Collection of stories

By DanielleMccormick8

821 2 0

just like the title says this is a collection of stories I wrote in the past and am now just deciding to sha... More

Baby Mommas
Cam2(different from Cam)
Cassi Irwin
Dating Liam Payne
Jae and Jace
Nate and Sammy
say it isn't so
what have I gotten myself in to
bite me


30 0 0
By DanielleMccormick8

I rolled my eyes and let myself in the house with my 3 best friends behind me. My brother and his 3 friends were already inside and watching some game. Skate looked up and smiled at me before seeing the girls. Gilinsky smirked at me and Johnson settled for a little head nod. I looked over at Sam and saw he had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why does Sammy have to be so cute?"my friend Rayne asked. He looked at me and frowned.

"No, you 3 leave Sam alone."my brother said clenching his jaw. I walked into the kitchen and found the pills I had for headaches. I shook the bottle and heard him get up. He came in the kitchen and I saw the pain in his eyes.

"You could of texted me to find out where they are."I said softly handing him the bottle. He shook his head and I tossed him a bottled water. Gilinsky came in the kitchen and quirked his eyebrow.

"Your followers are getting on Skate's nerves."he laughed. Sam took the pills and closed his eyes. We walked back in the living room and Sam took the couch. I looked at my brother and he shrugged. I sat next to Sam and nudged him with my leg. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Im afraid that Rayne, Maria and Emma are going to be here all weekend."I spoke up. Sam frowned again and I looked over at my brother.

"Sam they wont bother you. Cant say that Nicohle wont but."he said making Sam smile. Johnson smirked and tossed Sam his phone. It went a little high and smacked him in his forehead.

"Yeah like thats going to take away this headache."Sam muttered. I laughed and he stuck his tongue out at me. Gilinsky found a movie for the 8 of us to watch and Sam slipped his arm around me.

"Nicohle dont you have a crush on Gilinsky tho?"Rayne asked. I quirked my eyebrow and almost died.

"He's like a brother to me, thats just wrong on so many levels."I choked out. Sam started laughing and I elbowed him in his ribs.

"Ow!"he grumbled hissing.

"Nicohle, he didnt get the headache out of no where, he got jumped easy on the ribs baby sister."Skate said getting my attention. Sam pouted at me and I kissed his cheek getting him to smile.

"Im sorry Wilk."I said softly. We went back to watching the movie and Gilinsky looked over at both of us.

"Nicohle likes Sammy."he teased making me blush. Skate looked at me and I bit my lip.

"It's not like he didnt already know anyway."I spoke up.

"And I'll never be ok with it Nicohle."Skate replied. Sam quirked his eyebrow and moved away from me slightly. I started to get up and Nate/Skate stopped me.

"What now?"I asked.

"Just cuz I said it doesnt mean I can stop you and Sam, I just dont want to deal with you or him getting hurt is all."he replied. I sighed and looked back at Sam.

"I've know Sam for how long now?"I asked biting my bottom lip.

"Long enough Nicohle, just forget I said it ok."Nate spoke up. I sat back beside Sam and he pouted at me this time.

"Its forgotten."I said softly. Sam moved back next to me and I leaned my head over on his shoulder.

"I think Rayne's jealous of them."Emma spoke up. I bit my tongue and looked over at her.

"Just saying that should be me."she muttered. Sam shuddered and Johnson looked over at us.

"That was a mistake when he tried with you Rayne, you just wanted to use him."Gilinsky spoke up.

"Again why is she here anyway? All she ever wants to do is try and hook up with one of us when she's around."Johnson said. Maria was cuddled against his side and Nate was cuddled up to Emma. Rayne got up and flipped me off with a smirk before leaving. I looked up and Madison was coming in the door.

"Madi!"I exclaimed. I went to get up and Sam ended up with his head in my lap with both hands holding it.

"Nicohle."he mumbled. I covered my mouth and Nate laughed at my expression. Madison walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Sam, Im sorry."I muttered. I got him to sit up sort of and he kept his eyes closed.

"That guy really did a number on you bud if your head still hurts."Nate said getting up.

"He punched me in the back of my head dude."Sam mumbled wincing. My brother went to the kitchen and brought me back the ice pack. I place it on the back of his head gently and he moaned. Madison walked over to Gilinsky and kissed him softly. I rubbed Sam's back and he let his hands drop.

"He ok to go to sleep yet?"Maria asked looking over at my brother.

"Not going to sleep, lights are starting to hurt."Sam muttered. I bit my lip and felt tears start to soak my shirt.

"Can everyone just leave him alone right now?"I asked softly. They nodded and Emma brought me a blanket from my room. I threw it over Sam and made sure his head was covered to block out the light. I kept rubbing his back and Nate looked at me.

"Sam you can go to sleep, someone will wake you up in a few hours to check on you."he said across the room. Sam groaned in reply and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I kept rubbing his back and soon enough as we went to watch another movie his breathing evened out alerting me he was asleep.

"Is Nicohle with Sam now?"Madison asked.

"Not yet."I spoke up yawning.

"Give him time baby sister."Nate said smiling at me.

"They've never done that right there."Gilinsky pointed out motioning towards us. I bit my lip and took the ice pack from the back of his head since it was no longer froze.

"He's hurting or she wouldnt be right there."Johnson said. I stuck out my tongue and threaded my fingers through his hair.

"You know i've always hated seeing Sam hurt and in pain like this."I replied. I felt him grab one of my hands and lace our fingers together. I gave a small smile and Nate smirked at me. He moved to get comfortable in my lap and his sore ribs bumped my leg.

"Fuck."he groaned sitting up. The cover fell and he closed his eyes.

"Sam calm down."Madison said. He pouted and bit his lip lifting his shirt up.

"Fuck Sam, dude broke your ribs."Johnson spoke up.

"Why did he even get jumped?"I asked.

"Cuz I defended myself Nicohle."he mumbled. I sighed and Nate walked over. He handed Sam another pain pill and a drink.

"Lay back down, try to sleep and see how you feel later."Nate told him. I got up and let Sam have the couch. He pouted and tears slipped down his face.

"Nicohle."he mumbled.

"What Sam?"I asked biting my lip.

"Get up and let him lay with you Nicohle."my brother said. I moved back to the couch and Sam sat up.

"Wouldnt you be more comfortable in a bed?"Madison asked. He shrugged and I looked at Nate.

"Just let me lay like I was before."Sam mumbled. I sat down and he laid sideways with his head in my lap. I put the cover back over him and he was facing the outside of the couch so I couldnt see his face. I threaded my fingers through his hair softly and felt him relax.

"Sam one day you're going to have to ask her out."Nate told him.

"Dude I know that."Sam muttered. I started rubbing his back under his shirt and felt him shudder before looking over at me.

"Let the guy sleep now."Emma spoke up. Sam turned over careful of his ribs and kissed my hand.

"Thanks."he mumbled. He closed his eyes and I moved the cover that the lights wouldnt bother him.

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