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So this is my first story on here so I hope you like it ;D and if not, oh well...


   Change? Why would he want to? He was perfection. Every girl in the kingdom fell at his feet and he got what he wanted when he wanted it. He was an excellent thief and was great with a knife. knives of silver were one of the least common weapons used in the kingdom but everyone around knew that he could butcher someone with his eyes closed. Even the royals were hopeless to stop him. All they could do was keep their daughter in the castles grounds to keep her safe. The blackest of everyone in the kingdom. 

But everyone has secrets and he had many, one of them was that he had in fact met the princess, she was no angel like everyone imagined the real reason she was kept locked up in the castle grounds was because she wanted to kill. She was a black sheep and a dangerous one. When he had met the princess he was attempting to break into the castle and she was out in the gardens enjoying the moonlight on her porcelain skin.

flash back:

"What brings someone like you here at this time of night?" She asked not taking her eyes off the full moon.

"Princess Amane?" He asked.

He couldn't be certain, no one had seen her since she was a child. She sat up on the stone bench and walked towards him.

"No, I am a ghost, the ghost of Lady Merwyn." She said coldly.

He let a small smile escape him. He'd said the same thing to one of his men once.

"Well my lady, what keeps you bound to this world?" He asked approaching her.

"My missery," She replied.

He smiled coldly at her.

"Why would a lady such as yourself be miserable?" He asked.

"I am lonely," She sighed.

He wasn't exactly sure how it happened but before he knew it he was sitting on the bench with her in his arms. He'd never liked any of the other woman but this girl, still young and innocent but filled with a misery so deep and true that she was filled with guilt. They were eachothers perfect company.

real time:

He visited her in the castle every full moon until one day when he jumped the large stone wall and approached the stone bench where they always met she wasn't there. The next day he found out that Princess Amane had dissapeared earlier on in the night.

Finding loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora