Dragon Gods RP *CLOSED*

נכתב על ידי RougetheFanCat

4.6K 128 5.3K

Sorry עוד

Element Thingie
Taken Roles
More Characters
Even More Characters
Pine Forest
Waterfall Lake
Volcano Valley
Abandoned Mine
Dragon Dens
Mating page
Just to let you know...
Barren Wasteland
Gateway to the Heavens
Magical Pool
Territory requests
Night's Den/Territory
Gwamelia's Den/Territory
Yveltale's Den/Territory
Nature's Den/Territory
Libra's Den/Territory
Star's Den/Territory
Scales of Sand's Den/Territory
Snow's Den/Territory
Ursa's Den/Territory
Clear's Den/Territory
Amani's Den/Territory
Sapphire the Tempest's Den/Territory
Bronzespell the Screamer's Den/Territory
Tempest's Den/Territory
Nessonth's Den/Territory
Dream Dragon Territory
Possible Idea?
The Time Race (Rp event thing)
Abandoned House
Time Temple

My Characters

121 2 2
נכתב על ידי RougetheFanCat


Name: Gwamelia 

Age: 20,000

Gender: female

Element/type: Earth/Animal dragon

Role: Goddess

Status: Wild 

Appearance: Her crest is dark blue while her scales are purple. She has white horns and feathered wings and green eyes. The colored glass is red, orange and blue and the flowers are yellow and blue on her horns. The flowers on her neck are pink, white and lavender.

Personality:  Loyal (if treated right), but mostly quiet, calm, curious and cautious.

Powers: Breaths green fire, can commentate with amines and can make plants grow.

Backstory: Former clay statue and can't remember who her creator is

M/C/O: none but open

Other: Creator is Flora

Password: DRAGEN

Name: Nature

Age: 18,000

Gender: Female 

Element/type: Poison and air

Role: Goddess

Status: Wild


Like this but with a few adjustments^

Horn necklace is dark brown while the beads on the other necklace is teal

Personality:Playful, curious and mischievous.

Powers: Can spit out strong acid that can melt down practically anything, venomous bite, create gusts of wind

Backstory: Once was a tamed dragon but woke up remembering nothing about her past rider

M/C/O: Mate is Night (MrRatLiver)

Other:Wears a purple color (Above the bones and bead necklace)

Password: DRAGEN


Age: 18,000

Gender: Female

Element/type: Magic/Sorceress dragon

Role: God 

Status: Wild

Appearance: Like this but with magenta mist v

Personality: Quiet, studious, kind, never goes out unless she needs to eat.

Powers: Breaths purple fire and can do various kinds of magic

Backstory: Her parents were killed by Dragon Slayers and she hid, studying about magic. One day she dreamed about the magic god before her and became his successor. When he died, she became the goddess.

M/C/O: none but open

Other: nah

Password: DRAGEN

Name: Orange Blossom/Orange/OB

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Element/type: Earth/Cat dragon

Role: Mortal

Status: Tamed

Appearance: horse-sized orange tabby dragon with cat-like ears and face. Has a mane of dark orange and green eyes. Wears a pink color

Personality: Calm, laid back, knows a lot more then you think, affectionate. Hurt his tamers and he'll fite chu.

Powers: Spit out fire hair balls

Backstory: Born with humans and raised with them

M/C/O: none but open

Other: Doesn't know he's a clay dragon (*Le gasp*)

Password: DRAGEN


Name: Florence/Flora

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Powers: Flight (doesn't use it often) and the ability to bring statues to life (Bringing one to life takes a lot of energy and even then the alive statues are fragile)

Role: Merchant (Sells dragon statues)

Appearance: purple streaked blonde hair with lavender eyes and white wings. Usually wears hair in a single braid

Personality: Shy, sweet, kind, sensitive, a bit bubbly

Backstory: Inspired by watching dragons. Once she lived by herself, she made a living by selling clay dragons. One day, she deiced to take one of her favorite dragons and bring it to life, but because it was her first time using it, she collapsed. When she woke up, the statue was gone. She's been looking for it ever since.

M/C/O: none but open

Other: carries sword for defense

Password: DRAGEN

Name: Catherine/Cat

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Powers:  The power to see the future (But takes up tons of her energy)

Role: Dragon tamer

Appearance: Slightly short brunette with fair skin and brown eyes. Hair is just past her shoulders.

Personality: Energetic, sensitive, annoying (To her girlfriend only), basically that person who would always try to take in abandoned animals.

Backstory: prefers not to talk about it. But loved dragons ever since she met a girl who sold dragon statues.

M/C/O: Lily's her girlfriend 

Other: knows marital arts, owns Orange Blossom, and is blind in one eye

Password: DRAGEN

Name: Lily

Age: 23

Gender: female 

Powers: can turn into spirit (but only for a limited time and she uses up TONS of energy)

Role: Healer

Appearance: Tall women with pale skin, long light brown hair and brown eyes. Hair usually tired to ponytail

Personality: Gentle, stubborn, kind, will fite chu if you're doing something really bad, mostly tries to talk you out tho.

Backstory: Normal life.

M/C/O: Cat's her GF

Other: owns Orange Blossom with Cat

Password: DRAGEN

המשך קריאה

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