Trip of a Lifetime - The Fooo...

By ElyseMolander

48.7K 1K 146

"I love you Alisha." He told me. My hands trembled as I touched my thumb to the thudding pulse in his nec... More

1: On the Move
3: Unexpected Events (Part 2)
4: Blurred Vision
5: Missing
6: First Day
7: The Next Day
8: Adrenaline
9: Felix
10: Rise to the Surface
11: Orders are Orders
12: Unexpected Surprise
13: Safe and Sound
14: Set Free
15: I am Leaving Alright
16: Secret Purple Box *Sexual Themes*
17: Gothenburg
18: Tour Life
19: New Beginnings
20: Recalculating Routes
21: Altitude
22: Close Encounters
23: Sweet Dreams
24: Deal or No Deal
25: Convinced
26: Dead Silence
27: Strong as Family
28: I Spy
29: The Races
30: Trashed
31: Survival of the Fittest
32: That Makes Three of Us
33: Carry You Home
34: Guess What
35: When Push Comes to Shove
36: Urgent Matters
37: The Battles of Flight
38: Hollister
39: Boom Boom
40: Blood Boil
41: Phone Call
42: Arcadia Kingdom Come
43: Holding Power

2: Unexpected Events (Part 1)

1.7K 33 2
By ElyseMolander


As soon as I exited the plane a feeling of relief washed over me. A child with a mother rejoined what I am guessing was their father/husband for the first time. The child's face lit up instantly. I had to admit I felt the same way as the child. I was finally in Stockholm. Even the air smelt different here. I could faintly smell the Ocean as I walked off. Something I had never experienced living in London being so far away from the Ocean. The only thing to smell there was cars and lousy tourists.

A striking woman in blue was waiting at the exit with the name 'Carissa Crüe' attached to the front.

"Hello, I believe this is for me? I am Alisha Crue. Carissa Crüe is my mother."

"Why yes I do believe so myself, I am Mrs. Andersson." She responded back to me, every single piece of clothing she wore was blue along with her curly blonde hair... with a blue hair clip. The woman found my bags and took them to a car and we started driving away.

"So Alisha, you have moved to Stockholm to live under my terms alright? You are not permitted to stay out of the house later than 20:00, and I shall keep a close eye on you at all times alright?"

I was starting to question maybe this move to a new country was not such a good idea. Smurf lady carried on for the next 10 minutes speaking my limitations about living in her household.

"...There will also be specific chores set aside for you as well, alright?""

"Alright then?" I answered her back in a sharp tone. I'm sure her favorite word was 'alright'. I quickly grew to hate it. She barely even bothered to say hello to me, she certainly didn't care about anything about me. I thought she would at least be interested in my personality since we would be sleeping underneath the same roof basically treating me like her child.

She soon parked the rental car outside of a train station and we exited not saying a word to each other.

I was surprised at how many people were here. Train stations were popular in London as well but it surprised me how they were packed full here! They were much nicer too; Art work of all kinds surrounded me in the long tunnels. It was like a dream I would have had when I was 6 years old, something beautiful everywhere you look.

Smurf Lady was struggling to get my one of three bags onto the train. For a split second I allowed her to struggle on her own, just because of the way she treated me earlier in the car. But my kindness got the best of me and I helped her get the last of the luggage into the train.

The trains were insanely busy but I luckily found a single spot and I sat down forcing Smurf Lady to stand in the aisle. Her frustration was clear all over her face but I didn't let it phase me. Other people pushed her around when the doors opened and closed again.

Within minutes we passed multiple stops, and nearly half the trains population was replaced with new people.

The seat beside me however was empty and I had room to breathe. I sat back in my seat and finally started to relax.

The train was about to leave for the next stop, but a commotion started as a young man rushed inside the train with not a second extra. The doors smashed together on his left leg. I guess the doors weren't as forgiving here as they were in London. This shocked me as I sat straight up in my seat. I was quite shy still and I wasn't sure if I should help him or not.

Four people quickly rushed to the rescue and reefed the doors open enough to slide his leg into the moving train. He stumbled around and came to sit beside me. Damn it, my breathing space is occupied.

"Jesus Christ." I heard him mutter under his breath. I looked out the window beside me avoiding conversation as I often did in London. But looking at the black walls we passed wasn't very satisfying. I dared to look over in his direction.

"Are you okay?" I swallowed hard.

The boy blinked in my direction. Looking disgusted with the whole situation.

"Ya I am fine." He paused for a brief moment. "Much better now actually." His mood changed as soon as he looked at my face.

Oh my god! This was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. If I could have hand selected a Calvin Klein model from a magazine and bring it to life that would be the equivalent to the person perched beside me.

His deep blue eyes stared back at me assuring, his jaw framed his face, his blonde hair quaffed just right sat upon his head, and his lips were perfectly plump and blushed. I forgot all about where I was and the conversation we were having.

"Emm, I'm Alisha." I managed to speak out loud; a large and mindless smile crossed my face.

"I'm Oscar."

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