Collection of stories

By DanielleMccormick8

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just like the title says this is a collection of stories I wrote in the past and am now just deciding to sha... More

Baby Mommas
Cam2(different from Cam)
Cassi Irwin
Jae and Jace
Nate and Sammy
say it isn't so
what have I gotten myself in to
bite me

Dating Liam Payne

29 0 0
By DanielleMccormick8

I finished braiding my hair over my left shoulder and pulled a few pieces loose to frame my face. It was raining outside and making me restless. I walked over to my closet and opened both doors. I turned on the light and started pulling hangers out tossing clothes onto my bed. My mom walked in and handed me a mug of hot chocolate. I smiled and she looked at my closet.

"Bored much child?"she asked. I nodded and pulled all my shoes out of the bottom of the closet. My phone rang from across the room and I rolled my eyes. My mom grabbed it and tossed it to me. I answered and hit speakerphone placing it on the shelf in my closet.

"Whats up?"I asked pulling more stuff out of my closet.

"Im bored best friend."she whined.

"Come help me rearrange my entire room then."I told her. My mom left the room and I moved over to my bed. I started going through my clothes and she screamed on the phone.

"Im coming, One Direction are fixing to be at the hotel you live in crazy woman and you know Im a huge Niall fan."she said. I rolled my eyes and finished hanging clothes back up.

"Just let yourself in, Im in my room."I laughed. I pushed my dresser into the middle of the closet and found my shoe rack. I organized my shoes and put it on the left side of the dresser under my pants and capris. I hung my shirts up on the right side and refolded the clothes in my dresser as she came in my room.

"Busy busy best friend?"she asked. I shrugged and pulled up my playlist on my phone. I sat it on its charging dock and hooked the speakers up. Moments by One Direction started playing first thing.

"They here yet?"I asked laying across my bed. She knew I had a huge crush on Liam and had since the band had formed on Xfactor, 2 years before that. She nodded and my mom walked in the room.

"She knows Im dating their manager now right?"she asked me. I shook my head and Arias leaped off my bed hugging my mom.

"Is he bringing the guys over here?"I asked sitting up and looking around my room. I had the bobble head One Direction collection on a shelf right above my tv and a few posters scattered around on the walls.

"I can ask him later but I believe they have a signing they have to do at the bookstore downtown and then a meet and greet."she replied. Arias sat next to me and my phone gave a twitter alert. I picked it up and pouted reading it to myself.

"What is it Kylie?"Arias asked nudging me.

"Its from Liam, he posted a picture of him and Danielle, guess shes here with them."I mumbled. I put my phone down and laid back across my bed.

"Dear child Zayn likes you."my mom laughed. I made a face and shook my head.

"Hes weird."I mumbled.

"Kylie Nicohle thats not very nice."Arias said pouting at me. Liam tweeted again and right after Danielle posted another tweet matching his.

"They just broke up Kylie."my mom said before walking out of the room. Arias rolled her eyes at me and pulled up Niall's number on her phone. She texted him and blushed laying back on my bed.

"How do I even?"I asked making her look at me.

"You have his number dont you? Check on him Kylie."she replied. I texted him and bit my lip looking at the shelf above my tv. I got a text back and Arias eyes got big. It was from Liam's phone and wasnt from him, it was from Zayn. Saying Liam was upset and wasnt talking to anyone right now not even them, that Paul was bringing him alone to see my mom. He wouldnt be at the book signing or the meet and greet. I looked at Arias and heard the front door open.

"Paul hey love, Liam."we heard my mom say from the living room. They said something to her and started down the hallway to my room, the door was still open. I looked up and saw Liam's face. Paul looked over at me and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Come here Liam."I said sitting up. He walked over and I wrapped my arms around him. Sobs shook through him and I felt the tears against my neck seconds later. I rubbed his back and Arias snuck out to get him a bottled water.

"So tired of trying to stay strong Kylie, I want to give up."he mumbled. Paul was sitting at my computer desk near tears himself.

