The Psychic. MurphyxReader

By LurchingLlama

2.9K 72 44

Reader is a amazing stalker when it comes to the internet, she is amazing at breaking into confidential files... More

The 'little' white lie.
Park, drinking, games.
Shopping and drinking


874 15 15
By LurchingLlama

You where a young woman with a great memory, talented computer wizard and had a knack for getting yourself into bad situations cause you just couldn't keep out of it.

You sat up straight in your bed, yawning and getting up.

It was the weekend so you didn't have to work.

You slipped off your bed and turned on your small junky radio and flipped on one of the discs and went dancing around your house, singing while you made your coffee and food, still only in underwear and a baggy shirt.

The song ended and as you sat on the couch with now a hot cup of coffee and two pieces of toast, listening to the music as you read on your couch, your legs where kicked up on the opposite side of the couch, your angles crossed loosely.

Once you finished your coffee and toast, you put your bookmark in your book and put it down on the coffee table and turned off your radio and headed for a nice hot shower.

You went to the bathroom and striped the few pieces of clothing you had on and hopped in the warm water with a relieved sigh.

You got out about fifteen minutes later and got dressed in your baggy ripped jeans, belt and your dark long dark grey shirt (The photo below is what it looks like only a dark grey)

And your black knee high boots, your hair thrown back in a ponytail also

You headed out onto the streets of Boston.

It was mid fall, your favorite time of the year when everything got a bit colder so you could wear long sleeves and boots and jeans but not freezing so you didn't want to go outside, not to mention the pretty colored leaves.

You headed down the streets aimlessly humming to yourself as you passed strangers.

You found yourself near an animal shelter after walking down different streets and headed inside, being unable to resist yourself.

You nearly died at the animals inside.

They had puppies, older dogs, kittens, and cats.

"Oh my goodness!" You gush.

A man with dark brown hair that was about your age came up to you with a friendly smile.

"Hi, are ya lookin' to adopt?" He asked in a slight Irish voice.

"I told myself no but I don't have any will power soo....yeah," You say with a small laugh.

He laughed slightly as well.

"Can I hold them??" You question in awe at all the animals.

"Yeah is there one you want to see in particular?" He asked and you people walked to the dogs first.

"Can we take this one out?" You asked, pointing at one of the dogs that where probably about one and a half years old just by looking at him.

"Yeah." He said and unlocked the canal and a black, brown and white colored dog cane nearly bouncing out, going directly to you, its tail wagging ninety miles per hour.

"Aww!!" You say as it attempted to lick your face.

"What's her name??" You questioned, petting the dog roughly.

"She's Shay." He tells you as he watched you and the dog.

"Is she good with other dogs and cats?" You asked.

"Dogs yes, cats, we haven't tried'before" He tells you and you nod.

"She does seem to be protective over kittens though." He adds and you nod.

"How much is she?" You asked, still petting her.

"About fifty." He replies.

"Okay. I'll be back girl hold on." You say and he puts her back in the kennel.

"What about this little fella?" You asked, looking in awe and one of the kittens.

"This is rusty, he's pretty feisty." He says, unlocking the cage for you and you pick him up when he offers him to you.

"aww! Does he have any brothers or sisters?" you asked, petting the kitten softly.

"Nope, all were killed." He tells you honestly.

"Aw I'm sorry little guy" You say, lifting him closer to your neck.

"And how much is he?" You questioned.

"Five." He says.

"Okay, would it be to much to ask if we could see how Shay is with him?" You asked and he nodded.

"Sure hold on." He says and went in the back and grabbed a collar so you could hold her if needed.

You held the kitten while he put it on her and then let her out, holding her collar still.

You kneeled on the ground near her, her ears lifting as she saw the little black and white cat in your hands.

She pulled on her collar to get closer and he let her.

She sniffed the cat for a minute and started crying slightly while she did, then, started pulling on her collar more.

He let her but was careful in case she tried anything.

However, she didn't do anything bad, she just licked it a couple times before attempting to sit on you.

You laughed slightly.

"I'll take them both," You say smiling and he nods.

"Do you need a collar for them or leashes?" He asked and you thought for a second.

"Yeah are there any for sale? And probably just for Shay." You say.

"Ya can just have them." He says, giving you a charming smile.

"I know you'll take good care of them and I think its pay enough." He says and you smile at him

"Thanks" You say, standing up straight.

"The collars and leashes are in the back over here." He says and you follow him to the back of the store.

"Pick what you need and come up to the front when yer ready" He said and you thanked him again.

Shay followed you everywhere you went; rusty was currently sleeping in your hands also.

You came to the counter a moment later with a dark blue collar and a matching leash and dog and cat food, along with cat toys and dog toys, along with bowls.

