By marauuuders

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«I think I'm better at being a g h o s t of the past than I am a human being» ◈◈◈ Paige had been gone a long... More

◈ ghost ◈
the playlist
One ◈ Crazy Girl May
Three ◈ Here We Go
Four ◈ Supernatural Vendetta
Five ◈ Confusion And Worry
Six ◈ Twentieth Century
Seven ◈ Thoughts And Dreams
Eight ◈ Double Agent
Nine ◈ Vivid Description
Ten ◈ Shoot It
Eleven ◈ Butterflies Doing Acrobatics
Twelve ◈ The Dance
Thirteen ◈ Mood For Sarcasm
Fourteen ◈ A Huntress
Fifteen ◈ Metaphorical Fortress
Sixteen ◈ Work In Progress
Seventeen ◈ Not Normal
Eighteen ◈ Hunter Training
Nineteen ◈ Push Push Glide
Twenty ◈ We're Not Crazy
Twenty One ◈ Two Great Warriors
Twenty Two ◈ Upper Hand
Twenty Three ◈ Kanima Mythology
Twenty Four ◈ Core Four
Twenty Five ◈ Human
Twenty Six ◈ The Bitter Cake
Twenty Seven ◈ Much Love
Twenty Eight ◈ Romeo And Juliet
Twenty Nine ◈ The One
Thirty ◈ Out Of Sight
Thirty One ◈ Pouty Face
Thirty Two ◈ Hallucination
Thirty Three ◈ Death Wish
Thirty Four ◈ Under Your Skin
Thirty Five ◈ Not Today
Thirty Six ◈ The Good Guys
Thirty Seven ◈ The Way
Thirty Eight ◈ Rookie Move
Thirty Nine ◈ Love

Two ◈ The Family Dinner

517 19 2
By marauuuders

"Can I talk to you about something?"

Sophie glanced up from her sisters diary and spotted Allison standing at the door. Pursing her lips into a smile Sophie placed the diary face down onto her desk and patted her bed. She'd been reading her favourite entry by her sister so she was in a good mood. The entries in which she had a good day always calmed her down. It was a sort of reminder that things cannot always be bad.

"Sure." Sophie said just as Allison sat crossed legged on the bed opposite her. "But just so you know if you're looking for a girly talk I'm probably not your best bet."

"I am looking for a girly talk ... and you're the only person I can trust."

"Trust?" Sophie laughed. "We've barely known each other a day. I am starting to worry for your safety, Allison, if you trust people so easily."

Allison rolled her eyes playfully, "So what I'm hearing is that you're untrustworthy?" She teased.

"I didn't say that."

"Either way I believe people should be given the opportunity to show the goodness inside of them."

Sophie pursed her lips, "You're a good person, Allison. The world needs more people like you."

So many people lie, keep secrets and are just genuinely horrible people to be around. Sophie may not have had friends but she knew how to judge characters. She also knew how to get by on her own. If she thought somebody she associated herself with wasn't a good person then that'd be it, friendship over. Boy did it make Sophie happy that Allison was one of the most open and kind people she'd ever met.

Allison grinned before clapping a few times, "Lydia explained what kind of taste I have to give Scott."


"Well," she said before sighing quietly. "I need a condom."

"Kate - or mom - will have one."

That sent the two girls on their adventure. While they were sneaking into Kate's uninhabited room Sophie noticed that Allison had reapplied her makeup. She really did like Scott and those two already seemed adorable together. Someday Sophie hoped to have a cute relationship with somebody who loved her as much as Scott clearly loved Allison. Sophie wanted that so badly but it would have to wait.

A smirk rose on Sophie's face when she pulled one out of one of Kate's many bags. Allison gently snatched it off her and began jumping up and down like a little kid. Sophie couldn't help but laugh at how excited she was because it was not how Sophie expected her to be.

But the noise they were making was obviously a bit too much as Kate walked in. Frantically Allison began to play hot potato with the condom. Luckily she had Sophie to distract Kate by asking her if she could borrow a top and leading her mom towards the wardrobe. When Allison gave Sophie the thumbs up and mouthed 'the package is secure' Sophie tried to not laugh as she picked up on of Kate's tops.

"This'll do. Thank you mom, Allison and I will be on our way."

Kate rose an eyebrow at the two giddy girls who skipped out of her room, "Okay, stay safe."

"Don't worry," Sophie laughed under her breath. "You will, won't you Allison?"

The door bell signalled around the house and Allison's face lit up even more if that was even possible. A slight push from Sophie sent her running down the stairs. Intrigued to see how this would play out considering Allison was in a very weird mood, Sophie stayed at the landing resting against the banister. Seconds before Allison opened the door she flicked her hair about as if to give it volume before trying to casually yet formally open the front door. Sophie couldn't help but laugh at her.

The sound of laugher caught both of the loved up teenagers attentions and Sophie practically dived for her bedroom. She heard Allison say something about how the pair of them had been joking about which is why they're both in such weird moods. It wasn't entirely wrong but still Sophie felt the urge to fake a scoff.

Once she heard Allison and Scott travel to Allison's bedroom Sophie knew she was in the clear. As predicted, when they inevitably walked past Sophie's bedroom they peeped their heads round to check on her. Sophie knew that would happen and began aimlessly doodling in her notebook while laying on her bed. If they did walk in on her practicing self defence they would've had some questions which Sophie was not prepared to answer.

Even though Kate had instructed her to just stick with weapons like guns and possibly the bow and arrow, if she could learn it, Sophie wanted to learn hand to hand combat. Who knew if one day Sophie would need it whether or not it was for supernatural vengeance or not. Whatever would cause it Sophie wanted to be ready to fight back. She did not want to be a stereotypical little girl who cannot save herself. This damsel wouldn't need saving if Sophie had any say in it.

While Sophie was trying to perfect a few tricks that she'd seen on her favourite tv show her mind kept wandering back to Allison. She wondered if it amazed her too how close they'd grown within less than twenty four hours. Sophie had never been as jokey as she had been with Allison. It almost felt as if they were actually family who'd known each other their entire lives.

Time seemed to fly by and next thing Sophie knew she heard a car pull up outside of the house. She stopped mid punch to some random person she'd pictured in her mind and wandered over to the window. Chris and Kate were back from grocery shopping already. Knowing that Allison and Scott don't want to be caught by Allison's family Sophie decided it would be best if she went and told them about the near adults.

Obviously, since she knew about Allison's plan, Sophie knocked on the door multiple times. It was strange though because her room was absolutely silent which is unusual for two teenagers who are doing certain things. In confusion Sophie braced herself to walk in but was met with an empty room other than the boxes that laid on Allison's floor.

"Oh shit." Sophie cursed after realising where they went. About ten minutes ago she'd heard somebody go into the garage but she just presumed Allison went to get something and went straight back into her bedroom. Not once did it occur to her that they may still be in there because she'd never heard somebody walk back up the stairs.

As quick as Sophie could she made her way towards the garage. She even did some parkour over the downstairs banister which, according to the internet, was very good for hand to hand combat. Who knew, certainly not Sophie until a few minutes before it happened. Anyway, by the time she made it to the garage it was too later. The lovers had already been caught by Papa Argent who looked pissed.

"Great," Chris smiled falsely at his daughter and her boyfriend who were bent down next to his car, obviously trying to hide. Next his eyes wandered to Sophie who was grimacing as she leant on the doorframe. "Mind helping too, Sophie?"

"Sure, gotta love groceries."


Well this, my friends, has to be the funniest dinner I've witnessed to date.

Sophie and Kate had just finished getting in the last of the groceries, which Scott kindly helped them with, when they saw Chris going all protective dad. Nodding to each other, Kate and Sophie smirked at their mentally debated plan. Once they reached the steps to the front door where Allison, Scott and Chris were gathered around, Kate's smirk directed to her brother.

"Oh come on Chris, really?" She asked him. "They were making out in the garage, not shooting amateur porn." Kate placed her hand on Scott's shoulder. "You, with the adorable brown eyes, drop your bike. You're staying for dinner."

Sophie bit her lip to stop herself from laughing as she too strutted past an annoyed Chris. She and Kate were soon followed by Allison who was impressed. Sophie knew that because as she was walking Allison pulled her back to walk next to her and whispered that she was impressed. Apparently only Sophie and Kate could get away with doing a stunt like that which is good information for Sophie who now knew, with Kate around, she could practically get away with murder.

But that little scene was how Sophie ended up sat next to Kate, opposite Scott, at the dinner table. Scott was obviously sat next to Allison and both of Allison's parents, Chris and Victoria, we're sat either ends of the table. For a while it was very awkward with only the sounds of cutlery banging against plates gently. Thankfully for Sophie things got a little more eventful when Victoria spoke up.

"Would you like something to drink besides water, Scott?" She asked.

"Oh ... no, I'm good." Scott replied. "Thanks."

Chris rose his eyebrows at the young boy, "We can get you some beer?"

"N- no, thanks."

"Shot of Tequila?" Chris suggested.

"Dad." Allison snapped. Sophie brought her hand that had her knife gripped up to her mouth to make sure she didn't cough out a laugh which would be seriously unflattering to see. "Really?"

"You don't drink, Scott?" Chris asked as both Allison and Sophie put down their knife and fork. The way this conversation was heading would make it entirely too funny to eat yet still look decent.

"I'm not old enough to."

"That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers." Victoria mused.

"No, but it should." Scott continued to try and live through the dinner.

"Good answer." Kate sang. "Total lie, but well played, Scott. You may yet survive the night."

Not liking the smug look his sister was giving him, Chris decided to continue to fly his questions towards Scott. "You ever smoke pot?"

"Well, okay then." Sophie coughed out after Allison looked as if she was just about ready to stab herself with a fork. "How about we talk about something else? Maybe something a little less conservative."

Kate nodded, "I agree. So, Scott, uh ... Allison tells us you're on the lacrosse team." Scott nodded in response. "I'm sorry. I don't know anything about that. How do you play?"

"Um, well, you know hockey?" Scott asked making both of the intrigued girls, Sophie and Kate nod. "It's a lot like that, only, um, played on grass instead of ice."

"Hockey on grass is called field hockey." Chris chimed in.

"Oh." Scott said like a sad little puppy. "Yeah."

"So it's like field hockey, except the sticks have nets." Allison said to stick up for Scott.

"Exactly." He replied.

"And can you slap check like in hockey?" Sophie asked. Lacrosse wasn't a big thing back in her home town but hockey was. In fact it was her towns sport just like she guessed lacrosse was for Beacon Hills. If it was anything like hockey then Sophie would understand it pretty easily and if she did end up staying after the whole Derek vengeance thing then maybe she could go watch a game one time.

"Um ... yeah. But it's only the, uh, the gloves and the sticks." Scott stuttered.

"Sounds violent. I like it." Kate mused.

"Scott's amazing too." Allison boasted. "Dad came with me to the first game. Wasn't he good?"

Chris swallowed - probably some of his pride - while he replied, "He was fine."

"He scored the last shot, the winning shot." Allison continued to verbally fight her dad in a battle about Scott.

"True, but he didn't score at all until the last few minutes."

"His last shot ripped a hole through the goalie's net." Allison said to Kate and Sophie but it was clear that it was directed to her dad. "It was incredible."

"Well, I think the goalie was probably playing with a defective stick, so-"

As Allison slammed her glass of water on the table Sophie knew to stop the humour now. The situation was no longer funny no matter how much Sophie willed it to be. If Sophie and Allison were really going to try and be real family to each other then they were going to defend each other's opinion to their annoying ass family. So, just like Allison, Sophie leaned back on her chair with her arms crossed to show her annoyance.

Strangely it was Scott who broke the silence, "You know, on second thought, um, I think I'll take that shot of tequila."

In shock Sophie bit her bottom lip to stop her from laughing. She was so not going to be the first to laugh but she did look around as if to beg somebody else to. When Kate let out her first stifle Sophie breathed out in relief before joining in the rest of her ... family. The union between the Argent's - now including Sophie - and Scott by laughter was short lived thanks to Chris going all dad on everyone again.

"You were kidding, right?"

Scott nodded, "Yeah."

"Well," Sophie said, picking up her glass of water. "If you won't take the offer I will."

After being scolded by Chris and Victoria as if they were Sophie's parents Kate chimed in with her words of wisdom. Better she drinks with them, the adults, than anywhere else. Personally Sophie agreed with that unlike Chris. The more trust in a family relationship the more chance the child isn't going to go out doing drugs. Scientific fact right there.

For a while the family dinner was pretty boring. Scott had to excuse himself to go to the toilet and while he did Allison explained that he works at the vets. Sophie loved animals but she didn't think she could handle seeing all of them hurt and in pain so she crossed vet off her list of potential jobs. She didn't have that long left in school and had to start thinking about her future other than a life of werewolf hunting like Kate wanted her to.

Speaking of Kate, half way through Allison's story she excused herself without explanation. Sophie was about to find out what Kate was doing when the blonde returned a few minutes later. Allison continued with the touching - well, not for the dog - story of how Allison and Scott first really spoke until the man of her dreams walked back into the dining room.

Scott's hands gripped the top of his chair, "Hey, um, I should get going. Um, thanks for dinner."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no." Kate said before Chris had the chance to celebrate. "You have to stay for dessert. I wanna know more about you. Sit down."

"Okay." Scott sang awkwardly as he retook his seat next to Allison.

"Allison was just telling us that you work for a veterinarian." Victoria made conversation.

Allison nodded, "I told them how you put the cast on the dog I hit."

"I still can't believe Allison hit a dog." Sophie said sending a smile to the teenagers as she did, which Allison returned and Scott attempted to.

"Yeah." He replied.

"What does your boss think of the animal attacks?" Chris asked. "Any theories?"

"Everyone was just saying it's a mountain lion."

"It'd have to be a pretty large mountain lion." Scoffed Kate.

Victoria rose an eyebrow, "What do you think, Scott?"

"I don't know." Scott replied but Sophie narrowed her eyes. Did he forget she was very good at figuring people out so soon? Why was he lying to them? "We usually get cats and dogs at the vet. Nothing that vicious."

"Never had to deal with a rabid dog?" Chris questioned Scott and got a shake of the head in reply. "Oh. I grew up with a lot of dogs. I saw one get rabies from a bat. It was transferred through the bite. You know, people think that a rabid dog just suddenly goes mad. It's a lot more gradual. First stage is subtle changes in behaviour: they're restless, morose. It's the second stage that people know ... the furious phase. That's when they attack. And we're talking any moving object. Did you know that a caged rabid dog will break its own teeth, trying to chew through the bars? It'll even rear back and snap its own spine. Can you imagine the amount of force it would take to do that? It's a complete character reversal. This harmless animal ... turned into a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with that one bite."

Sophie gulped. Once again she leaned back on her chair but this time slouched down. It was clear to her that these rabid dogs he had put up with were actually werewolves. But Scott and Allison didn't know that. To be honest, Sophie didn't even know that werewolves could be like that. All those soppy teenage movies were more unrealistic than she thought.

"But it died, didn't it?" Allison replied somewhat calmly.

"Yes," Victoria said. "Because your grandfather shot it."

"Because he wanted to put it out of its misery."

"Because it was too dangerous." Chris corrected his daughter. "Something that out of control is better off dead."

Something that out of control is better off dead. Sophie knew something out of control was wandering the streets of Beacon Hills freely. He didn't deserve that. He deserved to rot in hell for what he did to Paige. Something that out of control is better off dead. Like, for instance, Derek Hale is better off dead.


"Why do you look like somebody just stole your favourite toy?" Sophie asked Kate as she began to climb up the stairs.

Sophie had just said goodnight to Scott and Allison at the door. The whole dinner fiasco had took everything out of her and all she wanted to do was sleep. But as she took the first step on the stairs she saw an angry looking Kate walked past and decided it'd be safer for everybody if she investigated.

"Because I think somebody did."

Sophie rose an eyebrow at Kate's response, "Wait, what?"

Just as Scott was about to leave the house, Kate strutted over to them and told him to wait. A confused Sophie stayed put on the bottom of the stairs and draped herself on the banister. She wanted to see where this was going. Did Kate think Scott had stolen something of hers? Sophie thought he was hiding something but him being a klepto wasn't it.

"What is it?" Allison asked her aunt.

"Uh, I have to ask Scott something."


Kate placed her hand on the ajar front door and shut it. "Yeah, you."

"Okay." Scott replied.

"Uh. What'd you take from my bag?" Kate questioned him bluntly.

