Trying To Forget

By Alexis4815

58.3K 568 194

When 15 year old Holly finds her boyfriend cheating on her she winds up storming into the downtown area where... More

Trying To Forget
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24


1.7K 38 12
By Alexis4815



After I was free of him and he was put under control the rest of the night was a blur of questions and tears and suspicious glares from police officers that didn’t believe our story. It was 2 in the morning by now and I saw that Holly was about to fall asleep in the chair she was in so the police officers let us leave, but with a promise that they’d see us tomorrow.


Now on the way home from all this drama, I can’t help but hope that that was the last near death situation either of us are ever in.

Warning! This won’t be a long chapter since it’s the Epilogue.


(7 months later in winter…)

Deven’s P.O.V

“God your beautiful” I said as I stared into the eyes of my amazing girlfriend. She giggled and blushed before taking my hand and continuing to walk.

We were going for a walk in the first snow of the year and Holly looks like a perfect angel with her hair falling over her shoulders and snowflakes dancing through it. Her eyes were aglow as she smiled her beautiful smile t me and I couldn’t help but wonder for the millionth time how I was so lucky to get a girl like her.

After walking and talking for a few minuets we find a bench and sit on it and watch Emma and Matt run around in the snow throwing snowballs at each other. We were completely silent other then the occasional laugh when Emma got hit in the face.

All I could think in this moment was how perfect everything was. I had my amazing girlfriend snuggled into my side, sneaking in a kiss to my neck then dissolving into giggles, I was watching my two best friends run around laughing carefree, and I was also carefree myself. No more gangs, no more guns, no more hurting people, but most of all no more Evan and Dylan.

Evan had been buried shortly after the incident and Dylan had been sentenced to 25 years in jail for murder. Both of them were out of sight and out of mind on this beautiful day.

Were both in university now, Holly as a nurse and me just going in for a general degree since I have no clue what I’m going to be when I get older. Were doing fine in our studies and living in a small apartment together with Emma and Matt. Its pretty cool how we all got in the same apartment together and sometimes its pretty annoying, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I plan to marry Holly some day. Not yet of course since were still in university and used all our money to get into that, but when we graduate I’ll ask her to marry me and then we’ll live out our lives together in some random place. Move far away so the troubles of here can never find us again, so we can move on into our future together.

Suddenly I got hit in the face with a snow ball. I wiped the stuff off my face before turning around to give Holly a dirty look. She looked back and with a playful giggle jumped up and ran behind a tree. I jumped up and chased after her and threw a snowball back at her. That was how we continued the rest of the night, just fooling around and finally living.


Holly’s P.O.V

(This starts the same time that Deven’s P.O.V started)

I love him, I really love him. Is all I can think to myself as we walk down the snow covered street. He keeps stopping every few minutes and saying how beautiful and amazing I am and I just love it, but I don’t know what to say back to him so I just giggle and blush. I’ve never been really good at expressing my feelings to others and especially when the feelings and as strong as this.

We walk in silence for a while listening to our footsteps crunch on the ground and our friends laugh ahead of us, until we reach a bench and sit down. Emma and Matt are having a snowball fight, so we just sit and watch them, both dissolved in our own thoughts.

Every thing’s finally alright. I have nothing to worry about anymore. Dylan’s in jail, Evan’s dead, my boyfriend and my hero is sitting beside me, and my best friend and my brother are laughing happily and carefree. Its like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can breathe again. For so long I had to live with the fear of at first whether Evan would come back for me and after whether  I would get away from him, but now I don’t have anything to worry about anymore except my studies. It actually feels weird to not be worried and paranoid and when Evan was first killed I kept expecting someone to tell me that it was a joke and that he really was alive and after me. Now though I’ve finally realized that I don’t have to be scared anymore and I can just live my life.

The only thing I regret is that I lost Dylan. Sure he turned out to be a crazy psycho killer, but whenever I think of his I think of the boy who would sleep with me at night and chase away the monsters, not the twisted person he’d become. Everyone thinks I’m crazy for missing him, saying things like ‘he tried to kill your boyfriend’ and ‘he had a room full of pictures of you’ and while those things are true, they still don’t get that I lost a best friend in the worst kind of way that day. Maybe he lost his way, but I’m still hoping that in 25 years he will come out of jail the boy he used to be and we might be able to regain our friendship.

Just then a snowball skidded by my feet and broke me from my line of thought. I looked up a Deven’s face to see he was still deeply in thought and a plan formulated in my head. I reached down and grabbed the snowball and wailed it at Deven’s face. He jumped back surprised then turned his head down to me and gave me a dirty look, I smiled as innocently as I could but he wasn’t buying it so I jumped up and ran behind a tree for cover. Deven through a snowball back at me and I knew a full blown snowball fight was starting; Matt and Emma joined us then and hats how we spent the rest of the afternoon.


(Later that night…)

“Get some for me too”’ Deven yells from my bedroom.

“Lazy bum” I mutter jokingly to myself as I pour both of us some hot chocolate and got some popcorn. We were having a movie night in our bedroom and I was stuck with snack duty, I really didn’t mind it though because if it was up to Deven the whole house would be burned down by him making some toast.

I got up to our room and plopped down onto the bed with our food and drinks careful not to spill any. “What movie are we watching?” I asked as I snuggled into his side.

“Your favorite movie of course” He said with a grin.

“I am Sam?” I asked with excitement.

“Yupp” he said just as the movie started. Not before too long though I started to cry, “Shhh baby its ok, you know how this movie ends anyway.”

“Yaa I know, but no matter how many times I watch it it still gets to me. I mean how could anyone ever be so mean to take their daughter away from the father.” I mutter between tears.

“Here I know how to make it better” He said and as I looked up to him he gave me a kiss.

It started off slow and gentle, but soon turned hungry and lustful and not before long we were both lying there in our under wear breathing heavy. I tugged on his boxers trying to get them off before he reached his hand down to stop me, I looked up confused as to why he made me stop. “Are you sure you wanna do this?” he asked with sincerity in his eyes.

I thought about it for a moment before I gave him my answer, “Yes, I’m ready. Even though I’ve had sex before I still consider myself as a virgin since It was given by force before, but right now I’m ready to give my real virginity to you and make love for he first time in my life. Theres one good thing about not really being a virgin though, making love to you won’t hurt.”

Deven seemed to ponder my answer for a few minutes before smiling broadly, laughing a little at my end comment, and letting me continue with what I was doing. Not before long we were both laying down naked with Deven on top of me and he asked me once again, ”Are you sure you ready? Because once we start it’ll be hard for me to stop.”

I nodded once in confirmation and that was all he needed. Finally I was making love with the right man for the right reasons and completely on my own will.




Hey Guys!

For like the millionth time I will start off by saying how sorry I am for being late, but we had Christmas and everything so I couldn’t really find any free time to write.

Btw this is definitely the last chapter and there will not be a sequel so I hope you enjoyed the end of this story and these characters.

Thank you so much for all your support through this story and I am soo happy you took the time to read my book.

Anywho, before I leave this story I want to ask you guys for one final thing VOTE/COMMENT/FAN!! Please just do it one last time for this story so then I can see all the people who are actually reading this.

<3 Alexis4815

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