Collection of stories

By DanielleMccormick8

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just like the title says this is a collection of stories I wrote in the past and am now just deciding to sha... More

Baby Mommas
Cam2(different from Cam)
Cassi Irwin
Dating Liam Payne
Jae and Jace
Nate and Sammy
say it isn't so
bite me

what have I gotten myself in to

32 1 0
By DanielleMccormick8

I finished drying the dishes in the back and heard the bell ring meaning someone had came in the front door. My best friend was working by herself up front and the next thing I knew she was squealing. I rolled my eyes and dried my hands on a towel before walking up towards the front room slowly. 5 voices hit my ears before I could see the backs of them literally.

"What is your deal Ari?"I asked walking over towards her. She was blushing and had her mouth halfway hanging open.

"One Direction just stopped at this little ice cream shop for a late snack and how can you be so damn calm."she managed to get out looking directly at me. I smiled at the guys and rolled my eyes in her direction. They all smiled and I moved behind the counter.

"Ari its rude to stare."I laughed.

"Codi but theyre famous."she said giving me a evil look.

"Yeah Codi."they laughed.

"Hey Ari remember that guy I told you about that I was friends with until my parents decided we just had to move here like 7 years ago?"I asked before looking over at the guys standing in front of me. She looked at them and covered her mouth before Harry stepped away from the guys just slightly. Her mouth dropped open even more and the guys started laughing as I took their orders. They sat at a table and I started putting the closed signs up. Ari counted down our cash register and put the money in the deposit bag for the morning shift.

"Are you for real Codi?"she asked.

"She's serious."Harry spoke up. I stuck out my tongue at him and his mouth dropped open.

"It was nice seeing your face again."I laughed. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. The guys got ready to leave and my mom came up to the door with my daughter on her hip. Ari let her in and my mom looked around at the guys.

"Thats not that Styles boy is it?"she asked making him blush. Ari laughed and Sarai made a face at her.

"Its him momma, he's famous now. Fate must of bought them here tonight."I replied taking my 15 month old off of her hip. She kissed my cheek and buried her face against my chest. Ari shook her head and Harry handed me a piece of paper quickly as we all walked outside. I hugged him again and caught Sarai smiling at the guys behind us.

"By Codi, nice meeting you."the guys called before getting into a van. I walked with Ari over to the car and she had her phone out.

"They're taking a hiatus for the next year it seems Codi and I caught a few of them checking you out."she said once I had Sarai buckled in her carseat in the back. I shook my head and she dropped down into the passenger seat. My mom put Sarai's diaper bag in the back with her and hugged me.

"Enjoy your next few days off sweetie."she said before getting in her own car. I dropped down into the driver seat and looked down at the piece of paper Harry had handed me.

"Its his number along with a note."I said biting my lower lip. Ari grinned and we headed across town to the house we shared. Sarai was almost asleep when we pulled into the garage. I closed the door and Ari got out unlocking the kitchen door. I got Sarai out of her seat and grabbed her bag before carrying her into the house. I put her in her playpen in the living room and she snuggled down with her favorite blanket.

"Daycare must have worn her out."Ari spoke up. I cracked a smile and unpacked her bag.

"Who was checking me out Ari?"I asked looking at her.

"Liam defintely was and I think Niall but Im not sure."she replied. I walked into the kitchen and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and put the number in that Harry had handed me. It rang a few times and picked up to a heavy accent.

"Styles speaking."he said sounding confused.

"You just gave me your number."I laughed.

"Codi, didnt think you'd actually call though. Didnt want to get my hopes up."he replied. I looked in the living room at Ari and put the phone on speakerphone while walking over to the fridge.

"Surprised both of us then."I told him.

"So you have a kid huh?"he asked.

"Yeah, its complicated. Ari's brother is her dad but he was killed in a car wreck 6 days before she was born."I said feeling the tears spring up.

"Im sorry Codi."he replied softly.

"Its ok, but hey Ima get off here and fix something for me and Ari to eat. Sarai's down for the night."I told him.

"Call me tomorrow then, I want to see you again and catch up."he said before we both hung up. I started cooking and Ari came in the kitchen to check my phone.

"Hey booboo he wants to know if Liam can have your number, told you dude was checking you out."she said. I blushed and shrugged my shoulders.

"He's cute no doubt about that."I laughed. Ari got our plates out and 2 cups pouring both of us some tea. We ate and I texted Harry letting him know that he could give Liam my number if he wanted that. Ari washed the dishes and I walked into the living room to check on Sarai.

"I'd smash him."Ari laughed following me. My mouth dropped open and I picked Sarai up from her playpen.

"You my friend do happen to have a boyfriend who should be here any minute."I warned her. She pouted and I heard the car pull up in the driveway.

"Just like damn clockwork."she grumbled making me laugh. I carried Sarai to her room and managed to change her clothes without waking her up. I tucked her into her princess toddler bed and turned on her nightlight. I shut her door almost entirely and left the hall light on before going back to the living room. Ari was hugging Max and giving me the evil eye.

"Im going to go retire to my room."I laughed.

"No Codi stay, I brought Hunter with me."Max said turning around. Hunter was hot but yet again so was Max and I had a feeling Ari had told Max to bring him over. Hunter came out of the kitchen and smiled at me showing off his dimples. I looked at Ari and narrowed my eyes.

"Codi just started talking to someone earlier tonight Im afraid."Ari spoke up. Max frowned and Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

"Just watch a movie with us Codi relax."Max said biting his lip. I sighed and sat on the one couch with Hunter. My phone buzzed and Ari smirked at me. Max put a movie in and I checked my phone to see who it was.

"They can wait til tomorrow cant they Codi?"Ari asked looking over at me. I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. I texted the person back and slipped my phone into my hoodie pocket. Hunter winked at me and I pulled the afgahn off the back of our couch once the movie started. We cuddled like normal and Max smiled over at us.

"Ari Im still going to beat you for this."I laughed when she looked over at me. Hunter kissed my temple and I bit my bottom lip softly. I focused back on the movie and Max kept looking over at us.

"Codi why havent you ever even gave Hunter a chance?"he asked once the movie ended.

"Thats not something we want, we told you both that."Hunter replied. I pouted and he looked over at me.

"It was something I had wanted actually."I said softly. I started to get up and he grabbed my hand.

"Just let her go Hunter."Ari told him. He dropped my hand and I walked into the kitchen to get myself something to drink, Ari following me.

