eyebrows rose up when I saw an eight year old kid at the door. He had gold hair and cold icy golden eyes. Who is this?

And why the hell does he have that noble look on his face like the other twelve? He was an Azerothian, I'm sure of it with that unearthly beauty and the aura I felt coming from him. Truth be told, it was deadly powerful.

"Don't suddenly pop out from nowhere you---you insolent kid!" Mother Hayne said and she seem pissed. It's the first time I was hearing such words coming from Mother Hayne. Well, there's always a first time.

Men followed after the kid who began walking to meet the grinning Zephyr. And much to my horror and Mother Hayne's, those men looked like fighters and some yakuza men with those guns and black suit they were wearing.

"Who are you?" I asked as I pointed one of my swords that I used against Lydia in Azeroth at the boy's neck who stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I took my twin blades with me? Anyway, I'd have enough of those armed men and their guns already. I'm starting to get pissed---no I'm already pissed.

Truth be told but I want to skin them alive. Right here, right now. They're the damn reasons that these unfortunate events are happening right now.

"Oho? Correct me if I'm right but aren't you Kevin's older sister who bears the power of telekinesis? How's things going in Azeroth?" He asked as he simply ducked under my blade and flopped down on the one seater couch .

I gaped at him. Who was this kid?

"What are you waiting for? Sit down, I don't have much time--- I mean we." He said as he motioned me to sit down. I thought about disobeying but his stare told me to disobey. My instincts were even screaming 'monster.'

"After you and your brother battled daraks and were saved by Mikael, you became the fourth ranker and Kevin the twelfth ranker after engaging into duels against the former rankers. Now, I demand you to tell me the reason why you and the other rankers came here to Earth and made a broadcast world wide about the destruction of this city about some mad scientist and some prince."

As he spoke, my mouth fell with all those information he knew. How the hell did he know about the daraks and us being saved by Mikael and all the rest? I am right after all, he is an Azerothian. He has to be one of those people from there.

"How did----"

"Do not answer a question with another question. Hayne, Zephyr, leave us for the moment." The kid said, more like commanded. Zephyr was about to protest when the grateful looking other children carried him away with them as Mother Hayne threw another nasty look at the kid. Looks like Mother Hayne hates someone.

"Now speak." The eight year old kid said as he averted his attention back at me and leaned back.

I shuddered involuntarily because of the tone he was using. He resembles some people I know.

"The prince of Idris, Prince Narsus went missing along with Prince Janus and two other royal knights. Lord Hamash has been killed---"

"What?" I shuddered again at the deadly glare he sent my way. It's frightening how he can be so calm yet how his aura can grow so sinister. I gulped as his eyes grew menacing.

"Who on Earth, who's the insolent human who committed that unforgivable crime that I might rip his head off and give him the most painful death?" He asked, poison in his words as he glowered at me and I cowered before him.

Okay, okay. I'm literally dead scared of this kid. he's not just a kid. I swear that one. He's scaring the hell out of me just like how the second ranker does.

"T-they were abducted by a mad scientist. Prince Janus turned into a demon but he had been already cured. Right now, everyone is split----huh?"

I gave the eight year old kid a confused look when he began laughing aloud. Did I say something funny? One minute he looked like he was ready to kill and now he's laughing? Is he bipolar?

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked him as he shook his head with an amused smile on his face and chuckled.

"Prince Janus? Turning into a demon? A demon being cured? You make me laugh." He said as if he was expecting me to joke around. Well I wasn't.

I kept my face serious as I met his gaze even if I know I didn't want to.

When he got it across him that I wasn't joking and that I was dead serious, his smirk slowly faded and formed into a thin line as he rested his face on his hand, his face obscured from my view with that golden hair of his.

"Claude. You lead the others, keep the people safe and make sure they stay inside their homes. As for the homeless, Get them to the base if needed." The kid said and a man, specifically in a kimono stepped forward and bowed low.

"If you say so Master." The raven haired guy said and looked up, giving me a scary warning glare before he nodded to his companions and went out of the door.

"You. Come with me." The kid said and held out his hand. I lifted an eyebrow as he stared at me. He just rolled his eyes at me. Well, isn't this kid rude.

"Take my hand." He sighed and I just shrugged and just complied only to feel myself leave the ground and appeared at another location the next mili-second.

It wasn't a location at all. I began screaming as I fell when the kid let go of my mind. Oh my gosh! That damn kid! He just teleported us miles away from ground into the sky.

"Waaaaahhhhhh!" I screamed as I flailed around, the wind whistling against my ears as the wind wildly made my hair dance and I looked down, seeing just how high I was falling from and screamed.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grip the neck line of my shirt from behind me and I choked as the fabric strangled my neck.

"C-can't breathe!" I gasped out and the hand grabbed my arm as I gasped and looked beside me to see the kid who dared drop me from to a deadly fall.

"You can't fly?" He asked as if it wasn't obvious enough.

"Do I have to yell it to you?! It's damn obvious you brat!" I screamed at him as I placed my left hand over my loudly beating heart as I tried to relax.

