Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy)

By bootydesu

57.6K 1.6K 497

Riley is gay, awkward, and dramatic. He lives an average life--until his stupid best friends force him to go... More

Part 1
Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy) <3__<3 Scene III
Gotta Catch Him! (BoyxBoy) scene 4!
Gotta Catch Him! (boyxboy) scene 5!!!
part 6

Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy) <3__<3 SCENE II

7.4K 279 90
By bootydesu

Hana: Okay, I know I got like 18 views last chapter, but I don't care I'm bored!

Also this chap is dedicated to xXbunniibooXx, my soon to be cover maker ;)

Oh, and the first chapter was more of a prologue, this is going to be a lot longer and more detailed. And funnier!

Anyway, enjoy! <3

Scene II. Dangerous Rides and Dropping The Soap.

“Hey, Nikita right?”

I just about shat myself. Please don't look at me, please don't look at me, please don-FUUU! He's looking at me.

This is all April and Annie's fault. Just because they are semi-popular, they think they're the shit!

Even, way back in the sixth grade when I first came out of the closet, they automatically decided they wanted to befriend the shy queer kid. Clearly, to look cooler. Every bitch wants a gay friend.

I don't really see why they are popular anyway. Sure, they were skinny, and had good clothes and good money, and they were all tall and stuff. All icky and female-ish. April had no chest, but Annie's cup was bigger then the goblet of fire. They were both tan, and had long brown hair, kinda hazel-ish eyes. You know, typical female. April was probably popular because she was sporty and stuff, on the volley-ball team. Annie was kinda stupid and gullible, and a cheerleader, so that’s probably why.

Now what I don't see, is how I'm not popular. I've got good style. I'm cute and stuff. I'm gay, chicks can't get enough of that shit, it's like an abusive boyfriend or chocolate, they can't resist! But the only friends I have are April and Annie. Oh, and kind of Linnet. Yeah that's pitiful. She hugs me sometimes, in the hallways. Randomly. Yeah, that's pathetic.

Anyway, back to the present! Leatherface was eyeing me up. Like a serial killer. Shit.

“So, do you have a girlfriend. . .?” He stares at her.

“Okay then! a. . .Boyfriend . . .?” He looks away, and opens up his phone, completely ignoring her existence. Well at least he didn't roundhouse kick that bitch or something!

April leaned forward.

“Riley wants your dick.” My mouth drops to the floor as, my face burns with mortification. April. H-How could you?! HOW COULD YOU?!

I somehow lock eyes with him and it's the first time I’ve actually looked at his face before. Nikita. His eyes were solid gray, and his mouth was set hard. Angry. His hair was actually this deep brownish red, now that I've looked at it, and he had lots and lots of piercings...

He had to be at least 3 feet taller then me, I swear this guy is gigantic.

Oh shit. I'm staring! I'm staring!

He looks at me, my face, my eyes, and then my trembling body.

“He'd break.”


Annie does that horrible giggly thing she does, and flipped her hair.

“So, are you saying, your too big for him?” Yes. Yes he was. Too big. Gahh! I cover my face in my hands, horrified. How could this happen?! Really?! This has got to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever had to do in my life. I'm just going to go die now.

“Woods!” EH?! Me?!

“Um-Y-Yes. . .?” I manage to squeak.

“The boys are running laps, You too Mikhailov!” I groan. Annie, April, save me!

“But Riley is a girl!” Annie flicks my nose. “See how cute she is?”

“That's real funny, Harrison. Come on boys, we're all waiting on you,” He blows the whistle and I get up slowly, watching as Nikita makes his way to the line of boys waiting to run laps around the gym. Couldn't we, like, jump rope or something? Hula-hoop?

We start running and I swear I've been transported to mars because I cannot get no oxygen! I wheezed and coughed and groaned and whimpered and cried... And I was the last one to finish.

Crap. I'm sweating more than a fat chick waiting in line to the KFC.

I'm gonna be stinky. . .People will all just suddenly turn and stare at me, forever labeling me as Riley The One Who Stinks Of Body Order. M-My only choice is to take a shower. Here. In the locker rooms. Oh the horror! What if I drop the soap?! I'll be gang raped, like some prison inmate!

Oh shit.

Nikita's been to prison.

I slowly turn, and meet his eyes.

He wants me to drop the soap! He's waiting for it! He's gonna rape me in the showers! And they'll watch and laugh, saying, “You dropped the soap, nigga! Don't waste no soap! Bend over and take it like a bitch!”

And Nikita. His monstrous cucumber, bigger then a full grown German Shephard dog, Taunting me, saying “Awww yeah, Better pick that soap up, You see this? This is the king of mother fucking cleanliness, don't waste no soap, better bend little birdy, and clean your fine ass up!”

I don't wanna! April waves her hand suddenly, “Oh man, you smell like ass and dead people!”

This is it! The decision!


