De BarbzzyBooks

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"He'll never embrace you the way I do." he murmured into my ear, his voice trailing away. I tensed as his war... Mai multe

~ Summer of 2002 ~
Chapter one - High School
Chapter two ~ Mixed Emotions.
Chapter three ~ Party.
Chapter four ~ Blood Shed Tears.
Chapter five ~ Hospital
Chapter six ~ Confusion
Chapter seven ~ Missing
Chapter eight ~ Bleeding Heart
Chapter nine ~ Perfectly Destroyed
Note from Author!!!! ^_^
Part Two of Kismet Affection....
Chapter ten ~ Fresh Start
Chapter eleven ~ New Feelings
Chapter twelve ~ Secret Ocean.
Chapter thirteen ~ Like the wind
Chapter fourteen - Confrontation
Chapter fifteen ~ Rebirth
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part one)
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part 2)
Chapter seventeen ~ Sunrise
Comment Love...
Chapter eighteen ~ Race Me
Chapter nineteen ~ Fully Alive.
Chapter twenty ~ Night out (Part One)
Chapter 20 - Night out (Part 2)
Chapter 21 ~ Farewell
Chapter 23 ~ Uninvited
Chapter 24 ~ Old Times
Chapter 25 - Proof
Story update.
Chapter 26 - A single Kiss
Chapter 27 ~ Dreams of Long Ago

Chapter 22 ~ Mother's Return

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De BarbzzyBooks

- Suri

Hours had trickled on by since David left and my heart finally stopped singing a sad song. I needed to be happy. I was given the chance to see him. I had to constantly remind myself that he will return. David will come home again.

Greg and I spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the mess we left around the house. I couldn't leave not a single thing out of place. Even though mom hasn't been here for two years; this woman knows where each and every single thing has been placed and she will expect for everything not to be out of place.

I rolled my eyes. Damn woman.

I wasn't shocked when chefs, house keepers and other people began to arrive unannounced. Oh mom was defiantly coming home.

Richard, an old butler appeared in front of me, pulling me out of irritated state.

"Miss Miller, we meet again. You have certainly grown." He smiled compassionately down at me. I think Richard was the only house employee I had a close relationship to beside Liz, who raised me for the past to years as her own. The rest keep a respectful distance from me.

"Indeed it has been awhile. Where have you been?" I asked shifting my weight. The man still looked the same as he did four years ago. Brown autumn eyes, a perfect smile that only exist in a magazine and the same bald head I can remember.

"With your mother, in Hong Kong."

I rolled my eye. That doesn't surprise me.

He reached inside his coat pocket and retrieved a square envelope with my name on it. "This is for you." Richard said in solemn tone and held an envelope to me. My eyes darted from him to the envelope.

The envelope stated my name in well written cursive penmanship. I knew instantly that this letter was hand written from my mother. I reached from the letter glancing back up to Richard. He dropped his hand and put them behind his back.

"I will be in study." He finished with a nod and turned away..

"Okay.' I murmured.

My eyes fell on the letter once more. It felt like I was holding ten thousand tons in my hand, waiting to take me down like a ship sinking into the Atlantic ocean. Get a grip. I told myself. It wasn't like it was an atomic bomb ready for explosion once I unsealed it.

I turned the letter over and found that it was not sealed. I slowly open the letter and pulled out the piece of paper.

My eyes widen, baffled. It was a hand written letter. It was my mother's divine penmanship I once admire.

Dear Surilyn,

I am delighted to be returning home to you. I hope you forgive the distance I put between us. It has been long since I've seen your precious face. I'm certain you are well. I shall arrive before the warm dinner my staff are already cooking. Eight o'clock. I expect you dressed and ready for dinner.

I will see you then. Be well my darling.

P.s. We have much to discuss.

Yours truly, mom.

I closed my eyes. I wasn't sure if I was shocked or pleased by this letter. My first instinct was to dispose of this piece of paper. If only I can ignite it into flames with a simple thought. Her words were like poison to my tongue. How can she possible bear to right this? It's not like she was away for a few weeks. Two damn years she has planted between us. Does she honestly expect me to be okay?

Just as I was about the rip the letter to shreds, Greg appeared next to me. I noticed the letter was crumbled in my hands almost close to being destroyed.

"What do you got there?" Greg inquired, peeking over my shoulder to the letter I held.

I turned to meet his curious expression and handed him the crumbled letter. He took it and quickly skimmed the contents of it. He pressed his mouth into a hard line, handing me back the letter with searching eyes.

"There must be some rational explanation of why she is deciding to come."

"Like what? To pay her past dues of being a mother. Sorry to say, but that ship has sailed along time ago." I said through my teeth.

"It's never to late." Greg wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly to him. "Don't be so hard on her." He added in a soothing voice.

I rest my head on his chest, drinking in his wonderful alluring scent. He smiled so delicious down at me. "You might have a point but it doesn't justify the reality of the situation she caused.. I refuse to forgive her." I said looking up into his beautiful eyes.

"When life offers you a second chance, you take it, no questions asked. There is always reason why." He kissed the top of my forehead and give me a warm hug.

I sighed, looking away. Maybe Greg had a valid point. Could I accept forgiveness from my mother and allow her to come back into my life as the role she was given -- my mom. That defiantly would not happen over night. I hope she has travel a long road of guilt before she believes I am going to forgive.

After all, I wasn't the one who abandon her. She left me.

Suddenly the front buzz beeped and the door opened and shut. I glanced at my watch and it was not time from mother's arrival. I pulled away from Greg's protective hold and leaned to see who it could possibly be. Then I immediately recognized that deep but heavenly voice that belonged to my father.

My heart lit up like the forth of July. Daddy was home. "Daddy," I squeaked like a five year old from the top of the stairs, and raced down to hug him.

"We shall talk about this then. Goodbye." He shut his phone and turned with ear to ear smile for me. "Suri, darling." He said catching me in his arms. "Whoa there kiddo." He laughed, hugging me closely.

"You're home early. Liz said you wouldn't be home to the end of the week." I told him, collecting my self as I took a step back.

"There are no rules when you are CEO." Daddy grinned. "How are you holding up here?" He eyes glanced around at the working staff. I followed his gaze. The kitchen staff were setting the table like if there was going to be an elegant royal dinner.

"Mom is on here way, how do you expect me to be. Happy?" I scolded at the staff and looked back up him. His brows were furrowed in annoyance. Finally some one else who sees this as non sense.

"I am aware." He grimaced then sighed ignoring my other words.

"Why daddy?" I pressed on. I needed to get an explanation from him. i wanted to know why mom was suddenly coming.

"You will know soon enough." He simply said. I sighed quietly. I know dad won't give nothing away. He's good at that.

"Who is this." Dad asked changing the subject.

"Huh?" I followed his gaze behind me. I completely forgot about Greg. How can I be so rude. I ushered him over with a pleasant smile and forgiveness in my eyes. He warmly smiled back, putting an arm around me.

"Greg this is my dad. Dad this is Greg, um, my boyfriend." I introduced suddenly freaked out. I just introduced Greg as my boyfriend, to my dad. "We go to school together." I added shyly.

"Boyfriend?" He half barked. I cleared my throat. Oh man. His eyes darted to Greg, I could sense father apprising him.

"Hmm." He murmured to him self. "That explains who's mover was in the garage and the reason why she is so chipper." Dad beamed. "It's nice to meet you." Dad held his hand out to Greg.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Miller." Greg mumbled, shaking his hand.

Dad nodded and he seemed to be suddenly distracted. "Where is Liz?" He wondered looking around.

"What do you mean? I thought she informed you." I arched an eyebrow, confused.

"Inform me about what?"

"Liz is away. It's been two days. Her sister almost had a near death accident." I told him puzzled. I thought Liz told him. I made a mentally not to call her later.

"What? I was never . . . No one informed me of this." Dad looked away, his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "That's strange. . . Hmm." Dad trailed off.

I shrugged my shoulders. I was more bemused then he was.

"Hang on." He said glaring at us. "You were alone this whole time?" Dad tried to question firmly but failed to hide his panicked tone.

"Well yeah, sort of." I said in low clipped voice. "Greg kept me company." I spoke almost in a whisper, fearful that he might have me by neck. Also David as well. I added mentally. I wish I could tell him.

Dad gave us a parental glare and I could already sense his disapproving lecture.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that bit of information." Dad spoke through clench teeth. Oh boy. He was defiantly furious, no doubt about that. He took his gaze off me and scowled at Greg.

"Dad it's not what you--" He cut me off not bothering to hear what I have to say.

"Perhaps you should go wash up for supper while Greg and I go for a walk." Father spoke sternly. Not once did his eyes meet mine.

"But Daddy," I began to object but he silenced me with serious look.

"Go right this instant Surilyn." He ordered.

Greg and I both glanced at each other. There was nothing I could do or say so he could listen. He was on I-don't-want-to-hear-it mood. I should probably go look for a shovel in the garage

I took few steps closer to Greg and whispered in his ear. "Whatever you do, do not mention David." I whispered as low as I could. He squeezed my hand and response to assure me his trust on David's mission.

I turned away agitated with father and ran up the stairs. I slammed my door as hard as possible when I reached my room. I felt childish for doing that but Dad sometimes can blow things out of proportion. I let out a loud scream and threw the first thing I could found across the room. My heart sink immeditly when I realize what I had just thrown.

Instantly my body raced over to the photograph that laid face down on my room floor. I picked it up flipped it over in shear panic. Oh no, I thought to myself. There was a small crack in the top right corner but to my liking, the picture was unharmed. The glass was replaceable, the picture was not. This was the last copy. I couldn't afford to lose it.

My hear sunk when my eyes study the picture. Maleen, Mother and I all stood happily together. Mother had her arms wrapped around us and we were laughing. I think it was about a joke David made before Dad took the picture.

I miss this, I miss my family, and I especially miss Maleen.

Tears began to flow down my cheek as I hugged the photo close to me. I miss my sister so much. I wish I can talk to her and hear her voice again. I wish I could laugh cheerfully like sisters do with each other. I wish we could run to Blare Hill and dance like fairies and take millions of pictures to store in our albums.

I wiped my tears away with back of my hand and walked over to where I kept this special picture. I placed it back where it belonged. Right were May had put it.

I gazed at her beautiful face. Dear sister of mine, will we ever meet again. "I'm sorry," I spoke aloud and turned to go wash up for supper.


I turned from the full length mirror inside my huge closet. I decided to dress in a white blouse with high waist skirt and a thin sweater that fell down to same length of the skirt. I choose my ballerina flats to accommodate my feet. I know this choice of clothes would be passable for mom.

When my hair was dry enough. I filled my hand up with a little moose and smoothed white substance into my hair. Earrings, I thought. I walked over to my accessory draw and pulled out a small sway box. May have given me these precious earrings when I started high school but I never got a chance wear them. Today would be an appropriate day to show mom I haven't given up on my sister.

When I was done, I turned to leave when I caught a whiff of May's favorite perfume. I closed my eyes. It's like she never left. That's when it occurred to me, I haven't been in May's room since we left for school the very morning she disappeared.

I quickly walked over to the door that gave access to May's room. It appeared almost as if it was sealed up from a horrific crime or a closet you never really go in. I took a deep breathe and brought my hand to the doorknob and slow turned it. I closed my eyes when I was greeted with the smell of rose. Her favorite scent.

I open my eyes to peak in and instantly I was taken back. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. Everything was still how she left it. The clothes the night before were still thrown on the floor. Her bed was against the far window and a dim light entered the room, illuminating her room enough for me to see without the lights on. Two long curtains were separated on either sides. The everuthing look the same. It's as if she never left and I was just snooping in her room. I frowned. I wish it was that.

I went to go stand by the grand window. The sun was setting and I knew it was time to face mother. I glanced down at my watch and read, five-thirty. Liz said she will be here six on the dot. Mother wasn't one to be late.

I headed for the door, sneaking one last glance. That's when a vase of fresh cut rose caught my attention. They were placed on her left side night stand.

I smiled to myself. I knew they were from David. That boy, he will never give up. I know he will get her back. Our pain will soon be abolished.


Greg and I sat together in the living room. I beg countless times for him to tell him what he and father spoke about, but he refuses to tell me. He promised he will talk about it when were actually alone. I gave up after that.

If it's one thing I know about Gregory Martin, he is one stubborn seed.

I sighed as my curiosity began to eat me again. I just want to know and just as I was about to pressure him into spilling the top secret "talk" he and my father had, the grand clock in the hallway began to ring like a clock tower in some foreign country. It was six o'clock.

Mother should be here any moment.

Suddenly the door bell rang. I guess I spoke to soon. My body tensed to the sound of foots steps on the front porch. She is here. My mother is finally here. She wasn't lying.

"Suri," I heard father call out. I didn't bother answering but he still spoke, ignoring my rude behavior. "Your mother has arrived." He said.

"Yay," I said mockingly, not bothering to look back.

"Surilyn, can you at least come and stand over her to greet her. So get over here this instant." He said in firm voice. This voice I recognized when May and I use to get in trouble. I smirked. That was pretty often when David and um, Derek use to come over when we were kids.

"Gregory." Dad said in a hopeful tone. Greg rose to his feet pulling me up with him.

"Come," he whispered to me. I stared at him with my mouth wide open, caught in disbelief.

"Traitor," I whispered. He smirked down at me.

"I'm still on your side." He reminded me

"Uh huh." I grinned back at him. I turned from the main hallway of the house where Dad was walking towards the door to open it for her. I leaned against the wall with Greg close beside me.

Honestly, what was the big deal? Why can't I act however I wish toward this fucked up situation she caused. After all, she was the one who deserted me. Doesn't anyone care how I feel? She did this to me. I didn't only lose May, I lost my mother too when she decided to just leave. Allowing me to cope with my grief alone.

I will never forget the morning I woke, searching for her loving comfort, but instead I found an empty bed with her not in sight. There in her place was a note saying goodbye. How do they expect me to feel? I frowned. I can not stand here like everything is alright, fake a smile and pretend she never left. I won't do it

I felt Greg place his hands on my shoulders. My body instantly released its tension from Greg's touch. He was with me. By my side like he promised.

Mom walk in like she never left. Though she seemed different. The only thing I remembered was her warm smile. Her hair was cut slightly above her shoulder and for some odd reason she look younger. There were light bags under her eyes but those laughing wrinkles remain the same. Mother looked exquisite, but her beauty was not what caught my attention.

There by her side was the most adorable toddler my eyes ever seen. He had a set of dark brown hair the was neatly trimmed and mesmerizing blue eyes. Eyes that belong to the ocean. But yet they were eyes that reminded me of Maleen and daddy.

He held onto mother's hand and quietly stood beside her.

"My, my, I never thought I'd see the enchanting place again. Nothing has changed." She spoke more to herself than us.

"Welcome home dear." Dad said kissing her cheek.

"Evan, son." Dad said, reaching his arms out to him. The little beamed perfect white little teeth, rasing his hands to dad. "Daddy has missed you." He told him swinging him around as he left out a soft laugh.

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach. How can this be." Mother had another child. Impossible. Then yet again, he looks like the family. Perhaps she was pregnant before May disappeared. I wanted to throw up. I don't know how I feel about this. Is this her way of moving on.

I couldn't be here. I needed to get away. My body moved on its own accord turning away from this unpleasant scene.

"Suri, sweetheart." Mother called out in the most sweetest voice. I pause in my tracks and robotically look back at her.

"Hello mother." I muttered unwilling. She came over to my side and pulled me into a tight, awkward hug. I just couldn't bring my arms around her.

"I've missed you darling." She whispered into my ear. Yeah right, why did you leave? I thought mentally. "Let me take a look at you." She took my hand spins me around.

"My, you have grown into lovely young lady." She smiled warmly down at me, her warm hands brushing my cheek.

"Thank you." I mumbled. She grinned and her eyes move behind me and I instantly knew who she was staring at.

"And who might you be?" She questioned. I watch her eyes travel like a snake, drinking in everything about him. I almost let an annoyed hiss but bit my tongue. Evil witch. My mind screamed at her.

"This is Surilyn's boyfriend." Dad introduced before neither Greg or I could. "He will be joining us for dinner."

"Ah, I see." Mom gave him one last apprising look and brushes pass us. "It's nice to meet you dear." She regard rather rudely.

Dad suppresses his expression making it unreadable. He presses his lips into hard line and walked away with the little, er . . . Evan in his arms.

I glance back at Greg who was frowning. "David was right," he whispered.

"What did he say." I ask, failing to hide my smile.

"You mother is a witch straight from hell." We both laugh quietly, trailing behind them.

I glanced around for the little boy who is said to be my brother. Well they haven't quite introduced him to me but the evidence is obvious. I searched for him and my eyes found him going up the stairs with a nanny. I should of known.

"Don't just stand there, take a sit." Mom demanded. I gave Greg a quick before rolling my eyes as he pulled the chair for me

"Thank you," I told him in a hush tone.

"You're welcome," he replied in smooth voice as he took the seat next to me.

A servant came into the dinning room, dressed in full uniform and bowed before us. He placed a basket of bread rolls in the middle of the table. He bowed once more and turned to leave the room. I had to suppress the twitch in my hand, and resist the urge to throw him with the bread rolls and tell him to go home.

"So my dear child," Mom began, as she took a sip of her wine. "How have you been. How is school?" She asked casually

I couldn't resist to roll my eyes, nibbling at a piece of the bread stick. How dare she ask like we've been on good terms. Has she forgotten that its been two damn years.

"Dad didn't tell you. I dropped out and joined a cult. I kill people for a living." I snapped at her. Dad choked on the wine he was sipping, placing his cup down. Beside me, Gregory had his lips pressed in a firm line holding back his laughter.

"Surilyn. What kind of nonsense talk is that?" Father muttered, dapping his mouth with a cloth napkin.

"Oh I don't know dad. Let's just keep pretending that she didn't abandon me for two damn years." I half shouted, crossing my arms.

"Surilyn," mother spoke warning tone. "There will be time for you vent how you feel but right now that subject is off limits; do you understand?"

I just rolled my eyes, tossing the breadstick that was curled around my fingers on my plate. "Whatever."

"Young man," mother called out.

Gregory," Greg corrected politely.

"I beg your pardon," mother asked almost baffled that someone has corrected her. It took all my might not to throw my chewed up breadstick at her.

"My name is Gregory. I though you should know." Greg told her in soft tone.

"I see," she mumbled and looked over at father. He wore a blank expression. "Well Gregory, I take it your in school with Suri." She said as her eyes fell upon him again.

"That is correct. We have a few classes together." Greg answered, turning to give me a shy but charming smile. I returned the smile back as my hand squeezed his under the table.

"Your quite smart I take it. Suri is in advance classes." Her tone turning conversational. How does she know what classes I am in?

"I take school very serious. You can't go no where in life without an education." Greg replied confidently.

"I can't agree more. What would you like to do after high school." Father agreed interrupting mother interrogation.

"I would like to go Harvard and become a lawyer, open my own firm in the future and maybe someday run to be the Governor of Rhode island."

I gapped at Greg in complete admiration. What a brilliant career path. I haven't even chosen what I wanted to do.

"Governor of state, interesting." I could see the hidden excitement in Dad eyes as he sat up straight, suddenly interested in Greg and his future. "I have a law firm of my own, you know, as soon as you finish high school, I would be glad to grant you a full scholarship to Harvard and an internship at my law firm." Dad offered genuinely.

I couldn't hide my smile. This was the dad I knew. The loving heart and caring soul. "You would really do that Dad?" I asked, astounded by his complete generosity.

"Absolutely." He beamed, showing his perfect white teeth.

"That's highly generous of you Mr. Miller." Greg said.

"Will talk more son, I like where your future is going. Say, I would like to show you around my company."

Really?" Greg asked, glancing at me.

"Certainly. Will do it tomorrow." Dad assured him with radiant smile.

"I have school." Greg frowned.

Ah don't worry, I'll give Principal Henry a call. That old chump won't mind."

Greg's eyes widen questionably. "Are you sure. That man does not tolerate anything."

Dad shook his head, waving off Greg's worry. "Ian and I go way back."

"I think it sounds like a fantastic idea." Mother cut in. I don't even turn to look her way. "I will like to take miss Suri here shopping."

"What, why?" I say skeptically, glancing at her in disbelief. I don't want to go anywhere with you. I added mentally..

"We have some catching up to do." Mom smiles.

I give her a rotten look and turned away childishly. "Sure we do." I responded sarcastically. "I have school tomorrow, sorry." I rejected.

"Don't worry, your father has it covered."

For the rest of the diner, I avoid any contact or conversation opportunities with my mother. I didn't have anything to say to her. Her choice of actions made her dead to me. So if I were her, I would quit trying to gain any type of mother daughter reunion from me. I wonder what May would think if she knew mother abandon me. She would probably feel the same way. Instead I focused my attention to my father and Greg. They were having serious talk about politics.

Mother noticed I was avoiding her and rose to her feet. She never looked at me again. "It was nice meeting you, Gregory." Mother spoke thoughtfully.

"It was a pleasure." Greg said in respectful tone. Mother nodded to a waiter who stood in a far corner, touching dad's shoulder and continued walking on. I just shook my head. Can she be any more dramatic. She is not the victim here.

"Well tomorrow then," Dad said, standing up. Greg stood as well, shaking his had.

"Okay. I will be here early." Greg assured him.

"Nine o'clock." Dad reminded him. "Good night son." Dad said politely and turned away.

"Good night, sir." Greg murmured. He turned with an excited look on his face.

"That went well with my father." I told him.

"I agree." Greg smiled, taking my hand. We quietly walked over to front door. "Wait, what about my stuff."

"Leave it." I waved it off.

"Are you sure? What if your mother sees it?" Greg said, a small of amount of worry in his tone.

'm pretty sure my dad will tell her you stayed here and honestly, I don't care." I smiled an evil smile.

Greg smirked, shaking his head. "Well then," he said.

"Oh and just to warn you, my dad loves politics. I won't be surprised when he offers to be your adviser when the time comes for you to run as governor. He'll be your biggest sponsor." I laughed because I knew it was true. Dad always tried to persuade May and I to take that career path of politics but we wouldn't budge. May and I were always into fashion or hair.

"I know he would." Greg grinned pulling me closer. "See it wasn't so bad." He murmured looking down at me.

"Yeah that is because you are here, but I am sure once you leave the peace will vanish." I muttered, planting a kiss on his neck. I was going to miss his company now that my parents suddenly wanted to return.

Greg sighed, hugging me closer to him and his chin resting against my forehead. "Don't worry Suri, everything will fall back into place."

"Mmm," I mumbled against his neck. We remained still, quietly holding each other close. So many emotions were running through and right at this second, I felt safe in his arms. His long arms securing me in never ending protection. "I'm going to miss you tonight."

"I can sneak through your window." Greg joked, nibbling my ear softly.

My entire inside reacted to his teeth nibbling on my ear. I moaned pulling him closer. "Tempting but mother's security has returned. I seen them scoping the place from window early."

"I was kidding. I rather stay on your father's good side." He gave me wink. I grinned as his finger traced the side of my face slowly.

"Good point," I whispered as his finger slid under my chin and held my face in place. Then his soft lips pressed against my mine, kissing my softly. Soon his mouth was asking permission, his tongue touching mine. It felt like they were made for each other. We kissed passionately, our tongues spiraling with fire. I pressed his body tighter to mine and moan escaped my lips as one of his hand slid under my shirt squeezing my breast.

"Two more minutes Surilyn, your father is going to set the alarm." mother called from the top steps. We both pulled away, frozen and that's when I realized where we were. I sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Greg said kissing me one last time.

"Okay." I whispered, frowning.

I watched him as he walked to his truck and within seconds he was gone. I truly was going to miss his company. His soft touch holding close at night. Why did my mother have to return? I was doing perfectly fine without her. I slammed the door of my room, putting the lock to avoid entry. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to sleep and forget this day happened.


I hope you enjoyed my update. Please don't forget to leave a comment and vote.

Much love, Barbie Ann.

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