By anuradhasivaraman

365K 6.6K 407

India is always known for its beauty and richness. In ancient days people could either recognize India as a l... More

1. Are They Serious!?!
2. That Talk With Sid!?!
4. The Decision Is Finally Taken
5. Event : Engagement
6. The Tam-Brahm Wedding
7. Wedding Night
8. Trip Back Home
9. At Home
10. My First Official Day
11. Confrontation with My Scars
12. Change in Self
13. Acceptance to Reality
14. Get Well Soon, Nivin
15. Finally Something's Going Our Way!
16. So, are we Friends Now?
17. I feel Like I must Run Into The Woods
18. The Value Of A Heart
19. When Reality Hits You On Face
20. Embarking a New Route- Part 1
20. Embarking A New Journey- Part II
Epilogue- So, the beginning of the End!

3.Our Coffee Date

16.1K 332 22
By anuradhasivaraman

                Ria's ringtone-"Heart Attack by Demi Lovota" on the left. Check it out. Again give me your feedbacks about the song.    

This chapter is dedicated to the_cloacked_one. Thanks for explaining me about the norms of saptapathi. Thanks, really it means a lot. Enjoy!!                           


                                                              OUR COFEE DATE

Sid P.O.V:- 

Before visting Ria's House.....

At hospital...

" Dr. Why didn't the prince go after the princess?" asked me a little girl who was wearing a pale blue hospital gown. She was Neha Singh, 10 years suffering from luekemia. Although I'm a junior surgeon and now 27 years old, I often spend my spare time in the pediatric department.

Well, the reasons are two. One, I love spending my time with this kids and two I can spend sometime with Seema, my sweetheart. We had been dating for the past whole year until she decided to break-up with me few weeks ago. So, well it would have made sense as why I said had been.

Even though we have broke-up I don't find a reason as why we shouldn't patch-up again. Life with Seema was great. She was great in bed and nice person to spend time as a collegue. She is quite smart and whenever I'm with her I find myself learning a lot about medicine and the advances in the field. Yes, as she might have stated there were no cliche's in our relationship like gut twisting or buterfly flying or even fireworks experience during our kiss.

But, here let's be practical. All these cliche's really never work in real life. We both have mutual benefits, so why doesn't she just accept our realationship as such. If she had never left me today we would have got engaged and even heading towards marriage and I would have been saved from the headache of these stupid bride-hunt.

Back to Earth, Siddharth Sharma. I scolded myself and turned my attention to the kid that was waiting for my answer so patiently.

" Neha, the prince has come back for the princess. Can't you see it?" I answered eyeing Seema from the corner of my eye. Please, Seema understand the irony. Can't she understand that I have come back for her to sweep her off her feet. Hopeless romantic right. But I care less. 

"But, Dr. you only told that princess ran away and the prince was sad by it?" Neha asked with confusion written all over her face. Poor, little girl it's not her fault that she can't get my irony. After all I have narrated my love story just by the replacing the main characters as Prince and Princess.

" Patience, Neha. Patience. It's the virtue that you lack!?! I was about to tell you that but you just asked me first. huh!?!" As soon as I finished saying that I felt my phone vibrating in my pant pockets. I quickly excused myself and went over the veranda to attend the call.

I viewed the called I.D. and noticed it was Dad. I picked up the phone and said, " Hello. Dad"

"Son, I hope i'm not disturbing you?" asked my ever considerate dad.

"Dad, that was too formal of you. But don't take me rude, as what made you call me during my shift, dad. I know that you won't call me otherwise." 

" Son, that makes you smart! It was just that I wanted to ask if you could come for the bride-seeing function as soon as you are done with work... It's that-- er-- your mom wants to meet this girl as soon as possible.. I hope--" I cut my dad off with my reply.

" Yes, dad. We would do as you said, get ready. bye. Got to go.." And thereby I cut the call.

Oh, shit not again!?! I can't handle this again. I was doing this bride-hunt only to make Seema annoyed. But there seems no trace of so. What's wrong with her.

My mind was really busy with it's own thoughts that I bumped onto a person without knowing. My reflex action immediately helped me to get a hold of that falling person. Without even noticing the face, I pulled the person to straighten only to reveal a very familiar face, SEEMA. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Sorry, Seema. You know I was quite lost in the thoughts of the girl that my parents have selected for me that I didn't see you coming. Again, I'm sorry... I'm going to meet her today for the first time and I'm quite anxious." I told her trying my level-best to make this lie of mine to look genuine although the last part is quite the truth.

