Rockstar Cinderella

By Vianca2696

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Elizabeth Walter lives two lives. At home, she is the quiet and obedient type who accepts everything life off... More

Rockstar Cinderella
Chapter 1 - My Life
Chapter 2 - School Fool
Chapter 3 - Special Fan
Chapter 4 - Moving
Chapter 5 - Roommate
Chapter 7 - Campus Party
Chapter 8 - Stranger Calling
Chapter 9 - Confession
Chapter 10 - Dream Come True or Not?
Chapter 11 - Football Try-outs
Chapter 12 - Missing You
Chapter 13 - The Real Me
Chapter 14 - Famous
Chaptet 15 - Unexpected
Chapter 16 - Goodbye (FINAL)

Chapter 6 - Invitation

990 51 4
By Vianca2696

Hey guys! Any of you gals experienced a heart break? Because I had one recently and it didn't feel to good.. ;'(  Anyways, This is chapter 6! ENJOY!

- VEE <3


Chapter 6 - Invitation

“Hey, Will you come to the Campus party tomorrow night?” Amy asked while she painted her nails a bright pink color. It was funny how she kept on screaming when she saw me (my blue moon self) singing on stage. She was screaming her head off last Saturday and when I mentioned her name on stage as a special guest she looked like she was about to faint. It was hilarious though it was hard to find an excuse on why I can’t come with her during the gig.

I told her I had to meet up with a distant relative though I only had one left. I had one cousin but his parents died in a car accident. It’s been so long since I’ve seen him. He was adopted by a famous producer who is too busy to make a family and Rome hardly ever sees that guy since he's too busy with work which leaves Rome almost always alone.

Rome is a nice guy once you get to know him. At first, it might seem like he’s a jerk but he’s got a soft side to him. He used to be sweet but after his parents died he toughened up a lot and hardly smiles anymore. I better check in with him sometime. I looked at my phone to send him a text but stopped myself. I forgot he was camping out this month with his friends who I think are just using him for his money but Rome doesn't care. He stopped caring a long time ago. I think I'm the only thing that he cares for.

Also, I felt sad every time I look at my phone since I kept on waiting for Aiden to text me ever since I gave him my number. He never called or text which annoyed me.

“Ella? Come back to earth, please.” Amy waved her hand at my face. I didn’t even know she was standing in front of me.

“Sorry, I was thinking.” I apologized. Amy sighed, “Sometimes I wonder about you. So will you go to the party or not?” She asked again.

“No.” Parties in campus and I don’t mix & mingle. I have Van but he has other friends so he can’t be with me 24/7 and Amy can’t be seen with me or else the b*tches might do something about her scholarship.

“Why not?” Amy demanded as if what I said was a treachery. Amy just loves parties and not going to them is like a social suicide for Amy.

“It’s boring and I’ll just probably get bullied by Steph and her bimbos for being there.” I shuddered at the last memory of me going to a party. Steph made sure that every inch of me was covered in punch. It was all over facebook and I was the laughing stock for a whole month. It was unbearable.

Amy frowned and looked at me with pity. “You have it rough, don’t you? And I thought my life was hell.” She muttered. I just smiled sadly at her.

“Why don’t you try standing up for yourself?” Amy sat next to me and she hugged her knees. I can’t tell her the answer though. There are two reasons why I don’t fight back. First, I’m a coward. Yes, I admit that fact. Second, If I stand up for myself it will cause attention and if I get attention someone might notice my secret and I sure as hell don’t want anyone knowing I’m blue moon unless it was completely necessary.

I shrugged at Amy. She groaned. “You can tell me. I’m not going to spill the beans to anyone!” I chuckled at her words. I can see that she was honest about that. I know I can trust Amy but. . . “Maybe some other time, okay?”

“Boo,” Amy pouted. “I have calculus to attend to so see ya later, alligator.” I saw the look of hurt in her eyes as she left and I sighed. I’ll just have to apologize later.


“I haven’t seen Angel today.” I narrowed my eyes at Van who was reading his textbook. We were at the library and there weren’t that many students today. Usually, the library is packed.

