Love the way you lie

By 1niallD

472 27 3

Niall Horan fanfic :) More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 3

40 4 2
By 1niallD

Carolines POV;

So yeah yesteday we ended up fucking again, on the middle of a road, somewhere long away from civilization. It was good. Good driving away for hours. Coming back to the same world sucked. Finding Alex sitting on my bed, telling me he loved me sucked more. Niall beat him so hard he ended up in the hospital. This time I didn't stop him. Because Alex is a fucking dick too. I'm surrouned by dicks.

I felt bad, letting Alex come between me and Niall. The thought didn't last long. Telling you it's Alex fault is so far away from the truth as it can come. It's only me and Nialls fault. Our fault that our relationship ended in hell.

I held a starbucks in my hand while the doors opened by themselves.

"Alex Josh" I said to the lady behind the desk.

"Room 319" she said. I found the elevator and stabbed the button on floor 3.

I knocked hard on the door.

"It's open" Alex yelled.

"It's me, Caroline" I said.

Alex looked weird at me, probably wondering what the fuck I was doing there.

"I brought Starbucks" I gave him the cup.

I felt so awkward after what he told me yesterday.

He had bruces in his face. Niall broke his nose. And thooth, I noticed now.

"So how are you feeling?". What the hell am I doing here....Guilt.

"Good, but I'm on drugs so" he laughed a bit. I laughed a bit too.

"I'm really sorry" I said. God I'm tired of apologizeing for Niall.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault" he said and tried forcing out a smile.

He sucked at lying. It's 100% my fault. And that's why I am here, and not Niall.

"The doctor say I can leave tomorrow" he said.

"That's good" I said.

I looked around the room. No flowers, no chokolate, no people.

"Are you here all alone" I asked.

"Yes, my parents go to church almost everyday, so calling them and say I ended up in hospital because I got beaten up will just give them a bad life".

I nodded my head. "I see".

"No friends?" I asked.

"Sara have been here" he said. I have no idea who the hell she is.

"Okay good" I said trying the best I could to be polite.

It got quiet for a minute which felt like an hour.

"I need to go now" I said.

"Thanks for brining starbucks" he said and took a sip.

I smiled at him and was on my way out..

"Caroline" he said.

I looked at him. "Yes?".

"Don't let him hurt you so you end up like me" he said.

I smiled at him. I was not afraid of Niall. He would never hurt me...or he would never hurt me so much that I would end up in a hospital.

I took up my shit ass phone from 1970 and texted Niall.

"I visited him" I wrote.

He answerd me fast back.

"Whore" it stood.

I took the subway back to the campus. I was missing classes this day. Missing classes because of guilt. I went back to the dorm. The campus was so quiet since everybody was in class. I laid down in my bed and fell asleep.

"Caroline" a voice said. It was Liam.

"What" my eyes resisted to open.

"You can't sleep all day. I have starbucks to you" he said.

Why is he so nice? The world needs more Liams.

I sat up in the bed. "Thank you". I smiled at him. "Where is Kali".

"She will be here soon, she's in class. Something you haven't been I can tell" he laughed a bit.

I pressed my lips together and smiled.

"I'm not gonna be a dick or anything but you really should go to classes. It's your future. Don't let him ruin it" he said.

Like he had with everything else?

"I will go tomorrow. I promise". He was right.

Kali stormed in the door. "I got an A" she yelled.

Liam stood up. "Oh that's great. I'm so proud" he said and kissed her.

I stood up from the bed and took on shorts and a shirt. I actually curled my hair and took on some makeup. I found my ipod (which actually was alive), I found my headphones and went for a walk.

I walked around on campus. Staring at people. Listening to Eminem. Like I always did. His words really spoke. People were running, doing homework, eating, laughing, living. I am jealous.

I walked out of the campus and over to Nialls apartment. He don't like people, that's why he dosen't live on the campus. And Zayn won't share his house with him, even thoough Niall is there more than he is anywhere else in the world Zayn thinks Niall is a lazy ass motherfucker who don't clean up after himself, which is true so I totally understand Zayn. And Zayns house is big and expensive and I'm sure Niall can't afford it. (Zayn's rich, thats why he live in a house on campus and own a car where he can take the roof off).

I rang the bell.

"What" he said in the speaker.

What a douch.

"It's me" I answerd. The door opened and I walked up five stairs to his door.

Niall was sitting at his little kitchentable eating. His apartment looked like shit. I haven't been here for weeks.

"You hungry" he asked and stared at  me.

"Yes" I said. He took his fork up to my mouth and I ate the food on it. He took up another one, and another one, and another one. Between each he took a bite himself.

"How was Alex" he asked.

"Damn Niall you care this is big" I said and rolled my eyes. He never cared about anyone, or anything.

"Shut up. I just want to hear how bad he looks" he said and gave me another fork with food.

"You broke one of his theets" I said.

"Which one" he asked.

"His front".

"Yes" he smiled.

"Dick" I said. "Let's talk about something else than Alex".

"Let's have sex" he said. "Right here, right now on this table".

We always have sex. How come I not be tired of it?...because it's great as fuck.

He fucked me over the table. I yelled his name, he yelled mine. He came, I came. For the first time we both were completely naked. It was good feeling his warm body against mine. I haven't felt it since the first time.

After the last time I yelled his name he carried me to his bedroom. Which looked quite clean except for the clothes on the floor. He laid me on the bed and laid his naked body over mine. I thought he would fuck me again, but I was wrong.