"You're already screaming." he retorted back and I turned to glare at the scum.

"You have wings. I can tell you that. Now put that to good use and help out in the battle." He muttered and I cracked my knucles.

"You kidding me? I'm not an Azerothian like you and I don't have wings so next time, don't you dare dropping me off to my death!" I practically yelled at his face as he gave me a scowl and his face darkened.

"I am never wrong, you're inferior to me and I am absolute so don't you dare question my judgement." He said and there it goes, I was shaking like a leaf again. What is wrong with this kid?

"Learn to use them or you might as well die." He said and my eyes widened when he suddenly let go off me and I stared at his figure, seeming to stand in air like a phantom while I was speedily falling to my death.

"Oh my goddddd!" I screamed my lungs out as I continuously fell due to Earth's gravity which kept things balanced.

"You brat! Save meeeee! I'm telling you I don't have wings! Kyaaaaaaahhhhhh!" I screamed and yelled but wasn't answered as I continued on to fell. No no no no no!!!!!! I don't want to die yet!

Why does that kid insist that I have wings?! I don't have any as far as I know!

I shut my eyes close as I neared the city...the ground...my death. Waaahhhh!

Oh God! Please save me!!!! I promise I won't be a bad girl anymore! Please save me!

I prayed to probably every deiti I know and to God to save me. I was desperate.

I cracked my eyelids a little and I screamed my lungs out when I saw that I was going to smash against the ground in just a couple of seconds and I closed my eyes again and screamed like bloody hell.






Wait. Why haven't I died yet? Why didn't I feel anything---- I don't actually feel anything at all. Has my body fell that hard that I can't feel or am I actually already dead?

I squinted my eyes open and I looked around but frowned. The world was upside down before me and I could see the starry sky below me.... and I can see my feet?!

I looked upwards and inhaled deeply when I saw the cold hard ground a few centimeters away. I was floating---

Only then did I hear some sounds like a bird flapping its wings and wind blew against the ground, sending the dust flying towards me and I coughed.

What the hell was going on?! Was what the kid was saying was true?! Did I really do have wings after all without my knowledge?

Now that I can feel my body, it felt like something was connected to my back, like a part of me. Okay, okay, Muriel, think about pulling yourself upright first.

I mumbled to myself. The blood was already rushing to my head and I was starting to get dizzy.

I puffed air out and willed myself to fix my body upright and suprisingly, I did.

I was bewildered, that was for sure as I set my foot down on the ground and looked behind me, expecting to see my wings.

I didn't though.

I couldn't see any wings behind me... where's my wings? All I can see right now is the road and the buildings beside me. Was I hallucinating?

I was skeptical about the idea and with my trembling fingers, I reached out... trying to touch something that I can't see that is unlikely at----

I froze when I felt something soft and fluffy under my touch. Something that felt like feathers. I gasped and my eyes widened. The kid was right after all...

I, Muriel who lived on Earth along with humans for all of my life until a few weeks ago...have wings that I can't see.


"Who is he?" I asked Leirum as we went behind the barrier for a bit to rest. We were fighting against those demons when someone suddenly entered the picture and fought along side us against the demon.

Surprisingly, it was a kid... an eight year old kid who wields white flames, thunder, wind, water and other things.

"He is Harumi's shamrach." The first ranker expressionlessly answered me and I looked at him in confusion. Shamrach? what was that?

"Excuse me but what?" I asked him as I watched the kid fighting all by himself with demons like it was an easy deed.

"Harumi isn't an Azerothian nor is she a being. She's just like a shinigami, only a powerful Azerothian summon a soul and sustain it to take form of an Azerothian with a mind and a physical body. I've known for a long time and so did Cyan and Rex. And this kid right now is his creator." The first ranker said and my jaw dropped.

"What in Avalon's name are you talking about?! Harumi? Not an Azerothian nor a being?! Are you kidding me?!" I shouted out loudly and unintentionally annoyed Leirum as he looked at me sharply.

Just then, someone talked.

"There's nothing that can't slip by you is there? You know everything and for that, I admire you." We turned around and looked at the kid who was beside us, a sword in hand dripping of black blood. Demon blood.

"What exactly are you two talking about? And what's with the crap about Harumi not being----"

"I am her creator. She's just a result of my power. I created her with a shinigami so yeah, she ain't a human nor an Azerothian but she once was atleast." the kid said and I shook my head, not wanting to believe the rubbish that was coming from his mouth as he wiped the blood from his sword.

"You know what a shamrach is. I'm sorry but all I said is the truth and I'm sorry again but I have to say this. To this day onward, you won't see her again." The kid said and my tears fell as I grabbed the kid by the collar.

"You've got to be kidding me! Harumi is our friend and I won't allow you to just waltz in and say all this rubbish about being a shamrach and taking away our friend------"

"I made a deal with her soul years back that she'll only serve me for three years and today is her last since the damned mission that gave me two years and 360 days back is now over. I used Necromancy to call forth for her soul provided that her memory was erased. After five days, nothing can stop her from leaving, if you force her not to, she may live with all of you and given a physical body if God allows it but her soul will be damned sooner or later." the kid said with a serious face and my whole body trembled.

