Bad Little Nerd


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Blueberry Dale is a straight A student with only two friends in school, and is hiding a secret from everyone... More

Chapter 1- You're a Tease
Chapter 2- Unicorns and New Boys
Chapter 3- Learn Your Place
Chapter 4- He's 21 For God Sake
Chapter 5- Jailbait
Chapter 6- You, My Dear Friend, Are Jealous
Chapter 7- Not In The Kitchen
Chapter 8- Random Shit
Chapter 9- Nobody Messes With My Sister
Chapter 10- Don't Tell A Soul
Chapter 11- That Clipboard Makes This Even More Cliche
Authors Note
Chapter 12- Real? Or My Brain Is Really Smart
Chapter 13- A Dark Place
Chapter 14- I Can't Love A Target
Chapter 15- A Traitor
Chapter 17- Tarp and Feathering Extreme
Chapter 18- The double K's
Chapter 19- It Looks Like The Nut House
Chapter 20- Numb
Chapter 21- One Kiss, True Love

Chapter 16- Mattress Slide

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Tom's POV 

I woke up with a small amount of pressure on my chest and my arms wrapped around something small. I opened my eyes to see that Blue was sleeping in my arms. I look around to see lavender walls and a dark purple comforter draped over us. To the left was a oak wood desk and a purple lamp shade, with white trimming. I was in Blue's room, and that was when last nights events came back to me. Jake was alive and walking, one of best friends was a traitor trying to kill the girl I lo- like, and Blue's boyfriend is also a traitor. On the plus side, Mr. Keel was fired and will be put in jail for assault.  

I looked down again to see Blue's hair rested on her shoulders and part of her face, her lips open just enough to see her front teeth. Looking at her like this makes you see the Blue that everyone else see's, but more. This girl is more vulnerable, her walls aren't up to protect her, she's completely relaxed, unaware of what's around her. I love not seeing her tense and guarded, but peacful and relaxed. She always relaxes when she's in my arms, and that's how I know I have a chance.  

I felt her stir and I bit the inside of my lip, hoping she wouldn't wake. She finally stopped moving and snuggled deeper into my chest. I tightened my grip on her, loving the feeling of her in my arms. I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to Jake leaning against the door frame, a knowing look on his face. 

"So, she either asked you to sleep in here, or you snuck into her room without her permission, which gives me permission to kick your ass. Actually, just doing this makes me allowed to kick your ass, or  maybe all of the times you guys have-"  

"Yeah, let's not go into detail about that." I cut him off.  

"Yeah, well I do see almost everything that happens with you two. Which is dissapointing, because when I left you to take care of her I didn't mean it like that." He smirked, and I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, which is embarassing considering I'm a guy.  

"Yeah, well." I swallowed hard. "Sorry?" I tried.  

"Yeah, well I just wish you didn't let her get into so much trouble." He said giving me a pointed look. I looked back down at the sleeping angel in my arms and felt a smile form on my lips. I pushed the hair out of her face and behind her ear.  

"You love her." Jake stated.  

"W-what? N-no way, dude. It's a crush, a silly little crush." I tried, but he just gave me look that said, 'You-can-do-better-than-that' and I know he's right. What am I thinking? I can't lie to myself and say I don't love, Blue. And even if Jake hasn't directly interacted with me in a few years, he still knew me like the back of his hand. "You're right." I whispered.  

"Than do something about it." Jake urged.  

"I can't." I sighed. Before Jake could retort, I heard a small groan come from Blue's soft lips. I looked down to see her nose crinkle and her eyes flutter open and shut a few times before they stayed open.  

"Hey." She said in a soft, silky voice.  

"Morning." I whispered.  

"Okay, atleast wait till I'm out of the room before you guys get all coupley." Jake groaned. Blue's  head snapped up to look at him and her smile vanished. Her lips now in a tight line.  

"We're not together, I'm with Blake. Or at least I thought I was till..." She trailed off. I felt bad because she had this sad, broken look in her eyes that made me want to hold her tighter, and tell her to screw him, that she had me. Sadly, that wouldn't be such a great idea.  

"Let's get breakfast." I suggested.

Blue's POV

"So, I have to pretend that I have no clue that my boyfriend is pretending to have feelings for me and actually wants to kill me?" I asked Jake. I hated the idea of pretending not know the guy I had feelings for never had any real feelings for me. That I was some sort of pawn in his sick, twisted game that I didn't understand.  

"I'm sorry, but you need to show that you don't know anything, if you show signs of knowing the truth he might hurt you even sooner than before." Jake apologized. I knew he was right, but Blake acted so genuine and kind. To think all those times he didn't care felt like a knife in my heart, and Jake repeating it over and over felt as if someone was twisting the knife.  