"Its not fair Ari, he doesnt even want me and now with the whole hiatus thing for the next entire year."I groaned. Hunter walked in the kitchen and pulled me into his arms.

"I did want you Codi never think that I havent."he said softly. I pulled away slowly and looked over at Ari.

"Let's all go get some sleep, its been a long day anyway."she replied. We walked back in the living room and Max was standing up holding his keys.

"Do we have to go?"he asked looking past Ari at me. I shook my head and looked at Hunter.

"Pillow and blanket still in the closet?"he asked flashing me a smile. I hugged him and kissed his cheek softly.

"I never tell you that you have to sleep on the couch."I laughed. He blushed and looked at Ari.

"I told him if I caught him in your bed and you werent together Id castarate him."she spoke up laughing. My mouth dropped open and I pulled Hunter closer to me.

"I wont let the bad lady touch you."I whispered in his ear. He blushed again and Max put his keys on the coffee table. I made sure the door was locked and Ari pulled Max down to her room. Hunter followed me to my room and I tossed him a pair of basketball shorts to change into.

"Thanks."he laughed. He went to change and I changed before he came back in the room. I laid down and felt the bed dip slighty behind me as he got in next to me.

"Hunter if this doesnt work out with the guy Ari said I just started talking to do you think there's a chance for us?"I asked facing him.

"Can we talk about that some other time?"he asked softly. I kissed his forehead making him smile and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. He kissed the top of my head and I felt myself drift off to sleep.


I woke up and Hunter was still asleep beside me curled up on his side facing the other way. I heard Sarai up and playing in the living room. I walked down the hallway and Ari smiled at me from the couch.

"Max went to go pick us all up some breakfast, might want to wake Hunter up."she laughed. I made a face and picked up Sarai. She kissed me quickly and turned to see the tv.

"Harry wanted me to call him today and go catch up."I groaned. She shook her head and I heard Hunter out in the hallway.

"You confuse me Codi."he mumbled. I looked over at him and saw the hurt in his eyes.

"Seriously Hunter?"I asked standing up.

"Forget it Codi."he replied. He sat on the other couch and pulled his hoodie back on not looking at me.

"Harry is someone Codi was friends with over 7 years ago Hunter, she just saw him again yesterday while we were at work so chill. Of course theyre going to catch up, dont be so jealous."Ari spoke up. He rolled his eyes and bit his bottom lip. I took Sarai into the kitchen with me and put her in her seat so I could make her something to eat. Ari brought me my phone and I heard the front door open.

"What's wrong with Hunter?"Max asked walking in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"He just walked out the front door and looked ready to kill someone."he replied with a shrug. I walked in the living room and saw where he had left his phone. I picked it up and saw someone had sent him some pictures of us last night in the parking lot at work.

"He left his phone here Max."I said taking it to him. He put the phone in his pocket and rolled his eyes.

"You're not with him are you Codi?"Ari asked. I shook my head and bit my bottom lip. Sarai finished her breakfast and looked at me.

"I need to get us ready to go see my friend."I said looking at my own phone.

"Codi be careful today."Max told me. I stuck my tongue out at him and Ari took Sarai for me.

"I'll get midget ready while you get yourself ready ma'am."she laughed. I laughed and headed towards my bedroom. I started getting ready and could hear Max talking in the living room to someone else. I came out half a hour later and saw Hunter was back sitting on the couch. Max handed him his phone and he closed his eyes.

"Im not going to keep sticking around while she just leads me on dude, I dont deserve that."Hunter groaned.

"Nice."I mumbled. Ari brought Sarai out of her room and her mouth dropped open.

"Codi?"she asked.

"Dont come around anymore than Hunter, Im not leading you on but its whatever."I growled. He looked at me and all I could see was the hurt in his eyes. Max dropped his head and I grabbed my keys.

"Ari I'll see you later."I said before taking Sarai out into the garage. I buckled her in her carseat and my phone rang before I could back out into the driveway.

"Is it ok if Liam comes with us to the cafe?"Harry asked as soon as I answered.

"Thats fine, I have Sarai with me anyway."I laughed. I pulled away from the house and we got off the phone. I drove across town and turned my phone off so they couldnt interuppt what was going on. I parked and got Sarai out right before a black Mustang pulled in right beside us. I grabbed her diaper bag and turned in time to see Harry getting out of the driver seat. I bit my lip and Liam stood up from the passenger seat. I followed them inside and immediately girls started the whispering. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at Harry.

"Whats with the whispering ladies?"he asked looking over at them.

"We know who you guys are but who is she and is that one of your kids?"they asked. Liam clenched his jaw and got my attention.

"She happens to be one of my very good friends from childhood and that little right there is her daughter."Harry replied clearly getting irritated. I touched his arm and got him to look at me.

"Let it go, we can go somewhere else."I told him.

"Afraid we wont be leaving here."Liam spoke up. I gave him a small smile and Harry decided to ignore the girls. The manager walked over after seeing the guys were in her cafe and started talking to us. Sarai kept tugging on Liam and climbing into his lap.

"Just like your mother arent you?"Harry asked getting her attention. She nodded and laid her head on Liam's shoulder.

"Sarai you like Liam?"I asked touching her back.

"Li."she replied nodding. He smiled and I winked at him. He blushed and Harry smiled at both of us.

"Dude I saw you checking her out last night why do you think I invited you along."he laughed. Liam bit his lip and I focused on Harry for a few minutes.

"Niall was checking her out too, you left him at the hotel."Liam spoke up.

"He isnt her type but you Im afraid are exactly her type."Harry laughed.

"Whats my type Harry?"I asked.

"Someone who has it all together but at the same time is afraid of losing the most important thing known to them. Someone who isnt afraid to be seen out in public with you. Someone who would answer a call or come over in the middle of the night just cuz you miss them. Someone who would be just as happy staying in and watching movies cuddled on the couch over going out to a club or something."Harry replied. I looked over and Sarai was rubbing his eyes and had her head on Liam's chest at this point.

"Someone who would be accepting that I have a daughter and someone who shes comfortable around."I added.

"We are taking the next year off Codi."Liam spoke up.

"But are you guys spending it at the hotel?"I asked looking at him.

"They did offer us suites on the top floor."Harry replied.

"Im not the one to rush into things Harry."I said.

"You have a year Codi, get to know him."he told me. I looked at Liam and he was blushing again. Sarai was half asleep.

"I seriously dont want to go back home anytime soon."I groaned.

"Sarai's falling asleep tho."Liam spoke up.

