Collection of stories

By DanielleMccormick8

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just like the title says this is a collection of stories I wrote in the past and am now just deciding to sha... More

Baby Mommas
Cam2(different from Cam)
Cassi Irwin
Dating Liam Payne
Jae and Jace
Nate and Sammy
say it isn't so
what have I gotten myself in to
bite me


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By DanielleMccormick8

"Skylar can you be more nicer to Sam?"Nate asked after I had launched a pillow directly into Sam's face. I shook my head and Sam rolled his eyes at me.

"She likes doing mean shit to me dude and that's your sister."Sam said throwing the pillow back towards my head. I rolled my eyes and started to leave the room.

"Why should I be nice to one of the schools players?"I asked turning around in time to watch his face fall. He dropped his head and Nate walked across the room over to me. He grabbed my wrist gently and spun me around to face him so I couldnt see the devasted look on Sam's face.

"Stop believing the bullshit those girls at your school keep spreading around, you know Sam more than they do and you know as well as I do that he isnt like that."he said softly. I rolled my eyes again and walked back across the room I lifted Sam's face up and saw the hurt in his eyes. He looked over at my brother and just stood there.

"Im sorry I said that Sam."I said softly trying to get his attention. He pulled away and looked at the floor.

"That shit hurts Skylar."he muttered. I sighed and turned around to leave the room yet again.

"She should know, she's the one who rejected you as soon as the rumors started and she's known you since we've been little."Nate spoke up. I flipped him off and walked towards the front door.

"I rejected him cause I caught him in bed with another girl the same day he asked me out Nate."I replied coldly. Sam's head dropped back down and my brother walked over to stop me from leaving.

"He was fucking drunk Skylar and the girl took advantage of the situation."he said. I looked back and saw the hurt in Sam's eyes. I shook my head and walked out the door. I hated living in a shared apartment with him when Sam came around. I walked down the hallway and knocked on the all too familiar door. It opened and Jack J's face greeted me.

"Come here."he said softly opening his arms. I hugged him and smiled seeing Jack G coming out of his room shirtless. He walked over and pulled me away for his own hug.

"Get your own Skylar."he laughed looking at Johnson. I heard the door down the hallway open and heard Nate talking to Sam. I rolled my eyes and Gilinsky clenched his jaw. We moved to the couch where he kept his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Nate walked in the apartment and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Now I see why you rejected Sam."he groaned. Jack tensed up and Sam followed him into the apartment.

"You're not coming in here starting shit with Gilinsky all cause Sam fucked up."Johnson spoke up.

"She's my fucking sister Johnson."Nate said. I looked up and saw Sam giving dirty looks over to Gilinsky.

"Rejected me for the rumors going around your school saying Im a fucking player but yet you're cuddled up to the biggest one at the school."Sam laughed.

"Just how am I a player Wilkinson?"Jack asked letting me go. Sam laughed and looked over at Nate who was shaking his head.

"She'll find out Jack just wait."my brother replied before looking at me. He tossed me my apartment key and nudged Sam.

"Thought you were better than this Skylar."Sam muttered before following my brother out of their apartment. I looked over at Gilinsky and he had his eyes closed.

"You ok?"I asked touching his cheek. He nodded and kissed my palm before looking at me.

"You staying here for awhile?"Johnson asked me coming from the kitchen. I shrugged and Jack pulled me back closer to him.

"I want her too but we both know she wont."Jack mumbled. He opened his eyes and I saw the hurt in them myself.

"Im yours now aint I Jack?"I asked. He bit his bottom lip and shrugged.

"You act like you are but you dont stick around long enough for anything."he mumbled.

"Hey Im not Madison Gilinsky, Im not going to do you like she did."I said cupping his face. Johnson walked over and nudged me.

"Spend the day with him then Skylar, that's all he ever asks of you."he said once I looked up at him. Jack laid his head on my shoulder and I felt myself start rubbing his back.

"Are you staying Skylar?"he asked. I froze and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

"I'll stay for a little while."I replied once he moved.

