Fairy Tail's Pokemon Trainer

By Sorara365

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Sakura is a trainer who plan is to go back to Ishuu (Unova) to visit her family, but she gets suck into the p... More

Chapter 1: Stuck in Another World
Chapter 2: Fairy Tail and Macao
Chapter 3: First Job and Explanation
Chapter 4: Daybreak's True Secret
Chapter 6: Fairy and Trainer vs. Eisenwald
Chapter 7: Wind vs. Fire and Electric
Chapter 8: Lullaby
Chapter 9: Sakura's First Job
Chapter 10: Galuna Island
Chapter 11: Moon Drip
Chapter 12: Sakura, Latias, Lucy vs Sherry
Chapter 13: The Female Wizard Knight Enters
Chapter 14: Galuna Final Battle
Chapter 15: Deliora Resurrection and Death
Chapter 16: Coming Back to the Guild
Chapter 17: Phantom Lord
Chapter 18: Lucy's Secret
Chapter 19: Jupiter
Chapter 20: Hidden Tears
Chapter 21: The Battle of Water and Ice
Chapter 22: Fire Dragon's Anger
Chapter 23: Fire vs Steel
Chapter 24: The End of Phantom Lord
Chapter 25: Lucy's Resolve
Chapter 26: Sakura's Past
Chapter 27: Pokémon Battle in Magnolia
Chapter 28: The Time-Travelling Pokémon
Chapter 29: Erza's Reunion
Chapter 30: Erza's Past
Chapter 31: The Truth
Chapter 32: Natsu and Takeru vs. Fukuro
Chapter 33: Unison Raid
Chapter 34: Destiny
Chapter 35: The Finalized R-system
Chapter 36: The New Species Pokémon Enters and the Fall of Titania
Chapter 37: The New Guild

Chapter 5: Armored Wizard of Fairy Tail

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By Sorara365

"Mira-chan! Three bears over this way, if you please!" One of the male Fairy Tail wizards yells out.

"Coming!" Mirajane replies in her usual happy tone and smile as she carries a tray of beer in her right hand.

"Come on, go out on a date with me, Mira-chan." Wakaba pleads as pink colored and heart shaped smoke comes out from his pipe.

"Don't start with this again." The female Wood-making wizard complains.

"But dear..." Mira catches the two's attention as she waves her free hand with a pink magic circle appearing in front of her face as then her face and body transforms into that of a grotesque obese woman with brown hair. "You have a wife, don't you?"

"Please stop that Mira-chan!" Wakaba yells in horror as he literally jumps up from his bench as from nearby, Macao and Cana are watching the scene as Laki laughs finding what just happed hilarious.

"One of these days I'd like to drink in peace." Cana says annoyed as she gets back to drinking.

"You drink too much." Macao says to her.

"I've got to do a job sooner or later." Natsu complains as he has his head on the table with Happy eating a fish as Lucy and Sakura standing nearby watching him.

"Aye, we're running out of food money." Happy says stopping eating his fish as he says so.

"Man, I wish we had that 2,000,000 jewel now." Lucy says.

"But shouldn't you be worried about something else?" Sakura asks causing Lucy to remember her rent.

"You're right! I'm not going to make my rent for next month! I've got to do a job too!"

Lucy walks over to the request board with Sakura following her. The two arrive at the request board where, as always the wizard Nab is still standing there 'looking' for a job.

"Let see..." Lucy says as she puts her hand to her chin as she begins scanning through the requests on the board trying to see something that she, Natsu and Sakura could do. "'Looking a magic bracelet...' 'Dispel the magic on this cursed cane...' 'Fortune telling using astrology...' 'A monster hunt in a volcano'?! There sure are a lot of things wizard are request to do."

"There sure are." Sakura agrees as she looks at the other requests.

"If one suits your fancy just tell me. Master is off at the regular meeting." Mirajane says as she walks over to the two bringing their attention to her.

"Regular meeting?" Lucy asks coufisingly.