"Can we get to a different topic?" Tom suggested. "It seems like a little too much for Blue to take in right now." He sighed. I smiled, happy that he understood that I coudn't handle what was happening. 

"Let's just have one day of normality... No hate, fighting, betrayl crap. Just a lovely day with my  brother and best friend." I suggested.  

"Doing...?" Jake asked.  

"Movies, games. I dunno, but none of the guys can be here. Just us three, okay?" I said happily. It might be a good idea to have me and them just being together without something getting in the way. We  can do that right? Let's hope.

"No! I said don't do that!" I yelled as Tom settled the mattress at the top of the stairs and I shook my head as Jake held onto the back. Tom proudly sat on it, will a pink helmet set on his head. 

"1! 2! 3!" Tom yelled. Jake pushed the mattress and it slid down the stairs with Tom on top. Sadly, it didn't last long because it got caught on one of the steps, making Tom fly off and roll down the stairs. I burst out laughing at his shocked expression as he lied there on the ground. Jake was laughing as well, holding on to his sides as he did. I smiled at the fact today was finally drama free, for once I'm not worrying about  something. Maybe I can get things back to normal, throwing Jake back into the equation.  

"Well," Tom spoke. "Let's do that again!" He cheered. I shook my head, chuckling at the boy that  sat before me. I saw his eyes light up with a sparkle that hasn't been there for a while, and I was happy it finally showed up again. No matter what Tom will always be a person that I can't live without, someone I would never be able to forget, even if we did wind up drifting apart. He looked up at me, giving me his perfect smile, which I returned. I noticed the small dimple on his left cheek as he smiled and that's how I knew it was real, when he has that dimple. Something's been up with him for the past month or so, but if this is what it takes to get him back to normal I'll do it.  

"Are you sure?" Jake asked. "You can break your neck, and God knows if you did that we'd have a  lot of explaining to do."  

"You mean I'd have a lot of explaining to do." I said with a pointed look. Jake shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention to the idiot in front of me. He look really funny with a sparkling pink bike helmet on his head. I grabbed my phone and took a quick picture... this is definantly getting posted online. A phone  began to ring and I looked up to see Jake smiling sheepishly.  

"Sorry, I gotta take this." he said looking at the caller idea. I nodded my head and he walked away with a somber expression on his face, obviously he didn't want to talk to who ever was calling.

Blake's POV

"You gotta get your act together!" He yelled at me. "She's not dead, no she's perfectly fine and  breathing. She's not heart broken or crying damnit! Keel couldn't do his job and now you can't."  

"I'm sorry, but... I dunno, it's hard, man. She looks at me with those eyes and it seems wrong ya know. I mean she'd be a great addition to the gang instead of dead. Think about it, I mean-"  

"No." He interupted. "She has too big of a heart. She loves her friends, she'd never turn her back on them. Besides, she's not able to kill, she can fight, but she can't kill. She's just in our way, and so is her friends, so do something."  

"Well, how come D-"  

"He is undercover just like you, but you can break her heart, She'll be devastated."  

"It might not work." I said. "She's in love with Tom, and he loves her. If I left I doubt it'd truly effect her. As long as he's there she's fine."  

"You can dispose of her on your own then." He suggested. 

"I can't kill her. That, that just wouldn't work." I said.  

"Don't... Blake, do you have feelings for her?" He asked me. I froze at this question. Do I have feelings for her? Is that why I refuse to hurt her?  

But you can't just kill someone like her. She's a fun person to be with, and since her brother visited her in the hospital she has a certain glow that hasn't been there before. Even though she hasn't exactly told anyone besides Tom, she's happy to have her big brother back. That's what makes this whole thing even  worse. I don't even know why I'm doing this to her, I have nothing against her, and honestly I find it stupid  that they want her dead because of something she had no control over. Technically, they should be killing  her father not her.  

"No." I lied. "I have no feelings for Blue."  

"Good. Then I suggest you get the job done." he said gruffly.  

"Why?" I asked. "She's right there for the taking. You have her right at your grasp. I mean you're literally looking at her as we speak, am I correct?"  


"Then you do it. She does trust you... Just get the guys to not look after her for just a few seconds and she'd be all yours." I said. My heart clenched as I said all of this. I know I'm practically killing her by saying this, but it's better than me doing it, right?  

"I can't... Tom would never turn his back on her, even with me. He knows not to trust anyone. He'd put his life out for her. Die without a second thought if it meant she'd live." He explained. To be honest, I think we should just abort mission. This is absoloutly rediculous. She doesn't deserve this to happen, and she definantly shouldn't feel and experiance this kind of betrayl. When she finds out the truth she's going to be so heart broken.  

