Relativity Falls- Season One

By KittyKatBella

37.2K 706 2.7K

Please inform me of any instances where: It says Dipper and Mabel's birthday is in June and Stan and Ford's i... More

Tourist Trapped
The Legend of The Gobblewonker
The Hand That Rocks The Bella
The Inconveniencing
Stanford vs Manliness
Double Ford
Irrational Treasure
The Time Traveler's Goat
Short Ford
Boss Stan
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Girlz Crazy
Jurassic Buck
Buddy Rises

Fight Fighters

1.2K 27 60
By KittyKatBella

Ria was showing Stan, Bella, and Fiddleford around the arcade.

"This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls," Ria smiled. "Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street." She showed them the Frog Time game. "When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts." They stopped at a Ghost Maze game. "And this thing taught me how to dance."

She pointed to a dance machine. Crazy Chiu was currently dancing on it, but the game didn't seem to be working.

"I've been jigging for seven days straight!" Crazy Chiu laughed.

"Uh, Ria?" Bella said, picking up the wire to the dance machine.

"Ssh. Let her have this," Ria said. Stan walked up to a game called 'Insert Token.' He slipped a token into the game.

"Congratulations, you win!" The game said. Stan smiled happily. The screen flashed 'Insert Token!' again. Stan growled.

Meanwhile, Ford was playing a game with Dan. The game was called 'Fight Fighters.' Dan's character was a man called 'Dr. Karate.' Ford was using a female character named Giffany.

"Watch out! Ooh, cut scene!" Ford said. They watched the scene on the screen.

"Dr. Karate! You killed my boyfriend!" Giffany yelled. Dr. Karate grunted. "You take that back!"

The fight began, with Ford and Dan controlling Giffany and Dr. Karate. Ford cheered on his character and soon won.

"K.O!" The game announcer said. "The winner: Giffany!"

"Winners don't lose!" Giffany winked at the screen.

"What? No way," Dan laughed. "You cheated!"

"You take that back!" Ford said, imitating Giffany.

"Round two. Fight!"

"I'm gonna punch the ref," Dan said.

"Let's team up on him," Ford said. The two moved their characters to kick and punch, making it look as though they were beating up the referee. Stacey stood nearby, putting up a flyer.

"Danny!" Stacey smiled, walking over. She planted a kiss on Dan's cheek. "What's up, hon? I'm just putting up some flyers for my band. I play lead guitar."

"Cool," Dan smiled. "Hey babe, Ford was just showing me this awesome game."

"Yeah, sweet," Stacey said. She stood Ford's place at the controls. She looked at him. "Hey, how about you sit this one out, ok?"

"But, we just started this round..." Ford trailed off.

"Woah, easy kid!" Stacey said defensively. "I'm just trying to spend some time with my boyfriend."

"It'll just be one round, dude," Dan assured.

"Round three. Fight!"

Stacey and Dan started playing the game.

"Hey, so I'm going camping with my family tomorrow," Dan told Stacey. "So I'm not gonna be around."

"Ok, cool," Stacey nodded, not really paying attention. "Woah, watch out!"

Dan continued playing the game, putting one arm around Stacey's waist. Stacey glared at Ford, who was watching them.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Ford," Bella said, walking up to the saddened Ford. "Come on, let's go play a game. I wanna kill stuff!"


Back at the shack, Mabel, the twins, Ria, Fiddleford, and Bella were playing poker.

"King me!" Bella smiled, showing her hand, which had two kings. The others groaned and complained as Bella dragged the poker chips over to her.

"It's not fair! She doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan complained.

"Just because I don't know the name, doesn't mean I can't know the game," Bella folded her arms. The ground of friends and family heard an electric guitar being playing from outside.

"Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station in my head," Ria said, picking at her ear.

"Try blinking to see if you can change the channel," Stan said. Ria blinked a few times, but nothing happened.

"Daaaaaannnyyyy!" Stacey sung from outside.

"Ugh, sounds like Stacey," Ford rolled his eyes.

"Stacey? Is she that one I see making goo-goo eyes at Danny all the time?" Mabel asked.

"She called me 'Big Chick' once," Ria said. "I mean, I know I'm a big chick, but it kinda hurt."

"Should I sic Gompers on her again?" Stan asked. The goat started chewing on his shirt. "Woah, easy tiger."

"I'll handle it," Ford said, standing up. He walked outside. Stacey was calling for Dan. "You realize he's not here, right?"

"Pfft, yeah," Stacey looked confused. "What."