"All of the Guild Masters in the area get together and give regular reports. It's different then the council meetings though." Mirajane says as she puts her finger to her chin. She then turns around and looks at the Pict magic wizard, Reedus, a tall man sporting curly, light orange hair with a rather large torso. The man wears a large, white shirt fitting his chest size, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark pants, dark pointed shoes adorned by light brim, a curvy point hanging down on Reedus' left and a light orange band around it. "Reedus, can I borrow your light pen?" Mirajane asks.

"Oui." Reedus replies as he takes out from his pocket a normal looking pen and hands it to Mirajane.

"The people on top of the world of magic are the ten members of the Council, connected with the Government." Mirajane begins explaining as she uses the Light Pen to begin drawing a bracket in the air showing how things work in the magic world. At the top of it is the Government which is then connected down to Era. "Their job is to bring order to everything that goes on in the world of Magic. And on the chance that a wizard commits a crime, they pass judgment on them. Then below them are the organizations of guild masters, the Guild Master Leagues. They circulate the decree of the council, smooth out communication between the guilds in the same area and keep up unified. It's a pretty tough job."

"I had no idea the guilds were connected like that." Lucy says quite amazed by this.

"Keeping the guilds in alliance is very important." Mirajane adds.

"Why is that?" Sakura asks.

"Because if you're not careful―"

"THOSE DARK GUYS ARE COMING!" Natsu interrupts Mirajane appearing from behind Lucy as he lights up a small flame on his thumb and looks at Lucy with a terrifying look, frightening both Lucy and Sakura as they nearly cries out in panic. This cause Natsu to burst out laughing, seeing their reaction as he managed to frighten them. "Gotcha!"

"Don't scare us like that!" Lucy and Sakura say in anger.

"It's true though. Those 'dark guys' really exists. Dark guilds." Mirajane says as she draws a circle away from the bracket and writes in 'Dark Guilds'. "Meaning, guilds that don't belong to the league. Those guts sometimes have their hands in illegal, villainous activities."

"Anyway, hurry up and pick a job." Natsu says as he puts his hands behind his head in a relaxation way.

"And who are you to tell me that anyway?" Lucy asks giving Natsu a stare.

"'cause we're a team, right?" Natsu says.

"We picked the last job ourselves. Remember? This time it's your turn Lucy." Happy says as he flies up to Natsu's side.

"You've got to be kidding me. Our team is history, obviously. You'd didn't care as long as it was some blonde girl, remember?" Lucy replies in an annoyed tone as she remembers how the two only came to her because they needed her hair color to get into the mansion which in the end didn't even worked.

"Looks like you still have that grudge from that time." Sakura points out.

"That's not the only reason. I chose you and Sakura... 'cause you two are cool!" Natsu says with a big smile. Lucy however feels unsure about that and Sakura looks at him.

"What? No need to lock it down now. You'll get more team requests then you can stomach soon." Gray says overhearing the conversation from his table.

"Gray, your clothes." Cana says as she sits beside him stopping to drink for a moment to say that as Gray then panics again wondering how he got like that.

"Shut up." Natsu says to Gray who stops panicking and narrows his eyes towards Natsu. This causes both of them but into each other heads again as they stare menacingly at each other.

"Did you just tell me to shut up, flamer?" Gray questions.

"Cause your blabbing's pissing me off, Porn star!" Natsu retorts.

"Birdbrain!" Gray says to Natsu.

"Slippery bastard!" Natsu fights back.

"Get outta my face!"

"You stink!" Natsu says to Gray's face as they continue calling each other names back and forth at each other.

"Here they go again." Happy says with a deadpanned look.

"Lucy, how about the two of us form a team of love? Tonight. Just the two of us." Loke asks as he appears from nowhere and wraps his right arm around Lucy and brings her a bit closer to him catching her off guard. Loke then releases her as he puts his right hand finger to the middle of his sunglasses. "You really are beautiful. I must gaze at you through sunglasses." He says as he moves his sunglasses a bit. "If I took them off, I'd go blind for sure."

"Sounds like a plan." Lucy says sarcastically with a really annoyed look on her face.

