Finding love

By Therealme553

207 11 8

Princess Amane, an angel that's powers are strongest under the full moon, is kidnapped and taken to earth. Wh... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter one

33 3 2
By Therealme553

     He couldn't believe she was gone. He wandered the entire kingdom looking for his love. He knew that he would never find her here so he packed what he would need and left the kingdom.

He traveled the lands in search of his love and finally caught word when he was in a small tavern days away.

"Did you hear? He actually got Princess Amane from that 'pure kingdom'. He said he was taking her somewhere nobody in this world can get her." A man at the end of the bar sneered.

"You don't say? Where could he have taken her? Earth?" His friend joked.

The first man said nothing.

"No way, he took her to the human world? Did he," The second man began.

"He took her powers and everything." The first man nodded. "If you tell anyone your dead got it?"

"Man we've been waiting for this, all we have to do now is kill the king and queen," The second man began.

"Shut up you Jackrell, someone'll hear you." The first man warned.

The human world? So that's where she is. But that place is crawling with humans and I've heard angels appearances change once they lose their powers. How will I ever find her? He asked himself. But what choice did he have? Princess Amane was everything to him, he would even give up being a criminal for her.

On earth

     Steven closed up his laptop and put it on his desk. It was only 11:00 but he was exhausted. He usually stayed up later but track had wiped him out. Steven pulled his shirt off and threw it aside. He lay down on his bed and drifted off into a sleep.

Steven opened his eyes and saw a girl with long blond hair sitting on, not at but on, his desk. She was beautiful. She wore a long purple dress made of a shiny material, that stopped right above her her ankles with white sandals like the ones his sister wore when she was getting dressed up.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" He asked.

"My name is not important," She said warmly.   

     In the morning when he woke up Steven went down to see his little sister, she was eating some cereal and sketching in her sketch book. She wanted to be a designer and pretty good at it. She studied colours and gems and what ever.

"Hey sis, what are those sandals called, the ones you wear when your getting dressed up." He said taking out some bread for toast.

"My gladiator sandals?" She asked.

"That's it, gladiator sandals." He nodded. "And what's that material some dresses are made out of, it's kind of shiny," He began.

"Silk?" She interrupted.

"Yes, that's it," He nodded.

"What's with the fashion questions?" She asked putting down her spoon.

"Well I had this dream last night and there was this girl wearing a long purple dress made of that silk stuff and those white sandals." He said sitting down.

"Interesting, are you sure her dress was purple and not violet?" She asked.

"Does it really matter Chrisy?" He asked.

"Yes, violet means power, purple is more like intuition," Chrisy began.

"I don't know," He interrupted.

Steven took his toast out of the toaster and put it on a plate. He spread a thin layer of butter on it before putting on a thick layer of strawberry jam. Chrisy took out two pencil crayons from her pencil case.

"Which one was it?" She asked calmly.

The one on the right," He said sitting down in his seat on her right.

"Then it was violet, meaning that this girl was probably of noble birth, probably from somewhere warm." Chrisy nodded thoughtfully.

"You can tell all that based on her cloths?" Steven asked taking a bite of his toast.

"Of course, you said that she was wearing sandals, it's to cold here for sandals right now, plus silk is a lightweight fabric." Chrisy nodded.

Chrisy turned away from Steven and back to her breakfast.

"If she was from somewhere warm wouldn't she be tanned?" He asked.

"She wasn't?" Chrisy asked in between mouthfuls.

"No, she was very pale." Steven said thoughtfully.

Steven could still see her pale face. Her golden hair and dark eyes. It was hard to make out all the details because it was so dark but if he ever saw her again he would know it was her in an instant. Chrisy finished her breakfast and went back to her sketch.

"What you working on?" Steven asked.

"It came to me last night in a dream, isn't she pretty?" Chrisy said pushing her sketchbook towards him.

"That's her," He declared. "That's the girl from my dream,"

"How weird," Chrisy said thoughtfully. "I don't think it was a dream but a vision, maybe this girl will be coming to see us." She said thoughtfully.

"You know what Chrisy I am no longer interested, I don't care." He said putting his plate on the counter. Chrisy had always believed in visions, she said she could see things, she once said that she could separate the colour of a persons soul at the time from their body to tell their mood. Steven didn't believe anything like that was really possible. Steven packed his bag and through his laptop in it's case.

"Hey don't forget the exchange student," Chrisy said before he left.

"I didn't forget," Steven lied he'd forgotten everything about the girl coming to stay with them.

     When Steven got to school he waited outside the office.

"Steven this is Melangell Konane, she is the exchange student." The Secretary Mrs. Oswell said warmly. A girl with short blond hair in jeans and a t-shirt was standing there in front of him. She had fair skin and she was probably an eight out of ten.

"Hi," Steven said warmly.

She nodded shyly, that to him put her up to a nine. He led the way down the hall and to class.

"First we have co ed gym," I said leading the way.

She nodded.

"So, Melangell, are you athletics?" I asked trying to create conversation.

She looked deep in thought for a moment then nodded. Steven nodded, she was back down to an eight. Steven liked a girl who played shy but she had to talk once and a while.

     When they got to the gym he pointed to the girls change room and quickly got changed himself and waited outside the girls room for her. She came out in a uniform she had borrowed from the school. They warmed up with volleyball. Steven was doing great, he was on the ball, he returned every pass. As soon as Melangell got on the court though, he knew he'd met his match. She was returning everything. Steven knew that the only way he could score was to spike it, but he'd never successfully spiked the ball. 

Oh well there's a first time for everything. He thought to himself.

Steven jumped up and spiked it over the next. It worked for the first time in his life he spiked the ball over. When Steven had settled from his excitement he realised that no one was happy for him, everyone was crowded around someone.

"Man you just spiked that right into the exchange girls face," His friend said shocked. "but on the bright side you finally got a spike over the net." He added.

If there's a first time for everything there has to be a last, and that was most certainly the last time I do that. Steven scolded himself


Sorry for all the fashion talk but it'll make sense later... I hope

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