Marvel Imagines

By Marveltrash78

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Various X Reader one-shots from the MCU. More

|Triggered|Clint Barton X Reader
|Loki's problem| Thor X Reader X Loki
|Just My Type| Tony Stark X Reader
|You're just a puppy!| Pierto X Reader
|Dad Jokes| Steve Rogers X Reader
|To the end of the Line| Stucky
|On your right!| Tchalla X Gender Fluent Reader
Tony Stark's Daughter
Bruce Banner's Daughter
Thor Odinson's Daughter
Natasha X Reader (SMUT)
|Found Love| Loki X Reader
|Sugar| Bucky X Sugar Mommy Reader
| Aquariums | Clint X Reader
|Halloween| Peter Parker X Reader
|I'm sorry| Wade Wilson X Reader
|Under Pressure| Stony X Reader
|Pumpkin Decorating Competition| Avengers + X Reader
|Playful pranks| Steve Rogers X Reader

|Highschool AU|Stony X Reader

2.5K 14 5
By Marveltrash78



Shy, Jock/man candy, secret bisexual, has everyone fooled. All the girls have crushes on him. Always with Bucky and (Y/N). The whole school thinks you two are dating or something.


Usually, the first one to raise his hand. Not so popular but has his own friends, like Bruce. Hits on a lot of girls, they usually reject him. Sexy and smooth but no one cares.  Usually bullies pick fights with him because he's small.


Always by Steve's side. The secretive one, who's pretty much an athlete in the gym. Gets an A in the multilingual classes, and is not someone to mess with. The halls clear up when he walks through, we all know he secretly likes it though.


Girls are mostly jealous of her because she hangs out with hot guys that are secretly nerds who like comic books and superheroes. Has her two best companions, teachers love her. A lot of guys are jealous of Steve and Bucky because she's a real hottie and doesn't know it.

You walked down the crowded halls, gym bag one hand and sneakers in the other. This semester you had PE, which was fun because you had Bucky and Steve in that class too.

Your ponytail swished from side to side as you rushed to the gymnasium. There was a five-minute rule, which sucked because everyone bumped into each other.

The bell rang as soon as your hand gripped the thick handle, pulling you sighed. "Thank god." You mumble under your breath, making it towards the almost empty girl's locker room.

You walk in slowly, a few pairs of eyes landing on you. It was a normal thing for you now, being starred at. You just decided to be the bigger person and ignore them.

You place your stuff in a locker, taking out your track shorts and top. Quickly, trying to avoid looks and eye contact with anyone, you change. Tying the ropes on the waistband, you take a look around; empty.


You say to yourself, crouching down and tying your laces, swiping a coat of deodorant on your underarms. You rush out, the teacher was taking presences.

"(Y/L/N)?" Your pervert teacher called out, searching for you.

You pop in between both of your huge friends and smile. "Present." He eyed your attire, nodding and checking off your name of the checkboard. "You were late...I'll let it slip just this once." He said, winking, flashing his bleached pearly whites.

"He's said that thirteen times this semester," Bucky whispered loud enough for you and Steve to hear. You stifle a laugh, Steve trying to keep his composure as the coach blabbed about his muscles looking slightly smaller.

"I expect only the best from you, Rogers." He snarled, you could feel the fumes radiating from Bucky on your left. "Yes, sir." Steve politely answered, averting his eyes somewhere else.

The black-haired forty-year-old moved on. "Prick." You mumbled, making Steve laugh a little.

"Alright class, we're playing volleyball!" He shouted, the whistle dangling from his chest. The class groaned faint whispering could be heard.

"I know, you guys think it's a girls sport! Well it's not, it's for both! Now, boys, set up the nets. Not to be sexist! It's just guys like to show off their muscles!" He laughed to himself, hands propped on his hips, all the boys from your class going into the storage room, pulling out the nets and polls, some brought the volleyballs.

"Now girls, let warm up! Ten laps around the gym!" He blew in the whistle, making a vibrating sound erupt and bounce off the walls.

All the girls in your class, giggled and starting jogging talking to their friends while doing so. You just went solo, getting grounded and watching all the 'fuckgirls' swaying their hips purposely and making their boobs bounce.

You controlled your breathing, passing a few slacking girls, steadying your pace.
You clenched your fists, keeping a steady form.

Mr. Stephan, always examined you, constantly watched your moves. You shoot a look towards Bucky and Steve, they were struggling with the nets.

You chuckled to yourself and padded towards your two friends. "Need any help!" You laughed. Bucky had the net all tangled and Steve couldn't position the hooks right.

"Yeah..." Steve scratched behind his neck, offering a closed eye smile. You walk them through it and squat at the lever, Bucky giving you a thumbs up and cranked until the net was nice and steady.

You gave them both a high five and joined the rest of the girls who were now stretching. You copied whatever all the rest of them were doing, just playing along.

You carefully warmed up and stretched your calves, ankles and wrists, arms, neck, and lower back.

"Alright! The teams are as following; Sharon Carter, Wanda Maximoff, T'Challa Udaku, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff." He looked at his checkboard, the selected students coming together.

"Sam Wilson, James Barnes,
(Y/N)(Y/L/N), Steven Rogers, Pepper Potts, Gwen Stacy!"

You grouped up, giving the guys a fist bump then offering it to the girls, who just ignored you.

"Uh... Tony Stark, Jean Grey, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, and Matt Murdock" He called out scratching his forehead, scribbling things.

"Team B and Team C will go against each other first!" He called out sitting on the bench beside Team A.

You got in position, behind Bucky, playing as Libero. Thor was the first one to serve. "We got this guys!" Sam shouted, encouraging your team.

He jumped in the air smacking his hand straight on the center of the ball making it fly across the court.

It was headed towards Pepper, who had a sloppy position, she just tried to focus. The ball landed right in front of her, all that time she had stayed like that in that form.

You roll the ball under the net, and whisper in her ear; "Tony's watching, try your best." You grinned, and returned to your spot, bending your knees and lifting your heels off the ground.

He served again, this time a bit harder, Bucky jumped and tried to block it but failed, it was coming at you.

Using your proper stance, you extend your arms straight in front of you, folding your thumbs in the right way. It hits your forearms and you push it into the air, moving out the way so someone can continue the combination.

Gwen jogs under the balls and sets the ball, bouncing off her fingers effortlessly.

Then Steve jumps up, ready to spike and smashed the ball with all his force.

Everyone is in awe of his strength. Ever since he got to high school, his old scrawny and skinny body got fuller and taller.

But little did Steve know that ball was headed towards the second smallest kid on the team; Tony. The genius was too busy starring at Jeans ass, that he didn't see the ball coming straight at him.

"Tony!" Bruce shouts, but it's too late.

The ball hits Tony's face making him fall unconsciously to the floor. Steve's chest immediately received a pang of hurt and regret, you both jog to Tony, crouching down to him.

The students crowded the three of you, shouting various types of 'oh my gods' and 'oh shits'. 

"Alright everyone back off!" The teacher shouted. You held Tony's head in your lap, Steve had his fingers on his pulse points.

"He's knocked out." Steve's little panicked voice screeched. "Damn Rogers, aha, quite a hand you have there." Mr. Stephan congratulated him.
"Did you ever think of joining the masculine volleyball team?" He offered, starring into Steve's chiseled features.

"Um! Nows not the time!" You snap your unfocused teacher back into state. "Oh yeah, peewee. Take him two the nurse, both of you. It won't count as an absence." He went back to calming down your classmates.

Steve effortlessly picked up Tony bridal style, walking towards the door. You opened it for him, following close by. "Do you think he has a concussion?" Steve worried, rushing towards the nurse's office.

"I don't know, but he looks fine." You stroked a gentle finger on Tony's cheek. The brunette mumbled something, opening his eyes slightly and closing them back fast, taking both of you by surprise.

"Tony?" Steve asked gently. Walking down the hall and making a sharp turn into the nurse's department. "Tony are you awake?" You re-asked.

"Mmph, Steve..." Tony mumbled, you just both looked at each other.

"Oh my! What happened?" Natalie, the schools head nurse asked pressing a gentle hand to Tony's red forehead.

"We were playing volleyball, and the ball hit him in the face. Hard." You explained poorly, watching Steve laying Tony on the table with care.

Tony woke up, the nurse had said it was nothing serious, he just simply got knocked out. He sat on the table, still, and clenched his head in his hands. "Ouch..." He mumbled.

"Hey, Tony." You smiled, he looked at you and frowned. "(Y/N)?"He looked around. "Yeah, how are you feeling?" You grabbed your phone that was on Steve's empty chair.

"I have a headache." He scratched his beard. "That should be normal, you were unconscious. A ball hit you in the head in physical education." The nurse said signing a form and giving it to Tony then left.

"You brought me here?" He asked, checking his phone, that was piled with messages of 'Are you okay!'. "No Steve did, I tagged along." You chuckled, he just grinned.

"Ah, you're awake." Steve walked in with two water bottles from the vending machine. Tony's breath hitched.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Steve apologized, giving you and Tony each a bottle.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention..." He blinked, taking a sip.

"Damn, it's almost six, we should get going." You grabbed your backpack. Tony pushed off from the table and landed on his feet wobbling and bit and grabbing Steve's bicep for support.

"You okay?" Steve asked steadying him. Tony just blushed and nodded.

You three walked out, went to the gym to let Tony change, then got your homework.

"I can drive you home," Steve said to Tony. "Thanks, that'd be great." He offered a thankful smile.

You all hopped in Steve's old vintage car, you in the back and Tony in the passenger. He cranked some Queen, pulling out of the school's perimeter.

Your stomach growled, making a loud sound. Tony chuckled. "Hungry?" Steve asked, wearing a lopsided grin. "I am. Can we go eat?" You popped your head in between them.

"Only if Tony has the time to spare." He focused on the road. "I could eat." He grinned, taking a Snapchat selfie.

Steve looked at you through the mirror. "Nathaniel's?" He asked. "Yes!!" You squealed, dancing in your seat. "Give me that!" You grabbed the AUX cord plugging it into your phone and played Panic At The Disco. 

Steve laughed singing along to the lyrics you doing the same. You look at Tony who's mouthing the words. "You like Panic?" You enthusiastically asked.

"Hell yeah." He smiled, looking into your eyes with his brown ones.

"He's a keeper."  You laugh looking towards Steve who smiled equally.

During your trip to Nathaniel's, Tony and yourself passed the cord back and forth. He played some ACDC and Halsey, you picked some Melanie Martinez and Steve enjoyed his share of the Beetles. 

You arrive at Nathaniel's, excitedly unbuckling your belt. Steve got out and opened the door for Tony and You. He was always the gentlemen type.

You excitedly skipped to the door, waiting for those two slowpokes to arrive. As soon as Nathaniel saw both of you he smiled brightly.

"Well if it isn't Mademoiselle (Y/N) and Monsieur Steven!" He said through his French accent. His blue eyes landed on Tony. "Oh? And, who is this?" He asked, stroking his mustache. "Tony, a good friend of ours." Steve squeezed Tony's shoulder. The brunette blushed.

"Ah! Follow me, your table awaits!" He said, leading you towards the best booth in the house. 

You all sat down, Nathaniel left to go get your menus. "So, Tony... You and Pepper." You grinned, shrugging off your jacket.

"What about her?" He lifted a brow. "Aren't you two a thing?" You asked. "What? No, I don't know if you got the memo, but I'm gay." He smiled.

Steve's eyes grew wide. "You're gay?" He asked. "Yeah, I like ass though... Damn." He looked into space. You laughed.

"Did you come out?" You asked. "Yeah, for a while now." He grinned.

"Good for you." Steve folded his hands neatly in his lap.

"Aren't you two a couple?" He asked, placing his phone on the table.

"What! No, honey, Steve over here is not straig-" You cut yourself off. You look at Steve who is doing the same with you, eyes wider.

"Oops." You mumble.

Tony: Hey.
Steve: Hello.
Tony: You don't have to worry, you know?
Tony: About me telling people that you're bisexual.
Steve: You won't?
Tony: Hell no! Man, I wouldn't dream of ruining your perfect reputation.
Steve: Thank you...
Tony: No problem. You and (Y/N) are cool, you know?
Steve: Haha, you're cool too Tony.
Tony: People just hang out with me, because I make them look cool.
Steve: What?
Tony: Yeah, I'm like dirt next to gold (them).
Steve: What? No, you're awesome, Tony! You have great qualities.
Tony: Sureee, mister perfect.
Steve: Ew, don't say that. But yeah, I admire you. You're smart in every class and have the best comebacks.
Tony: That's just who I am.
Steve: So, you have your eyes on anyone?
Tony: Yeah, but they don't feel the same.
Steve: If I were single, I'd date you.
Tony: Who are you dating?
Steve: Don't tell anyone.
Tony: Promise.
Steve: It's a new relationship, but it's Bucky.
Tony: Oh...
Steve: Yeah, but I think it's mostly a friends with benefits thing. We don't really feel, love. I think I'll call it off. Sooner or later, he'll understand.
Tony: Hope it goes well.
Steve: Thanks!

Tony closed his laptop, putting it on his
bedside table, sighing.

"If only he knew how I felt." He fell into his bed.

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