"This guy is full of himself..." Sakura says.

As Loke is looking down at Lucy's waist he takes notice of her Celestial Spirit Keys. This causes him to jump back on one foot with his arms held away from her.

"W-wait... you're a Celestial Wizard?" Loke asks in shock and horror.

"Huh?" Lucy says confused.

"Yeah. She's got, like, a cow and a crab." Happy replies as he appears with a fish in his mouth. Hearing this, Loke screams in horror for some reason.

"Fate, what cruel tricks you play on me!" He yells and suddenly, Loke turns tail and runs away with tears flying from his eyes. "I'm sorry! We're going to end it here for now!" Lucy and Sakura are completely caught off guard by what just happened.

"Did we start something in the first place?" Lucy questions.

"What was that all about?" Sakura asks with a sweat drop on the back of her head.

"Loke has issues with Celestial Wizards. There's a rumor that he had some woman trouble a while back." Mirajane informs the two.

"Oh, figures..." Lucy says and Sakura nervously laughs.

All of the sudden, Natsu flies in from nowhere, knocking Lucy over to the ground and landing on top of her back.

"Lucy!" Sakura calls.

"Could you guys give it a rest!" Lucy scolds.

"He picked this fight! You think I'm not gonna pay him back?" Gray responds.

"Then put on some clothes." Cana remarks.

"You're the one who provoked me, droopy eyes!" Natsu exclaims.

"When exactly did I provoked you, squinty eyes!" Gray retorts.

"Talking underpants!"


"It's third-grader time." Lucy points out.

"Same as always." Happy says and the rest of the guild begins laughing as Natsu and Gray continue their argument.

All of the sudden the front doors open as Loke appears in the doorway with a terrified look on his face.

"WE'VE GOT TROUBLE!" Loke yells quieting everyone in the guild down as they look at him to find out what's going on. "Erza's... back."

Every single Fairy Tail mage except for Mirajane, Lucy, and Sakura become struck with fear. Even Natsu's and Gray's faces are written with fear all over them as almost every single person in the room starts speaking in fear of something.

"Erza-san... Natsu mentioned her before." Lucy says.

"Why did everyone got nervous all of the sudden?" Sakura asks.

"I think it'd be correct to call her the strongest female in all of Faiy Tail right now." Mirajane says as she shows no signs of fear like the others, in fact remain as calm as always with a smile on her face. Just as everyone stops talking, the sounds of heavy footsteps are heard outside approaching the guild.

"It's Erza." Laki says.

"That's Erza's footsteps." Wakaba says.

"Erza's coming back." Macao says.

"With this kind of reaction, Erza-san must be a really amazing wizard." Lucy says as she then thinks back to the image of a giant woman with horns breathing fire and crushing the city as civilians run in fear. "Scary!"

As the sun shines through the still opened doorway, a massive shadow is cast on the floor. Everyone looks at the doorway as a woman with long, scarlet red hair wearing knight-like armor, a blue skirt and black boots walks in. On her shoulder what appears to be a massive-sized horn. The woman walks to the center of the room and then drops the horn to her side as it stands up straight.

"I have returned. Is Master here?" The woman, Erza asks.

Lucy and Sakura are taken aback a bit back not only Erza's actual looks which were far off of what they expected her to look like, but also by the massive horn that now stands by her side.

"S-she's pretty!" Lucy says to herself quietly.

"Welcome back. Master is at the regular meeting." Mirajane informs Erza.

"Erza-san, what is that massive thing?" One of the Fairy Tail male wizards to her left asks as she looks at him.

"The horn of the monster I defeated. The locals decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir. Got a problem with it?" Erza asks becoming a bit hostile in the end for some reason.

"No, not at all!" The entire guild yells out in panic.

"Think she knows about the incident on Mt. Hakobe?" Cana asks Macao as she continues drinking a keg of beer.

"C-crap... I'm dead meat." Macao whispers as behind the two, Nab's heart can be heard beating really loudly.

"She's quite different from what I'd imagined." Lucy says.

"You can say that again." Sakura says.