He laid there, holding around me. I took my hands around his neck and stared in his eyes. He kissed my nose, and I kissed his lips. After making out for a while he fucked me again.

"Fuck" he said and laid his body down beside me.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I said and stood up. I walked into his bathroom. Turned on the shower and went in. Hot water was running down my body. I could feel the little I had left off my mascara ran down my face.

The door opened and Niall came in. I turned around and took his hand. He came in the shower with me. He held around me while kissing me soft on the lips. I gave him the shampoo and he massaged it in my hair. I did the same with him, and he had to do it again with me, since I'm a girl and also use conditioer.

We sat down on his cough after showering.

"I forgot to tell you but I bought you a new phone" he said and went to find it.

He handle me an IPhone 5c.

"Niall you didn't have too" I was in the soft corner today. We both were.

"Shut up and take it. Remember I told you that I would buy you every damn phone on this planet? You know I love you". He sat down beside me and opened it for me and fixed my simcard and all that shit I hate doing.

I kissed him on the mouth and hugged him. Niall seriously has the best hugges in the world. At points I think I prefer his hugs more than his dick.

"I need to get back to the dorm. I really need to go to classes tomorrow. I haven't been there in days" I kissed his cheek.

"You wanna stay here?" he stared me in the eyes.

His words kinda hit me. Not because it's a big deal to sleep over, but everytime I was suppose to do it we always ended up argueing and I ran home and he broke a lamp or something. 

"Of course" I said and kissed him on the lips. "But only if you also go to classes tomorrow".

"Fine. I will" he kissed me back. "Let's watch a movie or something. I'm tired".


We ended up watching some bad, old Brad Pitt movie. I laid on his lap, while he held my hand, with a blanket over me.


I woke up by Nialls alarm clock ringing. We laid in his bed. I remember falling a sleep on the cough so he must have carried me.

"Niall wake up" I said before I went to the bathroom to get dressed. I'm one of those who always look shitty at school, but I don't care. I have other things to worry about than how my hair looks.

"I made breakfast" he said. I sat down at the table with him. He'd made eggs.

"We need to go now" I said after I took the last bite.

"Sure" Niall said and turned off all the lights in the apartment. He didn't live far from the campus. We only had to walk a few meters, then cross a road. We arrived campus and he took my hand. He intertwined his fingers in mine. It felt good. Holding his hand in public. This almost felt like the good old days. Except all the people staring at us while wispering.

"I have English" he said. I kissed him on the mouth before we separated. We didn't have the same classes, and thank God for that.

Nialls POV;

The classes was boring as fuck as they always are. After school I had plans to meet Zayn at the gym for some boxing, it'd been a while.

"Hey mate" Zayn said and hugged me.

"It's been a while" I said and punshed my hand on his back.

"4 days" Zayn said and laughed while he looked weird at me.

"Seems like forever". I took on some small boxing gloves that only protected my knocks and started warming up my muscels. Zayn did the same.

After warming up, we started boxing (not hard) on each other like we always did.

"Niall?" Zayn said while I punshed in his hands.

"Yes". Sweat ran down my face.

"Why the fuck did you beat Caroline on Friday?"

I stoped up and stood still. I stared at him. Felt anger built inside of me. Not because of him, well mostly because of him. He knows he's not supposted to talk about that.

"Fuck" I said and laid my hands on my head.

"Also heard Alex ended up in the hospital. Niall is fucking time to take your shit together and do something with your God damn life" Zayn said.

I had never heard him tell me something like that.

"Shut up Zayn". My chins got warmer.

His words hurts like fuck. Hearing your best friend, that always keeps his mouth shut say those true words. Too much to handle.

"No Niall I'm serious. You can't go around and behave like shit".

He walked up to me and punshed me hard in my stomack. I stared at him.

"Dude" I said. After seconds I punshed him back on his shoulder. I got a punsh back even harder. After minutes we fighted. I hit him on his lip and he almost fell over on the floor.

"Get the fucking anger out. You need it" Zayn yelled.

Was this some kind of game?

I punshed him harder and he fell over. Blood dripping from his lip. He stood up fast and punshed me harder in the face. 

"Get your shit together" he punshed me one more time in the eye, and I hit him back but he bearly moved.

He took a step back before he took his hand up and punched me the hardest he could (at least thats what it felt like) on the same eye again, and I fell down on the floor. I'm sure I blacked out for seconds. The pain streamed through my body.

"Did you meet Sara last night" he yelled. "Answer me".

"Yes" I squeezed out.

Zayn leaned over me. "Stay the fuck away from her. Go back and tell Caroline you love her because I know you do. And promise me you'll never ever put your knocks on her again or I will personaly come over and kick your ass so hard that you won't be able to walk for months Niall. Fucking behave like a human".

I didn't answer him before he dissapeard out the door. I stood up and found some ice so I could cool down my eye. I couldn't open it.

Carolines POV;

After classes I went back to my dorm. Kali sat on the bed alone for once.

"Where were you last night" she asked.

I laid my body down on the bed with my phone in the hands. "I slept over at Nialls".

I got a voice-mail from him

Hey babe it's me, uhm I just wanted to call to tell you that I love you so so so so much, just wanted to let you know that you are my princess no matter what. Whatever you do, just don't leave me. You are the love of my life and I love you.

A tear ran down my face. This must be the most beautiful words he have ever said to me. The feelings inside me exploded. So did my eyes. I cried, and cried, and cried, and cried.

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