All together, you pay about eighty bucks after he knocked off a ton of money for you.

"Thank you again," You say.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"James and yours?" He asked.

"y/n, we should hang out some time," You say and he nods

"Defiantly." He says and you smile at him before leaving with bags in your hands along with a leash that was attached to shay while rusty slept peacefully in your hand.

Thankfully, shay walked next to you for the most part all the way back to your apartment.

You unleashed the dog when you got inside and let her walk around.

You dropped the bags on your table and went into your bedroom, coming out seconds later to find shay walking around sniffing everything.

"Here you go girl" you say, laying rusty down carefully as you layed out a soft sheet and made it into a bed, making a smaller one for rusty as well.

You let shay sniff and be with him with close super vision to make sure she didn't do anything to him.

Though, she just layed down with him after not being able to get him to play with her.

You thought they looked adorable and went to unpackaged the stuff, setting the bowls down in your kitchen and filling two dishes with water.

"Shay! Here girl!" You call from the kitchen as you poured food into the dish bowl.

She came a second later and started eating, her tail wagging as she ate.

"Good girl" You say happily and head to find a now wet cat waddling around the living room.'

"Here sweetie" You say, kneeling on the ground as you got to him and petting him on the belly.

"Common, let's get you some food," You say and pick him up and bring him to his bowl that was on the other side of the kitchen and poured some food into it which he ate happily.

You showed them the water and layed down on the couch for a bit to rest.

You where exited to have animals again even if you knew you weren't looking to adopt today.

You rested in peace for about half an hour before letting them both outside to go to the bathroom before bringing them back in.

A few weeks later of letting them get settled in, you knew that rusty would be okay with shay.

She had taken a really big liking to him which was nice to see.

It was Saturday evening when you decided to head out for a drink without the animals with you.

You headed out with dark blue skinny jeans, your black knee high boots and a long sleeved shirt with buttons up the front and a collar (this is what is looks like just cause that was a bad description xD)

You hair was combed and put up in a ponytail

You headed out of the house, giving your animals one last pet before leaving.

You headed down the streets, swiping a couple cat and dog hairs off your cloths that you found as you walked.

You walked into a bar you hadn't been to before, deciding to try out a new one since the other ones you had went to where completely gross, to expensive or everyone was just assholes.

You walked inside a bar calls McGuinty's and took a seat up front.

It was about seven so not tooooo many people where in.

"Hi! Can I get a beer?" You asked to the older bartender who walked up to you.

The man got you a beer and rushed over to another person before you could thank him.

You sipped on your beer as you listened to the conversations around you.

You don't know how long you had done this but the noise got over whelming at about ten.

You had gone through about three beers through this whole time.

You watched as people walked in and out and turned around and looked back at the wooden counter that you placed your beer on.

You yawned slightly as you looked at your half-empty beer.

You figured you would have to go soon, knowing your pets where getting in trouble with your luck.

You payed for your drinks and jumped of your stool when you stopped your movement towards the door when you nearly stared at you very attractive men that seemed to be about your age walk through in black coats, dressed fairly similar.

You quickly averted your eyes from them once they had looked around for a second.

"Aye! Murph! Connor over'here!" you heard someone call and a smile spread on their faces as they walked over to a man sitting in a booth with a couple other guys

You walked out and headed home in the dark cool air.

You got home, turning on the light of your small house when you got inside.

"Rust, shay I'm home!" you call but no greetings of barks meows or movement.

"Guys?" You called again.


You looked in the kitchen, nothing, bathroom, nothing, bedroom, nothing.

You called again. You still heard nothing.

"Guys!" you said louder, walking into your hall to get to the kitchen when you heard a scratching noise that nearly made you jump out of your skin.

You turned to look at the hall closet and sighed, knowing what you where about to find.

You opened the door and your dog toppled out along with a kitten.

"Guys you worried me!" You say, picking rusty up and putting your arm around shay and hugged them both

Shay licked your face, he tail hitting the ground as she sat there wagging.

"Yes hi sweetie" You, say, kissing her nose.

"Common lets go out one more time before bed." You say, putting rusty down, standing up, and heading to the kitchen, slapping your thigh to call her.

She came pouncing into the kitchen and you put her collar and leash on.

You left rusty inside, he had a litter box you had trained him to thankfully.

You took Shay outside and let her go where she wanted down the street and returned in about ten minutes and brought her back inside, taking her leash and collar off once you where in.

You headed to your bedroom, both of them following you.

Rusty had gotten big fast and was now able to climb up onto the bed using you desk chair and your nightstand if he wanted up and shay would just jump up if she wanted to join you at night, sometimes she would and other times she would sleep at the bottom of your bed or in the living room.