"All of you!" Erza all of the sudden tells freaking everyone out. "I heard a bunch of rumors while I was gone. About how Fairy Tail keeps causing problems. Master might forgive you, but I will not!" She says becoming highly serious in her tone. "Cana!" Erza tells as she turns and looks over at Cana who immediately stops drinking in fear and lowers her keg. "How dare you drink in such an undignified manner! Visitar!"

Yes?" The dancer wizard. Visitar says in fear as his voice becomes a bit high.

"Take your dance outside. Wakaba! You're dropping ash on the table. Nab! Just hesitating in front of the request board as usual? Take a job!" Erza calls out the two who both flinch in fright. "Macao!" She also calls out to as he flinches in panic as well. Erza stares at him for a few moments but then sighs.

"Say something dammit!" Macao pleads even more frightened by the fact that she said nothing.

"Man, you all give me trouble. I'll let it slide today without saying anything." Erza says with her eyes closed and her left hand touching her forehead and right arm to the hip.

"It seems like she said plenty already... Is she the disciplinary committee or something?" Lucy whispers as she turns to Mirajane asking her the question.

"That'd be Erza." Happy says popping up between the two.

"Well, she has a sharp tongue. But she looks human enough. Is she really all that scary?"

"Don't base on someone with their looks, Lucy." Sakura says.

"Are Natsu and Gray here?" Erza asks.

"Aye!" Happy replies as he points out Natsu and Gray who are holding their hands and having their arms around each other's neck looking like they're buddies, but the nervous sweat appears on their bodies.

"Hey, Erza. The both of us are getting along great today, as always!" Gray says to Erza.

"Aye!" Natsu says frightening

"Natsu's acting like Happy!" Lucy yells as she has her hands raised and eyes wide open.

"I see. Well, even the best of friends fight at times. But I like it the most seeing you two get along." Erza says calmly.

"Um, best of friends is a little..."

"Aye..." Natsu says before Gray can finish his sentence.

"I've never seen Natsu like this!" Lucy says with her eyes narrowed at him shockingly.

Behind her, Mirajane draws with the Light Pen what appears to be Erza beating Natsu as Sakura watches her draw this.

"Natsu challenges Erza to a fight before and was beat to a pulp."

"You mean Natsu?" Lucy asks surprised considering of what she has seen of the Fire Dragon Slayer.

"And Gray got beat to a pulp when she saw him walking around naked." Macao says.

"When Loke courted Erza, she beat to a pulp. He reaped what he sow though." Cana adds in.

"Oh so she's like that." Lucy says.

"I think it's safe to stay on her good side." Sakura suggests.

"Natsu, Gray, I have a favor to ask." Erza says catching the two off guard as they stop holding each other and listen to what she has to say and does the entire guild. "I heard a troubling after I finished this job. Honestly speaking, this is something for Master to decide. But I want to settle it quickly so I decide myself. I want the two of you to lend me your power. Will you come with me?" Erza asks the two shocking them both as they look at each other.

"What's this mean?"

"Erza asked the two of them for help?"

"This has never happened before..." Various wizards speak out upon hearing this.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning. Make preparations." Erza says as the two look back at each other, though with a much less friendlier face.

"Make a team..." Natsu thought.

"With him?" Gray thought.

"Erza, Natsu, and Gray... I never would've imagined it before..." Mirajane says in surprised tone as Lucy and Sakura look at her wondering what she means. "But this might be Fairy Tail's ultimate team!"

"All right everyone. You can all get back to what you were doing before." Erza says as she then walks over to the bar.

Mirajane is walking away back to her bar as Erza spots Lucy and Sakura talking to Happy and Mirajane hands to her a small plate with a strawberry cake on it.

"I see we have new recruits." Erza says.

"That's right. Natsu brought two of them from Hargeon. One of them is Lucy, who is a Celestial Wizard, Natsu helped her out of a situation when she found herself almost a slave. And the other one is Sakura, from what I heard from Lucy, she can call out creatures that we never heard before." Mirajane explains.

