Fate Of The Twelve (Completed)

By thebadgirl05

9.1K 1.7K 95

Completed 'Big sister... I'm scared.' A little one whispered as we hid in a cramped alley, trying to escap... More

Chapter 1: Blacker than the night
Chapter 2: Portal
Chapter 3: Trouble
Chapter 4: the council
Chapter 5: first day
Chapter 6: Dumb
Chapter 7: the fallen
Chapter 8: Collapse
Chapter 9: Battle Start
Chapter 10: Battle for the throne
Chapter 11: Demon
Chapter 12: Oh no
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: Fall
Chapter 15: Generals
Chapter 16: encounter
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: Unravel
Chapter 19: Nightmare
Chapter 20: white
Chapter 21: Visit
Chapter 22: please let me
Chapter 23: amidst the palm
Chapter 25: Zephyr's Best friend
Chapter 26: Trapped
Chapter 27: Waking up
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29: A dip in the 'pool'
Chapter 30: not again!
Chapter 31: scary kid
Chapter 32: Agony
Chapter 33: Painful goodbye
Chapter 34: fly
Chapter 35: Idris
Chapter 36: Snowmen
Chapter 37: Shall we?
Chapter 38: Imperial King
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42: cave?
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: the demon queen
Chapter 45: heart beat
Chapter 46: not over yet
Chapter 48: Reflection
Chapter 49: the void
Chapter 50: Carving
Chapter 51: depart
Chapter 52: Captain Sparrow
Chapter 53: Three pairs
Chapter 54: Unicorn blood and Phoenix tears
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: forgiveness
Chapter 57: yet another revelation
Chapter 58: merpeople
Chapter 59: visitor
Chapter 60: attacked

Chapter 24:

135 30 2
By thebadgirl05

         Leirum. I watched as he stood next to me, a barrier surrounding us and his hands engulfed with different colors of flames. One part was fiery red, some white, some blue and there were still other colors that it made me wonder all the more how one man can have so much power.

        "I told you, let those captives go or you'll all be sorry." Leirum said in a cold and venomous tone as I quietly stood there. I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't interfere. His mood changed drastically earlier but he wasn't telling why.

        It seems that I had nothing to do with him around doing all the work with just a flick of his finger. Man, this guy gives me the goosebumps. His very presence scares the hell out of me sometimes.

        This time around, the two of us were here at the altar of the largest church here in the city and it didn't help much with Leirum's case. The others told me enough what he hated most and worst case now, we're standing before the presence of the very being he despised.

        Yes, he despised God and in his mercy, he destroyed the building, blasted of the whole roof along with the walls and everything that talked about God. I don't know why he hated God so much but it was not my place to ask and I didn't dare.

       I grimaced, it was silly of these people to think that we were demons and chose to mess around with us. If there was someone not stupid enough out there, they wouldn't dare challenge the patience of the first ranker.

       But seeing as it is now, they blew off the trumpet call of war.

       And if anything, the humans were petrified, seeing the first ranker's power, I'm guessing that they were doubting if they should be thankful that he came or they should be afraid at the sight of his power.

       The armed men seemed shocked at his display of power as well. It seemed they didn't expect him to be that powerful. Well humans, allow me the most terrifying person I've ever met.

       "You humans, I'm running out of patience." Leirum threatened with impatience in his voice and suddenly, I looked up at the sky. Dark clouds gathered, forming a void like center which emitted deadly lightning. It wasn't normal.

        I tell you, this guy is a monster.

       Petrified with fear, the men scrambled away from the place like animals running away from the king of the jungle. The lion.

       "Foolish creatures." Leirum said as he clicked his tongue and turned his back at them, the rubble clearing him a path as I followed after him, wondering what the hell was going on anyway.

       "Is that your doing?" I asked and he turned while I pointed at the sky above and he looked up. A minute later and he shook his head.

       "No." Was his simple answer as he stared at the sky and I frowned. If it wasn't him who did it then who? We both looked up in wonder and saw the bolts of lightning coming from those heave dark clouds.

        A minute later, I rubbed my eyes, trying to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. I looked up again only to confirm what I thought I made up in my mind.

       "Oh sh*t." Was all I could say before I felt Leirum pull me towards one side and flew a few meters off above air as I dangled on his shoulder.

        I looked down and saw lightning hit the exact ground we stood at a moment ago and Leirum created a barrier around us to make sure. What in the world was going on?

       "Looks like Lydia decided to pay a visit after all." Leirum said while looking up and my ears perked up at the mention of the familiar name. If I wasn't wrong, she was the former fourth ranker.

        She did possess the element of lightning after all. I looked up slowly and saw what the first ranker was talking about.

