Bitten By My Psycho Ex

By chocolatepuppy15

788 28 6

I was thrown to the ground my throat gushing pout blood. I looked up at my ex with disbelief and horror. His... More

Chapter One: Home...Sweet... Home
Chapter Two: Snap

Chapter Three: Mister Mister

167 5 4
By chocolatepuppy15

I sat down in the shower letting the water pour into the top of my bed. I didn't know what to do... The time when I punched the wall and my hand was okay, and all my anger flashes came to mind. I never acted like that. I was so sweet and kind to people. I never pushed out at my dad...

I never ever woke up drenched in blood either.... Well those times doesn't count.

"Monica?" I heard Christen's voice on the outside of the door.

My head snapped towards the door. I could have heard him clear as day even though I'm sitting down and the shower poured on my head.

"I'm sorry if I got you in trouble..."

I stood up and turned off the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way to the door. I opened the door and saw tears on his face. "Hey it's fine." I said smiling at him. "I don't care what consequence I have to face. No matter what I'll protect you."

Christen smiled and walked away.

I made my way to my room and began getting dressed. By the time I was done everyone was up and downstairs.

"Hey did you hear a man got killed last night."

My attention turned to my dad as he casually sipped his coffee.

"Yeah I saw it in the paper. People think there might be a wild mountain lion on the loose." my mother said staring at her phone.

My stomach curled and the urge to vomit washed over me. Did I....

"Sis, you okay?" Christen asked looking at me concerned. Everyone began to stare at me and I froze.

"Yeah," I said laughing nervously. "Don't feel like eating. I'm going get a headstart going school." I said jumping off the stool and running to the front door.

"I don't think it's a smart idea to walk around outside." my mom said

I looked up at them and have them a half smile. "I'll be fine." I quickly ran out the front door and made my way to school. As soon as I walked in my head as overloaded with noises and smells. People talking and even whispering made my head pound. Cheap perfume and body spray made me want to vomit.

I leaned up against a wall and curled up into a ball and started to weez. Am I having a panic attack. I looked at my hands and saw my nails were longer almost looked like... Oh my god they're claws! I quickly tuck my hands in my pocket and sat there.

'I killed that guy... It was me wasn't it. What Am I? Am I some psychopathic killer? What... What do I do-.'

' Just breathe. I need you to breathe. When you calm down your claws won't show. Can you do that for me?'

I nodded and began tracking deep breaths. I could feel myself calming down little by little.

' That's good. You didn't kill that man, but someone who's trying to frame you did. Someone like us. That blood you was covered in wasn't human, and the hair you threw up wasn't hair. You ate a rabbit.'

'Someone like us? Wait what?'

'I need you to get up and go to your first period. Can you do that for me?'

I had no clue why, but I got up and began walking towards my first period. 'What are you some kind of conscious telling me what to do?'

I heard a soft chuckle. 'No, but I am someone who cares and won't let you get hurt.'

'Oh my god.'

' What's wrong?'

'I'm losing my damn mind...'

'No you're not it's just that you're not used to this since you only shifted last night.'


'Yes. The reason why you ate a rabbit last night. He probably knew you was turning last night too. So he framed you.'

I stopped in my tracks. 'Who framed me? Why would someone fram me? And shifted? This doesn't make sense.' I looked up and all my senses narrowed down to one person in front of me. He smiled at with a petty smirk.

'He's the person who framed you. Julian Miles.'

'Wait my ex...'

Class had been going on for a good thirty minutes now, and all I could do was feel his eyes scanning over me repeatedly.

'Don't approach him. He can tell you've shifted. He wants you to seem weak and vulnerable so he can attack.'

'Attack! Why!'

'I don't know, but it seems like you made an alpha mad.'

'An alpha?'

'Yes a born leader of our kind.'

'Our kind?'

'Yes. I guess no one gave you the run through after you were bitten. Well I rather explain this to you. Can you meet me somewhere at lunch?'

'Wait you're not a voice in my head?'

'No. Lunch I need you to be in the library.'


'Until then I need you to stay away from him. Don't be alone always stay with a group of people.'

The bell rang and I rushed to get my things together. I looked up and saw he was making his way to me. He had a smile that sent chills down my spine. The vibes wasn't a sweet I love you vibe... It was more like a predator waiting to kill his prey.

I quickly got out of the room and made my way to gym. My least favorite subject, but this was the only class I have without Him being there.

I walked into the dressing room and was met with whispering smirks. I felt like a dog who hide her tail between her legs as just got dressed. I did my best to not focus on what they were saying about me. All that rage I had yesterday was gone. I felt like my normal self. Small...

I walked outside and was met with half of the class out. I stood by myself watching my best friends doing their best not to look at me. So this is how being alone felt.