"He's camping with his family," Ford said, then spoke under his breath. "Maybe if you listened to him, you'd know that."

"Um, what was that?" Stacey glared.

"I said he's not here," Ford said.

"Oh no, you want to get into it, kid?" Stacey asked. "Then let's get into it! You think I don't know what's going on? It's obvious that you have a thing for my boyfriend!"

"W-what?! No I don't!" Ford denied. "I'm not- I'm straight!"

"Yeah, ok, I'm sure you are, and I'm sure he's just dying to ask out a thirteen-year-old boy," Stacey said sarcastically. "Hey, how about I call him right now? Ask if he wants to go on a date with you?"

She pulled out her phone, dialing Dan's number.

"Hey! No, you don't have to-!" Ford tried to stop her.

"'Oh, don't, please!'" Stacey mimicked Ford, her thumb hovering over the 'Call' button. "What are you gonna do, kid? Huh?"

She pressed the button, calling Dan. He answered after only one ring.

"Hello?" Dan spoke. Ford smacked the phone out of Stacey's hand. The phone broke upon hitting the ground.

"My phone!" Stacey gasped.

"I-I'll buy you a new one!" Ford promised nervously.

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easily!" Stacey snapped. She picked Ford up by his collar, preparing to punch him.

"HEY!" Stan yelled from the window. "I know a fight when I see one! Stay right there!"

He disappeared back inside, and Stacey dropped Ford to the ground.

"You. Me. Circle Park," Stacey growled, walking away. "We finish this."

"Aw, she's gone!" Stan said, showing up with his brass knuckles. "I was gonna show her what happens when you mess with my brother."


Ford was now inside, pacing in front of Mabel, Stan, Bella, Fiddleford, and Ria. Gompers was chewing on a can, laying under the table.

"What was I thinking?" Ford asked. "I can't fight! I've never been in a fight! Look at these noodle arms!"

He waved his arms.

"Just bonk her over the head," Stan smiled. "It's nature's snooze button!"

"Boys! Why can't you hate each other in secret?" Mabel asked. "Like girls do!"

"I have never hated someone in secret my entire life," Bella said, "I like making it known that 'Hey! I don't like you. Go away.' Maybe it's because I'm not really a girl..."

"Maybe she'll just forget about it and it'll all blow ever," Ford said.

"I dunno dude," Ria said. "Teenagers are dangerous. Your hormones turn you into killing machines."

"Hey! That ain't true of all teenagers," Fiddleford glared.

"It's true for me," Bella shrugged. "Though, that might just be the anger issues."

"Th-they do?" Ford gulped.

"Oh yeah," Ria nodded. "My cousin Regina got in a fight with a teenager once. The girl dude broke like, all of her arms, all of her legs, and I think killed her or something. Me and Regina were just talking about it."

"I-I can't stay here!" Ford panicked, backing into a corner. "What if Stacey comes back? I have to hide!"

"Ok Sixer, you have two options," Stan said. "You can either face your problems like a man, or hide inside like a wimp. What's it gonna be?"


Ford was hiding under a pinball machine at the arcade. Ria was playing the game.

"Wimp it is," She said. Ford crawled out from under the game.

"Come on, Ria!" Ford said. "Stacey's like, twice my size! What does getting myself killed accomplish? I just need to hide here until 3:00." He looked at his watch, which read 11:30. "Ugh, this day will never end."

"Relax, Ford," Ria advised. "Try to not think about Stacey."

That's gonna be hard, Ford said, looking around at the posters for Stacey's band.


Mabel was at the shack, watching a TV show. Waddles was laying at her feet.

"Girl, why you 'ackin so cray-cray?" The woman on TV asked.

"Why You 'Ackin So Cray-Cray! will be back in a moment," the TV announcer said.

"Poor Ford," Mabel shook her head. "Hiding from Stacey, unable to face his fears."

"Fears are for chumps," Stan said from the kitchen. He was trying to reach the top shelf in the cabinet, but was too short. "That's why I don't have any."

"Here, let me get a ladder," Mabel said, going to stand up.

"NO!" Stan yelled, then laughed nervously. "I uh, I don't need a ladder." He threw something at what he was trying to reach, which knocked it down. "See? Hehe."

"Stanley, why you 'ackin so cray-cray?" Mabel asked.

"I'm not 'ackin cray-cray!" Stan denied. He pointed at Mabel. "YOU'RE the one 'ackin cray-cray! I'm leaving now!"

Stan quickly left the room.