"Never give up Liam, no matter what happens dont do that."I told him.

"I want to go home and be with my family and have a normal teenage life."he mumbled. I pulled back and got him to look at me.

"You want that cause youre hurting right now Liam, its normal and I understand but doing that is going to hurt alot more people that you care about and care about you. I dont think thats something you really want."I told him.

"Karen how does she know how the right things to say?"Paul asked my mom when she came in the room.

"Thats the same things I said to her when she was little and her dad left."my mom replied. Liam started to calm down and glanced around my room smiling a little.

"I should go apologize to the lads and Zayn has my phone."he said looking at Paul.

"You did throw it right at him."Paul replied.

"Paul fans know about the break up already, dont make him go anywhere thats going to cause more hurt for him."I spoke up.

"Hes not going today, he already gets enough hate."Paul told me. He kissed my mom softly and left the suite with Liam behind him.

"They all know Zayn likes you Kylie, they also know youre just like Liam."my mom told me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Arias.

"I guess I could give Zayn a chance, hes not weird Ive just never really talked to the guy."I replied. My mom smiled and texted Paul. Arias hugged me and Paul texted telling me he had gave Zayn my number. Arias went back across my bed and back to texting Niall. I smiled and walked into the living room to find my mom making us all something to eat.

"Proud of you Kylie, Ive met and talked to Zayn a few times when I started dating Paul. He's just like Liam he just doesnt talk alot."she told me. He texted me and I bit my lip smiling.

"So can I go with Paul to their book signing and meet and greet with Arias?"I asked her. She nodded and I headed back to my room. I pulled Arias up and towards my closet.

"What Kylie?"she asked pouting.

"We need to change if we are going with Paul duh."I laughed. We changed into short cut off shorts and tank tops. I grabbed 2 pairs of my Jordan flip flops and we got changed. I brushed my hair out and braided it again over my shoulder. Arias pulled hers up in a twisted braid and left it over her other shoulder. I looked in the mirror and we both smiled showing off dimples. We left my room and my mom smiled. Paul came back to the suite for us and his jaw dropped open.

"Determined to distract my boys huh?"he asked teasing us. I smiled and Arias bit her lip.

"Hey I cant help it I look just like my momma."I laughed. He nodded and kissed her again before ushering us out into the hallway where the other 4 boys stood waiting. Arias blushed and my eyes landed on Zayn. He smiled and Paul came back out.

"Arias and Kylie this is Zayn, Louis, Harry and Niall."he said. Smiles were exchanged and Paul headed us down to the lobby. There was a van waiting on us and we saw Danielle standing next to it. We walked outside and Paul just shook his head at her.

"Why are you still here?"Zayn asked her.

"I want to talk to Liam."she replied. I bit my lip and Zayn touched my back lightly.

"Liam doesnt want to talk to you Danielle, leave him alone."Niall told her. Danielle fought back tears and looked at all of us. Paul pulled me on the van with Arias and Liam was already in the very backseat. He looked up and gave me a small smile. Zayn and Niall got on next and had us go to the back of the van with them.

"She still out there?"he asked. Zayn nodded and I saw a few tears escape Liams eyes. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Paul?"I asked as Harry and Louis followed him on the van. Paul pulled Liam up front with him and Liam cried again. Paul rubbed his back and we saw Danielle watching from the window.

"She doesnt even care that she hurt him."Harry mumbled. The van started moving and I got up. Zayn looked up and pouted. I moved to the front and touched Liams back. He looked at me and tried to calm down. Paul handed him over to me and traded places with Zayn.

"This hurts."Liam mumbled. I rubbed his back and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Heartbreaks always hurt Liam and Im sorry you have to even go through something like this."I told him. He looked at Zayn and Zayn was watching both of us.

"You know I like her Liam."he said. I looked at Zayn and raised my eyebrow. Liam frowned and clenched his jaw.