"And what magic do they use?" Erza asks as she cuts a piece of the cake off with her fork and eats it.

"Hm. I'm not sure, but Lucy told me that she uses the power from the plates that's in her pouch and her glove. She helped Natsu rescue Macao from a Vulcan, and she also helped Natsu, Lucy, and Happy out on their first job as a team."

"Is that so?" Erza asks.

"That's right. I myself haven't seen any of these creatures of Sakura's and her magic, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy have seen them. But according to them, Sakura hasn't used the other plates yet."

Erza hums the fact as she finished her strawberry cake.

~The Next Day~
Magnolia Train Station

"DAH—A―! Why'd I have to be stuck with YOU!?" Natsu says in anger at Gray.

"That's my line! If Erza want's help, I can handle that by myself!" Gray fights back as both of them with Erza nowhere in sight are now back at each other's throats.

Their squabbling catches the attention of nearby every person in the station as they all stare at the two Fairy Tail wizards who continue nonetheless.

"Then go by yourself! I don't ever want to go!" Natsu yells.

"Then stay home and get beat up by Erza afterwards!" Gray yells back.

Meanwhile from nearby, Sakura, Happy and Lucy who holds Plue in her arms watching from a bench with Happy and Lucy sits down on the bench while the Riders stand at it with Aiko by her side as her feeler is around Sakura's arm. Lucy has her eyes closed and sweats in embarrassment due to the two still fighting, while Sakura aren't really surprised by this anymore and Happy is eating a fish with Plue shaking as always.

"Pretend we don't know them." Lucy whispers to the two.

"Everyone is going to see the Fairy Tail symbol on our hands." Sakura says.

"Why are you two doing here, Lucy, Sakura?" Happy asks.

"Because Mira-san said that I needed to stop these two from fighting when Erza isn't around." Lucy replies.

"I thought Lucy might need some help with Natsu and Gray." Sakura replies.

"You two aren't stopping them." Happy points out.

"But..." Lucy whines and Aiko turns her head as Sakura notices Aiko's action.

"What's wrong, Aiko?" Sakura asks and she looks up and sees Erza walking towards them. "Erza-san!"

"I apologize. Were you waiting?" Erza asks causing Natsu and Gray to become scared as their eyes go blank and their mouths drop.

Erza-sa-!" Lucy looks over at Erza but immediately turns pale white as her eyes go blank and her mouth drops in awe at what they see.

"Nice packing." Happy says as behind Erza is a wagon full of suitcases being pulled by her.

"That's a lot of luggage!" Lucy yells in shock as her eyes bulge out as just then Natsu and Gray go back to pretending to act like buddies with their arms around each other and cheering.

"Let's get along together today!" Gray says as Lucy is then dumbfounded again by how their acting is working.

"Aye sir!" Natsu agrees.

"And here comes Happy #2!" Lucy says.

"That's a lot of packing. Do you really need that much?" Sakura asks.

"Erza always pack like that." Happy answers.

"Yes. Getting along is the best." Erza says to Natsu and Gray. She then turns her attention towards Lucy. "And you are? I believe you were at Fairy Tail yesterday along with the girl next to you."

"We're the new recruits, I'm Lucy and this is Sakura." Lucy introduces and Sakura bows at Erza. "Mira-san asked that I come along with you and the others. Thanks for having me!" She says as behind Erza, both Natsu and Gray glaring at each other again.

"I am Erza. Glad to have you and your friend onboard for this mission." Erza says before then taking a second of a glance behind her at Natsu and Gray to see how they are doing as the two quickly get back to acting like friends again. "So you two are Lucy and Sakura. Lucy, I heard that you're the one who defeated the guerilla mercenaries with one finger, yes?" She immediately looks back at Lucy, Natsu and Gray glare at each other again as Lucy is shock after hearing Erza's question. "And Sakura, I heard that you saved Macao. You have my thanks."

"Well, I can't have him dying at Mt. Hakobe while he has a son to take care of. I can't leave him alone."

"Then, you two have my thanks for offering to help. I'll be counting on you." Erza says before looking back at Natsu and Gray who quickly begin acting like buddies again.