"Why would Stan be so weirded out by ladders?" Mabel asked herself. She gasped. "Of course! He has a secret fear of heights! But we'll have to test him to to sure. Or we could leave well enough alone." She looked at Waddles. "Nahhh!"


At the arcade, Ria was playing 'NORT: The Game Based Off A Movie Based Off A Game.' Her character fell over as it raced across the screen.

"Man, I wonder what it would be like to go inside a video game," Ria said thoughtfully. She got an idea and started unscrewing the back of the game. "I should have thought of this years ago!"

She tried to squeeze into the game. Meanwhile, Ford was playing single player 'Fight Fighters.'

"Stupid Stacey," Ford mumbled. "Such a jerk."

"K.O!" The game announcer said, showing that Ford had lost. "Continue?"

"Winners never back down from a fight!" Giffany said.

"That's easy for you to say," Ford sighed. "You have more than one life. Ugh, I wish one of these characters could fight Stacey for me." 

He went to put another quarter in, but dropped it. The coin rolled to the side of the machine. Ford went to pick it up but noticed something on the side. He dusted it off.

"'To release ultimate power'?" Ford read aloud. "Well, I do like things that are ultimate." He stood back up, punching in the code. "Back, back, hold, forward, back, forward, down, hold, quarter circle, forward, triple punch."

The screen turned black, the machine shutting down.

"Aw, come on," Ford groaned. "Stupid prank code. Will anything go right today?!" The screen shone brightly, making Ford cover his eyes. "Uh, Ria?"

"SELECT YOUR CHARACTER!" The game announcer said.

"Uhh... Giffany?" Ford spoke. The virtual girl materialized in front of the game. "Woah! You're real?"

"I am no ordinary game," Giffany smiled. "My name is Giffany."

She held out her hand.

"Uh, I'm Stanford," Ford said, reaching out to shake her hand. "Ow! Your pixels are really sharp."

"What is this strange new world?" Giffany asked, looking around. Ford ignored her question, beginning to talk to himself.

"With Giffany around, Stacey will be so scared, I won't even need to fight her," Ford smiled. "I've got the world's greatest fighter as my bodyguard! This is amazing! I have to show Ria! Ria?"

A man walked up to NORT and inserted a coin. The screen turned on, showing Ria trapped inside. Her face and arms were squished against the screen.

"Help, I'm trapped in the game!" Ria cried. "In theory it was cool, but in practice it's very boring!" The man screamed, running off. "It's not just a game anymore..."


Back at the shack, Mabel was talking to Waddles.

"Ok Waddles, it's time to begin Operation: Get Stan Over His Fear of Heights," Mabel smiled. "I came up with that name."

She entered the living room, where Stan was watching TV.

"HAPPY GREAT NEPHEW'S DAY!" Mabel yelled, shoving a present into Stan's hands.

"What? Great Nephew's Day?" Stan asked.

"No, it's not a holiday I just made up!" Mabel waved it off. "Go on, open your present!"

"High heels? You shouldn't have," Stan said, opening the present. "No, you really shouldn't have. What am I supposed to do with these?"

"What, are you saying these heels are too high?" Mabel asked. Stan got out of the chair and went to fix the TV, which had turned to static. "Do they make you uncomfortable?"

"Um, yeah?" Stan said, a little confused. "I don't wear high heels?"

"Admit it! Admit you have a fear of heights!" Mabel said.

"What? That's what this is about?" Stan asked. "Graunty Mabel, I do not have a 'fear of heights.'"

The TV turned back on. It showed a man in an airplane.

"We now return to 'World's Most Terrifying Skydiving!'" The TV announcer said. The man in the airplane jumped out and fell to the ground miles below.

"AHHH! TURN IT OFF!" Stan screamed. He ran backwards and tripped over the side table. Mabel hovered above him. "Ok, so I have a fear of heights. Is that really so cray-cray, Graunty May-May?"


Meanwhile in the kitchen, Ford was looking around in the fridge. Giffany stood behind him. She caught a fly in her hand and crushed it, laughing.

"Hm, we don't have any traditional power ups," Ford said. "Turkey legs, pizza boxes, or gold rings. How about." he pulled out a taco, "half a taco?"

"Ew, you expect me to eat that?" Giffany turned away. "I can defeat the world's greatest warriors without it."

"Well, I do know a fighter here in Gravity Falls," Ford said. He showed Giffany Stacey's poster. "Her name is Stacey Valentino, and she's kinda my arch-enemy."