"Class today we'll be runningkg laps. Five laps on the track and after you can do whatever you want."

I sighed and made my way to track. Running wasn't all that great for me since it makes it hard for me to breathe if I ever over did it. I began Running and felt a rush of energy. My mind was totally cleared and I felt like a kid in a candy store. Filled with joy. This was like the best feeling in the world.

I stopped and walked back as my class stared at me in what I believe to be is shock.

I sat down on the ground and let the sun hit my face. I could smell the fresh air and feel energetic. I felt fre-.


I stopped in my tracks and looked towards a group of my classmates.

"How could someone like that just be able to do that."

"Don't worry she'll be dead soon. With that thing hunting her I'm sure she won't last long."

I looked towards the group of people as they laughed. My body became cold and fear poured over me. What...what do they mean... I watched as they all smirked at me.

It was finally lunch time, but what I heard this morning stuck to me. I walked into the library and sat down. It was so quiet and nice.


I looked up and realised that not a soul was in here. Not even the libarian... I quickly got to my feet and grabbed my bag. A chill went down my spine and froze.

"Good you can sense my presences." the voice behinds me said. It sounded just like the one in my head. "Now sit."

My body flung itself down back into the chair as if it head a mind of its own. "What the he'll is going on? If this stupid revenge thing for breaking up with Julian, I won't go down easily."

"Good, that's the fighting spirit you need." the voice said making its way in front of me. I froze as a tall muscular guy stood in front of me. "Nice to see you too, Monica."

I raised an eyebrow as the guy sat down in front of me. "How do you know my name?" I asked and he seemed amused.

"Who doesn't know who you are? The new turned who's being hunted down. A victim of Julian sick game."

"Julian... Why is he doing this to me... Why does the school think I'm some kind of suicidal psychopath? Why does my parents..." I said feeling sadness and rage all at the same time.

"You feel that? That anger? That's what your wolf." I looked at him confused and he sighed. "You woke up in blood today, right?"

I froze when he saris that. "I didn't-."

"I know. I told You it was rabbit's blood-."

"What...wait how is that even possible?" I sat there as the memory of the voice... "You? The voice? You were in my head! How is that even possible!"

"Calm down." he sighed in annoyance. "So no one told you?" he said running his fingers through his hair. "I'm not surprised, but this is going to make this part so much harder."

"What is? All this it's already too confusing. This morning I woke up in blood. I've been having sudden sneer issues and my ex boyfriend is trying to kill me. What could be worse than that-?"

"You're a werewolf."

I froze and looked at him with a raised brow. "What?" he stitched and just leaned further back into his chair. "Oh I get it. Wow thanks." I said grabbing my things.


I shot him a glare and he looked at me confused. "Ha ha funny joke. You all can come out now. Thanks for the joke." I said pissed and hurt for some reason. Why was all happening now. I began walking away, but had the urge to stop and look back. "The hell..."

I dropped my bags and began to walk towards the huge black wolf standing in front of me. I know that's a dumb move, but its so fluffy...

I rested my hand on its nose and immediately felt weird shocks going through my body. I began petting him and letting my inner child out. "Wait so you're a... I'm a..." I said as I stumbled back a bit, but he stopped me from falling.

'I'll explain it later. Right now that my scent is on you no one should mess with you, but I'm not guaranteeing that they still won't give you dirty looks. We'll talk more tomorrow. I'll text you.'

I looked at him stunned, but nodded. He went behind some shelves and came back looking normal. He smirked as I just stared in awe.

"I'll see you later." he said resting his hand on my head and there was those shocks again.

The rest of the day went normally. People starred at me in disgust and anger, but none dared approached me. I didn't really noticed, because the idea of me. Me of all people being a werewolf was my playing in my head over and over again.

The bell rang and I began gather my things to go. I grabbed my last text book and bag before looking up to a very pissed Julian.

"You think this is funny huh?"

I raised a brow and glare at him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Why do you smell like him?" he said leaning closer and smelling me.

I toke a step back and glare at him. He gave me a shock, but extremely pissed expression. "How dare you..." I said as I stated to feel my rage building up. "You... You!" I growled. "You turned me into this." I said raising my hand knowing well that my hand wasn't normal.

"Heh." he chucked and toke a step back. "So he told you. This makes things less fun." he said giving me a sick smile. "Well it doesn't matter. Let's see who he finds first."

My eyes widen and I starred at him hoping he wasn't hinting what I think he was hinting. "That thinking people been talking that's hunting me... It's only hunting me... Right?"

"I did give him one of your brother's shirts and I know they're inseparable."

My mind snapped to the twins and fear and anger was the only thing I could feel.

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