"G-glad to be of service..." Lucy says still shock.

"Erza, I have one condition for coming along." Natsu says catching everyone's attention as Erza then turns and looks at him.

"Hey!" Gray whispers, yells in shock that Natsu would say something like that to her.

"What? Tell me?" Erza asks.

"When we get back, fight me!" Natsu says with a large smile on his face as he holds up a fist. This shocks the others except for Erza.

"Hey think it over! You have a death wish?" Gray asks.

"It won't go the same as last time. I'm good enough to beat you now!" Natsu outright proclaims.

Erza smirks after hearing from Natsu's challenge as she closes her eyes.

"It's true that you have improved. I am not confident by any means, however... fine. I'll take you on." Erza says as she opens her eyes and looks at Natsu.

"All right!" I'm all fired up!" Natsu yells as fire explodes from his head engulfing it.

~A Few Minutes Later~
On the train to their destination

Natsu is completely blue, his eyes blank and devoid of life as motion sickness has struck him once again. Natsu, Happy, and Gray are sitting together in front of Lucy and Erza as Sakura is sitting on the other side of the train car across from them with Aiko lying on her lap.

"Man, what a loser. This is how you get after picking a fight?" Gray says un-impressed.

"It happens every time though. Must be tough on him." Lucy says as she holds Plue in her arms.

"You poor thing. Come, sit next to me." Erza says.

"Aye!" Natsu replies weakly.

"So you're telling me to move?" Lucy thought as she looks at Erza.

Lucy and Natsu switch seats as Natsu then leans against Erza who put an arm around him.

"I'll let you rest." Erza says.

"Aye!" Natsu says again in a weak tone.

Erza suddenly punches Natsu right in the stomach, knocking him out as his head falls onto her lap shocking the others as they all sweat drop.

"This way it's a bit easier on him." Erza explains from her action.

"Not really..." Sakura thought.

"Erza, isn't it about time you told us? What are we supposed to be doing?" Gray asks.

"Our opponents are the dark guild, Eisenwald. They indent to cause trouble with some magic called 'Lullaby'." Erza says.

"Lullaby?" Gray, Happy, and Sakura say simultaneously remembering what that one wizard they encountered in the forest.

"Then those guys from before..." Lucy trails off.

"What are you talking about?" Erza asks.

Sakura then informs Erza what happened after going back from their job and met up some wizards who about to eat Happy and they were snatched by a shadow hand.

"I see. So you also met some members from Eisenwald?"

"Well, they did say something about Lullaby. There's no mistaking it." Gray says.

"They were refugees from Eisenwald. I suspect they didn't want to follow the plan and were escaping."

"So this plan has something to do with Lullaby?" Gray asks.

"I would imagine so. That shadow that snatched them up was probably a member of Eisenwald's main force. They had to make a move to keep their plans from leaking."

"What could they be planning?" Lucy wonders,

"I'll explain from the start. On the way back from my previous job, at the town of Onibas, I stopped at a bar where wizards gathered. I overheard some wizards talking about it. There was some kind of seal that protecting it. But one of them mentioned he was going to have it in three days."

"Lullaby...like a song to put children to sleep?" Lucy asks and Erza nods her head.

"And the seal he was talking about was thought to be quite a strong spell."

"So they were also part of Eisenwald." Gray says.

"Yes. But I foolishly didn't think about it at that time. Or the name Erigor."

"Erigor?" Sakura repeats.

"The top ace of the Dark Guild Eisenwald. Erigor, who's nicknamed 'shinigami' shine he only takes of assassination requests."

"Assassinations?" Lucy repeats in shock upon hearing this.

"Naturally assassination requests are banned by the council. But Eisenwald wanted money. And so six years ago they were thrown out of the Wizard's Guild League. However, they don't listen to orders and have continued to operate."

"Maybe I should go home..." Lucy says in fear now as her seat is completely drenched from a melting Plue.

"You're looking juicy all of the sudden." Happy says.