"Follow us back to the hotel obviously."Harry replied. I bit my lip and checked my phone.

"Ari asked me to come home just now actually."I said making Liam pout. I poked his lip and made him laugh.

"Carry babygirl out to the car for her Li."Harry laughed. I hugged him and he stood up. I followed him outside and Liam was right behind me. We got to my car and I opened the backdoor for him. He sat her down and watched as I strapped her in before reclining her seat back.

"Go home mommy?"she asked. I nodded and she pouted.

"We can see Harry and Liam later baby girl, you need a nap."I told her. She closed her eyes and I shut her door. I turned around and Liam was right behind me.

"It was nice seeing you again Codi."he told me. I bit my lip and looked at Harry who was smiling while nodding his head. I hugged Liam and he kissed my cheek when we pulled away.

"I'll get ahold of one of you later after her nap I promise."I said before getting in my car. I drove home and saw that Max's car was still in the drive way. I pulled in the garage and called Ari while getting out. She came through the kitchen and hugged me tightly.

"He's gone Codi, he was very upset but we explained to him that you were never leading him on. And I told Max about the whole Harry and Liam thing."she said pulling away. I blushed and got Sarai out. Ari grabbed her bag and followed me back inside the house. I got Sarai to her room and heard Max in the living room. I walked back that way and sat down next to him.

"Im going to have to start charging you rent."I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me and showed me his phone.

"Hunter is going to leave you alone Codi, we just want to see you smile again."he said.

"Well Im going to go see that guy again later today when Sarai wakes up from her nap."I laughed.

"Invite him and Harry over here like now goof, they can watch the game with Max."Ari laughed. I shrugged and pulled my phone out texting Harry.

"They probably dont want to come over here to our little shack."I said making faces at her. Max hugged me and I walked across the room to plug my phone up. Harry texted back and I stuck my tongue out at Ari.

"They coming?"Max asked not looking up from the tv.

"Nope, watching the game with the guys at the hotel."Ari replied seeing my phone.

"Its not a big deal you guys, I just spent some time with them, I was invited back to the hotel but Ari asked me to come home."I replied with a shrug. We watched the game with Max and Sarai came in the living room right at the end of it.

"Li?"she asked climbing into my lap. Ari grinned and looked over at Max.

"Not right now Sarai."I replied. She pouted and rubbed at her eyes.

"Codi dont be mean to that baby."Max told me. I rolled my eyes and looked over at him.

"She doesnt even know him Max, I dont need her getting attached to someone who might be gone in a year."I replied roughly.

"Take her to see him Codi."Ari said pouting at me. I texted his phone and someone started calling it. Ari hit my speakerphone and bit her lip looking at me.

"He fell asleep watching the game but you're welcome to come wake him up."a Irish accent said coming through the phone.

"What floor are you guys on?"I asked.

"5th floor, Harry said bring Sarai with you, she can wake Liam up."he laughed.

"I'll be there in like half a hour."I replied. We hung up and I looked at Ari.

"White cami, ripped skinnys and those knee high boots. Ill do your hair and make up, go."she laughed. I ran to my room and got changed while Max played with Sarai. Ari fixed my hair and Max brought Sarai to me a few minutes later.

"If looks could kill."he said biting his lip.

"I got to go."I laughed. Ari carried Sarai out to the car and put her bag in the seat next to her.

"Dont be nervous mami you got this."she said kissing my forehead once I dropped down into the driver seat. I buckled up and checked my phone.

"Way past nervous you have no idea."I replied. I opened the garage and we both saw Hunter in his car next to Max's with some girl. I shrugged and rolled my eyes as I was backing out. Ari followed and shut the garage.

"I'll have Max get rid of him, you have a hottie to go spend time with."she said walking past my car. I smirked and headed in the direction of the hotel. I got there and fans were outside going absolutely crazy. I bit my lip and got Sarai out shaking a little. I got to the door and my phone was ringing. I answered and went inside the lobby.

"Want one of us to come down for you?"Harry asked.

"Please, these fans are just a little insane."I laughed. Some of them were inside and questioning the lady behind the desk. She smiled at me and Sarai laid her head on my shoulder while we waited. The girls screamed and I closed my eyes before turning around.

"Codi come on."Harry laughed. He took some pics with the fans and took Sarai's bag for me. I hugged him and followed him towards the elevator. Sarai picked her head up and scrunched her face up at him.

"Li?"she asked before looking at me.

"He's sleeping, you get to wake him up."Harry said making her giggle. We stopped at the 5th floor and Sarai let Harry take her from me. I took her bag and followed him down the hallway slowly. He opened a door near the end and winked at me before going in. I followed him and the guys smiled at me just like the night before. Harry came out of a side room without my kid and hugged me lightly.

"She's waking him up dont look so freaked out."he said in my ear. I pulled away smiling and heard Sarai talking in the room with the door opened. Liam let out a laugh and Sarai started giggling.

"Thanks guys."he called from the room. I blushed and Harry took my hand leading me into the room.

"She wanted to come see you."I laughed noticing the sleepy look he gave me. He smiled and shrugged before Sarai started tickling at his neck again.

"Best alarm clock."he said once he had her down and was tickling her sides making her laugh again. Harry kissed my cheek and smirked at Liam. Sarai got free and came running up to me. I picked her up and Liam got out of the bed almost tripping over the cover. I laughed and he got this look in his eyes.

"Better run Codi, looks like your next."Harry teased. I walked out of the room shaking my head and didnt even know Liam was behind me until he started tickling my sides. Sarai hopped down and giggled at us. I stuck my tongue out and Liam gave up. I followed Sarai and Liam followd us over to a couch. I sat down and Sarai walked off with Harry.

"You boys have the final concert tonight to officially annouce the hiatus."their tour manager said coming in the room.

"You would say that."Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Codi can come."he offered. Liam smiled and sat down beside me.

"Looks like someone has made his claim on Codi already."Zayn joked. Liam blushed and I made a face at Zayn.

"I suggested it so dont any of you do anything to mess it up, he deserves to be happy."Harry spoke up. Sarai climbed in my lap with an ice cream bar and he smiled at me.

"Anyone ask Codi if thats what she wanted cuz we all know whats going to happen at the end of this hiatus, its back to recording studios, interviews, tours and in the spotlight."Louis spoke up. My eyes and mouth both went huge at the same time. I looked over at Liam and he was biting his lip watching me.

"She has a year to get prepared for that, if they're going to happen and hes going to not only get attached to her but her daughter as well I think they can make it work."Zayn replied. I gave him a smile and Liam rubbed my back.

(end of hiatus and yes Codi has been with Liam for going on 9 months at this point)

"Tomorrow is going to suck."I said sticking out my bottom lip. He looked up from playing with Sarai and held his hand out towards me.

"Management knows Im with you love, the fans know and support us."he said once I was seated in the floor next to him.

"Just going to miss you and I know Sarai will."I replied biting my lip. He kissed my forehead and Sarai grinned at both of us.

"I'll skype you girls every night, you can call my phone anytime you know that, its going to be hard being away these next few months."he replied his voice cracking. I touched his check and he leaned into my hand.

"You and Sarai should just pack up and come with us for this first tour its only like 4 months."Harry spoke up.

"I have work and she has daycare."I reminded him. Sarai got up and walked over to Niall who had his guitar out.

"Ni?"she asked. He picked her up and she kissed his cheek.

"Baby?"Liam asked. I got my phone out and started texting Ari.

"Is it even ok with management?"I asked looking at him. He kissed me softly and nodded when he pulled away.

"Rai you wanna go on a roadtrip?"Louis asked poking her ribs. She giggled and nodded laying her head on Niall's shoulder.

"Not like I even have to go home to pack, you guys practically brought all our stuff to the hotel last week."I laughed. Liam kissed me again and took a picture of Sarai falling asleep on Niall.

"Everyone needs to be getting some sleep while the tour bus is getting packed up tonight."Paul called coming in the room. I stuck out my tongue and he went to throw me over his shoulder.

"Niall can you put Sarai in her bed for me?"I asked. He nodded and carried her towards the room I shared with Liam. I helped Liam pick up her stuff and throw it into her bag before putting it next to the door with the rest of all our stuff. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we headed towards the room ourselves. I kissed him roughly and he grinned when I backed away.

"Sarai sleeps in here behave yourself."he laughed. I stuck out my tongue and watched him pull his shirt off.

"Do not rape that poor soul tonight Codi, theres an innocent sleeping in there."Harry called walking past the door. I blushed and Liam smirked at me. I pulled my jeans off and climbed under the covers.

"Can I just rape his face then?"I asked trying not to laugh. His eyes went wide and he blushed.

"Sleep love."he said. I snuggled into his arms and kissed him quickly before closing my eyes.


"Mommy Li throw up."Sarai said waking me up. I groaned and sat up wiping sleep from my eyes.

"Get back in bed sweetie."I told her. I looked over and saw Liam wasnt in the bed. I walked out of the room and Niall caught my attention.

"Its Liam isnt it?"he asked me. I nodded and he picked up Sarai. I walked towards the bathroom and Paul spotted me. We went in and he was puking again.

"Baby why didnt you wake me?"I asked.

"Didnt want to worry you."he mumbled. Paul got cool damp rags and I rubbed his back.

"Think you can make it back to bed bub?"Paul asked once he was finished. He nodded after flushing and looked back at me. I walked him back to our room and he dropped down onto the bed.

"Cuddle me?"he asked sadly. I bit my bottom lip and crawled back into the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist holding him and we both fell back to sleep.

"Codi wake him up we're leaving in 10 minutes love."Paul said sticking his head in the room. I rolled over and Liam was knocked out. I touched his cheek and rubbed his lip making him crack a smile in his sleep. I laughed and he opened his eyes.

"10 minutes, Im awake."he said sleepily. I kissed him softly and got out of the bed.

"Get up love, everyone's waiting."I laughed again. He got up and pouted at me. We walked into the main room and Sarai was hanging on Niall's side.

"She's like a baby monkey."he said looking at me.

"Li."she squealed getting down. She ran over to us and Liam picked her up kissing her forehead.

"Morning princess."he said tickling her sides.

"I tell mommy you throw up."she said pouting.

"Im fine now babygirl."he told her making her smile. Paul coughed and got all of our attention.

"Down to the lobby then out the side door where the bus is waiting."he said holding his hand in the air. He opened the door and we started following him out into the hallway. I slipped my hand into Liam's free one and Harry grinned at us.

"Ever break his heart and the media will make you out to be a horrible person."some fan said walking past us looking right at me. I dropped my head and Liam stopped walking.

"You have no right to even talk to her like that."he spoke up.

"Whats going on?"Zayn asked turning around. The fan was still standing there.

"She told Codi if she breaks my heart everyone will think shes a horrible person."Liam mumbled.

"She's not a true fan."Harry said. I nudged Liam and he smiled at me. I kissed him softly and we kept walking. We got out to the bus and he put Sarai down once we were iniside.

"I love you baby."I told him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"We're picking Eleanor up in a few days to go with us."Paul spoke up. Louis grinned and bumped fists with Niall.

"Codi's going to do everything she can to never break your heart Liam, inseperable the last 9 months."Harry told him. Liam nodded and grinned at me.

"Paul can we just pick Eleanor up tonight I can really use some girl time?"I asked sticking my tongue out at Liam.

"Sure, but are you going to let me put you 3 girls on the spare bus alone?"he said making Liam pout.

"We were fine with it a few weeks ago so I dont see why not."I replied with a shrug.

"We also discussed just letting you girls have the back room on this tour bus so the band could have the spare bus."Harry replied with a frown.

"Im so going back to sleep right now."Liam said heading for his bunk. I rolled my eyes and Niall took Sarai to go watch a movie in the extra room.

"Fine they can use the back room."Paul spoke up. I dropped down onto a couch next to Louis and he patted my head.

"Babe you really going back to sleep?"I asked making Zayn smirk.

"No."Liam answered a few minutes later. I got up and walked over to his bunk. I pulled the curtain back and saw he was on Skype with his family. They waved and smiled at me. I kissed the side of his mouth and made him smile while waving back at them.

"Ima go hang out with those losers til youre done."I laughed. He turned his face and kissed me tenderly before nodding. I walked back to the couch and Harry threw a pillow at me.

"Losers?"Louis asked smirking. I nodded and he got an evil look in his eyes.

"Me and Zayn will hold her down for you."Harry laughed.

"How about dont touch my girlfriend."Liam laughed walking in the room. I jumped up and hugged him lightly giggling.

"Zayn, Niall and Liam arent losers."I laughed. Louis pouted and Harry poked my sides walking by.

"Love you Codi."Niall called from the back of the bus.