"You dont have to."he said getting up.

"Why is that?"I asked.

"I'll find someone else to cuddle with me who will actually stay."he replied shrugging. I bit my bottom lip and looked at the floor.

"And Im out."I said softly. I went to get up and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Skylar Im messing with you."he said holding me close. I pulled free and turned around to see him holding his phone out in front of us. He pouted and I smirked before kissing him softly.

"I promise if you're playing me Gilinsky I'll make you regret it."I said softly.

"Skylar come on now dont start believing Sam."Johnson spoke up. We sat back down and I stay cuddled with Jack on the couch until it was late.

"Babe?"he asked moving his arm.

"I'll see you tomorrow I promise."I told him. He nodded and walked me to the door. He kissed me again and bit his lip as I walked down the hallway. I got back to the other apartment and noticed my brother wasnt home yet so I called him.

"Im on my way Skylar, not like you've been at home all day anyway and Sam's coming with me."he said answering it.

"Im not coming out of my room then."I muttered.

"He's fucking sick Skylar, I wasnt leaving him alone."he replied sighing. I bit my lip and he hung up on me. I cleaned up the mess they had left and walked towards the bathroom to wash my face. I heard the front door open and head Sam mumbling something. Nate brought him to the bathroom and looked at me before Sam started throwing up behind me.

"Disguisting."I muttered. I walked out of the bathroom and Nate grabbed my wrist.

"Go stay the night down there, I talked to Gilinsky, he's waiting for you."he said softly before looking at Sam. I changed out of my day clothes and headed back down the hallway. Jack had the door open and was talking on his phone with his back to me.

"You can meet her tomorrow I promise and no she's nothing like Madison was."I heard him say. I let myself in and wrapped my arms around him from behind. I kissed his shoulder and watched him bite his lip.

"Your girlfriend on the phone?"I asked teasing. He smiled and showed me the screen.

"She wants to meet you tomorrow."he replied. They talked for a few more minutes and he hung up. Johnson locked the door and smirked at me.

"Dont stay up all night."he laughed looking at us. Jack wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly.

"Can we just sleep?"he asked softly. I nodded and let him take me across the living room towards his room. He turned his fan on for me and I climbed under his warm comforter. He slid in next to me after turning off the light and wrapped his arm back around me pulling me close. I laid my head on his chest and heard him sigh.

"You ok Jack?"I asked softly.

"Yeah I just love feeling you close to me Skylar, I dont want to lose this."he said softly. I kissed his chest and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

4 AM

I felt the bed dip and started to open my eyes.

"Sleep babe Im going to see what Johnson's mouthing about."he said softly. I pouted and closed my eyes as he left the room. The bed moved half a hour later and I felt him slid back in next to me.

"What's going on baby?"I asked feeling him pull me close again.

"Idiots out in the hallway drunk and fighting."he muttered. I kissed him tenderly and he smiled before we both fell back asleep. I kept my head on his chest and didnt move until Johnson came in his room a couple more hours later.

"Gilinsky your mom and sister are on their way bro."he said pulling the cover off of us. I pouted and Jack wiped the sleep from his eyes. He kissed my forehead and sat up.

"You have some clothes in my closet babe if you want to get dressed."he said getting up. I yawned and he tossed me a pair of leggings. I pulled them on and watched him grabbed a hoodie from his closet. He tossed it to me and smiled. He pulled on his own hoodie and I pulled my hair up into a bun before we left his room. Johnson handed me a cup of coffee and my phone went off in my hand. I groaned and saw it was my brother. I answered and looked over at Jack.

"You coming home today?"he asked.

"He still there?"I asked.

"He needs somewhere to stay, I thought about letting him move in Skylar."he replied.

"Then fuck no Im not coming home."I answered.

"You might as fucking move in down there."he groaned. I looked at Johnson and he took my phone.

"We have no problem with that Nate, she's happy with Gilinsky stop trying to force Sam in her face all the time."he said calmly. Jack wrapped his arms around me and kissed my jaw.

