
By NashNamibia

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Diana Marcelo, the bastard child of a multi millionaire family is the family's business project, to give away... More

Chapter 9


129 9 0
By NashNamibia

Urggh! My head hurts, I have been home for less than one week and my family is already driving me crazy. I swear I would rather live in a war zone with bullets zooming past my head than listen to anything my family says. It's either an insult or negativity and with their love for me they never say anything that is good for me.

When I joined the Marines alot of my colleagues didn't understand why a millionaire like me will want to be  a soldier if I can sit at home and still have money to buy anything I want. Being the illegitimate child of a millionaire household is not easy , you are subjected to judgement, being called hurtful name, nasty step siblings  and hateful step mother.

My father Sebastian Benedictus is a very  rich millionaire, before I was born my father was estranged from my step mother Caroline Benedictus and during that time my father met with my mother Jillian Marcelo. Three month before I was born my father went back to his wife Caroline and left my mother. My mother was the CEO of MARCELO properties that time because my grandfather Adrian Marcelo retired early to take care of my grand mother who was involved in a airplane crush and was in a permanent coma.

When Grandpa retired he pass on his share to my mother so my mother become the sole shareholder of the company, but tragedy striked the day I was born. my mother died during child birth and her shares was passed on to me as the only heir of MARCELO properties. My grandfather died of a heart attack when he heard the news of his dead daughter and just like that I was left at the mercy of the social wolves.

My father came and claim me but he was more interested in the company than in his daughter. He already have a son and a daughter so me Diana Rauha Marcelo de Benedictus become the unwanted burden of the family. My life growing up was not a easy one , while James and Jane my elder twin sibling and Phoebe were pampered I was mistreated. Me and Phoebe are born on the same day, when Caroline was informed about my birth she was 7 months pregnant and gave a premature birth because of the shock. She was not aware that her husband has got another women pregnant neither the less Phoebe always get big birthday parties organised for her while I am kept locked inside my chambers.

Our Villa is very big but it never felt like home , the only time my family are being nice to me is either because they want to use me for something or need a favor. I have always loved my siblings unconditional but the same cannot be said for them. I have always supported them and being there for them but I have always been alone with no shoulder to cry on.

My father is a controlling bastard, he control my company and also tried to control my life. He changed the company name to BENEDICTUS CC and pass it on as his but I know the truth. When I was 17 I was approached by my grandfather's lawyer that informed me about His will. When I become 21 I will become the sole owner of all the MARCELO properties and 50 percent of my shares will be divided equally between my heirs when they become 5 that's why Father wanted to marry me off to his dimwitted nephew.

When I was 18 I runaway on my wedding day when I got married to Peters Carver , I joined the Marines and I was deployed to Liberia 6 months later. My family believed for the past 5 years I was a striper in Santa Clara, it was easy to convince them about that story because they always believe the worst of me. All I had to do was pretend to recruit one of Phoebe friends and the rest is history . I didn't want them to know where I was when I runaway on the wedding night. My father owned Peter's father allot of money and Peter needed a bride so he can inherit his grandmother's fortune and just like that I was sacrificed.

I come back from Liberia to find dejavu in the villa. Peter and his family have been living in the villa for the past 12 months and going out with my elder sister Jane. So since my marriage to Peters have done its purpose they want to annul the marriage so that he can marry Jane. According to my step mother she planning a double wedding now that I came back home and done   with my whorish manners . Peter will marry Jane and I will get married to Oscar my father's nephew. Their plan is to strip me of the company shares, Peters is asking for annulment and 50% shares of the company because I was a striper thus I committed infidelity and once I marry Oscar the other 50% will go to my child    and he will be in charge of the shares and I will be left with nothing.

That's the least of my problems now when I come back from Liberia last week,i went straight to the camping house just to find out it is now a crime scene. When I was 14 I couldn't take the environment in the villa anymore and decided to go live in the camping house , Its up on the hill overlooking the villa and for years it have been my sanctuary. Apparently when I went away someone turn it into a murder house, according to the Police investigator 5 bodies where found buried in the garden behind the house  and I am the number 1 suspect since I use to live there.

I am being framed for murder, their plan is very diabolical, take  all my shares from me and get rid of me but as wise men says ; to win the game you have to know the players. My family knows nothing about me , to them I am just another business investment that they use when it seems fit but personally they never put in any effort to know and understand me. To them I am just a burden, a bastard, a homewrecker and someone below their standards that's why they always treated me like  one of the villa's maid.

My past made me who I am today, I have moved on from my past though it wasn't an easy task, when I runaway when I was 18 I got recruited into the army trained for 6 moths and deployed on a UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia. The past four years have been the best years of my life, I become independent and I even got a Chance to study IT in the meantime. I even made alot of friends met some boyfriends and in general just have a life. I worked so hard and all those sweating training session are finally paying off. When we arrived from Liberia my commander gave me a letter from FBI offering me a position in their homicide division so I accepted , I will start after one month now its my time to recover.

"Diana darling , go freshen up  you will accompany your brother to the fundraising gala"  calorine said with a sweet voice. If she is using that sweet voice it mean she is being a manipulative bitch and wants you to do something.

"I am not going" I said flipping through the TV channels, she never ask what I want , I am no longer a minor so she cannot make me do anything I don't want , anyways I already have plans with my friends.

"It's very important that you go , I already took care of your dress it's on top of the bed. go get ready you are leaving at 8" the witch said leaving the living room. Seriously I will not go anywhere so I am not getting ready I continue watching TV.

"Diana Benedictus why are you not ready yet? We are going to be late ,mom told you to be ready 2 hours ago" James shouted at me furious ,I am watching CIS I guess times pass by fast when you are watching a nice movie. I switched of the TV and stand ,put on my No-bullshit look that I have perfected during my years as a marine and told him "I told his mother I am not going "and marched out of the living room , with James staring wide eyed at my back.

I was just finishing tying my boots when Natalie called me to tell me they are at club waiting for me. I put my wallet in my jacket put on make up and took my jacket.

On my way out the whole family is in the living room , they gave collective gasps when they saw me descending the stairs in casual clothes and not in the short over revealing dress that Caroline choose for me.

"Diana what are you wearing? Go back upstairs and change into the dress I put on the bed for you!" Calorine  screeched

"She thought she is going to a strip club"Phoebe sneered

"Diana can you please stop wasting my time,i have business man waiting for me"James said irritated with me.

I ignored all their screeching and walk out of the living room like a boss, I am no longer the small girl they use to force to attend Jane modeling shows, or being Phoebe mannequin for her design or just make me attend functions with James so that his male counterparts will agree to anything if they like me, I am now a captain in the Marines or was since now I am a FBI agent.

"Diana come back here your mother is talking to you, how dare you walk out while she is talking to you, go back upstairs and change or I will deal with you personally" dad shouted foaming at the mouth.

"She is not my mother, and I told her I am not going, I am not minor thus I will go where I feel like going ,now piss off" with that I get into my Camaro and start the engine. Oh the looks on their faces are priceless, talk about a fish being out of the water. That's the first time I stood up to my father and it won't be the last time.

Here I come club Insomnia ........!

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