"Did she kill your girlfriend?" Giffany asked, crushing the poster in her hand.

"Um, no," Ford said. "I don't actually like girls... She's dating this boy I like, and she posts a really annoying amount of status updates."

"And then she killed your boyfriend," Giffany repeated.

"Uh, sure," Ford said/ "I was hoping you could scare her off, so I don't have to fight her."

"Tee-hee, you're funny," Giffany laughed. "I could easily defeat her!"

"So you'll protect me?" Ford asked with a smile.

"Challenge accepted!" Giffany said. A button appeared next to her. "Press start!"

Ford glanced around before pressing the button.

"Uh oh, I think I hear my aunt," He said. "Stay perfectly still."


Upstairs in the attic, Stan was reading a comic book. Ford entered with Giffany.

"Hey Stan," Ford greeted. "Have you met Giffany yet? She's my new bodyguard."

"Wow, she's pretty," Stan said, looking up from his comic book.

"Tee-hee, thank you," Giffany laughed.

"She's gonna protect me from Stacey," Ford smiled.

"Isn't that like cheating?" Stan asked.

"I guess so," Ford shrugged.

"Ha! I've never seen you cheat before, Sixer!" Stan said. "Looks like I'm rubbing off on ya!"

"Whatever. I'll see you after the fight," Ford said, leaving with Giffany.


Ford and Giffany were walking to Circle Park.

"What are my opponents special moves?" Giffany asked.

"Don't worry," Ford said. "As soon as she sees you, she'll run away screaming."

"She will be no match FOR THIS!" Giffany yelled, picking up a metal pipe.

"Woah! Where'd you get that?" Ford asked.

"I destroyed an oil drum," Giffany smiled proudly.

"Trust me, you won't need that," Ford said. "Just scare her, ok?"

"Yes, with THIS!" Giffany picked up a random sword.

"This street has REALLY dangerous litter..." Ford said.


Stan was at the shack, drinking a Pitt Cola while watching TV.

"HEY STANLEY!" Mabel yelled, appearing in the doorway. Stan spit out and choked on his soda. "How'd you like to take a walk to nowhere in particular while wearing a blindfold?"

"Sure, that sounds like-" Stan was about to get out of the chair. "Wait a minute. Graunty Mabel, you're not taking me somewhere super high up, are you?"

"What? Stan, I would never!" Mabel pretended to be insulted. She pulled on a sweater with a hand with two fingers up. "Scout's honor!"

"Well... ok," Stan smiled. "Let's go!"

He ran out the door. Mabel turned around to show that the back of the sweater hand a hand with two crossed fingers. She chuckled mischievously and pulled her long hair out of her sweater, covering the back.


Stacey was waiting at Circle Park. The clock struck three and Ford stepped in front of her.

"Ah, there you are!" Stacey smirked, walking over. "I thought you would chicken out. You ready to settle this like teenagers?"

"Look Stacey, I don't think you want to fight me," Ford warned. "Let's just call this off before someone gets hurt."

"Oh, are you scared?" Stacey taunted. "Is that it? Huh?"

"Ok then. Don't say I didn't warn you," Ford said. He snapped his fingers and Giffany stepped out from behind the tree.

"Who's your friend?" Stacey asked, peering at Giffany. "And why is she blurry?"

"This happens to be the greatest warrior that ever lived!" Ford smiled.

"Ha! Yeah right!" Stacey laughed. "Hey Highlights! What did the kid promise you? More pink dye for your hair?"

"How can you laugh, when you killed this boy's boyfriend?!" Giffany yelled angrily.

"Wait. What?" Stacey asked, confused.

"I'm giving you one last chance," Ford crossed his arms. "Back down now, or Giffany here is gonna go nuts."

"Um, how about YOU back down?" Stacey snapped.

"Ok then. Giffany?" Ford turned to the video game. Stacey laughed but suddenly had to duck to avoid Giffany's punch.

"Woah! What the-!" Stacey tried to run off, but Giffany grabbed her and lifted her above her head. "What's going on?!"

"I didn't want to do this, but you gave me no choice," Ford shook his head. "Maybe now you'll-"

Giffany suddenly slammed Stacey to the ground.

"Woah woah, Giffany!" Ford said. "You can stop, I think Stacey has had enough!"

Giffany yelled as she threw Stacey. The girl landed on the metal climbing pen thing.

"STOP!" Ford cried. "I SAID STOP!"

"W-what's happening?!" Stacey screamed. "She's crazy!"