In sync Sophie and Allison shared a knowing look. Judging by Scott's reaction he hadn't stole anything but the girls had. The condom they'd stolen from Kate's bag was now in Sophie's back pocket since Allison didn't want to risk her dad seeing it. So, obviously if worse came to worse it would be Sophie who'd have to take the fall for it. Thanks Allison.

"My bag." Kate said to a gobsmacked Scott. "What'd you take from it? Do you need me to repeat the question, maybe enunciate more clearly?"

Sophie hopped down from the stairs and took a space next to Scott, "What are you talking about?" She asked Kate, hoping that if she stood up for him the whole situation would be forgotten about. Unfortunately it wasn't since Chris came waltzing over.

"I'd like to know that too." He said through gritted teeth.

"My bag was open in the guest room, and when I left it was shut. And Scott comes in to use the bathroom, he leaves, my bag's open." Kate explained to her brother.

"He didn't take-" Allison began was cut off by Kate.

"Something was taken from my bag. Now, look ... I hate to be the accuser here, Scott, because I really do love those adorable brown eyes, but I don't know if you're a klepto, if you're curious, or- or if you're just stupid. But answer the question. What did you take?

"Nothing. I swear."

Kate swayed about for a second, "You don't mind proving it, do you?"

"Are you serious?" Allison practically scoffed.

"How about you show us what's in your pockets?" Kate suggested to Scott.

With wide eyes Allison looked to Chris for help, "Dad?"

"Ka- mom?" Sophie chimed, giving Kate a 'what the hell are you doing' kind of look. It sort of matched the one Allison was giving both Kate and Chris.

"Come on, Scott." Kate urged. "Prove me wrong."

"Uh, I'll prove you wrong." Sophie said, taking a step forward despite Allison discreetly shaking her head to her cousin. "t wasn't Scott going through your bags. It was me."

Kate narrowed her eyes at Sophie, "You?"

Sophie hummed as she pulled out the condom to show everybody the proof. "Me." She said with a slight smirk. Noticing the fact Chris and Kate looked as if they were about to have simultaneous seizures due to the revelation Sophie turned to Scott and Allison. "Have a good rest of your night Scott, be good to Allison since it looks like I'll never be aloud out my bedroom to see either of you again."

A sarcastic nod was sent to Kate and Chris by Sophie before she bolted for her bedroom. In hindsight the situation could've been handled a lot better if she wasn't sarcastic. But, hey, at least the lovebirds are happy. She could hear Allison trying to hold in a laugh as she swore to her dad and Kate that she knew nothing. Scott was obviously told the truth from Allison because moments after the front door shut she got a text.

Text Message From Unknown:

Nice save! Allison and I are very proud ... and alive. Scott

With a smirk Sophie threw her phone onto the bedside table and laid on the bed next to it. When she heard footsteps nearing her doors she frantically began to look something to shield herself with. It turned out the book you're in the middle of reading wasn't so good because as soon as Kate slammed the door after her she began yelling at Sophie.

"What the hell are you doing with a condom? You've been in this town, like what, a day!"

Sophie rolled her eyes as she placed her book onto the mattress next to her. "Oh, please, it wasn't even for me."

"Then who was it for?" Kate asked as she crossed her arms.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because I'm your mom. I deserve to know who my daughter is seeing." Kate reminded her with a raise of her eyebrow. "You've seen me with Scott, I'm pretty okay about it, just tell me."

"I'm not seeing anybody. I have a plan, remember? No boyfriends till college or at the least until the vengeance is over." Sophie shrugged as she stood up and began walking around the room. If she stayed still and had to look at Kate any longer she knew that she'd spill the secret if she wasn't careful. So to make sure that didn't happen she began to busy herself with sorting out clothes for the next day and pyjamas for that night.

"So it really isn't for you and you're not going to tell me who it's for?" Kate recapped.

"That sounds about right, yeah."

Kate sighed quietly before walking over to Sophie and turning the brunette to face her. At first Sophie thought that Kate knew about something and was about to scream at her until Kate wrapped her into a hug. "Well then ... don't worry about getting revenge for your sister. We will get it if it's the last thing I do."



So I thought I'd update while I'm sat outside my house. My keys won't work as per usual and my mums at uni so I'm currently waiting for a family member to receiver a text and pICK ME UP! I'm quite annoyed by my current situation, I don't know if you can tell.

Anywho don't forget to like, comment and all that jazz. Love you!!


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