Collection of stories

By DanielleMccormick8

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just like the title says this is a collection of stories I wrote in the past and am now just deciding to sha... More

Baby Mommas
Cam2(different from Cam)
Cassi Irwin
Dating Liam Payne
Jae and Jace
Nate and Sammy
say it isn't so
what have I gotten myself in to
bite me


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By DanielleMccormick8

*So let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jaelyn Beer and Im currently 17 years old. Yes Beer as in Madison Beer shes my cousin and the only girl our age im closest too*

"Jaelyn its time we head out, the moving vans have already left and I want to beat them to Omaha."my mom said coming into the backyard. I looked up from my spot on the porch and groaned.

"Jae, I'll see you when you get here I promise and I have a few people I want to introduce you too."Madison said from my phone screen.

"Babe Im sure she doesnt want to meet those dorks."I heard her boyfriend Jack Gilinsky call offscreen. I smiled and the screen went blurry for a second.

"Wilkinson give me my damn phone back thats my cousin and I was talking to her."Madison yelled. I laughed and bit my lip when I saw his face. He smiled and winked at me before Madison tackled him.

"Madi I'll see you in some hours, love you."I laughed before we ended the call. I followed my mom up to the driveway and pouted at my baby hooked up on a trailer attached to her SUV.

"You ready to move next door to Madison now?"she asked as we jumped in. I nodded and noticed my duffel bag at my feet instead of the back with everything else.

"Its a 4 hour drive right?"I asked earning a nod.

"It's scary how much you and Madison can pass for twins."she said when I opened my facebook app on my iPad in my lap.

"Her boyfriend said we look different, he's able to tell us apart."I said quirking my eyebrow. She laughed and turned on the radio handing me the aux cord. I plugged my phone up and we jammed out the entire 4 hours on the road. My phone rang and I smiled seeing it was Facetime from Madison.

"The movers just got next door so mom decided to head over and let them in for you and your mom, Im excited."she said giving me her natural smile.

"I love you Madison."I laughed as my mom pulled onto the street where we had brought the house. She pulled in the driver way and one of the movers came over to get my baby off the trailer. I got out the front seat and heard a familiar squeal. My mom got out and smiled as Madison almost tackled me in a hug. I hugged her back tighter and heard guys over in her backyard.

"Jack's out there with his friend Jack who we call Johnson, his friend Nate that goes by Skate and his friend Sam the one who took my phone earlier."she said looking at my face.

"Yeah he's cute."I laughed. She smiled and hugged me again.

"Does Jae have to be over here right now?"she asked my mom. She shook her head and smirked at me.

"Dude Im in sweats and a tank top."I muttered.

"You look hot boo."she said winking at me. I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair fixing it before letting her pull me next door. I dropped my phone into the pocket of my sweats and licked my bottom lip as we walked into her backyard. The voices stopped and I looked over at Madison.

"When did Madi get a fucking twin?"one of the guys asked.

"17 years ago."she laughed.

"Thats her cousin Johnson."Gilinsky said walking over. I smiled and he returned it following my gaze.

"Sam met you earlier kinda when he stole my phone."Madison nudging me. Sam smiled and the guy beside him was checking me out.

"And this would be Nate but he's not important."the other Jack said smirking at me. Nate slapped him and I caught Sam laughing.

"Ok now Madison you've introduced me, Ima go back over there and start unpacking cuz if mom does it theres no telling what I'll find where."I said with a grin.

"Its the weekend, unpack later and hang out with us."Gilinsky said getting my attention. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out groaning. I went to hit the ignore button and Madison snatched my phone answering it.

"How many damn times does my cousin have to tell you to buzz off, you cheated and hurt her so that means you have no part of her life anymore."she said looking over at me. I rolled my eyes and put my hand out. The other 3 guys had moved over to where we had decided to sit. I caught Sam watching me and he quickly looked away. Madison handed my phone back after ending the call and I went to slip it back in my pocket. we hung out in her backyard for awhile and Madison nudged me when she noticed Sam kept getting closer to my side. I smiled and she pulled Sam away from all of us to talk to him alone. I bit my lip and my phone started going off again. I pulled it out of my pocket again and saw it was my mom. Madison walked back over and took my phone from my hand.

