A Wolf's Fate

By MySweetLittleFighter

1.3K 47 18

After her brother's death, Calypso must face the world. Alone. That isn't easy when you're a seventeen year o... More

Chapter 1 - A Price I Paid
Chapter 3 - Sunshine

Chapter 2 - That Last Thing

91 3 0
By MySweetLittleFighter

Something drug into my stomach as my body bobbed and swaged. I ached all over, not a single inch of my body spared. If this was death then it wasn't very promising.

I blinked rapidly to see I was sparing down someone's backside. I took a deep breath threw my nostrils, letting my nose fill with their sent. It was then did it hit me, no wait it smacked me in the face. It was the guy from the forest, the pack wolf.

I was about to punch him and make a run for it until I was forcefully thrown to the ground. A winced when an aching sensation reminded me my leg was injured. The urge to glare at this man was tempting but if I showed him disrespected, he could easily kill me. That would mean my brothers death was pointless.

A vice grip wrapped around my upper arm as I was hurled to my feet. That was going to leave a nice bruise, if I didn't have a collection anyway. My legs throbbed refusing to have any weight on it. I was at my weakest and most vulnerable, I couldn't run and I could try and fight back but even a dead man could kill me like it was nothing.

"Another one, Cole?" A deep, rough voice spoke. It wasn't as harsh but that might be because he wasn't addressing me. The man handling me, who I'm guessing is Cole, grunted in response. I felt a presents directly in front of me making me cower back. "Little young, isn't she? Was she alone?"

"She could have been with the other Mutts," Cole suggests, yanking me forward so I couldn't hide behind his large frame, "She could have run off when we collected the others."

 "Maybe," The mystery man sighed. I glance at his appearance seeing he was similar to Cole. They were both muscular, Cole's abs were denser but the man was taller with broader shoulders, both sharing the same dark hair and green eyes. "What do you suppose we do with her?"

"Leave her to rot with the others," I whimpered at the harshness of Cole's voice, gaining me a glare,

"I'll contact the Alpha, see what he wants done with her. I don't think she was with the others,"

"It doesn't matter what you think, Dale," Cole snapped before storming off, painfully dragging me in tow.

I sunk into the corner of the claustrophobic cell, resting my pulsing leg against the cold ground. I pulled up my torn jeans, examining the damage. My whole knee area was a grim purple and looked strangely deformed, so escape was out of the question. Fabulous. Resting my head against the cool wall, I closed my eyes and thought of my brother. 

Kaleb and I were always mistaken for twins, though he was three years older. We shared the same hazel like eyes and earth like coloured hair. He packed a lot more muscle then I did but that's understandable, since he trained and fought more than I did. We'd fight like siblings always did but he was my best friend, my protector, my guardian. It was always me and him, no parents, no family, just us but that was how we liked it. Now it was just me.  

The sound of the heavy iron doors opening took me out of my trance. The sound of multiple foot falls filled the tense silence, keeping the same calm pace as they approached. There was a split second of silence before light invaded my dark cell. I pushed myself further into the corner, clutching my battered leg. That's when a sweet, luring scent possessed my nose. It's not something I've smelt before or anything I could compare it to but it was strong and addictive.

Something disturbed my knee, causing me to hiss in pain and clutch it harder. I opened my eyes to glare at whoever but froze when a pair of dark, almost black, eyes met mine. They were terrifying but equally beautiful. Our eyes were locked, neither of us making the effort to pull away. I didn't want to. If this was the last thing I'd ever see before they killed me, I'd take it.

That's when I heard the one thing that knocked the air right out of me.



I'm actually in love with all of you! I've been off ill for a stupid amount of time and complete forgot about this story. I thought people wouldn't like it but you could imagine my shock and amazement when I logged back in, getting comments and messages to keep the story going.

You guys have made my year and for that, I'll be updating a lot more!

Please comment and rate :)

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