"It's sweat!" Lucy corrects him from the puddle of water under her on the seat. Erza then accidentally slams her armored fist onto Natsu's head.

"I was in error. If I had noticed the name Erigor back then, I would've forced them to suffer and make them tell me their plans!" Erza says in anger, beating herself up over her mistake.

"Scary!" Lucy exclaims in fear.

"I see. Eisenwald is planning to do something with Lullaby. And it's definitely something evil, so you want to stop them." Gray summarizes.

"Yes. I feel that I cannot oppose an entire guild on my own, and that is why I asked for your help. We're heading straight into Eisenwald!" Erza proclaims.

"Sounds interesting!" Gray says.

"Aye!" Happy agrees.

Plue is nearly melted and Lucy is shaking in fear of fighting against an entire guild.

"I wish I hadn't come..." Lucy says.

"It's like encountering horde of Pokémon coming towards you." Sakura says, comparing her experience encountering different hordes of Pokémon.

At the next train station

"Come on, give me a discount!" Lucy pleads as she pays for the group's food as they order some. Then the train whistles signaling its continuing journey to the next city.

"By the way, what kind of magic do you use Erza-san?" Lucy asks as she, Gray, and Sakura have sandwiches with Happy having a fish and Plue a carrot as Sakura shares her sandwiches with Aiko.

"Please, just call me Erza." Erza says.

"Erza's magic is really pretty. Her opponents' blood goes everywhere!" Happy says.

"That's pretty?" Lucy questions as Erza eats a strawberry cheese cake.

"I think you're magic is prettier than mine, Gary." Erza says.

"Really?" Gray asks as he then puts his right fist on his left palm and holds it outward, catching Lucy, Sakura, and Aiko's attentions. Then mist comes out from his fist for a few seconds before stopping. Gray moves his fist away to reveal an ice created Fairy Tail symbol on his hand which then proceeds to float towards Lucy who is amazed by it. "It's ice magic."

"Ohhh. So that's why you two don't get along? Because Natsu used Flames and you use ice?" Lucy says, figuring out why they have a rival of sort.

"Really?" Erza asks.

"That does make sense." Sakura says.

"Whatever." Gray says.

~A few minutes later~
Onibas Station

The group finally arrives at their destination as they proceed as they proceed and gather whatever they brought for luggage.

"Are those guys from Eisenwald still here?" Gray questions.

"I don't know. But I came here to find out." Erza answers.

"Sounds like a wild goose chase to me." Lucy says.

"Um, does anyone know where Natsu is?" Sakura asks.

"Huh?" Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Happy says and the group then hear the train whistle blows, off in the distance as it drives out of the station and down the tracks.

"He departed." Happy says as he jumps off the suitcase and looks down at the train as he goes farther and farther away from the station.

Lucy's jaw is dropped low and her eyes white in shock as Erza and Gray also stare in shock as the train drives farther and farther away from the station; shocking that they had forgotten all about Natsu being on the train, unable to move by himself due to his motion sickness.

"I was so busy telling the story I forgot all about him! What have I done?" Erza says as she turns away and forms a fist of her face blaming herself for what just happened. "And I know he's bad with transportation. This is all my fault. Please, will someone hit me!?"

"Now, now..." Lucy says.

"Leave this to me." Sakura says as she takes out a poke ball, catching their attention. "Come out, Latias!"

Sakura throws the poke ball in the air and the poke ball pops open and Latias comes out, surprising Gray and Erza.

"Latias, go to that train. We'll catch up to you as soon as we can." She orders and Latias nods her head before going off after the train. Sakura then turns around to the group. "Let's hurry and go after the train!"

"Wait!" Erza says and she walks through an employee's only doorway. The others follow her and find themselves in a room with a switch on the wall.

"Excuse me, what are you people doing back here?" An employee that happens to be back there asks. Erza walks over to the switch and pulls down on the lever shocking the worker. "Um... excuse me miss, you can't just go pulling the emergency lever."

"It's for my ally, please understand." Erza says to the worker.

"It's going too far!"

"Please bring our luggage to the hotel." Erza asks.