"Oh, Sid.. I'm happy that you moved on.. Good for you.. Got to go.. Bye.." Seema said all in a breath and this is a sick habit of hers. But her expression was sincere. Did she really mean what she said? And why wasn't she hurt or sad?!? GOD!!! This girl is truly the death of mine. HUH!?!


Finally, I completed my shift and was going home.

On reaching home I found out that everyone was ready and expected me to go just as I was.

HECK with it. So, we just left with me wearing the same blue checked shirt tucked in skinny black jeans except the white coat. God, at least they didn't ask me to wear it there too.

To say that I was nervous was an understatement. I had by then met alt east 4-5 girls in this whole bride-hunt session and every time I had a reason to escape from it. After all, I accepted to this bride-hunt only to make Seema jealous, so why would I accept to marry any girl, yes only except her?

I was driving our Toyota Innova which was spacious enough to have room for all of us. The drive wasn't too long that we reached the girl's house in 1/2 an hour even with the lunch-hour traffic.

We knocked the door to be received by an over-energetic middle-aged woman who later introduced to her husband a quite reserved type that I noticed and informed us that her daughter will arrive from school in quite sometime.

School!?! Oh, yes I forgot that girl is a teacher. All I pray is that she doesn't turn-out to be a strict boring teacher.

We waited and by every passing minute my anxirty was increasing. Finally the door bell rang and a young, melodic voice came from outside. I was sort of mesmerised which confused me even more as how can a simple thing as voice mesmerize me so much.

Later she walked in and inspected us only to finally smile at me which quite put me on ease. From when did a simple smile put me on ease. That girl was really a beautiful creature to say and she was quite elegant which acted as her bonus point.

Our meeting went so successfully smooth that we even fixed a coffee date for the next day. I'm thoroughly impressed and some kind of weird sensation is going through me whenever I even think about her. Wonder what is that? maybe I'd figure that out during our date.


Ria's P.O.V:-

Next day.....

I don't know as what is making me so nervous today? Is that due to the presentation that I need to present or due to the very first date that I'm supposed to attend today. I have had coffee with many of the other gender but that could never be considered as a date and from when did I start to do dates? I don't date right? But as they might say there's always an exception right?

As I had been around a lot of men I didn't notice Sid's manly looks much and today no matter what I intend to. 

Oh, Ria get ready fast I scolded myself and quickly left for my school.


Oh My Gosh. Can a presentation and meeting be so uneventful than this? My principal and other staff were really happy with our presentation and then all they did was eat and then talk or should I say gossip. Finally, principal decided to leave us at 10:30 itself. 

As soon as she left my hands worked its way to message Sid.

Sid, our meeting ended early. Can we meet now? I mean 15 min later bcoz I need to travel from school to hospital. :) 

Sid was a faster text-er, I suppose. I immediately got a message from him saying:-

Ri, wait there. I'll pick you up. On my way to hospital.

Okay, fine. I did as I was said and waited for him. Oh, as how I got his number is he sent me a meassage after they all left stating as follows:-

Hey, Ri. This is Sid. Save my number ;) Good NI8

I smiled at his message and saved his number as soon as possible. I knew I had to wait for some more time, so I just sat on the bench under the tree near the gate and got on wih a ritual I do while waiting, i.e., To read a book. Today I was having Harequelin The Fiancee Fiasco By Jack Bruian. Wow, the pace was good and by five odd minutes I was so intruiged by the book that I literally jumped off the seat when I heard a honk of car. 

I rose my eyes to meet the warm, friendly eyes of Sid smiling down at me. I smiled back, placed my book back on my bag and got up while tucking my loose strands of hair behind my ear, nervously.

" Hi, Sid. Good, morning." 

"Ri, Get in. Let's make a move" he told me while all being seated in the driver seat. Uh, he's no gentleman.

But when I turn around to get into the car I realized that half of the staffs there were gaping at us. Oh, so this made Sid nervous.

I got into the car and we made it to the hospital.


The car ride wasn't that great to cherise. But we did have some small talk wher he inquired about my favourite colour, actor, likes and dislikes. I did the same and by the end of the ride we can no longer claim to be strangers as we got to know each other well enough.

As soon as we got out of his car, (oh well today I came by public transport, bus) a group of people in white coats hovered over the car and quickly started to recognize them as the friends that Sid showed me the other day.