"Where's Sam going?"Johnson asked getting our attention.

"He said something about going home for a little while."she replied after typing on my phone. She sent a text and smiled at me. I took my phone back and smirked.

"He likes her doesnt he babe?"Gilinsky asked. She nodded and my phone went off again.

"Mom wants me over there so I can unpack some of my stuff. The movers already set up my bed."I told her. She hugged me and Gilinsky pulled me away for his own hug. Johnson and Nate both waved and smiled at me. I walked back over to the new house and let myself in. I found my mom in the kitchen with my aunt and smiled at both of them.

"They treat you nice?"they asked. I nodded and took my phone out of my pocket.

"I came back so I can get some of my room unpacked."I laughed seeing that Madison had put Sam's number in my phone and had texted him so he would have mine. They nodded and I went up the stairs to the room I had picked out when we got the house. I put my phone on its charger and started opening the boxes that had my clothes in them. I started hanging them in the closet and putting them in my dresser. I finished late and saw Madison was calling me again. I answered and laid across my bed.

"Sam's back over here."she said giving me a smirk on FaceTime. I quirked my eyebrow and heard him talking to Gilinsky in the background.

"Boo Im exhausted and all Ive done is unpack all my clothes to put them up."I laughed. She moved her phone and I could see Sam.

"He likes you Jae."she said moving the phone back. I blushed and could see the guys walk up behind her.

"You coming back out?"Sam asked quirking his eyebrow. I shrugged and looked at my room.

"I mean I could for a few minutes but I really want to finish this."I laughed. He smiled and Gilinsky nudged him. I walked downstairs and my mom watched me.

"I see you're adjusting to this well."she laughed. I nodded and stopped in the kitchen.

"Madison introduced me to her boyfriend officially and a few of his friends, they want me to come back out for a little while."I replied biting my lip. She nodded and I walked back out the front door. Madison walked over and grinned at me. We walked back over to her house and Sam had his back to me. Gilinsky smiled and I quirked my eyebrow before Sam turned around. His face lit up and Madison shook her head. We joined them on the deck and talked until the stars were out.

"Jae?"Madison asked. I looked over and Sam had his head on my shoulder half asleep.

"Hey."I said softly getting his attention. He sat up and ran a hand over his face.

"Babe Im going to make sure he gets home ok."Jack laughed. Sam flipped him off and frowned at Madison.

"He lives across the damn street."Madison said.

"Ok then your cousin can walk him home."he said making my head snap up.

"She has to get back home herself, walk him over there."Madison replied. I stood up with Sam and he hugged me lightly smirking at Madison. Jack pulled him away and smiled at me.

"Text her or whatever when you wake up."he laughed. Sam followed Jack around the front and I looked down at Madison.

"He seems so guarded."I said softly.

"He's afraid of getting hurt Jae thats all."she replied standing up. I yawned and she kissed my cheek before I went back next door. I got in and noticed my mom was already in bed. I went to my room and changed out of the clothes I had wore all day. I turned on my ceiling fan along with my box fan and climbed in the bed holding my phone. Sam texted me and I bit my lip before texting him back. I turned over and put my phone on the nightstand before drifting off to sleep myself.

I woke up the next morning and heard my phone give a text alert. I rolled over to get it and smiled seeing the screen before I unlocked it. I texted Madison since she had texted me before that and walked downstairs.

"You going to finish unpacking your room today?"my mom asked.

"Yeah once I finish waking up."I laughed before my phone buzzed in my hand again.

"Who in the world is texting you at 7 in the morning?"she asked.

"Madison and Sam."I replied biting my lip. She raised her eyebrow and watched my face.

"Sam?"she asked. I unlocked my phone and showed her one of the pictures we had taken as a group together the day before. I pointed him out and she smiled at me.

"Madi says he already likes me and he almost fell asleep with his head on my shoulder last night while we were over there talking on her back porch."I said biting my lip. I fixed myself a cappucinno and went back up to my room smiling to myself. I texted Sam back and put my phone on its dock. I pulled my pandora app up and started playing music while I finished unpacking the rest of my room. I looked up when I was done and Madison walked in my room smiling.

"The guys sent me over to see if you want to come do something with us."she said. I checked my phone and looked over at her while sitting on my bed.

"I havent even had a shower yet Madison."I muttered.

"We're just trying to get you more time with Sam."she said giving me that look. I blushed and her face lit up.

"Doing what?"I asked.

"Swimming at my house in like a hour."she said quirking her eyebrow.

"Im coming quick shower and I'll get ready."I said quickly.

"Jae if he's falling for you like me and Jack think he is please dont hurt him, he may not look like it but he's a great guy."she said softly. I bit my lip and saw he had texted me again. I nodded and hugged her before she left. I jumped in the shower and did everything I needed to do. I got out and found my favorite new bikini. It had leopard print on the bottom and the top matched but had teal around the outline of it. I put it on and decided to change my belly button ring. I slipped on a pair of short shorts and my long coral tank top. I grabbed sunglasses and Madi texted me saying she had an extra beach towel for me. I slipped on some flip flops and grabbed my phone before going downstairs.

"Room unpacked?"my mom asked.

"Yeah, Im going swimming next door. Madison invited me."I replied giving her a smile. She nodded and I walked out the door. I got next door and heard Madison laughing. I walked in the backyard and saw Sam climbing out of the pool soaked.

"Shouldnt have teased Nate buddy."she said before I nudged her.

"I swear they're fucking twins."Johnson muttered. She had on the same outfit and grinned at me.

"We just have the same taste Johnson."she laughed. I smirked and pulled my top off. Her mouth fell open and Gilinsky grinned at Sam.

"Obviously cuz thats the same bikini you have on, only difference is yours has orange on the top."Nate laughed. We both pulled our shorts off and she put my phone on the table with hers. I slipped off my flip flops and tossed my sunglasses on top of my stuff. We both jumped in the pool and Gilinsky pushed Sam in when we popped back up. We laughed and he frowned over at us. The other guys got in the pool and we goofed off for like a hour.

"Wait Madi does Jaelyn have a boyfriend we should know about?"Johnson asked. I looked over at her and her eyes landed on Sam for a few seconds.

"She's interested in someone here already sorry Johnson."Gilinsky spoke up. I blushed and Sam swam over behind me. He grabbed my ankle playing around and pulled me under. I came up and pushed him under water off guard. He came up spurting and pouted at me. He coughed up a mouth full of water and jumped out of the pool. He walked around the front of the house and Madison shrugged her shoulders. The rest of us got out of the pool and I sat down feeling bad. He walked back around and looked at us for a few seconds.

"You good?"Nate asked. He nodded and sat in the chair where his stuff was. I looked and saw his eyes were bloodshot. I picked up my phone and slipped my sunglasses on top of my head laying back on my towel that Madison had laid on the chair. Johnson walked around front to his car and Madison nudged me. I looked up and she pointed to Sam. She knelt down next to me and made sure no one could hear her.

"He got sick up front, swallowed too much of the water."she whispered. I looked over and he was paying attention to his phone oblivous to the rest of us.

"I think Im going to go back home."I said standing up. I grabbed my stuff and his head snapped up.

"Why?"he asked putting his phone down.

"Cuz that's what I want to do?"I asked. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Damn Jae."Gilinsky laughed. Madison smiled and smacked Sam in the back of his head.

"Stop acting like your mad about her leaving, you havent even said two words to her since she's been here."she said. Johnson came back into the yard and looked at Sam.

"Did you have to do that next to my fucking car dude?"he asked looked mad. Sam looked at me and I rolled my own eyes.

"Bye Madison, love you."I said. She kissed my cheek and I started walking over to my house. I got to the front door and my phone went off making me jump and almost drop it. I got inside the house and checked it.

Sammy:I wasnt ignoring you, you didnt have to leave like that..

Me:I didnt leave cuz of that Sam, me and Madison arent exactly the same, I'd rather be home then outside doing something all the time Im sorry..

I went up to my room and took my bikini off. I slipped on my bra and panties before putting the same clothes back on. I pulled my hair up into a bun and pulled a few baby hairs loose to frame my face. I slipped my flip flops back on and headed down to the kitchen.

"I have a meeting with the school principal in 15 minutes if you'd like to come with me so you can get your schedule."my mom said coming down.

"Do I get a tour of the school?"I asked quirking my eyebrow. She nodded and I looked down at my outfit.

"It's the weekend."she laughed. She grabbed her keys and I picked up my house key before following her out to her SUV. I heard the guys and looked over to see them walking up front. I dropped my head when Sam's eyes landed on me and got in the passenger seat. My mom got in and pulled away from the house making me relax. Madison texted my phone and I sighed.

Madi<3:are you going to be ok with Sam or is it going to be weird now?

Me:what are you even talking about Madi..

Madi<3:Jae i told you he likes you, I didnt lie. Johnson, Jack and Nate even see it. We're all protective of Sammy and dont want to see him get hurt. I know how you are so if he asks and you decide to reject him its going to hurt..

Me:we can talk about this later, Madi I just met the kid yesterday and its my fault he got sick earlier

I put my phone facedown in my lap and my mom just looked at me before pulling up at the school. She parked and I got out slipping my phone in my back pocket.

"I really hope you like it here Jaelyn."she said as we walked up to the main doors of the high school. The principal met us at the door and let us in.

"This must be Madison's cousin and look alike Jaelyn."she said making a smile.

"Thats me."I said soflty.

"Im Mrs. Wilkinson."she said taking my mom's hand. I bit my lip and my phone buzzed in my back pocket. We walked into the office and she had us take a seat. My phone kept going off and my mom looked at me. I took it out and turned the ringer off. They talked for awhile and she handed me a piece of paper.

"Her tour?"my mom asked seeing my face.

"Oh yeah, Madison and her friends should be here in a minute to give her that. She's friends with my son Sam."she replied giving me a small smile. I looked at my phone and saw the texts were from him and Madison themselves.

Madi<3:you're not the reason he got sick, he said he already felt that way when he woke up this morning, its his fault for swallowing the water when he went down all 3 times Jae..

Sammy:so you're just going to ignore me now?

Madi<3:we're on our way to give you a tour of the school for his mom..

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at my mom. She hugged me and his mom went to let them in the front doors. Madison walked up and smiled at me. I looked past at Sam and he dropped his head. My mom dropped her arm and smiled at me.

"I'll be out front waiting."she told me. Madison pulled me back over to her group and nudged Sam.

"He still dont feel good Madison."Nate spoke up. I dropped my head and Johnson nudged me. They got me to look up and Sam bit his lip. Madison stuck me beside him and I saw a faint smile on his face. They showed me around the school and where all my classes were. Gilinsky was in every single class I had and that made me feel a little better about starting school in the next 2 days. Nate nudged Sam and got him to look back up.

"If I tried hooking up with her how bad would you freak?"he asked making us all stop walking and look at him.

"I'd kill you Nate."Sam said before noticing we were all listening to what they were saying. I bit my lip and Nate winked at me.

"Jae wanna hang out with me tonight?"Nate asked. Sam clenched his jaw and walked away from us.

"That's not cool."Madison said. We walked back to the front of the school and Sam was waiting at the doors. I walked past him to go out to my mom's vehicle and his hand brushed my side. I looked back at him and he pointed to my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and walked out to the parking lot. I got in the passenger seat and looked up in time to see Sam shove Nate away from him when they came outside.

"Whats that about?"my mom asked getting my attention.

"Nate asked if I wanted hang out with just him tonight."I muttered.

"Im going to guess and say Sam likes you and isnt cool with it."she replied with a smile. I nodded and she decided we were going to go out to eat lunch somewhere. I texted Sam back and looked up when the vehicle stopped. She smiled and we both got out. We walked inside and a waitress took us to a table. I put my phone down and she saw Sam was texting me.

"Mom I think I like him too even though I just met him yesterday."I said before biting my lip. We ordered our food and she would wink at me everytime I got a message. My Facetime started going off and I noticed it was Madison so I answered it.

"What's up Madi?"I asked smiling at her.

"You have Sam over here blushing and smiling down at his phone."she laughed moving her phone so I could see him. I smiled and he looked up. He smiled over at me and winked himself.

"Yeah I kind of told him I like him."I said getting her attention.

"Thanks Jae."she said softly. I smirked and the waitress brought our food out.

"Ima get off here and enjoy lunch with my mom. I'll text you later ok Madison."I said. She nodded and ended the call. We ate and Sam was texting me again.

"You should hang out with just him tonight Jae."my mom said. I blushed and shook my head.

"Not ready for that just yet momma."I said quietly.

"Didnt he just ask you that tho?"she asked quirking her eyebrow. I checked and bit my bottom lip.

"Looks that way,looks like Madison suggested it and he asked me to the movies."I replied smiling. She paid our bill and I followed her out to the SUV.

"Go for it Jaelyn, he's not bad on the eyes."she said as we pulled away. I texted him back and she headed back to our house. I went inside and Madison came in with my mom. I laughed and she smiled at me.

"He was nervous about asking you boo."she said making me smile.

"Momma said he's not bad on the eyes."I laughed making her mouth drop open.

"I swear you're perfect for him Jaelyn and trust me he wont try anything tonight."she said winking over at my mom.

"Dude Im 17 and momma already knows Im not so innocent anymore."I laughed. Madison shook her head and hugged me.

"Anyway you should get ready miss I have a date with a hot Omaha guy."she said her eyes lighting up.

"I got this."I reminded her. She smiled and walked back home.

"Go get ready Jae."my mom laughed. I headed upstairs and opened my closet doors. I pulled out my ripped skinny jeans, a off the shoulder sweater, a white tank top and my favorite boots. I got in the shower and got dressed. I did minimal make up and did my hair in loose beach curls. I walked downstairs and my mom smiled at me. I turned around and heard voices in the living room.

"I thought this was just a me and him thing?"I asked seeing Madison.

"Nerves boo so Jack told him we could tag along."she replied. I followed her into the living room and his jaw dropped down.

"Ok now I get to agree with Johnson cuz damn Jae you look exactly like Madison right now."Jack said snapping to attention. Madison followed me in the room and I smiled over at Sam.

"Going to catch flies Wilk."Madison spoke up. He flipped her off and I smirked.

"We ready or?"I asked as he stood up. They nodded and Jack was the out the door ahead of us with my cousin. Sam followed me and I felt my own self getting nervous. Sam bit his lip once we were in Madison's car and my phone buzzed in my lap.

"Really? Couldnt just say it aloud?"Sam asked nudging her seat.

"All I did was tell her that you and her would make a cute couple Wilkinson."she said turning around. He blushed and I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Madi, he's nervous enough dont put him on the spot like that."Jack laughed. Sam pouted and I nudged him with my leg.

"No reason to be nervous I dont bite, hard anyway."I said getting a smirk from Madison. Sam quirked his eyebrow at me and I smirked over at him knowing he was relaxed enough.

"You agree with Madi?"he asked getting my attention. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Dont go rushing into something just yet, get to know each other better first."Jack said from the driver seat. Sam rolled his eyes and I laughed looking out the window.

*yep skipping the movie date*

We walked out into the lobby and Madison winked over at me. Sam had his arm around my shoulder and his fingers intertwined with mine. Yep the guys had decided it was a good idea to watch a scary movie and laugh at us anytime we would flip out. I started to pull away and he pouted.

"I swear your face is going to get stuck like that."I said nudging him.

"And if it does?"he asked putting his hands in his pockets. I shrugged and stuck my tongue out at him.

"What are we doing now?"I asked as we walked out to the car. We got in the back and his arm brushed against my side.