"Im a loser but if it was never for me she wouldnt be with Li."Harry groaned. I stuck out my tongue and Liam wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"You're the reason that Louis has Eleanor now too weirdo."Zayn laughed.


"How do you just fall out of love with him Codi?"Harry asked the morning after we had broke up. I shrugged and could hear Sarai in the next room with Eleanor crying.

"I didnt mean it when I said it last night Harry, it slipped."I replied biting my lip.

"He's tore up over all of it, Codi. Did he really deserve it?"Zayn asked.

"No but do I deserve to only get to see him maybe twice a month."I replied trying not to cry. Zayn sighed and pulled me into his arms.

"You knew what you were getting into when you decided to start dating him almost 2 years ago."Niall mumbled. Eleanor brought Sarai to me and she started crying against my shoulder.

"He's crying mommy."she mumbled. I rubbed her back and she went over to Harry.

"Mommy's going to go talk to him before we leave."I told her. I walked into the next room and Louis looked over at me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"You really stopped loving me Codi?"he asked looking up. I sat next to him and shook my head not trusting my voice.

"It just got hard only seeing you every other week for a day."I mumbled.

"I wish this wasnt even happening right now."he mumbled. Louis left the room and I pulled Liam to me until he calmed down.

"Im sorry but it did, Im going back to stay with Ari."I said softly.

"I cant keep getting hurt, I told Paul and management Im quitting the band and going home."he spoke up.

"Never will hear from you again will I?"I asked fresh tears threatening to fall. He pulled away and looked at the ground shrugging. Sarai came back in the room and crawled into his lap.

"I dont want to leave my Liam mommy."she cried.

"Mommy wants to leave Sarai."Liam mumbled.

"Dont do that Liam."Harry said coming in the room behind her.

"She's leaving Harry, she doesnt care."he cried. I picked Sarai up and walked out of the room not being able to take it anymore.

"Youre ruining the band you know that Codi."Niall mumbled.

"Dont fucking blame her for his decision Niall."Eleanor snapped. She hugged me and I put Sarai in her jacket. I grabbed our bags and Paul came in the room.

"Going to miss having you and princess around, wont be the same."he spoke up.

"There's no fixing what happened and was said last night."I told him. He grabbed our bags and I followed him out the door with Sarai. Liam was in the van with Harry to drive us back home. I bit my lip and Harry took Sarai to her seat in the back.

"There's no fixing it cuz you dont want to fix it."Liam mumbled.

"I love you Liam, it was killing me not getting to see you anymore."I mumbled.

"We were fixing to have the next 6 weeks off Codi, I had planned on spending it with you and Sarai."he said sadly.

"Do this Liam, take a break so you both can think about what it is you really want. Dont quit the band and go home."Paul told him.

"Niall already posted that Codi dumped Liam."Harry spoke up.

"I'll deal with that when we get Codi dropped off."he replied.

"No her and Liam need this weekend to themselves, she can take Sarai to her mom and over to Ari."Harry said.

"Let them go home Harry."Liam mumbled. I got on the van and he got up behind me. The van headed across town with us and I turned to see he was crying again. I wiped away his tears and he bit his lip when we stopped.

"It's just til the end of this month."Paul reminded us. Harry got our stuff and Sarai clung to Liam.

"I dont want to leave you."she mumbled.

"Its only for a little while princess I promise."he said softly looking at me. I nodded and she let him carry her inside the house. Ari jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"Who the fuck died?"she asked pulling away.

"Dont use that language around my niece and no one."Harry spoke up setting our bags down.

"The tweet has been all over the news."she growled. Liam clenched his jaw and just looked at me.

"Paul is going to fix it, calm down."I said pulling him to me. He hugged me tightly and kissed the side of my mouth when we pulled away.

"I love you."he said.

"I love you too."I mumbled. Harry hugged me and Paul honked the horn.

"End of the month Codi I promise, we'll be back."Harry said before they walked out of the house. I started crying again and Ari pulled me back towards her.

"Max and Hunter are getting off work early, I told Max you were coming back home for awhile."she said once I had sat down. I smiled and Sarai started taking her stuff to her old room.

"Not once in the last 2 years has she ever called Liam daddy."I laughed. They all started texting me and I heard the garage door open in the kitchen.

"Babe she here yet?"Max called. I shook my head and took off towards the kitchen.

"Who?"I asked making him turn around.

"Codi!"he exclaimed. He hugged me tightly and I smiled at Hunter who was smirking at me while holding an infant carrier.

"Ari is this baby my nephew?"I asked when the guys followed me back into the living room.

"Yeah, Max makes Hunter carry him around."she laughed taking the seat. Sarai came out of her room and made faces at the guys.

"Mommy I want my Liam."she mumbled.

"Princess hes going to be busy til the end of this month."I told her.

"Skype."she said pouting. I texted him and Harry started calling my phone.

"Tell princess her Liam will skype her before bed we have some show to go perform for and an interview."he mumbled.

"He could of called to tell her that."I replied.

"He's crying again Codi."he said.

"Tell him its going to be ok."I said again.

"Codi Paul is coming back for you and Sarai, Liam isnt crying over last night, his mom called his grandpa died."he mumbled. I dropped the phone and Ari picked it up. I held Sarai and tried calming myself down.

"Codi hes going to need you to be strong for him when you get there, he needs you."Ari said after hanging the phone up. I nodded and held Sarai until the van pulled up. Paul came running up and Ari handed him our bags.

"Lets go."he said giving me a tight smile. I rushed to the van and buckled Sarai in. I jumped up front with Paul and he handed me the phone that had Harry on it.

"Eleanor and Zayn are waiting outside to take Sarai love, Liam's just crying for you right now."he mumbled.

"Im on my way."I mumbled. We got off the phone and Paul hurried back over to the hotel. I bit my bottom lip and started shaking my leg from nerves.

"Just be there for him right now Codi, he needs that more than anything."Paul spoke up once we hit the parking lot. Paul turned the van off and I jumped out once I saw Eleanor. Zayn even had tears in his eyes. Eleanor got in the van and I took off running inside to the elevator. I got to the floor and saw Niall outside pacing the hallway. I ran towards him and he opened the door. Liam was on his knees next to Harry and had his head in his hands just crying as hard as he could. I knelt beside them and wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"He's gone Codi."he choked out. I rubbed his back and let him cry into my neck.

"I know Liam I know."I mumbled. He let me get us up from the floor and onto a couch.

"I didnt even get to tell him I love him or goodbye."he cried.