Sid was quick enough to introduce me to them and I smiled at all of them. We then went upto the cafe situated in the thrid floor. They started talking about some medical terms probably thinking that I suck at biology maybe because I was a teacher with English majors.

But let me tell you I research each and every topic, an ardent reader of Robin Cook's medical thrillers and a Grey's Anatomy fan and once I too wanted to turn a doctor. So, when they were discussing about Leukaemia and its effects I suddenly started to talk about the recent advances in the field and about the article that I read about it recently. Everyone was shocked and especially a tall, fair and cute looking girl turned around and asked, " Excuse me. Don't go blabering on anything and everything you know. your half-doctor cooked up knowledge could prove ot to be dangerous---"

"Seema-- Stop it-- Will you?" Said another gorgeous girl and turning towards me, " She was just telling us what she knew about the field. But I wonder miss how did you learn this?'

"Curiousity" I blurted out and they all looked weirdly at me. " I mean, I love about learning new things every other day. So, one day out of boredom I was surfing about this topic and read a great article that I explained now-- and I'm a great Robin Cook fan, medical thriller writer.. so.."

"You're witty, smart and what not? Wow it's a pleasure meeting you teacher.." Seema snorted.

I just smiled at her when my phone rang with the ringtone of Heart-Attack by Demi Lavato. It was Raj calling me I picked up and answered while we all reached and were seated in a corner of the cafe.

" Raj, have you got the designs I mailed?" I enquired him.

"Yeah, but I can't prepare it in a week. You know, the manpower problem..." Now I was losing temper. First of all I'm among unfriendly people and then Raj!?!

" Raj, how could you be so careless? I' coming just now and I'll show as how only two together can design a whole fashion line. Gosh, what's wrong with you? I'm reaching there in half an hour? Okay?" I could see that I was the centre of attraction. I loved that fact. Who said I'm goody-goody shoes , I too can act bitchy, okay?

" Fine, Raj one more thing check with our NGO schedules. I want to make a trip to nearby village this weekend. Yes, prepare some skit ready too. So, when is the fasion show man?"

" This friday and it's already Tuesday today."

"Dude, we have five more days. So, no worries. I'm reaching there. So, bye."

"BYe, dear." The phone line died.

Those gaping eyes and Seema blurted, " Attention seeker.. Huh?!?"

" Seema, Ri isn't attention seeker and it's you. She's indeed a multi-tasker who runs a Ngo, a fashion botique, a blogger, columinist, teacher and her list goes on. Morever weren't you the one who were more excited to meet her?" replied Sid who had this amused look on his face. God, knows what this man was doing all this time. Had to speak up only now? Was he the one who brought me here?

"Oh, we never had a proper introduction. So, I'm Deekshita," said the girl who defended me earlier and this is---" It kind of blurred off. I'm not great with names For Your Information. I jokedly call that an amenisia with names.

But I wonder why I vividly remember every name of the person in the order Sid introduced them to me yesterday in their group photo.

" Ria. Wait, I think so. Wait!?! I know, you're the author  of "Living my Dreams", right? That's why you look oddly familiar. I'm a great fan of your writing but never thought you would end up in agreeing to arranged marriage---" said this guy named Tejas. 

"Tej, I know what you mean by that. In that book I would have talked about how one must live his dreams out and take his decisions. I accept it tilll date and even here isn't it I who is going to decide whether this marriage is on or not? Let me tell you I would live by decision till end and just like I believe I would take up responsibility when situation arises." I said with a calm face on. I know that I can lose temper any time if they keep on this interrogation.

" But why do I feel as though your eyes say something else?" this guy named Nivin asked with an arrogant smirk.

"What?!?" I blurted out. I know my cool facade is slipping out. But what to do?

" I mean-- I don't know Ria. It's just that I feel that you aren't that conservative in thoughts to accept such thing-- I mean like it's pressure that you're reacting this way.." Nivin replied hesitantly.

"Nivin.. You know what I find your comment about me not being conservative to be a little offensive. But I do accept it's pressure that making me to go by this.." I gestured them and I know I'm annoyed to this point that I'm letting it out.

"Sorry, Ria." muttered Nivin sheepishly.

"Okay, Ria, what do you expect from this marriage?" asked Vikas seriously tring to change the topic.

