Mute {KH/FF FanFiction} (Fini...

By yunru28

41.8K 1.4K 605

In your past home you were abused, depressed, anorexic, you self harmed... Everything was going to hell after... More

Chapter I: Hush
Chapter II: No Reply
Chapter III: Gentle
Chapter IV: Party
Chapter V: School
Chapter VI: Speak
Chapter VII: Date
Chapter VIII: Drug
Chapter IX: Recovery
Chapter X: Argument
Chapter XI: Dismissal
Chapter XII: Night
Chapter XIII: Mystery
Chapter XIV: Park
Chapter XVI: Movie
Chapter XVII: Story
Chapter XVIII: Idea
Chapter XIX: Invite
Chapter XX: Carnival
Chapter XXI: Kidnap
Chapter XXII: Condemn
Chapter XXIII: Snow
Chapter XXIV: Snowball
Chapter XXV: Change
Chapter XXVI: Adopted
Chapter XXVII: Decoration
Chapter XXVIII: Disconcernment
Chapter XXIX: Christmas
Chapter XXX: End

Chapter XV: Science

1.1K 54 22
By yunru28

That night while you laid in your bed, you couldn't help but stare at the ceiling. You had no thoughts in your mind, but yet you couldn't sleep. Everything was fine and happy, but you were restless. You tossed and turned in your bed, but you just couldn't get comfortable. You let out a sigh of frustrated and sat up. Your eyes lifted up towards the window, where the moonlight was flooding in by the sliver between your curtains. You crawled over to the edge of your bed and opened those curtains, taking a look outside. It was cloudy, so the stars were not visible tonight, but the full moon was. You stared at the moon for only a few seconds before deciding to leave your room and go downstairs for a glass of water.

Sneaking your way down the stairs, you made it to the bottom without waking anyone up before grabbing a small glass cup from the cabinet and using the sink to fill the glass up. You sat down at the kitchen table and rested your chin on the edge of the furniture while staring at the glass. Why couldn't you sleep? You felt this emptiness in your stomach while you started to swirl the water inside the cup and watched it settle down.

That's when you heard your stomach growl. You sat up and looked down at your stomach. That explains everything. You were just hungry. It took a few seconds to realize that you were really hungry. You sprang up from the seat and went to the fridge, grabbing any food that was quick to eat and something you didn't have to cook. Apples, grapes, sandwiches... Anything. It was a whole mess of food, but you would put anything you didn't finish back in the fridge or throw it away. You just couldn't pick one thing to make so you grabbed just about anything.

Minutes later you were scarfing down the food before you, barely chewing anything and letting it slide down your throat. You had a mouth full of food when you suddenly felt sick. You swallowed what was left in your mouth and held your stomach.

"Too much..." You whispered to yourself, realizing that you should have slowed down and picked only one thing to eat. That's when you felt that feeling as if you were going to throw up. Before you ruined the kitchen you dashed up the stairs and burst into the bathroom, letting everything you had just consumed into the toilet. You coughed and spat, regretting even trying to eat in the first place.


You heard the surprised voice of Sora as he poked his head into the bathroom. He rushed to your side and placed his arms on your shoulders.

"Whoa you okay? Are you sick?"

You coughed again. "I binged." You admitted.

Sora frowned and ran to get his brother, since Vanitas could handle a situation like this better than he could. Sora came rushing back into the bathroom with Vanitas right behind him. The two boys knelt down to help you even though there wasn't much they could do.

"You binged?" Vanitas asked. When you nodded, he turned towards Sora. "Put the untouched food back please."

As Sora went to do so, Vanitas rubbed your back gently. "I'm sorry." You sputtered as you puked once more.

"Well... At least you're eating." He pointed out. "Just next time, don't eat everything that's in the fridge. One thing at a time."

You nodded your head but refused to make eye contact, for you were too embarrassed to look at him. Vanitas simply rubbed your back and head to help you as you hovered your head over the toilet and threw up.


Despite the events of last night, you decided to go to school anyway. You had an experiment to do in chemistry and you didn't want to miss it. Both Sora and Vanitas had tried to get you to stay home, but you didn't want to be home alone. So after a while of arguing, the boys gave up and you went straight to school.

You were excited for the upcoming chemistry lab. You sat down in your seat when the class came up, and watched the other kids file in. Ventus walked into class and he took his seat beside you and greeted  you with a warm smile. Only a few seconds later, Riku walked in and took his seat which was in front of you. You all huddled in the isle and discussed about the lab you were going to do.

"I don't know why you're so excited." Riku told you as he shook his head. "It's just a simple experiment. Nothing explodes."

"I've never done anything like this before..." You admitted quietly as you ducked your head.

Ventus patted the top of your head. "It's alright. We'll let you do the fun part then and Riku and I can do the worksheet."

You felt the intense stare Riku was giving the one twin as the teacher started class. Mr. Vexen was his name. You couldn't help but giggle when you saw the large goggles over his head and his large and long lab coat.

"You can work in groups of four or less." He explained. "The instructions are on the worksheet which is on top of my desk, and everything you need is in the back. Don't forget your safety goggles and have fun!"