"Blake." I heard a feminine voice call. I turned around to see who was talking.  

"Yes, Mrs. Dale?"  

"How's it going?" She asked.  

"You're daughter is a hard one. Not even he can kill her, or the opportunity hasn't presented itself, yet." She chuckled at this and I gave a small smile. I feel that she should be feeling even more guilty then me, but she's as cold as a snake. Honestly, it's disgusting.  

"Well. she's always been strong willed." She chuckled slightly.  

"Well, Keel couldn't break her. I question what will." I responded. "But, why do this to your own  daughter? What happened to parents have to love their children?" I asked.  

"I'll always love her, but she's still a product of him." She spat.  

"Then why does Jake live?" I asked warily.  

"Well, considering he'll always be my little boy he has to." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world."  

I sighed and turned around. Is there a possibility I can save Blue? 

Well... that's fucked up. I can't believe her mom would do that. Is Blake really going to be able to save her? Why the sudden change in heart? Is there something going on with Blue and Tom? Can Blue find out which friend is really against her? Why would they want her dead? Whu was Blake on the phone with? Why is Jake back? 

I feel evil for the way I sprung all of these problems in the book, and I'm sorry for all of these confusing twist, but it's not my fault. I just write what the characters tell me to write... And I think Blue and Tom are beyond pissed at me for everything I'm doing. Too bad Dylan's not smart enough to actually see what I'm doing. 

I also have another idea for a book and I need to know how some people feel about it, so heres a sneak peak!


"Why didn't you give us the money." I questioned, looking at the man who sat in front of me. He had the look of fear in his eyes as he looked at me and my brothers. He knew this wouldn't end well, no matter what I said. 

"I... I-I didn't... I didn't..." The man stuttered. He was covered in dirt and grime, sitting on his knees on the cold hard floor. Blood smeared over his face, pleading for his life, shaking in fear. I didn't feel anything for the man before me. 

"Spit it out!" Jacob yelled. He was getting impatient, we all were. 

"I have a family!" He yelled. "I needed the money to feed them. M-My eldest son had a trip to Italy with his class and I didn't want him to miss it!" He cried. I looked up at all of my brothers, wondering if they believed the shit of a story Jones came up with. They all looked at me, and nodded there heads stiffly. I gave a small smile and grabbed a small sky blue switch blade from my bra. I held it up to Jones' neck, and saw him stiffen in fear. 

"Really? The trip cost three thousand dollars?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"We-well no. of course not, but-" 

"But we wanted three thousand, why didn't you just give it to us. Surely all of that money wasn't spent on your son, was it?" I questioned, trailing my knife lightly from the nape of his neck, up his jaw just below his ear. 

"Ummm, you see-" 

"Where was this trip?" Mason asked, cocking his head to the side. I saw Jones visibly gulp, trying to think of a good lie. 

"Are you... Are you lying?" I asked feigning hurt. 

"What no, no of course not!" He refused. 

"You know what happens when people lie to Raven's right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"They die?" Jones stated, though it sounded like a question.

"And when they cross us?" Bryson spoke. 

"You kill them." Jones answered in a whisper. 

"And you crossed us and lied to us, did ya know that." I said in a sickly sweet voice, still moving the knife up and down, it lightly touch his skin, but didn't cut. I put on a sadistic smile as I pressed the knife harder against the tip on his chin. I tightened my grip on the knife as I watched blood trickle down his neck. 

"I'm sorry." He gasped, his face twisted in pain. 

"Well, I hate it when people lie." I whispered. With a tight hold I quickly moved the knife up, stabbing Jones in the jaw. I pushed the blade so far up I couldn't even see it. I ripped it out and back away, watching the blood pour from the man's jaw, and down his neck. I felt nothing as I watched him bleed and slowly die before me. I shut the emotions out and focused on the kill. I hated what I had become, the way I can kill without remorse. It didn't matter what I felt though, so I did one thing I could do... I shut down. No emotions means an easy kill. I shut it all down, turn away from the guilt and sorrow. I soon got so used to the kill I didn't care about who died and who survived, as long as Mason, Jacob, Bryson, and Bobby made it out alive. My brothers were my only weak spot, the only things that I cared about and didn't want to die. They're the reason I'm still alive, but they're also the reason why I'm in this buisness, and the reason why I'm forced to lead to different lives. 

Yes, I am two people. I am Cassandra Raven when it comes to this life, and Cassie Holmes in the other. To make it simple, Cassandra is part of a family buisness and a dangerous one at that. A life of a gang, with a huge drug selling buisness and fighting. Cassie is just a normal high school girl, who's only worries is boys, homework and friends, but I can't tell one thing. Which life is the real me?

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