"Y-You're cruel. h-how dare you call her soul and acquaint her with us only to take her away then." I whispered as I let go off him and bit my lip while he gave me a menacing glare.

"You think I'm a person to call a soul for my own damn reasons? The fvck? You don't fvcking know what hell that mission was. I was a freaking five year old kid when I was given a damned mission. Do you think I had a choice?" He asked me, his tone rising and I could feel his anger along with his power rising as he glared fiercely at me and I refused to talk. How could I?

"Yaaaaaaahhhhhh!" As if to cut the tension around us, someone entered the picture, smacking the kid in the guts with a mighty punch which was one of the greatest surprises in our life.

The kid doubled over, clutching his stomach as his face twisted in a pained expression.

"What the fvck is your problem woman?! Do you want me to rip your head off?!" The kid angrily growled and I backed away with dangerous aura and strong killing intent coming from him too.

"You scum! I nearly died! Why the fvck did you drop me?! Do you intend to kill me?!" A loud angry shout answered the kid and my eyes widened when I saw Muriel, furiously shaking the kid senseless.

My eyes widened when I noticed that she was... flying... Oh my god. What in Arsland's name is happening in this messed up city?

Hey wait, she wasn't the only one flying, the kid was too. God, I think I need to lie down-----

"Where the hell are the others?!" I blurted out when I remembered things and I turned to Muriel, grabbing her shoulders and making her look at me as I shook her.

"Damn it Antoinette. I'm getting dizzy." she told me and pushed me away as she held her head.

"Oh damn it all. Mikaela wasn't in the house after Cyan teleported us from the battle field to there and he went back to save Rex. I fled the house with the other kids we saved thankfully before those men got their hands on us----Where the hell is my brother?!" She screamed out in panic and my mind went blank.

Wait... Ryouta headed for the house earlier... It couldn't be----

"Where are you going?" the first ranker asked as he gripped my arm firmly when I tried to fly away. My heart beat fast with anxiety as I looked back at him.

"Ryouta headed there earlier, if Muriel said that people went there... HUMANS who should not have... then I'll need to save him." I muttered as my eyes pleaded for him to let me go after our friend but he's cold eyes only stared at me.

"They're already taken. Everyone else is. Ryouta, Mikaela, Cyan, Rex, Harumi, Alfreed, Leo, Kevin and Violet have all been taken away since I can no longer sense them." The first ranker said in a flat tone and I shook my head.

How can humans abduct the other eight rankers? It isn't possible. This can't be real.

I shivered when a chill ran up my spine and I saw the first Lord's killing intent growing by the second.

"As much as I want to blow this city up right now, Cyan and Rex is here somewhere so I have to postpone the thought. As for now, I'm going to eliminate these trashes. Now all of you, I suggest you don't stray away and give me more trouble or I will castrate you all." Leirum said.

Okay, that was scary, I really don't want to get on his bad side----

We all turned when we heard a laugh, a sinister one at that and it was the most scariest sound I have ever heard aside from the first ranker's death threats.

We saw the boy, clutching his stomach and laughing so hard as he leaned against the barrier, demons pounding on the wall to get their hands on him as the kid laughed.

"Ummm. Did he go crazy?" I asked but Leirum just shook his head cluelessly with a frown on his face while Muriel shuddered.

"Besides this idiot here named Leirum, I'm dead scared of this kid. Really, you wouldn't want hearing things from him." Muriel confessed and I could somehow get her.

We just stared at the boy who now stopped laughing as he gave the three of us, a deadly serious look as he snapped his fingers and God knows what sh*t just happened.

We were all stupefied when we saw the demons just behind him, suddenly getting torn apart by nothing and blown away, a fire burning their bodies next and their ashes blown away.

"Nobody here can boss me around. As much as I respect the first Lord, I really want to rip your head now. You let these damned filthy humans get their hands on Harumi? How dare you." the kid accused in a spiteful tone as we quickly got away from Leirum whose killing intent rose to a thousand more within a second to match the kid's.

"Brat. Who do you think you are?" The first ranker scowled as his body became engulfed with flames and Muriel and I backed away more with the tension going up with the two.

"I am Harumi's shamrach, if ever something is going to happen to her or she dies, her soul will be damned all because of your stupidity so shut your trap and let me finish my job. After that, you and those two will help me get the others." the boy said, unfazed at the rage in the first ranker's eyes even though his face was neutral.

"Don't go making decisions on your----"

"Shut up. Just wait for five seconds and I will finish all these demons by myself."

"It's not possible.-----

We watched with widened eyes as wailing screams coming from the demons rang all around the barrier. All at once, they disintegrated in the air...





This kid ain't just a kid.


Haha, a new character! Meet dear Shingu. I've read a book about him and well, I'll be taking him on in this story for a little bit of humor.

That's all. Please vote, comment and follow.

-thebadgirl05 at your service

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