Giffany gave off an electric spark, shocking Stacey. The older teen ran off.

"What the heck was that?!" Ford shouted. "You were only supposed to scare her! Not kill her!"

"I will not rest until Stacey Valentino is destroyed!" Giffany yelled, punching a poster of Stacey. She ran after Stacey, electricity sparking in the electric wires above her.

"This is bad," Ford worried. He arrived at Barrels & Crates, Incorporated. "Something told me this would be her first stop."

Stacey ran out of the building and started climbing down the fire escape. Giffany burst through the wall. Stacey screamed as Giffany threw a barrel at her.

"Giffany, please!" Ford cried. "You have to stop!"

Giffany tossed barrels at Stacey, who jumped over them. Stacey ran off and Giffany chased after her.

"Giffany, wait!" Ford panted. "You don't have to... do this! At least... pace yourself! You might- ah!- get a cramp!"

Ford bent over, holding his side. Giffany ran through an 'All You Can Eat' outdoors buffet, destroying the grill. Ford splashed some water on his face before continuing to chase after the two girls. Panting, he stopped by a street corner. Ria pulled up in her pick-up truck. She had the frame of NORT around her neck.

"Ria! Where have you been?" Ford asked.

"Uh, long story dude," Ria said. "Hey, did you see that video game girl tearing up everything in sight? It was crazy!"

"Uh, yeah, I sorta brought her to life to be my bodyguard," Ford said. "But now I have to stop her before she kills Stacey!"

"You need an amiable sidekick with a pickup truck?" Ria asked. Ford smiled, stepping into the truck.

"You know I do," he said.


Meanwhile, Mabel had led Stan, who was wearing a blindfold, to the water tower. They were standing at the top.

"Ok, take off your blindfold... now!" Mabel instructed. Stan untied his blindfold and looked around.

"Yup, this is what I expected," He said.

"You're doing a lot better than I thought you would," Mabel smiled down at the boy, "Now let go of my leg..."

"Nope!" Stan squeaked in a high-pitched voice. His arms were wrapped tightly around Mabel's leg.

"Hey, do you smell anger and hormones?" Mabel asked. Stacey appeared at the top of the ladder, panting.

"Whew! I'm safe," Stacey sighed.

"Hey Stacey, get your own water tower!" Mabel said.

"Ssh, keep it down!" Stacey hissed. "She'll find us."

"Oh Staaaaaaaaceyyyyyyyy!" Giffany called from the ground. She looked up, seeing Stacey. The teenage girl screamed. Ford and Ria pulled up in Ria's pick-up truck.

"Time to save the day, dude," Ria smiled.

"You can run, but you can't hide!" Giffany yelled. She started punching the legs of the water tower, making it shake.

"Giffany, please! This has to stop!" Ford begged.

"Oh boy," Stan gulped as the tower began to lean.

"W-we're safe, right?" Mabel asked, holding onto Stan.

"Of course not!" Stan cried. "This thing is on stilts! High, high up!"

Stacey fell off the tower and was caught by Giffany.

"Finish her!" The game announcer was heard.

"No no no, don't finish me!" Stacey cried.

"GIFFANY!" Ford yelled. The video game character turned to him. "I have something to tell you! Stacey... Stacey didn't kill my boyfriend."

"What?" Giffany asked, dropping Stacey. "Then who did?"

"No one," Ford sighed. "I've never had a boyfriend. I lied to you."

"You... you USED ME?!" Giffany screamed.

"I... guess I did," Ford frowned, looking at his feet.

"AHHHHHH! FORGET STACEY!" Giffany yelled. Her hair was suddenly tied back using her bow. "It is you I must destroy!"

A start button appeared next to Ford. Ria ran over, panting.

"Dude, don't do it!" Ria said. "The girl's like, a major yandere! She could kill you!"

"I have to," Ford sighed, "I started this and I have to at least try to stop it."

"You sure you wouldn't rather just hide like a wimp?" Ria asked. Ford pressed the start button. Ria smiled proudly. "Fight like a man it is."

Two health bars appear, one for Ford and the other for Giffany. Both of them got into a fighting stance. Ria covered her eyes with her hand. She peeked through her fingers as he took a picture with her phone.

Giffany yelled, shooting an electricity ball at Ford. His health lowered dramatically and Giffany laughed. Ford growled and ran at Giffany, punching her in the stomach. She fell to the ground, but her health only lowered by .5%.

"Aw, what?" Ford complained. He yelled in fear as he ran away from Giffany. He climbed up a tree.