       A figure was descending from amidst the clouds, wings spread behind as it gracefully let itself fall. If I didn't know better, I would've had thought that it was an angel coming from heaven, but hey, that thing is the perfect opposite, it's a demon for crying out loud.

       Even from here, I could feel her powerful presence, yet what was strange was she didn't seem to be alone.

      "Oh I'll be damned." I muttered as I saw a whole flock follow after her and descended slowly. There were at least two dozens of them and it was no joke when I say that some were stronger and the rest were just as powerful as Lydia.

        Leirum sighed and slowly let me go as I flew in the air with my own power over wind. I wondered what Leirum used to keep himself afloat. Is he a wind abled too?

       "I'll cast a barrier around the city once again. Seems that it will be soon when Lydia and her minions will be able to completely break the one we put up earlier. You meanwhile, search the reason why I feel troubled for the others. No humans will leave this place. I'll erase this place from every map momentarily within a minute." He stated without a pause while looking up at the large group above which were gathered.

        My eyes widened more because of what he said and when I saw a hundred demons from all around the barrier head towards the group of the former fourth ranker who was now technically a demon. How in the world---

           "Go." The first ranker commanded as he rose into the air and I swear I heard a flapping sound. What was that?

         "But how ill you manage to create a barrier all by yourself and fight hundreds of demons?! The barrier you had set up with combined strengths from the others are breaking! How can your barrier hold them off-----"

        "Do not question my power. You're a mere human, you have not seen even a quarter of what I can do."

     He said while not sparing me a glance and his tone was much colder than any I have ever heard from him before. The shivers than ran up my spine were even severe than of one who has seen an actual ghost.

    With those words, he flew up in the air, straight below the hundreds of demons who slammed against the invisible barrier keeping the city safe.

       When I blinked for a moment and opened my eyes the next moment, my mouth literally fell when the clouds above and the sky along weren't there anymore.

       Everything was dark in a second's notice and I dumbfoundedly scanned my eyes around as I gulped.

       I swear. That guy is really a monster. Is this what he means by momentarily wiping this city in every map? Is this what he mean by 'you haven't seen a quarter of what I can do?!' What the actual heck?!

       "Kevin. I don't like repeating myself." I heard Leirum's voice in my head and I quickly flew away in the dark with the help of the dim lights coming from above.

       "Yeah. Yeah. I get it. No need to threat me." I answered in my mind as I stole a glance from above and shook my head disbelievingly.

       I must be dreaming... I should be... I needed to...

      How the hell is it possible for us to be at the center of a galaxy with clusters of stars of different colors surrounding us yet far away enough not to burn us?!


        "This city is unfortunately damned." Antoinette muttered.

      "Don't speak you idiot. Conserve your strength." I scolded her and I'm sure she's rolling her eyes by now but she was smart enough not to argue anymore.

       I panted as I continued to walk on while carrying her on my back as we made our way in the dark in a forest full of trees. After rescuing the hostages earlier that they took inside the airport, we never expected ourselves to be in this state right now.

       Antoinette was badly wounded, that much I can say. I meanwhile was just the same but I didn't dare stop walking. If we do, those men will catch up with us and we'll be good as dead then.

         I have the power of healing but I'm too drained of energy and I need some time to recover to be able to heal Antoinette. As for myself, a healer can't heal his own wounds.

      I gritted my teeth when I remembered what I had to do just to save Antoinette and myself when I felt my shoulders getting wet and I could hear Antoinette's silent sobs.

       I knew all too well why. We had to battle with Alfreed and Harumi ourselves. We don't know what in the world happened but they weren't themselves. Demanding us to surrender with those blank tones of theirs and lifeless eyes.

      Having no other choice, we fought them on to survive. We can't surrender ourselves to them or there'll be no hope left especially when we didn't know what had happened to everyone else.

      We had to fight them even if those men decided to threaten us to surrender by saying that they'll kill the two if we didn't. But Antoinette managed to use her brain before we were doomed.

      Alfreed and Harumi were both powerful. There was no way that mad scientist will kill two precious subjects. He won't. he can't.

      "Don't cry Antoinette. They're not dead. We'll definitely save them." I assured her as I finally set her down on the ground under a tree for a little rest as I created a barrier around us that might still be able to hide us for even until we rest.

         She wiped her tears away with torn sleeves of her clothes and she looked down at her hands silently while I leaned back against a tree just in front of her and gazed at the sky.

         "What the world in Azeroth?!" I blurted out and I knew Antoinette gave me a weird look as I continued looking at the sky. A second later and I heard her gasp in shock just the same.

       Dark clouds were gathering together, a dark hole at the very center of the clouds just like an eye and I swear I could see a figure descending from the hole even if it were just a speck illuminated by the crackling bolts of lightning.

       I shuddered at the familiar presence and I immediately knew who it was. Antoinette didn't need to be told just the same because we both knew.

