The Mission

By Rheanna777

7.3K 131 6

Jerome was ordered by the Bacca king to burn down a nearby village. What happens when he meets a human? Will... More

The Mission
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Smut
Chapter 15-Smut
Chapter 16
Chapter 17- Smut
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- Smut
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23- Smut
Chapter 24- Last Chapter

Chapter 4

321 9 0
By Rheanna777

-Chapter 4-
*Jerome's POV

Mitch just told me he loved me. I was in shock. "I-I'm sorry Mitch, but I can't return the feelings." My stupid mouth said. My mouth lied. I do like Mitch back. I was just too shocked to say anything.
Mitch ran to the bathroom and most likely blocked the door. I tried knocking on the door to get him to open it, but it was like he wasn't in there. I heard crying and then water running. I chose to hide behind the door in my room before Mitch came out. I heard a block break and a door open before another door opened and closed. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
*Mitch's POV
When I woke up, there was a note on my bed. I picked it up and read it.
Sierra and I are going hunting today. Jerome wanted to stay home. We'll be back later.
I sighed and climbed out of bed. I felt a slight bit of pain on my wrist and the memories of last night rushed back to me. I didn't hear anything in the house so I tip-toed to the kitchen to get food.
"Hey Mitch." Jerome mumbled. I could tell that he just woke up, but didn't get a good sleep during the night.
"Hey." I whispered back. I made sure he couldn't see my wrist and thankfully I still had the bracelets on to help with that.
"I'm sorry." Jerome said, looking into my eyes. I saw no sign of lying. "I actually do like you, but I was too shocked that you liked me back to saw anything. My stupid mouth took over."
It was my turn to be shocked. He actually liked me back.. "R-really?" I asked, hopeful.
He nodded and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back. "Why are you wearing bracelets?" Jerome asked, pulling away from the hug and grabbing my hand.
Pain shot up from my wrist when he grabbed my hand, but I did my best to push it aside. "No.. No reason." I tried to pull my hand back, but Jerome just held it tighter. I whimpered from the pain in my wrist.
"Are you ok?" Jerome asked, loosening his grip on my hand. "These are cool bracelets." Jerome looked at the bracelets, turning them which caused more pain in my wrist and caused me to whimper again. Jerome noticed the whimper and moved the bracelets away, exposing my wrists. The cuts were bright red and swollen. "Why did you do this Mitch?" Jerome asked, lightly touching each cut.
I felt tears escape my eyes. My throat felt tight. I didn't want Jerome to know. I didn't want my love to know that I'm suicidal. I didn't want anyone to know. Not even Rheanna knew I cut.
Jerome let go of my hand. "It was because of me, huh?" He whispered. I nodded slightly, unable to talk through tears. "I-I'm sorry." He hugged me again and let me cry into his shoulder. He walked us to the living room and we sat on the couch.
"N-no. I-I'm sorry." I wiped my eyes.
Jerome shook his head. "It was my fault. I should of said I liked you instead of letting my mouth take over." Silence filled the room for a few seconds. "Does anyone else know?" Jerome asked. I shook my head. "Can I see them again?" I nodded. He carefully held my hand and lifted the bracelets away. He grabbed something from his pocket. It was a bottle of glowing liquid. He also had a strip of fabric. "Sit up." He ordered.
I sat up and eyed the mysterious liquid. "What is that?" I asked, pulling my wrist to my lap.
"Healing potion. I had connections to a Sorcerer." He replied. He held his hand out for my wrist and I reluctantly held it out for him. He poured the potion on the cuts, which instantly made the pain dissolve into nothing. Jerome tied the cloth strip on the cuts to keep dirt out of them.
"Thanks." I smiled at Jerome.
"Anything for my love." Jerome cooed. I blushed.
Rheanna and Sierra walked in the room, laughing. "Hey guys!!" Rheanna waved.
"Hey. How was hunting?" I asked.
Sierra sat on the other couch and shrugged. "Found a few cows. That's about it though."
"So, what's up?" Rheanna asked, sitting on the couch next to Sierra.
Jerome and I looked at each other. "I need to tell her." I mouthed to Jerome. He nodded and undid the knot in the cloth, letting it drift to the ground. The potion only took the pain away, leaving the cuts to heal on their own. I didn't have to say anything.
Rheanna saw the cuts immediately. "M-Mitch.." She gasped. "Why?"
Jerome looked down at the ground and blushed a little. "I was the cause." He whispered.
Rheanna flicked her attention to Jerome and glared at him. Even Sierra was glaring. Rheanna had an ender pearl in her hand and she instantly teleported in front of Jerome. "You hurt my brother?!" She raged. She pushed Jerome up against a wall and held an iron sword to his throat. "Big mistake." She hissed.
I quickly stumbled to get up and grabbed Rheanna's arm. "He didn't hurt me physically."
Rheanna lowered the sword, but still kept it close to Jerome. "But the cuts..."
I shook my head. "I did those to myself. I'll explain it to you if you let Jerome go."
Rheanna put the sword back in her backpack and sat back down on the couch. She instead took out a bow and strung an arrow, ready to shoot. "Explain."
After explaining every detail of the night before, Rheanna understood and unstrung the arrow, putting it back in her backpack.
Sierra looked at Rheanna. "Merome?" They asked at the same time which was kinda freaky.
"What's Merome?" Jerome asked.
Sierra laughed. "Mitch and Jerome put together equals Merome!! It's your dating name!!"
I looked at Jerome and blushed. "I dont know. I'm not sure if that's true..."
Rheanna looked at me and handed me a note. "Read it." She mouthed.
I opened the paper.
"I know you love Jerome and want Merome to be real. I can tell because you cut yourself when he said he didn't love you back. I also know he was the one who wrapped the cloth on your wrist. I'm sure Merome will happen, but please don't let it get in the way of surviving."
I nodded at Rheanna. "Ok." I mouthed. "I won't. I promise."
She wrote something down on a different piece of paper and handed it to me. "Then make Merome happen. I'm going to go fishing with Sierra while you do." It read.
Jerome looked between me and Rheanna. "Secret conversation?" He groaned. "Just speak out loud."
I nodded at Rheanna. "She's just saying that she needs to go fishing to clear her mind a bit. These past few days have been rough." I told Jerome. It wasn't a total lie. She did want to go fishing and these past few days have been rough.
"Ya. You want to join with me Sierra?" She asked. It was obvious she and Sierra already planned this. Sierra nodded and the walked out of the house to fish. Nearby, there was a lake that was perfect for fishing.
Jerome picked up the cloth that was on the floor and retied it on my wrist. "I've never said this to anyone, but I love you." He whispered. He planted a kiss on my wrists, sending a wave of tingles up my arm.
"I-I love you too." And I meant it. I loved the fluffy Bacca that was sitting before me. His soft brown fur, his black suit, his bright brown eyes, his smile that lights up the world. He's perfect.
Jerome pulled me into his arms. We sat like that, cuddled, for who-knows-how-long. All I know is that when Rheanna and Sierra came home, we were still cuddling and I was asleep in Jerome's arms.

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