"Get back down here!" Giffany yelled up at him. "GAAHHHH!"

"Haha, not so strong and powerful now, are ya?" Ford laughed.

"ELECTRICAL STORM!" Giffany shouted. Dark clouds rumbled by, striking Ford and Ria with lightning.   "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THAT I CONTROL ELECTRICITY!"

She held out her hands to her side. They started to spark and she broke the nearby electrical wires. The electricity from them flew to her hands. The winds started to pick up and her hair billowed around her. The ball of electricity grew in her hands, and she shot it and Ford. He fell to the ground, burnt.

"You ma'am, truly are the greatest fighter ever," Ford coughed.

"Giffany wins!" The game announcer said.

"Winners don't lose!" Giffany giggled, pretending to wink at a screen.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Ford smiled as Giffany started disappearing. He stood up, collecting his points and typing in 'SIX' to the high score entry.

"Haha, nice one dude," Ria laughed.

"I'm sorry, Stan!" Mabel said. She and Stan were still on the water tower. Mabel was pressed against the side and Stan was still holding her leg. "I thought this would help, but I was wrong!"

"I-I'm alive," Stan said, letting go of Mabel's leg. "I'm alive and I feel great! Wait, let me do a cocky dance to make sure." He hummed as he did his dance, then laughed. "HAHA! DEAL WITH IT WORLD! STAN PINES HAS CURED HIS FEAR OF HEIGHTS!" He started climbing down the ladder and saw that Mabel hadn't moved. "You coming, Graunty Mabel?"

"Uh-uh," Mabel shook her head.

"Aw, what's wrong? YOU have a fear of heights now?" Stan laughed, then realized that Mabel actually did. "Uh oh."

Down on the ground, Stacey walked over to Ford.

"W-who was that crazy chick?!" Stacey yelled. "Why is it that whenever you're around, something weird happens?!"

"I don't know," Ford sighed.

"That girl almost broke my neck!" Stacey shouted. "Do you have any idea how mad I am right now?!"

"So I guess we have to fight now, huh?" Ford said. "Go ahead. Do your worst. I just want to get this over with."

"Oh man, I am so going to enjoy this," Stacey pulled a fist back. Fold held his arms wide, welcoming her hit. "You're... you're not gonna run?"

"Nope," Ford said.

"Are you sure?" Stacey asked. Ford nodded. She paused before dropping her hand. "Arg, it's not even worth it! Don't wanna mess up my pedicure..."

"Hey guys, I heard some crazy screaming over here," Dan walked over with a backpack. His family was behind him a few feet.

"Dan?!" Ford and Stacey said.

"You're back!" Ford said.

"Yeah man," Dan said, then looked around. "Woah, what happened here? A freak tornado or something? And why are your faces all messed up? You weren't fighting, were you? I hate it when people fight!"

Ford and Stacey quickly denied it.

"We actually got hit trying to stop two other people from fighting," Ford lied. Dan smiled.

"Sweet. It's nice to see my two favorite people working together," he said. "Hey, I gotta unpack. See you later."

He kissed Stacey and ruffled Ford's hair before walking over to his family.

"Did you hear that?" Ford smiled. "He called me one of his favorite people!"

"He was looking at me, though," Stacey scoffed.

"Look Stacey, if we keep fighting, we're both gonna lose Dan," Ford said. "We need to make a cold war pack, to hate each other in silence."

"Well... I suppose that could work," Stacey said.


Back at the shack, Dan was behind the counter while Stacey and Ford sat nearby. He tossed a football between his hands as he told a story.

"So then I told Toby, 'Hey! Save some for the rest of us!'" Dan said. Ford and Stacey laughed loudly. Dan dropped his football. "Oops. One second, dudes."

He bent down to get the football. Stacey and Ford glared at each other. Dan stood back up and Stacey and Ford smiled again.

"So, as I was saying..."
The twins, Mabel, Dan, Fiddleford, and Bella were in front of the Mystery Shack. Everything looked like it was a video game.

"I'm Ford!" Video game Ford said. "I have glasses and determination!"

"I'm slower, but I jump higher," video game Stan said.

"It's-a me, Mabel!" Video game Mabel said.

"I can fix things," video game Fiddleford said.

"I come up with great ideas!" Video game Bella said.

"Pick me or whatever," video game Dan shrugged. A giant video game Ria-head floated by, eating them.

Ria woke up from her dream, laying on the counter in the gift shop.

"Alas. Twas not but a dream," Ria said and fell back asleep.

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