" Hmm, Vikas, I appreciate your try to change the topic, but you know what this question is too awkward to answer in public. But still.." I paused and turn to my side to look into Sid's face who was expecting my answer. So, I know I have to answer this. I drew a long breath and replied, " Hmm, Okay. Marriage is a big deal for me. It has be out of love and not out of forcition. I'm might really look sweet and naive but let me tell you Sid I'm a little complicated person who needs care and affection.. ( i gave a little laugh) I can make tantrums to get your attention but only yours. I open up only to my closed and confined and if I marry you I might reveal how sensitive and vulnerable I can be..( I let out this nervous laugh again). And I kind of thought I would do this thought in privacy instead of hmm, having so many eyes on me expecting my answer." I answered.

"What are you doing now? Isn't it forcition than love" Seema snorted. That's what I thought to myself, as how did I miss those snide comments of Seema( oh note the dripping sarcasm)

"Hmm, Seema.. I don't believe in love at first sight but we do have a week to decide right? Maybe who knows.. we can.. uhm.. even fall in love.." I replied sheepishly. But that's what I thought.

" You really think he would love you?" Seema sort of challenged me with a smirk and raised eyebrows.

" Hmm, I don't know.. I know I may not be very beautiful.. I don't know, I maybe little boring.. " I really don't know why but that arrangant smirk on Seema's face made me rant all my insecurites out.

" Ri, stop it I say." Sid said placing his hands on my waist pulling me close. I looked up at him by the sudden contact and I did feel uneasy and there were this weird stomach knots happening in me. " You know what Seema, unlike you Ri is person to whom anyone can fall head over heels."

I moved little uneasily and I was lost in his eyes that I suddenly said, " Sid, I do appreciate your kind words but I feel uneasy at the public display of affections. I hope you understand." pulling away from him.

He smiled awkwardly and moved away. Seema was just looking at our direction. She looked at her watch and said, " I think I need to leave. Time to report.Bye." with that she went away.( or that was what I thought.)

I smiled at all and said, " Guys it was a pleasure meeting you all but I have this Raj to deal with. So I need to leave. Hope we all meet agin." They all nodded.

Sid brushed his mouth near my ears and said, " I hope I get a second date? Lunch, tommorow at Rajdhani, E.A? Just you and me?" 

Oh, no tommorow is Saturday, I do have off but the way he said the last line just gave me shivers in a good way. I nodded. Bade goodbye and also noted that Seema was still there staring at us while Sid was gesturing to call me later.

He wanted to have lunch only with me with no interference of friends. I was happy hearing that and immeadiatedly left to meet Raj in his studio.

Sid's P.O.V:-

 Wow, I don't know why but I was happy knowing that Ri is capable of stirring in emotions into emotionless creatures like Seema. After all this what I wanted. To make Seema jealous. If Ri is capable of doing that then I know that I have to sick to her a little longer. But what confuses me is the fact that even though I know that I love Seema, why do I always feels lively, happy, energetic and complete when I'm with Ri.

Note to Self:- Stop reading Nicholas Sparks books and watching stupid rom-com movies.

Wasn't I always this realistic guy who knew that all these cliches never exists. But, why am I starting to believe all these things after spending time with Ri. Is it even possible?

"Sid, you're lucky man. You really have got a gem there in the form of Ria unlike the ones you usually stick to." said Nivin playfully. He always hates Seema for all unkown reasons and not only him but if it hadn't been me none of us would have had Seema in our gang. 

"Nivin you're talking as if I have married her. It's just a first date but technically not since we had no privacy. So, we are to have lunch together tommorow. Let's see as how things turn out to be?" I told them with a gleeful expression.

They all smiled and shrugged and we all dispersed soon enough. 

I hope today I can sleep peacefully after witnessing that priceless expression Seema sported when I told them about my lunch plans with Ri. I'm happy after all.


Author's Note:-

Hope you liked Sid's P.O.V. He's sweet. Isn't he? I know you all might think that he's little girlish in thoughts but blame him not that he's a mommy boy. Sweet, sensitive and caring one. Ria on the other hand is romantic but all she feels when Sid is around is that unusual uneasiness. She's not able to understand them unlike as how Sid processes them.

A few more chapters later is the much awaited wedding night drama. I just can't wait for it. Hope, you like this story. Again sorry for any mistake.

E.A is a shopping mall in Chennai and rajdhani is a very busy Rajasthani and Gujarati hotel that provides us with big, unlimited thali ( balanced food) to eat. I'm looking forward for second date.. So are you right??

Okay, I'll be back soon.. Bye.. don't miss me and story too much.. haha.. Bye..

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