"I think we've had enough of each other for the day."Madison said from the passenger seat. Sam pouted at me again and I moved closer to him. He slipped his arm around me and Jack smiled back at us. He drove to the neighborhood and we got out of her car at the sametime.

"Text her or something Sam, you live right across the damn street."Madison said rolling her eyes.

"What is your problem Madison?"he asked looking upset.

"My problem is that you're going to end up taking my cousin from me."she replied. I pouted and shook my head.

"Babe isnt that what you wanted was them to be together tho?"Jack asked handing her the car keys.

"Yeah but I want to spend time with Jae just by myself before that happens."she said pouting. Sam threw his hands both up and backed away from us.

"I get it."he said shaking his head. He walked over to his house and Jack just looked at me.

"Go make sure he's ok Jae, go text him."he said before turning to Madison. I walked inside my house and texted him before walking towards the stairs.

Sammy:im fine Jae, just irritated that Madison would pull something like that, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok..

I got up to my room and put my phone on its charger. I grabbed my iPad and decided to find a movie to watch to occupy my time til I fell asleep. I watched the first half of some random movie and dozed right on off to sleep peacefully.

Madi<3:I changed my mind Jae, I dont want you getting with Sam. Sorry..

That was the first thing I saw when I woke up the next morning. I screenshotted it and sent it to Sam before heading downstairs. She was sitting at the table with my mom and having coffee with her.

"So why did you change your mind Madi?"I asked.

"I just did Jaelyn and I told him about the kind of person you are so doubt he even talks to you again."she replied with a shrug. I clenched my jaw and went to delete his number from my phone.

Sammy:please tell me Madison was lying Jaelyn..I dont see you as the type of person who would do something like that..

Me:this is what she does to get her way, she doesnt even want you talking to me..

Sammy:no she'd rather see me get hurt this is what she always does..

I walked outside towards my baby, my midnight blue BMWi8 and saw he was outside in his yard. He looked up and I could tell he was fighting some thoughts in his head. Madison came outside and stood next to me.

"You and her cant even handle a damn joke my god, get over here Sam."she called. He dropped his head and I quirked my eyebrow at her.

"You hurt him Madi and thats exactly the type of shit you didnt want me to do."I muttered. She rolled her eyes and walked across the street grabbing his arm. He flinched and shook her off.

"Jae I'll text you but right now I dont want to be around her."he called getting my attention. She went back to her house and my aunt came outside.

"Boy she was just joking with you and my niece, you seem to forget the one who has been here for you through everything."she said looking upset. Sam got in his car and I saw Nate sitting in the passenger seat. I dropped my head and heard it pull off. I walked back inside the house and my phone was buzzing on the kitchen table. I picked it up and saw it was Sam texting me.

Sammy:Im sorry Jae, I really am, you dont have to talk to me if you dont want to..

Me:I want to talk to you Sam, I told you I like you and I really meant it, I dont care what she wants..

Sammy:See you at school in the morning?

Me:yeah and Sam Im sorry for what she pulled..

I started upstairs and looked around my room. I put my phone on the bed and grabbed my MacBook Pro. I checked all my social media accounts and walked over to my closet to find my perfect outfit for school the next day. I picked out my gray cardigan to go over a coral tank top. I found a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my knee high boots. I found my white infinity scarf and put it with my outfit on the the side of my bed I didnt sleep on. I set out my make up on my vanity table and my hair stuff for the next morning. I found my messenger school bag and put it next to my door with everything I would need already in it. I put my schedule in the front pocket and sat on my bed finding a movie online to watch. My iPad was charging and I could feel myself getting more upset with Madison as the day went on. My phone pinged and started doing my FaceTime ringtone. I rolled my eyes and answered it.

"What do you want Madi?"I asked before looking at her face.

"Have you seen Sammy and Nate?"she asked biting her lip.

"They left after your mom said what she did to Sam."I replied.

"They wont answer my calls or texts."she groaned.

"Do you blame them especially Sam?"I asked quirking my eyebrow. She rolled her eyes and looked behind her.