“So?” Van seemed to be too focused on his textbook that I grabbed it and placed it on my lap.

“What did you do?” I whispered loudly at him. The librarian was sleeping so I guess I’m safe.

Van sighed in defeat, “Since I know you’re probably not going to stop until I tell you, I-posted-a-picture-of-her-no-make-up-face-on-facebook.” He said in a rush. My eyes widened and I held out my hand for his phone. He gave it to me with an amused look on his face. I typed in his password and bit my lip.

I bursted out laughing as soon as I saw the picture. Angel’s face looked like a zombie with hair that has been electrocuted by lightning. Van laughed with me. I laughed louder when I read the captions.

Who’s a pretty angel? Not you!

“How did you get this?”

“I have my sources.” He grinned and I smiled at him. We walked outside and people were looking at their phones and laughing. It was probably Angel’s picture. I chuckled but my laughter died down when a very angry Stephanie stomped to me and slapped me . . . hard.

I clutched my cheek. It stung so bad that my eyes started to water. “What the hell was that for?”  Van put himself between me and Steph. She glared at him, pure hatred in her eyes. “How nice, Ella’s body guard is here. “ She screeched. She looked over at Van’s shoulder and stared at me coldly in the eyes.

“You’re so pathetic, Ella. Always having Van to do the dirty work for you, huh? I’ll make you pay for humiliating my friend. And I’ll make sure someone you know will be a part of it.” She smiled evilly and turned, her gang of friends following suit as they glared daggers at me.

I fell to the ground and cried. “Leave me alone, please.” I said to Van as he tried to comfort me. I could see that he blamed himself for what happened since he posted that picture but it was all my fault. I depended on him too much. When Van saw that I wasn’t going to budge, he left muttering an apology.

“Elizabeth, what happened? Are you okay?” Great.  Just what I needed. Aiden’s here. He’s the student council president so I guess  someone called for him to take care of the situation. I don’t want him seeing me this weak.

“I’m fine.” I croaked. He helped me up to my feet and led me out the hall. My heart started to beat faster since he was near me but I was too sad to care. Aiden took me to his office. Yes, he has an office. It was neat and organized.

I sat down to one of the fancy leather couches and he sat opposite of me.

“Elizabeth, I need you to tell me what happened there.” Aiden said softly. A few tears fell as I told him everything that happened. He looked shocked and guilty. Why is it everyone important to me gets to feel guilty when I’m the one at fault?

“Angel got jealous when I helped you with your dorm? I didn’t know.” He said.

“It’s fine. It was my fault. You are her boyfriend, after all.” I looked down. I wonder how someone like Aiden can be with someone like Angel.

“Her ex, actually. We broke up last week so I guess she’s not taking it too well,” Aiden muttered dryly. They broke up? I felt my heart flutter. “Anyways, how do you want to handle the situation?” He asked me.

“I’d rather just forgive and forget if that’s okay with you?” I don’t want to cause anyone anymore trouble. He nodded, an understanding look crossing his handsome face.

“You’ll go to the Campus Party, right? I worked really hard to make that party the best night for everyone in Richmond. It might make you feel better.”  He smiled brightly at me and my heart went wild.

“Yeah, I’ll go. How could I miss it?” I muttered, a  blush adoring my face. How can I say no when it was Aiden who asked me? I’ll just have to suffer later.

“Great! See you there, Elizabeth.” He said as we stood up to leave his office but I stopped him.

“I would really appreciate it if you call me. . . Ella.” I was blushing by then.

“As you wish, Ella.” He said, his eyes gleaming.

By that time, you could probably cook an egg on my face from heating up. Aiden is making me go crazy. Why did he have to be so breathtakingly gorgeous?


Hello, lovelies! PLEASE VOTE COMMENT AND FAN.. What do you think of Aiden? *waggles eyebrows* I want me some of him.. If only hot guy characters could pop out of the computer screen and give you their undying love *sighs* 

By the way, It might take me a while to post the next chapter.. Maybe I might post sooner if YOU guys give this story some of your love.. pleaseeeee?? *makes puppy face*

Love, Vee

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