"He knows you love him Li, he knows you werent able to be there or you would have been right beside that bed with him babe. Hes not hurting anymore and hes in a better place. Heaven gained the most wonderful and amazing man you have your guardian angel."I said against the side of his head. I kissed his temple and heard him sigh.

"I should have been there."he mumbled. I kept rubbing his back and heard his breathing calm down.

"Liam I need you to calm down before you make yourself sick."I mumbled. He pulled away and Harry handed me a warm wet cloth. I wiped his face with it and kissed his forehead lightly. Paul followed everybody else in the room and shut the door.

"Management just cancelled everything for the next few weeks, flying Liam home tomorrow."Paul spoke up.

"Codi?"he asked. I bit my lip and looked at everyone else in the room.

"Im not going anywhere Liam, I need to be with you through this and last night should have never happened."I replied. He yawned and I kissed him softly.

"Go to bed Liam, youre emotionally drained."Eleanor said softly.

"We'll watch princess Codi, go cuddle with him."Zayn spoke up. I stuck out my tongue and helped Liam to his feet. I walked with him to his room and he let out a few shaky breaths. I sat on the bed with him and helped him pull his shirt off.

"I dont want to fly home tomorrow."he mumbled laying down. I laid down facing him and wrapped my arms back around him.

"Discuss it with your family in the morning."I said kissing him again softly. He laid his head against my chest and I rubbed his back lightly as we both drifted off back to sleep.

6:15 AM

"Time to leave for the airport."Paul said coming in our room. I opened my eyes and heard Liam groan next to me.

"We were up all night, he ended up sick 4 different times and I skyped his family, they told him its not til next week."I mumbled.

"Bucket."Liam mumbled sitting up. I snatched it up from the floor and put it in his lap. He gagged and started crying. I rubbed his back and he relaxed enough to release his sick. I picked up the bottle of water and tissue when he sat back.

"Get him back to sleep Codi, he needs rest."Paul spoke up.

"He's just puking bile Paul, he needs something in his stomach."I mumbled. Liam pouted and I touched his cheek.

"Get him up then, he looks rough."he replied. I nodded and helped Liam out of the bed. We walked into the main area of the hotel suite and heads turned our way.

"Toast Li?"Harry asked. Liam nodded and leaned against me. We dropped down on the couch and Sarai looked up sleepily from Zayn's shoulder.

"He sick mommy?"she asked.

"Just dont feel good babygirl."he told her weakly. Louis handed him a plate with 2 pieces of plain toast on it.

"You know that little girl sees him as her daddy?"Eleanor asked sitting across from us. Liam paused with the toast in his hand and looked at me raising his eyebrow.

"She's never even called him daddy El, its always been her Liam."I replied softly.

"Do you care if she calls me that babe?"he asked. I smiled and shook my head watching him.

"Its not odd that she even looks like him but not related?"Niall asked. We shook our heads and Liam ate his toast while I rubbed his back.

"Its the love for batman and toy story."Zayn joked. Liam gave him a look and Sarai stuck her tongue out at us.

"Not funny, I swear between both of them we could have a whole store full of nothing but Batman and Toy Story merchandise."I spoke up.Sarai came over and climbed up into his lap touching his cheek.

"Cuddle?"she asked when he looked at her.

"Princess I think he might want a shower."I laughed. He smirked at me and kissed her forehead.

"Uncle Niall will cuddle with you and watch Toy Story."Harry called from the kitchen. Sarai jumped down and rushed over to Niall who was waiting on her.

"They're all attached to her and you babe."Liam said softly against the top of my head. I looked up and kissed him tenderly.

"Go get a shower you'll feel better."I said pulling away. Harry took his plate and he disappeared back into our room.

"He was sick again last night?"Louis asked.

"And this morning."I mumbled.

"He's going home next week guys."Paul spoke up coming in the room.

"Are Codi and Sarai going with him?"Eleanor asked. I shrugged and Liam returned back to the main room a few minutes later looking a little better.

"Of course she's going with me."he mumbled sitting down beside me. I rubbed his back and felt he was slightly shaking.

"You feel better Li?"Paul asked noticing his face.

"Toast didnt stay down."Liam mumbled.

"Want to try something different?"I asked softly. He shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Can I just go back to sleep?"he asked looking up. I nodded and kissed his temple. He walked back to our room and shut the door. I bit my bottom lip and everyone just kind of looked at me.

"Before you came in the picture Codi the other girls would never treat him like this, they were rude when he didnt feel his best."Harry spoke up.

"Thats messed up."I mumbled.

"He deserves to be with someone who is going to treat him right and isnt going to keep hurting him over small things."Eleanor agreed.

"Is that Codi?"Zayn asked biting his lip. She nodded and smirked at me.

"I never would have guessed 2 years ago that I'd be dating Liam."I said softly.

"Do you regret it?"Niall asked.

"I've never regretted it Niall."I replied. He hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head in a friendly way.

"He wants a family with Codi and to spend the rest of his life with her."Louis said coming in the room.

"They have a family already Louis."Harry spoke up.

"No Hazza he wants kids of his own."I laughed.

"Hey he's in there crying."Niall said getting our attention. I headed for the room and opened the door.

"Baby whats wrong?"I asked softly walking towards the bed.

"I really dont feel good."he mumbled. I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his stomach for him. Paul came in the room next and sat on the other side of the bed feeling his forehead.

"I can have a doctor pay a visit bud or do you want to make a trip to the hospital."he said softly. Liam shook his head and closed his eyes.

"If this doesnt get better soon you're going Liam."I told him. I rubbed his stomach until he fell asleep and kissed his forehead. I left the room and Paul hugged me.

"Hopefully he feels different tomorrow, think maybe the news he got just has his stomach upset."he said softly.

"Do you mind if I take a nap with him?"I asked.

"Not at all, Sarai's being taken care of. Get our boy feeling better."he replied before grinning at me. I went back in the room and laid down next to Liam. I draped my arm over his stomach and rested my head on his chest.


"How do you feel babe?"I asked softly before anyone came in the room.

"Hungry."he laughed. I kissed him softly and we walked out to the main area. The guys looked up and Sarai was snuggled with Eleanor watching cartoons.

"Breakfast Li?"Paul asked. He nodded and I kissed the side of his mouth. I joined Eleanor on the other couch and Liam joined the guys to eat.

"Glad to see he's feeling better."El said smiling at me. I nodded and Sarai climbed into my lap. I cuddled with her and Liam smiled over at us. He came over when he was done and Sarai went right over to him.