"Zayn that wasnt called for. Kylie is trying to make him feel better about what happened and if he knew about how Kylie felt about him you wouldnt stand a chance."Paul warned him. Zayn pouted and moved to the back of the van. I moved away from Liam and looked out the window. Arias moved behind me and touched my shoulder. I turned around to look at her and gave her a smile.

"Zayn no one was trying to upset you, I know you like Kylie, we all know that."Liam told him. Zayn rolled his eyes and looked out the window ignoring us. I sighed and Paul sat next to me rubbing my back.

"He'll come around I shouldnt have said what I did Im sorry Kylie."he said softly. Liam smiled at me and my phone started going off. I had texts from Zayn and none of them were nice.

"Ok Zayn thats how you feel, delete my number, we dont have to talk."I said turning around to face him. He shrugged and clenched his jaw. Liam pulled my phone away and read the texts.

"She didnt do anything to you Zayn, she was trying to give you a chance."Arias said.

"And you see right where she's at, next to Liam worried about him and making sure hes ok."Zayn replied coldly.

"I want to go home."I mumbled. Paul calmed me down and the van stopped at the bookstore. The guys started getting off and Liam gave Zayn a dirty look.

"No fighting Liam."Paul told him. Liam sighed and followed the boys into the bookstore.

"I'll stay out here with you Kylie."Arias told me. Paul hugged me and went inside. I deleted messages from my phone and got on twitter reading what their fans were saying until the signing was over. Liam sat in the back of the van and Zayn sat with Niall and Harry. Louis sat beside me and Arias and Paul sat behind us. I yawned and wiped away tears that kept trying to fall.

"Kylie Im sorry I didnt mean to hurt you."Zayn mumbled.

"Dont talk to me Zayn."I mumbled.

"Kylie, dont be like that he's trying to fix what he did."Liam spoke up. I shrugged and the van took us back to the hotel. We all got out and Zayn was ready to cry. Liam rubbed his back and just looked at me. I shook my head and Paul hugged me keeping me calm.

"Go up and just be with your mom, I'll fix this and tell her I'll talk to her after the meet and greet for me."he said. Arias hugged Niall and followed me back inside. We stopped in the lobby and she handed me her phone.

"He wants to fix what he did, he likes you Kylie, he was crying in the van."she said getting my attention. I pouted and texted him from my phone. We went up to my room and I laid across my bed. Arias laid beside me and kissed my face.

"How did I not know he was crying?"I asked her.

"Liam was calming him down you werent even looking back there."she mumbled. He texted me a few times and seemed like he was in a better mood. Liam texted me calming me down and I yawned strectching.

"Wake me up when they get back?"I asked Arias. She nodded and I climbed under the covers. She took my phone and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. My fan came on and she placed my phone next to me.


Arias woke me up and kissed my forehead. I sat up and smiled at her.

"They just got back, he has a headache but theyre all here with Paul talking to your mom in the living room."she said. I followed her out of my room and Zayn looked up pouting.

"Screaming, crying teenage girls tend to cause headaches you know."I said. He smiled and Liam stuck his tongue out at me. I sat between them on the couch and rubbed Zayns head softly, causing him to close his eyes.

"His headaches are worse than any of ours though."Niall told me. Zayn moaned and pouted again.

"They make my stomach hurt Kylie."he mumbled. I rubbed his back and Liam watched us.

"You must be just really good with anyone huh Kylie?"he asked. I shrugged and my mom nodded. Zayn started to calm down and my mom got him something to help with his head. He took it and I massaged the top of his neck to help relieve the pressure. A few minutes later he was passed out and had his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back a little longer and Liam texted me. I read it and gave him a huge smile nodding. Paul took a picture of us on the couch and posted it to twitter anyway.

"Kylie first girl to actually make Malik cry."Harry said catching my attention. I made a face and stopped rubbing his back. Liam looked up and Paul smacked Harry.

"Yeah Harry that was my plan all this time was to make him cry."I groaned. I texted Liam and Arias looked over at me smiling.

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