"I got ahold of them Madison, Sam's upset with you and Nate's trying to get his mind off things right now."Gilinsky said coming into view for a few seconds.

"Nate better not being getting him drunk, we have school in the morning."she growled before hanging up. I texted Sam again and he decided it was better to call me.

"Worried about me too?"he asked and I could tell he was smiling.

"Maybe."I laughed.

"Want to come out with me and Nate?"he asked. I bit my lip and looked over at my laptop screen.

"What are you guys doing?"I asked.

"Walking around downtown right now, he found some girl he knows from wherever and I feel left out."he said softly.

"Text me a place to show up at and let me actually get dressed."I replied.

"She coming Sammy?"I heard Nate ask before hearing some girl giggle in the background.

"I'll text you in a minute Jae."he replied. We hung up and I looked back over at my open closet. I pulled out a crop top and a pair of high waisted shorts. I got dressed and brushed my hair putting it into a fish braid over my right shoulder. I slipped on a pair of flats and did my eye make up. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs.

"Going out?"my mom asked. I nodded and she just took in my outfit.

"This ok?"I asked.

"You're trying to be with Sammy arent you Jaelyn?"she asked at the sametime he texted me the place to met them at.

"I honestly want to be but we need to wait before rushing into that."I said softly. She nodded and I walked out to my BMWi8. I put the address into my gps and headed that way singing along with the radio. I found a place to park and could see the back of Sam so I got out. I started walking that way and Nate nudged him. I got closer and the girl who was attached to Nate's side just looked at me.

"That's your girlfriend Wilk?"she asked. He looked at me and I stopped next to him. His arm slipped around me like the night before and I looked up at him.

"Not yet but hopefully soon."he replied smiling. The girl looked me up and down and made a face.

"I like your last girl better."she spoke up. He clenched his jaw and looked over at Nate.

"That's enough, that girl hurt Sam and everyone here knows that."Nate said pulling away from her slightly.

"So she cheated who cares, I still like her better."she replied.

"She fucking had him jumped by the guy she cheated on him with, seriously stay the fuck away from me."Nate said pushing her a few feet to the side. I looked at Sam and he shook his head frowning at me.

"Why do I get the feeling that Im messing everything up for everybody and I just got here?"I asked pulling away from Sam.

"Hey dont be that way Jaelyn, this all comes back to what Madison pulled this morning. Jack said she's been treating him the same way all day."Nate said getting my attention.

Skipping to a year later

I had been dating Sam for almost a year and Jack had broken up with Madison.

"Hey Jaelyn would do you think of Sam dying his hair blonde like Bieber?"Nate asked me. My eyes got big and I looked over at Sam who was about to die of laughter.

"Dont you even think about doing it Wilkinson, I'll divorce you."I said getting his attention. He stuck out his tongue and winked at me.

"Im not going to do it baby."he laughed. I kissed him softly and we watched the younger students walk around the hallways looking for class.

"Anyone seen Madison since the breakup?"Johnson asked walking over to us. I shook my head and smiled seeing Gilinsky coming down the hallway Sam nudged me and pointed to where some girl was walking over to him.

"She's in a few of my classes Sammy, they been talking since before school started."I said smirking at him.

"I hate that we havent had any classes together since you moved here."he replied pouting.

"Take it up with your mom."I laughed. He kissed me again and I saw her walking down the hallway towards us.

"What have I told you about pda?"she asked before pulling me away from Sam for a hug.

"He did it momma Wilk."I said making her frown at Sam. His mouth dropped open and I saw a glint in his eyes.

"Long as he's happy, Im happy Jae."she laughed. I walked with her towards the office and she went to her office to give me a stack of papers. I came back out and saw what I wasnt ready to see. Some random girl was standing in front of Sam and had her hand on his chest while twirling a strand of her hair. I made me way over and Nate took the papers out of my hand. I slipped around the girl and slipped my arm around Sam's waist.

"Ready baby?"I asked before looking at the girl.

"Yeah, being hit on is getting on my nerves."he replied before kissing me lightly. I smirked at the girl and the guys followed us towards the lunch room.

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