"Forget all about mommy huh?"I asked faking a pout.

"She's been asking for him, she knows he was sick yesterday."Louis spoke up. Liam kissed the top of her head and winked at me.

"Princess who am I?"he asked making the entire room grow silent. Sarai looked at me for a few seconds and smiled before looking at him.

"Daddy Liam."she replied proud of herself. I looked and saw a few tears slip down his face.

"Baby."I said. He looked at me and I wiped the tears away. Sarai kissed his cheek and made him laugh.

"Paul can we fly out tomorrow?"he asked looking up. Paul nodded and went to get the tickets ordered for the 3 of us. I kissed Liam softly and his face lit up.

"I love you so much."I told him. He kissed me a few more times and Eleanor pulled me away from him.

"I wasnt done."he said pouting. She stuck out her tongue and shook her head.

"You have all the time you want to kiss her."she laughed. He pouted more at me and I bit my bottom lip.

"How long are we staying gone babe?"I asked making him smile.

"Few weeks?"he asked looking at Paul.

"Guys fly back here 3 days after the funeral."Paul replied softly. Liam bit his lip and nodded at Eleanor.

"Want to take Codi and Saria shopping?"he asked making her smile.

"I dont want to go."I laughed.

"Codi never miss the chance to go shopping."Eleanor laughed. I walked back over to Liam and kissed him more tenderly.

"I wont let him out of my sight Codi promise, go shop with El she's dying to get out of the hotel."Harry said from across the room.

"He needs boy time anyway."Niall joked making a face at me. I pouted and Liam bit my lip when I pulled away.

"Im going Im going."I laughed picking Sarai up from his lap.


"Not ready for you guys to leave in the next 2 days."Nicola said sitting Sarai on the couch with her. Liam was talking to his dad in the den and Ruth was helping their mom make us all something to eat.

"I dont think he's ready to leave yet either."I replied biting my lip.

"My daddy?"Sarai asked looking at me.

"What about me princess?"he asked coming in the room.

"Love you."she said smiling. He picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.

"Love you too sweetheart."he replied putting her down. I kissed the corner of his mouth and watched him blush.

"Dated for 2 years now and she still makes you blush."Nicola laughed.

"I can make her blush just as easy."He laughed winking at me. I shook my head and stuck out my tongue heading to the kitchen.

"Codi I got to see this get back in here."Nicola called. I walked back in there and looked right at Nicola. Liam lifted his shirt up and I knew I was already blushing.

"Leave your clothes on weirdo theres a kid in the room."Ruth laughed coming in the room.

"Codi blushes at his abs Ruth."Nicola said. I yanked his shirt back down making him laugh and kissed him softly.

"Stop doing that."I mumbled against his lips. He wrapped his arms around and just held me.

"I love you Codi."he said.

"I love you too Liam."I replied looking in his eyes.

"Hey Codi Liam said something about him adopting Sarai."his dad said coming in the room with his mom.

"We talked about it, its something he really wants to do."I replied. Sarai looked at us and grinned really big.

"She already calls me daddy."Liam spoke up.

"But once he does and her last name legally changes what happens if you and him dont stay together?"his mom asked.

"I pray that never even happens but if it does, I'd never keep her away from him."I said softly. He kissed me tenderly lifting my face up and rubbed my back.

"People grow apart all the time sweetheart there's that chance."she told me. I nodded and he caught the tears in my eyes.

"No more talking about it."he said a little too roughly. I gave him a mean look and he pouted.

"Let's take Sarai for that walk we promised her babe."I laughed.

"It's fixing to rain baby, we'll go for a drive after we eat."he replied softly.

"So Liam is 24 now, he dated Danielle from the time he was 16 til he was 18 then stayed single til he got with Sophia when he turned 20 and she broke his heart at 22 right before he met Codi."Ruth started saying.

"And its been 2 years and they havent broke up yet."Nicola finished.

"That's not going to happen."I spoke up. Liam got his phone out of his pocket and started texting away on it.

"Paul is flying us home in the morning."he told me softly. I could tell he was upset by what his family was saying and it was getting to him.

"Staying at that hotel again tonight?"his dad asked. Liam nodded and Sarai put her coat on.

"We'll get something to eat there we need to go pack."he replied looking at his mom. I grabbed my bag and Liam helped me put my coat on. He got the keys and followed us outside. I let him drive back to the hotel and as soon as we were in the room he laid facedown on the bed upset.

"Dont let them get to you."I said sitting beside him.

"They're the reason Sophia broke up with me, the reason things didnt work out with Danielle. They'll get to you too."he said turning over. I shook my head and leaned down to kiss him.

"Thats not going to happen, we have 6 other people who strongly support us back home."I reminded him. He sat up and Sarai climbed onto the bed.

"Go home daddy?"she asked holding her batman blanket.

"In the morning princess, we can go downstairs in a few minutes to get something to eat with mommy and then come back here to snuggle and watch Toy Story."he said making her giggle. He kissed her softly on her forehead and I got my phone out to text Eleanor.

"Babe go back home with me when we get back?"I asked making him look up.

"To the house you stayed in with Ari baby?"he asked. I nodded and bit my bottom lip. He smiled and stood up holding Sarai.

"Lets go eat mommy."she laughed. I kissed her forehead and she clapped her hands.

"I actually want to go look at houses while on this break."he said as I grabbed our room key. He followed me out and I slipped my hand into his as we headed towards the elevator. Liam let Sarai down and told her what button to push.

"The guys know about this?"I asked looking up at him. He smiled and bit his lip.

"They know I want to settle down and start a family with you and Sarai love, they know that you girls dont want to keep living in the hotel much longer as nice as it is."he replied looking into my eyes. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him passionately right before the doors opened. He picked up Sarai and we walked towards the restaurant on the main floor for guests. Some fans came up and asked the waiters to take pictures of them with the 3 of us right after our order was taken. We ate and Paul called his phone before we got back to our room. I got Sarai ready on the bed to watch the movie with him and he clenched his jaw when he hung up.

"Whats wrong babe?"I asked softly.

"Flight leaves tonight we have to get to the airport."he groaned. I sighed and he kissed me softly.

"Lets just get home."I said giving him a smile. I packed up our stuff and he downloaded the movie onto the tablets they had for the flight. Eleanor called me right before we got ready to head to the airport.

"I miss your beautiful face."she laughed.

"You'll see it soon."I laughed.

"How's he holding up?"she asked.