"Do you want to babe?"he asked getting my attention. I shrugged and watched Johnson. He hung up and put my phone on the counter.

"We'll go with you to get your stuff once his mom and sister leave."he told me. I smiled and someone started knocking on the door. Jack let me go and went to answer it. 2 ladies walked in and engulfed him in a hug. He pulled away smiling and looked back at me.

"Mom, Laura this is Skylar."he said holding his hand out to me. I took it and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"She's pretty."his sister said looking over at me. I smiled and his mom pulled me away to hug me.

"Thank you."she said letting me go. I looked at Jack and quirked my eyebrow.

"He's happier with you, we can tell the difference. With Madison it was different."Laura spoke up. I gave a little smile and looked over at Johnson. He smirked at me and Gilinsky walked over to him.

"Babe?"Jack asked. I walked over and he kissed me softly.

"Thanks."I said pulling away. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Are you and Laura hanging out in town for awhile?"he asked his mom.

"Yeah, your dad and Molly are on their way to join us for lunch and shopping."she replied. He groaned and looked at her.

"Dont worry you werent invited."Laura joked. He stuck out his tongue and I grabbed his hand.

"We're helping Skylar move."Johnson spoke up.

"In here?"Jack's mom asked.

"Yeah, her and her brother are fighting and he's trying to get her to cheat on Jack with his best friend."Johnson said. I pouted and Jack rubbed my back. His mom smiled at me and pulled her phone out.

"Keep it in your pants son, Im not ready to be a grandma just yet."she teased making him instantly blush. I kissed him and calmed him down.

"So I'll see you, Molly, Laura and dad later?"he asked looking up. She nodded and hugged him before Laura pulled him away for her own hug.

"Take care of him for us."they said before hugging Johnson who was next to the door. Jack kissed me again getting my attention and my phone lit up on the counter. I walked over and clenched my jaw.

"He let that skank pack my stuff up and sit it out in the hallway."I said looking up. Jack clenched his jaw and Johnson opened the door looking down that way.

"Jack we'll see you after lunch."his mom said as the 5 of us stepped out in the hallway. He nodded and looked at me.

"Babe me and Johnson can go get your stuff for you they left the door open."he said raising his eyebrow. I shook my head and bit my lip. We parted ways with his family and started walking down the hall. We stopped outside the door and Sam rolled his eyes. Nate came to the doorway and shook his head at me.

"Unbelievable honestly Skylar, I still say you're making a mistake."he said softly. I walked up to him as the guys grabbed my bags and noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Im giving you what you want Nate, dont act like this is hurting you now."I replied. He nodded at Sam and I saw the hurt all over his face.

"I just dont want to see Gilinsky hurt you."he said barely above a whisper. I walked back away after handing him his spare key and turned to walk away. I looked up at Jack and he had his jaw clenched. I walked up to him and touched his chest. I grabbed the last few bags and followed them back to their apartment. Johnson hugged me and smiled at Jack.

"You sure this is what you want babe?"he asked softly. I nodded and walked over to him.

"He's letting Sam move in, I cant stay there."I muttered biting my lip. He lifted my face and kissed me softly.


"Do you guys really have to go?"I asked looking up at Johnson. He nodded and Jack came out of our room still yawning.

"Its radio interviews babe, I asked you last night if you wanted to come with us."he said pulling his shirt on. I walked over and kissed him softly.

"Someone has to go pick up the groceries and clean this place up."I laughed looking around the apartment. He smirked and kissed me again.

"We'll go with you when the interviews are over, come with us."Johnson said grabbing his phone. I bit my lip and looked up at Jack.

"I want my girlfriend there."he said pouting.

"Alright Im coming."I replied pulling my Vanz on. I slipped my phone into my pocket and Jack grabbed the apartment key. We walked out into the hallway and my brother walked down towards us.

"Why the hell are they wanting to interview all 4 of us?"he asked as Sam followed him out of the apartment.