I'm trembling. My delicate sexy fingers undoing the button of my jeans, shaking as I shrug out of my Hollister t-shirt. I'm so scared. My mangina is not ready to be penetrated! No! NOOO!

Calm down Riley. Take it like a man. You can do this! Remember when you walked in on Linnet screwing her ex-boyfriend, Chad? Remember the courage you had, as you walked out of the room, and never spoke of that horrendous event? You were brave. You were very brave.

I turn on the shower, and I'm in my blue boxers. Do it. Take them off. You can do it. No one's looking.

Out of habit I turn and see who's around and I gasp. Everyone IS looking at me! What?! What?! Why?

The tall athletic dude I bumped into earlier, says, “Sorry, we just wanted to know if you were actually a boy.”

I gasp, and blushed. I couldn't even find words!

“Um, Obviously if I have no tits, then I'm a guy!”

He laughs and shruggs, “Yeah, but you never know. Plus we made a bet, if you do have something there we all bet how big it was.”

Holy mangina. What was this some kind of game? No! No I refuse! I REFUSE!

“I'm not taking a shower then!” I shout, blushing to the tips of my ears. His blue eyes, a little darker then mine twinkle, “What, are you shy? Maybe you really are small down there?”

I refuse to answer that.

They were staring at me! Waiting for me to get naked! Why is this day so horrible?

“Just take it off, it's not like we're gay or anything, it's just a bet.”

In that moment I have more courage then I've ever had in my entire life.

“Well you may not be gay, but I am! And I find this really uncomfortable! How would you feel if a bunch of guys were waiting for you to pull out your junk?!”

Suddenly I was saved! I think! It's. . .It's Leatherface—I mean Nikita! I stare up at him with big sparkling eyes.

“L-Leatherface. . .”

He gives me an odd look, “What?”

“Um! I mean, Nikita!” He's standing in front of me casually, looking like some sort of giant tree, to protect me!

“I wouldn't mind dropping the soap for you!” I say, my voice thick with emotion.

“Your fucking weird.” He says, and kind of moves to the side, “Are you going to use this shower or what, all the others are full.” He deadpans, looking at me with calm intelligence. I blush.

“Um-Um-!” I have no idea what to say.

“Whatever, just move.” He opens the stall thing, and in front of everyone without batting an eye starts getting undressed. He-He really was in prison!

I try to stop him, “Hey I was going to use that!”

“Well, you didn't have the balls to take off your clothes so, fuck off.” He says and I pout angrily. This guy! Such a jerk! And here I thought he was genuinely trying to help me Holysweetmotherofgodohmysweetjesusballspenislargetoobigbreakohsweetmanginai'mgoingtofaintanddieandgetsenttogaymanaheaven.


Parts. I blush so hard my face just about explodes. That thing. Was a monster.

“y-y-y-y-y-y-y-o-ou-b-b-b-b-bu-t-t-ti-i-i-i-iu-ummmm--!” I avert my eyes before he notices I was staring.

He ignores me and steps into the shower stall, leaving everyone freaking speachless. And then I did something unacceptable. I fainted.


“I. . .See a light, a bright light! G-Grams? Gamps? Snowball? Wher-where are you-OUCH!” April flicks my head, “Wake up, Idiot!”

I stiffen, my eyes slowly adjusting to the harsh yellow light. It smelled like old people and medicine. Ugh. Obviously I was in the nurse's office. How did I get here?

Oh. I fainted. From the sight of--

I can't even put that thing inside my mind, it was too vast.

“H-How did I get here?” Oh, now I get it! Nikita, suddenly worried, runs naked to my side, wraps me in a towel to cover my modesty, (I was in my underwear, remember?) and carries me heroically through the school, reassuring me I was going to be okay! Then he falls in love--

“Um. No. They all left you there. The janitor found you last period and called the P.E coach to help carry you here. It's the end of seventh period, you were passed out in the locker rooms all day.”

I gape. “They left me there?!”

April starts laughing at me, like seriously laughing so hard, any harder and she was going to shit herself or like, pee or something. Great. That's just amazing.

I had to call my mum to pick me up, feeling like a total and complete idiot.

I stood outside the school gates, shivering because it was late autumn and freaking cold as hell. Great, my mum was going to be late picking me up. She was on a date or something with this old lonely guy that lived across the street. That's not creepy or anything. Wait—I am not going to let my mom ditch me for some forty year old washed up bum!

I quickly dialed her number.


“Mom! I can't believe you! I'm all alone at the front of the school, freezing my delicate ass off and your sucking face with some old guy with a thousand cats! Do you even care about me?!”

I hear my mum walk into somewhere quietly. Probably the potty of some cheap place. He couldn't afford my mummy, she's a saint!

“Riley please.” she pauses, “Don't be difficult, can't you get a ride from April and Annie?”

“No! They both have practice!”

“Well, get a ride from one of your other friends.”