"Surprising well despite the fact that his family is determined that we wont last."I mumbled. He looked over and pouted at me.

"You are going to last and prove them all wrong, be the cutest couple of this band and make him the happiest man alive despite what they hope happens."she said. We got off the phone and I saw Sarai was falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Liam James Payne I love you from the depths of my soul and with everything I am."I told him. His entire face lit up and I leaned forward to kiss him softly.

Eleanor walked into our hotel room the next afternoon and opened the curtains laughing at us.

"Get out of bed already."Louis said following her. Liam groaned and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. I had woke up with Sarai a few hours later.

"No the bed loves me."he mumbled. I started laughing and he opened his eyes.

"Everyone else is waiting on you to wake up love."I laughed. He pouted and slowly sat up. Sarai came in the room and jumped onto the bed next to him.

"Let's go to the park."she giggled. He picked her up and tickled her sides.

"Leaving in half a hour for the amusement park."Harry cheered coming in the room with everyone else.

"I wanted to spend the day with just Sarai and Codi."Liam spoke up frowning.

"You can do that after today."Paul called from the other room.


I walked into Sarai's room and turned the alarm off my phone. She was still sound asleep in her princess bed that we had custom built and had her puppy in the bed with her. I knelt down and he opened his eyes yawning and stretching. I laughed and brushed back the curls from the side of her face.

"Princess want to go with me to pick up daddy?"I asked. Her eyes snapped open and she nodded her face lighting up. He had been on their last tour and was ready to come home. Sarai had a baby brother and he looked identical to his big sister. I helped her out of bed and walked over to her closet.

"I can dress me mommy."she said biting her lip just like I did.

"Ok, Ima go wake bubba up and get him ready. Auntie El is here to go with us for Uncle Louis."I replied smiling. I left her room and walked across the hallway to see my 18 month old was standing in his crib.

"Mommy."he said grinning. I kissed his forehead and lifted him up. I changed his diaper and tickled his ribs making him laugh.

"Sarai is ready beautiful."El said coming in the room. We lived in a duplex and she shared the other side with Louis.

"I need to get Hunter ready still then we should be able to leave."I laughed. I found his baby Directioner onesie and Eleanor tossed me his jeans that were on the dresser. I got him dressed and Sarai handed me his baby Converse. I got them on him and spiked his hair up into his fauxhawk. I took a picture of them together and sent it to his phone.

"Lets go mommy."Sarai said grabbing the diaper bag. I laughed and followed her out of the room. Eleanor grabbed the keys and I went to put the kids in their carseats.

"Bet you're ready to have him home."she laughed.

"You have no idea, 4 months without him and both kids asking for him every night wasnt any fun."I replied getting in the passenger seat. She squeezed my shoulder and headed out for the hotel they were supposed to be at. My phone rang and I saw it was a video call from Louis. I answered and could see Liam in the background talking to Paul looking very upset.

"They want us to perform the rest of the week."Louis spoke up. I groaned and saw Liam look over at the phone.

"She's coming to pick him up babe, the kids miss him, she misses him."Eleanor said taking my phone. They talked and I dropped my head looking at my hands in my lap. The van stopped a few minutes later and she handed me my phone.

"I wish they had stopped last year like everyone discussed."I mumbled.

"Let's go see them."she said nodding at the hotel. I let Sarai out of her seat and grabbed Hunter. I picked up the bag and followed Eleanor inside

"Isnt that Liam's fiance with the girl who is engaged to Louis?"some girl asked. I clenched my jaw and Eleanor picked Sarai up by instinct.

"The guys must be staying at this hotel."a few other girls started saying. I checked my phone and walked to the front desk.

"Waiting for you top floor last room on the right."she said softly so the girls couldnt hear us.

"Thank you."Eleanor said as she handed us a room key.

"Enjoy your stay ladies."she called as we headed for the elevator. I pushed the button for the floor and put the kids down.

"Liam wants to quit the band El."I mumbled softly.

"Codi its time the band just ends, the guys have done this for 10 years."she replied. I bit my lip when the elevator stopped and could hear more girls freaking out once the doors opened. I looked up and shook my head laughing. Harry was standing next to the elevator and grinning like mad. He picked up Sarai and made her squeal. I picked up Hunter and hugged him lightly. We headed down the hallway and Liam's face was the first thing I saw when the door opened. Harry put Sarai down and took Hunter from me as Liam made his way over to us. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I hid my face against his neck until I calmed down. I pulled away slowly and kissed him tenderly a few times. He picked the kids up and kissed the tops of their heads.

"I want to go home baby."he said looking at me.

"I already told you management wants the 4 of you putting on shows this week."Paul spoke up.

"He was sick all night and this morning before we got here, he doesnt fucking need to keep stressing out his body."Louis growled.

"Management doesnt care, they make money off us."Niall snapped. I looked at Liam and saw he looked awful.

"He's going homek, management can deal with it."I replied.

"Codi."Harry spoke up.

"No Hazza, you guys have done this thing long enough and deserve to go home."Eleanor replied. Liam let the kids go and started coughing.

"We're supposed to have our double wedding at the end of this year."Louis said picking Sarai up.

"Let's go home daddy."she said looking over at him. Niall handed me his bag and Liam looked at Paul.

"Are we breaking up for real?"Harry asked getting their attention. The other guys nodded and Harry sighed walking over to Paul. We walked out of the hotel a few minutes later and put the kids in the van first. I got in the middle seat with Liam and he rested his head on my shoulder pouting.

"Anything else we need to accomplish today before going home?"El asked.

"Im starving so is Li."Louis answered.

"I just want a shower in my own house and the bed."Liam spoke up. I kissed him softly and winked at Eleanor.

"Babe lets take Sarai and Hunter out to eat with us."she suggested. Liam lifted his head up and smirked at me.

"Why dont I get to spend the day with them?"he asked getting her attention.

"Go shower you goof, Im bringing them right back."she laughed pulling into the driveway. I got the house keys out and grabbed his bag for him. He followed me to the door and bit his lip.

"6 more weeks and I get to carry you through that door."he said blushing.

"Its hard to believe we met 4 years ago and started dating a little over 3 of those."I spoke up as we went inside.

"Do you regret it babe?"he asked. I put his bag down and pulled him to me.

"The only thing I regret is not meeting you sooner."I said before kissing him softly.

"Alright Ima go shower."he laughed pulling away. He walked towards our room and I pulled my phone out to text Eleanor. I sat on the couch and flipped through the tv channels until I heard the water shut off.

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