It was one of those nights where she stayed guard right by you on the bed while rusty layed on your lap, kneading his claws on the sheets.

You picked you your laptop and looked up 'Connor and Murphy' and a ton of different people came up.

After just looking up the names you tried brothers with the names, then Irish brothers, then Irish men, knowing that you lived pretty much in an Irish neighbor hood and Murphy and Connor where both Irish names.

After about an hour, you found the two men from the bar.

The darker haired one was Murphy and the other was Connor, they where brothers, more specifically twins, their last names where MacManus and they worked in a meatpacking plant in Boston.

After more searching you found out they where twenty seven, 6'4, their parents are Annabelle and Noah, Murphy had blue eyes and Connor had hazel, Murphy's middle name was Noah, Connors middle name was Allen, he had a couple tattoos, they where catholic, and speaked many different languages.

(Btw I just got this information from this site, may not be sure, it also said they were 24 which is not true unless they where asking their mother who came out first a couple years before they were born XD)

You read on about their more personal life on many different secure files you had gotten yourself into.

You where gonna have the cops at your house again so you would have to erase the history from your laptops hard drive the next day.

You stayed up until about two in the morning reading all about them.

By the time, you where done you probably knew more about them then they knew about each other.

At about two you turned off your over heating laptop and settled into the covers more, putting your arms around the animals and falling asleep.

You woke up the next day and did your normal routine for the morning, though this time you added clearing your hard drive to your list, which was a good thing, the police that was now familiar to you where at your door once more.

"Hey Jeff" You greet with an innocent smile.

"Y/n where you hacking into secure files again?" He asked his partner right behind him.

"No" You lie in a very realistic voice.

"Just because I did it once doesn't mean that I do it all the time." You state.

Shay was barking and rusty was meowing fairly loud.

"One moment" You say, half closing the door.

You went to find them hissing and barking at a small black snake that had somehow found its way into your house.

You walked over to it and calmly picked it up, holding its head so it couldn't bite you and went to the front door and opened it again.

"Walk with me boys" You invite and step down your front porch stairs and they followed you and proceeded to ask you questions about what you were doing that night.

The snake had wrapped its body around your hard, his head still in your hand as your bare feet went along the concrete sidewalk.

"Like I said, I got home from McGuinty's, listened to a little music and went to bed." You insisted as you guys walked past houses and fences until you guys where in a back pit like thing where you released the snake and you guys started heading back.

"Y/n we need you to be honest." Jeff insisted.

"I am" you insist

You knew these two very well.

They came to your house about one every two weeks for the last three months; you knew their names along with most of their personal lives...though they don't know the last part.

"Bry do you not believe me.

"y/n we know that you do it, wither you admit to it or not.

"Do you wanna check my history then???" You asked as you headed back to your house with them

"Don't you know how to clear the hard drive?" Bryan questioned.

"You can do that?" You questioned, squinting your eyes and playing innocent.

You would sometimes admit to searching up some people as long as you didn't do it illegally just to fool them more easily, leaving your history un cleared along with it.

"Y/n ya can't keep doing this" Jeff told you.

"Jeffy, I told you, it wasn't me. I don't even know who the men are." You told him, putting your hand on his shoulder for a second.

You guys reached your house again and you stepped onto the porch.

"Well boys, it's been fun but I need to take my dog out for a walk." You tell them and they head back to the police car and drive off after giving you a warning.

You took shay out for a walk and relaxed with them for the day.

The week went on slowly but soon, it was soon Friday evening.

You wanted another drink and took a liking to McGuinty's so you took care of your pets and took a quick shower, changing into different cloths before heading for the bar.

You headed inside, arriving at about eight.

You took a seat up near the front but it was still in a quiet corner.

You then saw Connor and Murphy walk in at about nine looking exhausted.

You thought about what you had read about them and took another sip of your whiskey.

You discreetly watched and listened to what they were talking about.

You had been through about ten drinks of whiskey now and felt a small buzz.

You had zoned everything out, now just staring blankly at the table lost in your thoughts when you where snapped out of your little Trans of a small tapping noise on the table.

Your eyes shot to look at what made it, seeing fingers of a man, your eyes slowly scanned up the man in blue jeans, a black shirt and the familiar black coat.

You eyes shot up to look at Murphy looking at you with a small smile.

"M-Murphy?" You said as soon as you saw him before you could stop your words.

Your stomach Plummeted at what you had just said, staring at him in now horror.

"Fuck" You whisper under your breath as his eyes furrowed when you said, and knew his name


Okay so i am gonna find out if this is a Connor or Murphy in the next chapter or so, so when i do it'll say who it is, if you want it to be Connor or Murphy put it in the comments or i am going with whoever seems to work out.

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