UnWanted Reunion (UnWilling R...

By cunzy4

122K 5.8K 6.9K

"I just want everything to go back to how it used to be..." Be careful what you wish for. In the aftermath o... More

Chapter 1: Everything is How it Used to be
Chapter 2: I'm Different Now
Chapter 3: I'll Find You
Chapter 4: Pull Yourself Together
Chapter 5: Bill Still Doesn't Understand Feelings (Part 1)
Chapter 6: Bill Still Doesn't Understand Feelings (part 2)
Chapter 8: Tug-of-War
Chapter 9: Strange Soon will be the Norm
Chapter 10: What Happened to Mabel
Chapter 11: Strange Takeover
Chapter 12: It's Lonely at the Top
Chapter 13: Inside the Bubble
Chapter 14: Bill Does the Hero Thing (part 1)
Chapter 15: The Conqueror and the Cat
Chapter 16: The Cat and the Conqueror
Chapter 17: Have Fun Storming the Castle
Chapter 18: Bill Does the Hero Thing (part 2)
Chapter 19: I'm Falling for You
Chapter 20: Everything Changes
Author's Note: Future Works

Chapter 7: Your Web of Lies

5.4K 288 484
By cunzy4

Is big enough to catch a school bus.

(A/N Before we begin: The most awesome thing happened yesterday.  A very dedicated fan named CandyMoon6583 decided she did NOT like what happened in the previous chapter, and chose to write her own interpretation.  That's right: it's a fanfic OF a fanfic of a fan-made alternate universe.  I think we're so far removed from the source material by now that the only recognizable thing left is the names. XD You should all check it out because it's the best thing ever.  Also, thanks to all my readers, and those who have voted and commented!  I never thought I'd make it this far!)


You perched uncomfortably in an armchair in Tad Strange's house, surveying your surroundings.  You didn't expect the home of a demon to look so... bland.  Everything about the living room, from the neutral furniture to the tasteful decor, screamed "ordinary."

What did I expect? you asked yourself.  It's not like my apartment was... You stopped yourself before you could think too much about the year you'd spent as the demons' prisoner.  Still, your breath caught and your fingers dug into the upholstery.

You had shut your eyes against the memories, but you opened them again as Tad Strange came into the room, holding a teacup.  Instead of a tuxedo, he wore normal-person clothes.  Between his appearance and his house, you almost couldn't believe he was a demon at all.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern, noticing your expression.

You nodded sharply.  "I'm fine.  It's nothing."

He frowned.  "If you say so.  Here, I made you some tea."  He gave you the cup and you sipped gratefully.


"You're quite welcome."  He sat in the chair across from you.  You both sat in silence for a moment as you drank your tea.

"So..." you started.  "Nice place you got here."

He chuckled, having possibly read your earlier thoughts about it.  "I know it seems rather quotidian, but it suits my tastes."

"And... is it really okay if I stay here?" you asked uncertainly.

"There's no need to worry.  My house is thoroughly protected against other supernatural entities.  There's no way the Ciphers will be able to reach you here," he said reassuringly.

You blushed slightly. "That's not exactly what I meant."

"Oh." he paused.  "There's no need to worry about that either.  I simply want to ensure your safety."

You nodded, then gasped in surprise as a black cat jumped onto your lap.  "Oh, he's adorable!" you cooed, letting him lick your hand.  He purred loudly as you scratched his neck.

"His name is Khoshekh.  I think he likes you," Tad said fondly.

"I love him!" you squealed as he curled up on you and fell asleep.

"He'll keep you company while I'm at work today," Tad said, standing up and grabbing his briefcase.

"What does a demon need a job for, anyway?" you asked curiously.

"Some of our kind like to interact with humans.  The peaceful ones do anyway," he said with a smile.

You walked him to the door and gave him a hug.  "Thank you for saving me," you mumbled, face buried in his suit jacket.  He hugged you back with his free arm, then let go.

"Don't leave the house while I'm gone," he instructed as he opened the door.  "It's not safe for you out there alone."

"I don't plan on it," you assured him as he left.

Once you were alone with the cat, you wandered back into the kitchen to clean up the breakfast dishes.  Then you went back into the room where you'd spent the night.

Well, if I'm going to stay here a while, I might as well make it homier, you thought to yourself as you unpacked your suitcase into the dresser.  That's a little better.  I wish I could go shopping...

You knew there were several shops in town that you enjoyed.  You paused.  Wait, how do I know that?  You couldn't remember being allowed to leave your apartment very frequently, but you still knew where all the stores in town were and which ones you liked best.

What's up with that?  Something's not quite right here.  You sat on your bed absently, trying to puzzle out the apparent contradiction.  Khoshekh jumped up and curled up on your lap again, but you paid no attention.

You couldn't help reliving what had happened yesterday.  As Tad had warned you, the Ciphers were waiting for you when you'd stepped off the bus.  But they weren't what you expected.  After you'd slapped him, Will had basically hid behind Bill.  He'd looked... distraught.  That wasn't at all like the cold, severe individual you remembered.  And Bill... he seemed almost like he was... grieving.  You knew he was callous and self-centered.  So why did he give up so easily?  I thought I'd be attacked, but they just... left.  They both seemed tired, too.  What's going on here?

The cat purred as you rubbed his belly.  I'll ask Tad when he gets home.

Trying to put it out of your mind, you busied yourself exploring the rest of the house.  Tad had a well-stocked library with a fish tank.  I wonder how he keeps the cat from eating the fish?

You poked through his books, finding nothing of note.  Shouldn't there be, like, demon books or something?  There's nothing but normal books here.

You wandered into the kitchen and opened the pantry, surprised to find at least a dozen different kinds of bread.  He certainly... um... loves bread.  Apparently.

You were in the middle of making a sandwich when you heard the doorbell ring.  You froze, wondering who it could be.  Maybe one of Tad's neighbors?  It couldn't be Bill or Will.  Tad said there were protections that would keep them away...

You crossed to the door apprehensively, peeking through the window to see Dipper on the doorstep.  What is he doing here?

You had last seen Dipper when Bill had shoved him off a cliff in the Dreamscape and murdered him.  (At least, that's what you think happened.)  You opened the door, relieved to see him alive.

"Dipper!  What brings you here?" you said cheerfully. 

He looked surprised.  "How do you know my name?"

Crap!  Everyone forgot me... think fast, Y/N!  "Um... How could anyone in this town not know you?  I may be new here, but even I've heard of you!"

He smiled, apparently satisfied with your explanation.  "That's why I'm here, actually.  I usually make a point of greeting the new residents and inviting them to come see the show."

"That's amazing!" you gushed.  "I'd love to come see your show as soon as I can!"

"That's great news, kid," he said with a grin that was a little too toothy.  Your smile faltered.

Wait... kid?  There's only one person who called me that...  Too late, you noticed that Dipper's eyes were tinted yellow, with subtly slit pupils. 

You took a breath to shriek, but Dipper was already moving.  You felt a sharp pain in your head, then everything went black.

(A/N: Bill's not one for subtlety.  If talking doesn't work, knock 'em out and kidnap them.)

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