colors ✖ phan

By xmarshmallowphan

197K 7.5K 2.2K

「COMPLETE」 A boy with a permanently black band finds someone who would want to help them see colors again. More

「i n t r o」
「e n d」


1.3K 56 38
By xmarshmallowphan


I didn't know what came over me. I somehow broke the ropes bound to my hands.

"One!" My mother screeched.

She was walking towards Dan, but I was faster. I sprinted to him, ignoring the burning pain in my lower leg, desperate to get there before my mother did.

I saw the life flickering back into his eyes as I neared him. I didn't know what to do. I let my mind take control.

I pushed him against the wall, and smashed my lips into his, hoping it would bring him back to life.

He was shocked at first, of course, but he eventually kissed back, and wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping the gun in his hand.

I pulled back. He stared at me with an intensity. "Phil," he breathed out, unwrapping his arms.

My mother was standing in the corner, staring at every move. She finally let out a yell, "Daniel! Give me that gun right now!"

Dan shook his head. She started to run towards him, but Dan lifted the gun up. She stopped in her tracks. Knowing what to do, I quickly dialed 999.

"Your time is over," Dan growled, as the police sirens sounded in the background.

The police broke into place we were getting held in, dragging my mum away. "You're going to pay for this!" She screamed before the police shoved her into the car. Pointing out the door, Louise, Chris, and PJ all escaped as she was pulled away.

A/N: Guys wow only like five more chapters

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