"Cuz thats what they planned on doing months ago, let's just go get this over with."Sam replied. They caught up to us and Gilinsky slipped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. The 5 of us were getting along at this point and friends again somewhat. I looked over at my brother and he stuck out his tongue before smiling at me.

"One day soon I want to spend the day with my sister Gilinsky."he said as we walked towards the elevator.

"Good luck with that."Johnson laughed. I quirked my eyebrow and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and bit my lip. Sam had texted me and was smiling when I looked at him. We got down to the lobby and I put my phone back in my pocket. Jack kept his arm around my waist and I could see their 'fans' outside the main door.

"Great this again."I muttered. Jack looked down at me and frowned.

"Baby."he said softly. I looked up and he kissed me softly letting them see it. I closed my eyes when he pulled away and Sam smiled over at me. I sighed and we walked out to the van that was waiting for the guys.


I walked across the room and bit my lip as Jack came in the door. He stopped by the baby swing and clenched his jaw.

"I still hate the fact that you cheated and had a kid with Sam."he muttered. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Nate.

"We arent together anymore Jack so why are you even here?"I asked softly. Sam came down the hallway and kissed my cheek.

"Johnson asked him to meet him here so we can go do something."Nate spoke up. I walked over to the baby swing and lifted my 2 month old daughter out of it.

"I wasnt even the only who to cheat Gilinsky, you were hooking up with girls at that fucking party."I groaned. Sam went to make our little girl a bottle and sneered at Jack. I sat on the couch and watched his face.

"You're insane Skylar, I told you time and time again I wasnt hooking up that night. Nate and Johnson were there and they even backed my ass up."he muttered. Sam came back and handed me her bottle before walking across the room.

"We going home today babe?"Sam asked looking up.

"I believe we are."I replied with a nod. Nate walked over and kissed baby Maci on her forehead.

"Call me when you guys make it this time Skylar I mean it."he said before looking back at Sam. Sam brought her carseat over to me and went to get our bags. I finished feeding her and burped her before handing her off to him. He changed her diaper and smirked at me.

"Want me to drive this time?"I asked picking up the keys.

"Calling her babe but your ass is dating Stassie too arent you?"Jack asked. Sam clenched his jaw and I put Maci in carseat buckling her in.

"Why the fuck are you even trying to start shit Gilinsky."Sam snapped.

"Sam please dont."I muttered.

"Why do you have to be so stupid Skylar?"Jack asked. Sam shoved him across the room and I shook my head.

"Just let them Sky, Jack deserves it and Sam's been holding back for this long already."Nate spoke up. He moved Maci's seat back out of the way and I watched the fists start flying. Johnson walked in a few minutes later and Sam had Jack on the ground punching his face.

"What the fuck?"Johnson asked. He went to pull Sam off of Jack and Jack took the chance to punch him hard across his jaw snapping his head back. I started to get up and Nate walked over to break it up when Jack went to start punching Sam in his face.

"Leave Gilinsky."Nate snapped. I looked at Sam and he dropped his head. He looked at Nate and Nate looked over at me.

"What?"I asked softly.

"You mad at Sam?"he asked. I shook my head and walked over to Sam. I lifted his head and saw the tears in his eyes.

"Im sorry, I couldnt keep it in anymore."he mumbled. I wiped the blood from where Jack had split his eyebrow open and he winced.

"Nothing to be sorry about babe."I said softly. Johnson helped Jack up and he spit blood onto the floor.

"I could have done worse, get the fuck out of Nate's apartment."Sam snapped looking over at them. Jack laughed and Johnson let him go.

"You got yours coming Wilkinson, Nate wont always be around to stop me."he said before walking past. He shoved Sam and went out the door. Johnson followed and Nate came back with an ice pack.

"Hey Skylar take him to get checked out, that might need stitches."Nate's girlfriend said walking down the hallway.

"You wanna keep Maci for me?"I asked looking over at her. She smiled and walked over to the carseat.

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