       "Lydia." I heard the name from my companion and we both watched in horror when another group came descending after her. Some were above her level, some were at the same level as Lydia, none was inferior than that level.

       Not only that was the problem but the fact that hundreds of demons came from all directions in swarms as if to meet the group.

      "What in Eternia is happening?" I said aloud as I forced myself to stand up despite the protests of my body. The barrier, it won't last much longer with such---

        Antoinette did the same and a minute later, we saw another figure, rising from somewhere and straight below the gigantic group of demons. I knew all too well who it was from the caml but powerful aura that came from the said one.

       It was none other than the first ranker, no doubt about it. Antoinette and I shared a look before we looked back at the sky.

       I don't know what in the world happened but the next thing we knew, we were covered in darkness, dim lights making the things around still distinguishable.

      I stared at the glorious galaxy surrounding us. How the hell are we in space?

     "This city is now really damned." Came Antoinette's statement and I now had nothing to say to that.

       I sighed in relief when something finally dawned on me. We can finally use the sky as our getaway now.

       Next thing that happened, we flew above the forest and headed over above the sky. I was amazed I can still breathe. As far as I know, there was no oxygen here in space.

      We headed to where Leirum was, concentrating about something and we stopped next to him after a few minutes of flying but didn't dare interrupt his incantations and just waited for him to just finish it as we watched the hundreds of demons, trying to break the barrier that we set up a few days ago for the sake of this city.

     Where in the world did such numbers of demons even come from anyway? Their numbers were too many and it was impossible to battle them with just three of u---- oh wait, I'm flying next to the devil himself who managed to kill forty demons all by himself a few days ago.

       "...grant thy power and bring me forth what I command." That was the last words I hear from Leirum before a shining golden small barrier began to expand larger and larger and soon enveloped everything before it vanished and was sure to have become invisible one way or another.

       "You two, what happened." He stated, rather than questioned as he summoned forth one of his most favorite weapons... the scythe made of divinium gold with the blessings of the guardians of whatever continent he got it from. The blade never fails to fascinate me as it's deathly sharp blade glinted in the light from the stars.

          Antoinette was quiet and there was no other choice but for me to be the one to speak the bad news. Before I did though, I felt power surge through me and I looked down at my hands, my wounds and cuts speedily healing away.

        Well, leave that to the great Leirum who can do nothing at all.

       "I don't know what happened to the others but news is, Harumi and Alfreed are under the control of those mad people and we have no idea how but they're not theirselves. That's that." I related to him shortly.

      He didn't speak and just kept his silence as his blade glinted dangerously and he let his left hand grip it and he flew forward.

      "We'll take care of it later. But if ever Rex or Cyan dies, this city is doomed to vanish forever." Was his only words and he dove out of the barrier towards the demons who came to meet him.

       I bit my lip. What made him say that? Rex, that cunning bastard won't fall the same as Harumi and Alfreed right?... Right?

      "To hell it is. These people are dead! I'm sorry Antoinette but help Leirum for the moment, I need to check on Mikael." I said when I caught sight of a lonely light deep within a vast area of darkness. The house...

        I didn't wait for her to respond and I just dove down, the wind blowing my hair around wildly.

        How can there be a light there? Has anyone returned back there? Mikael isn't bound to wake up unless Cyan is the one to remove the spell he cast himself or Rex or Leirum.

       My heart pounded fast inside of me and I flew down faster, aiming straight at the place where the one person I care about so deeply was supposed to be in. I was glad Leirum healed me earlier, I can now use my full speed.

       I landed right in front of the door and hastily opened it and I was glad to see Mikael standing by the doorway of the kitchen. I glanced at the couch and saw Cyan, sleeping there or so it seems with those bandages wrapped around some parts of his body. So he lifted it after all.

       I quickly strode over to Mikael.

       "Are you alright? Who lifted the spell?" I asked worriedly as he turned to look at me.

        I froze when fiery red lifeless eyes met my blue eyes and I gasped out when something pierced me through the stomach.

        My eyes never leaving his, my hand made their way to my stomach and I gripped whatever caused me so much pain. Sharp blades cut my hands and it dawned on me. A sword... he just stabbed me with a sword.

        "What are you----" I failed to finish my question when I heard a cold loud sinister laugh echo inside the walls as I fell on my knees, looking up at the silver haired guy who wasn't himself, his lifeless orbs staring at me blankly.

        That laugh... i-it can't be...

        "We meet again my dear."

       No No No No. Please tell me I'm wrong.

       Tell me I'm dreaming.

       This can't be true.


          I hope this story doesn't suck. >3>

        Anyway, hope you like them anyway.

        Don't forget to please vote, comment and follow.

       -thebadgirl05 at your service.

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