“What? Oh you mean Mr. Jiggles and Capricornicus, my invisible friends from the moon?” I say sarcastically, “I have no other friends!”

“Maybe if you weren't such a drama queen, you would have other friends.”

“Maybe if you would just love your son more than an aging piece of poo, then I wouldn't have any drama to be a queen about!”

“He is 39.”

“Your like 31. When you were 9, he was 17. think of how gross that is! It would be like me feeling up a 2nd grader!”

“Well, I'm not 9, I'm a perfectly grown woman, and you need to stop being so clingy. Ride a bus, call a taxi, you have the money. Walk, it's only a couple blocks away from home.”

I sighed. “Mother. I can't walk places alone, you know how it is. Old men instantly see my soft delicate skin and beautiful eyes and automatically want to pound their junk in my trunk. I'm frightened.”

“Riley. Go home. There will be pizza on the counter, and Pip's at daycare. Linnet is having sex with Dean upstairs, so leave them alone, unless you want to start getting those night terrors again. Bye, baby I love you.”


She hung up. On her only son. Her first baby.

That cold-hearted poop!

I was all alone. . . Great. I don't even know where my house is from here. I don't know the number for a taxi, the buses left ages ago. I'm trapped. A-At School! It's a horrible nightmare!

Wait! It's Leatherface! I watch incredulously as he walks slowly across the school parking lot and suddenly a wave of panic washes through me. Obviously he's my only way out of here—I could ask for a ride, yeah, and maybe he'll fall head over heels for me and i'd make him my boyfriend and then April will stop being a bitch.

Life: Solved.

I make a mad dash towards him, running half way across the lot and finally I tap his shoulder, wheezing.

“Y—you!” I say, trying to catch my breath.

He takes one look at me, turns around and continues walking.

“Hey wait!” Suddenly an image of his naked body slams into me, knocking the very wind out of my body. WHOA. Where the hell did that come from.

“What do you want kid?” He says, and I blush.

“Bigpenis—WHUU?! In meant a ride home!” God, please shoot me. And then something takes me completely off guard, Leatherfa—no, Nikita smiles, and it transforms his face completely. He had dimples! Two boyish little dimples in his cheeks.

“Your retarded,” He says with a bit of annoyance, and is that? Yes, Amusement.

“I just--” I shake my head blushing. “Never mind. I wanted to ask you a favor.” He raises an eyebrow. “Are you into weird kinks or something? You like guys ten times bigger then you? Like to be overpowered or some shit?”

I gape. “No-No Way! I--”

“Why are you following me around?” His eyes make me wanna faint. Again. But not as much as that monster hiding under his black skinny jeans.

“I'm not following you!” I blush. “Look, my mom's on a date with some old creeper, and I'm stuck here without a ride. Would you drive me home please?”

He kinda snorts. “And what reason do I have to do that?”

I growl. “I'll do anything okay? I don't wanna be stuck here alone for hours,” I pause, “Plus you owe me for leaving me in the locker room earlier!”

He shrugs indifferently. “I don't owe you shit. You fainted all on your own.” I blushed. This was exhausting. “Come on, please?”

“Are you gay?”

“Yeah,” I deadpan. “Why?” I snap back just as quick. I was getting real tired of this.

“You sound like a whiny little girl.”

“You sound like the old guy from lord of the rings.” He smiles again and it kinda makes my heart skip a beat. Nah, it's just acid reflux or something. No way I'm starting to like this guy. He's rude and snarky and mean. Bleghh.

“Alright,” He says, sighing. “I'll drive you home. But, you have to do something for me.”

“What is that?” He plays around with his car keys for a bit.

“I don't know, let me think about it.”

“Ughhhh!” I was about ready to pull out my hair. This guy was so infuriating! He starts walking towards his car (It looked nice and shiny) and opened the door.

“Um. That's the passenger sea--” Wait was he opening the door for me?!

“I'm putting a rug on the seat so it doesn't get your ass germs on the leather.” Well, there you go. That's just peachy.

I sit down and I smell some kind of . . .Weird something.

Omg. It's semen. It's gotta be. He's had sex in this car.

“If your wondering about the smell, it's my dog Dmitri.” He says noticing the horror on my face. Oh. Hahahahahhaha! ha. ha. Yeah, maybe I am just a bit of a drama queen.

“Oh. . .You have a dog?”


I sit there in silence as he starts the car.

“So.” He says, “Who's that chick that was trying to talk to me in gym class.”

“Annie. Or April. I don't know. They look almost exactly alike.” Except Annie has a giant rack, and April is flat as a board.

“Do You like me or something?” I blush, as he pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving. I don't even know what I could possibly say to something so direct like that.

“No!” I manage to say sharply and crossed my arms, staring blankly out the window.

“Just making sure.” He shrugs indifferently.

Could this be any freaking more awkward?

“Lets have sex.”


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