Ventus stood up to grab the worksheet and you decided to grab the goggles. However, the goggle cabinet was behind a row of desks, which made it almost impossible for you to reach unless you climbed on top of the desk. You let out a frustrated sigh and was ready to start climbing until someone else's arm reached over yours and grabbed a pair of goggles. You looked behind you and saw Riku handing you a pair. When you took them gratefully Riku grabbed some for him and Ventus and then you followed him to the back.

"You're tall..." You muttered.

Riku smirked. "Don't worry you're fine. Short people are cute."

You had a shy smile on your face as you followed him to the back where Ventus was already waiting. Once you all had placed your goggles on your faces, it was time to do the experiment. Ventus was quickly filling in the worksheet while Riku was placing the ingredients inside a small tube, which later you were going to use tongs to hold it above a flame and watch the reaction. Once Riku was done you did your job and waited for the reaction to happen.

"It's gonna take a while..." Ventus sighed as he rested his head on the table. "It's such a small flame."

An unfamiliar voice spoke, which resulted in you jumping with surprise and almost dropping the glass tube. "Let me help then."

Riku's eyes narrowed. "Seifer." He growled.

You stared at him with wide eyes as he approached your group and placed his arm around Ventus' shoulders. "I need a group and Vex said four or less. So I'm joining yours."

You frowned and made eye contact with Riku as Ventus brushed the asshole's arm off his shoulders. "Then you can stand there and watch. There's nothing left do to."

Seifer snickered and stood beside you, reaching out his hand toward the tongs. "I want to hold the tube for you. This beautiful young lady must not burden her arm like this. It must be getting tired by holding such a heavy object."

Riku slapped his hand away and stood guard inbetween you and Seifer. "She's doing just fine." He snapped.

Seifer held up his arms as if he was being threatened. "Calm down spikey. I wasn't gonna hurt her."

Riku turned his back to him and watched the substance that he had placed inside the tube begin to bubble. You turned toward Ventus to let him know a reaction was happening while Seifer peeked over your shoulder. Ventus wrote down what was happening while it began to climax.

"Large bubbles... Turning purple.... Gas erupting..." Ventus muttered to himself as he wrote on the lab paper. "And that's it we're done!"

Seifer started clapping, you felt the sarcasm rise in his voice as he talked. "Congrats. Thanks for the easy A guys."

As he walked off to throw his goggles back into the case, Ventus chuckled to himself. "Jokes on you I'm not even putting your name on the paper."

You giggled while Ven ran to turn the paper in before Seifer noticed his plan. Meanwhile Riku had plucked the goggles from your face and went to put them away for you.

You smiled gratefully and went to sit at your seat. You were glad you had your friends to defend and help you, especially since most of them were boys. A lot of the girls around the school were talking about it; both positively and negatively. You didn't mind the talk, because you knew the truth of what was going on and if anyone had a problem that was their issue and not yours.

"He's such a jerk." Ventus sighed as he sat down beside you. "I'm still mad at him for hurting my brother. High school drama is ridiculous."

"As long as he stays away from your brother, don't do anything about it." Riku sat down in his seat and was facing Ven. "It's not worth the effort right now until he actually harms someone again."

Ventus hung his head and glared at the floor. "Yeah I guess." He muttered to himself.

The bell rang not too long after that which indicated the end of class. The lab made class pass by quickly, and after the whole Seifer situation you wanted to leave right away. However, just as you walked out of the classroom and said bye to Riku and Ven, someone grabbed your backpack and pulled you backwards. You were forced into the wall as Seifer placed his hand on it and was towering over you with a huge smirk on his face.

"Don't think you're going to leave without apologizing to me." He told you in a low voice. "I wanted to participate in the experiment."

You tried to put on a brave face as you looked up at him. "You weren't invited into the group."

"Yeah but I didn't have a group and I needed one." He placed a finger under your chin and leaned a little closer to you. "Maybe you can come over and we can do our own experiments?"

Your eyes went wide as you slapped his hand away and attempted to walk away. However Seifer quickly grabbed onto your wrist and kept a tight grip. You tried to pull away, but considering how small you were he easily pulled you right back in and had his other hand placed behind your waist so you couldn't escape. You did your best to get free, but of course it was to no avail.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seifer teased.

"To class." You tried to pull away once more, but his grip only became tighter.

You suddenly felt his arms being torn away from you. You quickly backed away once you were released and looked to see what was happening. There you could see Riku shoving Seifer into the wall and pinning him there with the most angry look on his face. You've never seen him lose his cool until this moment.

"Don't ever talk to her like that again." Riku growled. "Does she look like a toy to you? Leave before I fucking report your ass."

Seifer shrugged him off. He took one last look at you before smirking and walking away from the scene. People had stopped to stare and they were whispering to themselves as Riku guided you away from the whole situation.

"I'm sorry {Y/N}." Riku said quietly. "You didn't deserve that. Are you alright?"

You tried to shake the flashbacks from your mind while you focused on the conversation you were having and answered Riku's question. "I'm fine."

Riku intertwined his hand with yours and smiled. "Let me walk you to class."

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