"Why me?" The worker asks.

"All the people at Fairy Tail are like this, aren't they?" Lucy says.

"Not me." Gray says who once again stripped down to his boxers.

"THEN WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES!" Lucy shouts in anger.

"Lucy, please calm down..." Sakura says.

"Come! We need to find a vehicle and go after the train!" Erza says the group run out of the station and find a car.

"Aiko, return!" Sakura says as she points Aiko's poke ball at her, returning Aiko into it.

"Come! Get in the back quickly!" She says as Lucy, Sakura, and Happy get inside while Gray climbs on top of the car.

As fast as the vehicle can go, the group quickly chase after the train and Latias. A few minutes later, they catch a sight of the train and Latias.

"Latias!" Sakura calls and Latias turns her head, seeing her trainer.

"Natsu!" Lucy yells.

Just then from a window, Natsu crashes through with his knapsack on his back as he is sent flying towards his fellow wizards, crashing face first into Gray's face causing both of them to yell in pain as they are sent flying off the car. Erza quickly slide to a halt next to a white fence.

"Natsu! You all right?" Erza asks.

"Aye..." Natsu says as he and Gray are nearly unconscious.

Both of them manage to recover as the group gathers together to find out what happened to Natsu.

"That hurt, you jerk!" Gray complains.

"Shut up! You left me behind!" Natsu retorts in anger.

"That we did, at least you unhurt. Somehow..." Erza says as she then grabs Natsu's head and slams it against the chest of her armor of her way of a hug.

"That hurt! What do mean unhurt? I got into a fight with some wizard guy on the train." Natsu says.

"Weird guy?" Lucy asks.

"The guy who grabbed those Happy-eaters in the forest. He said he was part of Eisenwald or something."

All of the sudden, Natsu is slapped really hard in the face by Erza without her gauntlet.

"You idiot!" Erza yells in anger. This shocks Lucy, Sakura, and Latias as Gray stares with perplexed look. "Eisenwald are the people we're after! How could you let him escape from under your nose?!"

"This is the first time I heard about it..." Natsu says as he sits on the ground and rubs his cheek.

"I explained just a moment ago! Listen to people when they're talking!"

"Um, that's because she knocked him unconscious..." Lucy says quietly.

"Yeah, that doesn't really help someone listen when they're knocked out." Sakura agrees.

"She's totally amazing in so many different ways." Lucy whispers again.

"See." Gray says.

"That's Erza for you!" Happy says.

Getting back on the car, Erza re-attaches the wrist device that drains her magic for the car's speed.

"He was on that train right? We'll go after him immediately!" Erza says,

"What was he like?" Gray asks,

"Nothing stood out to me really. Oh yeah! He had this flute shaped like a skull. It was a skull with three eyes." Natsu says.

"A three-eyed skull?" Lucy questions.

"That's some bad taste there." Gray says.

"Lucy what's wrong?" Happy asks as he notices Lucy looking worried as everyone is drawn to her.

"I know about that flute. Lullaby...the song on curse! Magic of death!" Lucy says.

"What?" Erza says.

"Song of curse? You mean like, a magic song?" Gray asks.

"I've only read about them in books, but one of the forbidden magics is the curse of death, right?" Lucy asks.

"Right. A black-curse that saps the life out of the person it's cast upon." Erza says.

"Lullaby is even worse! Lullaby is a mass-death magic!" Lucy says.

"What!" Sakura questions.

"Quickly everyone! Back on the vehicle!" Erza orders.

Immediately as everyone except Sakura gets back in the vehicle, Erza speeds off almost leaving Latias with Sakura on her back as Latias catches up to her and the others. Flying off a cliff, Erza hits the ground hard as Latias continues to follow the vehicle, Gray barely managing to hold onto the roof of the car.

"You're going to fast Erza! Even if it's you, don't underestimate the amount of magic this thing will drain from you!" Gray yells in worry for Erza.

"We don't have time! If Erigor gets his hands in that mass-death curse magic, then... There's no telling what he'd do!" Erza exclaims.

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