Going to a Delinquent School...

By Rach_and_Bake

547K 10.9K 2.2K

Aria Strider is a 16 year old girl who has been in the foster system for 3 years. After her only family died... More

Going to a Delinquent School for Boys, While Living with 11 of Them...
Home, I think I like that...
Let's all meet the family...
New Discoveries, and Maybe A Funeral Planed?
Being on the chase...from Ryan and his minions
A race with an enemy...and a bet with the devil
The new girl at school
A new begining of something utterly terrible.
New Enemies That I'm Sure Knowone Would Want
So...what do I do now?
Culinary Arts and Fake Dating??
Revenge is wonderful, isn't it?
The After Math
I need a break...
The silent treatment and Ryan does WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
Missing keys?
Oh boy....Here we go....
Well That Was Interesting

Seriously? ANOTHER bet? I need some serious help...

24.6K 496 91
By Rach_and_Bake

Chapter 11

I looked at my next class, DST.

Oh yeah, Designated Study Time. Like anyone actually studies?

I walked throughout the halls. Every guy would actually ignore me now, I kind of liked it. I would occasionally get the few stares but it wasn’t that big of news.

I walked down the hall from Advanced Geometry. I turned to the left and walked down a short hall that was in the shape of a L.

I followed it but then something caught my eye.

I shifted my eyes upward. There, on the ceiling tiles were paintings that past students have painted. Cool.

I saw the number 412. DST, here I come.

I opened the door and saw the art room. Hm this will be an interesting DST.

There were about 12 guys already in the room and they ignored me as soon as they saw the sweatshirt. I could get used to wearing this sweatshirt. But I’m not sure about the deal. Why would he want me to be his fake girlfriend?

I saw that there were desks that people could sit at but I decided against it. The floor is much better to sit on, and it’s more fun.

I went to the back of the classroom towards another door. I sat down right in the door frame with my feet propped up.

I got out my book and started to read because I definitely wasn’t going to be able to have a conversation with people that saw what I was wearing.

The art teacher came in and sat at his desk. He looked up and gave a friendly smile. Thank god he didn’t have me go to the front of the class.

I started to read my book again until I saw from the corner of my eye, a person sit down next to me. I turned my head to the left. There, sat Justin. He smiled at me when I looked over.

“So what are you up to?” he said as he looked at my book.

“Reading?” I said but it sounded more like a question. Why would he look at my book but then ask what I’m doing? I thought it was pretty obvious.

“You know what I mean.” He said with a smirk.

“No, no I don’t know what you mean.” I said with a 'duh' look.

“I mean, what are you doing wearing that sweatshirt.” He said as he looked at it.

I paused before I said anything. Should I tell him about the deal with Ryan? Nah, then I would have to explain the whole situation in the closet.

“Uh, Ryan told you guys at lunch.” I said.

“Yeah, but that was the story about Ryan’s sweatshirt. Not Brandon’s.” he said with another smirk.

I was just about to answer with a lie but then the door burst open. Showing none other than Ryan. And Brandon?

This is getting weird.

Brandon saw me first and pointed to me when he nudged Ryan.

They walked over to me and Ryan crouched down in front of me.

“Hey, Aria. Do you wanna go for a walk?” he said with an evil smile that only I noticed. My eyes must have given away that I was curious.

“Just come on.” He pulled me up from the floor and led me out to the hallway with Brandon following behind us.

He led us down a hallway until we got to the bathrooms, where he dragged me into.

“Can you tell me why I’m standing in a bathroom?” I said to them.

They both turned and looked at eachother and smirked. Ryan slowly pulled out a medical bag from his back pocket.

“What’s that for?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“We snuck it from the nurse so that we could patch up your arm.” Ryan said.

“Is that why you weren’t in math?” I asked.

“Yeah, Brandon and I thought we would help you out.” Ryan said with a triumphant smile.

“I’m sure you did.” I said as I rolled my eyes. I started to walk back out of the bathroom but Brandon blocked my path.

Ryan soon showed up at his side. “So you better take it and get it cleaned properly otherwise it’s going to get infected.” Ryan said as he placed the kit on the counter top.

“Fine, but turn around.” I said as I turned the opposite way from them after they smirked at me.

They turned the other way but not before rolling their eyes at eachother. I pulled off the sweatshirt and examined my wound. It looked slightly better and it had stopped bleeding but it still hurt. A lot.

I reached over and grabbed the kit and opened it after I grabbed the proper bandages with a disinfectant. I rubbed on the disinfectant and it burned. I shuddered. I then followed with putting the bandage on my arm.

I pulled back on the sweatshirt and turned around to a wide eyed Brandon.

“Did you seriously turn around before I was done?” I said annoyed.

He grinned widely at me as Ryan, who had stayed turned around the whole time, turned back around to face me.

Ryan noticed the expression on Brandon’s face and punched him in the arm.

“Not cool perv.” Ryan said to him.

“Whatever, I still get to make out with a hot girl so I don’t care.” Brandon winked at me.

I fake gaged and Ryan laughed. Not looking forward to that.

“Anyways, I gotta go,” I said as I walked to the door. Brandon once again blocked the door.

“Do you mind?” I said really annoyed that I couldn’t leave.

“Why do you have to go? I thought we were having a nice conversation.” Brandon said with a fake hurt expression.

You were having a nice conversation with yourself. Not to mention, I have better stuff to do.” I said.

“Like what?” Brandon said annoyed because I really didn’t want to be anywhere close to him.

I looked at the floor so they didn’t see that I might have to lie to get out of here. I started to think of what I could say to get out of this stinky bathroom. Brandon and Ryan both stared at me intently. I thought of the classes that I had had that day and thought about any assignments or any activities that we had done.


I looked back at them with a smile on my face. “I actually have to go check the chorus door to see who got the solo and duet along with the songs that the whole class will sing. So if you will excuse me,” I said as I side stepped to the left and went around Brandon.

I kept the smile on my face when Brandon didn’t try and block my path again but he did give a questioning glance at Ryan and he just shrugged his shoulders.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked back down the hall to the chorus room. I got to the door and looked at the sheet.

At the top of the paper it had the 4 songs that we would be singing as a group. They were: I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz, Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heros, Set Fire to The Rain by Adele, and Pray by Justin Bieber.

Uh, I hate that kid.

I pulled a pen out of my pocket and wrote down the names of the songs on my arm so that I remembered to memorize it when I got back to the house.

I lowered my gaze to the middle of the page. There, it said who would be doing the duet.

Duet: Aria Strider and Ethan Scrab

Oh my god. Not again! This is not going to be a fun assembly.

Under our names it said that we had to talk to eachother so we could pick a song together. Yuck. I don’t want to talk to him.

I continued to look at the paper. Below the duet was the soloist’s name.

Solo: --

I was just about to read the soloist’s name until Ethan rudely bumped into me.

“What the hell Ethan? I said to him as he looked at the paper.

“I gotta verify that I got the solo.” He said without even glancing at me.

He was reading the duet part of the paper.

“So what song do you wanna sing for the duet?” he said. With this he finally looked at me. He saw the sweatshirt and his eyes slightly bulged out but he caught himself quickly.

“Wait. You’re actually having me put in my input?” I said with shock written over my face.

He rolled his eyes at me. “Shut up. What song?”

“Doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not a lovey dovey song. Otherwise I might murder you.” I said with a serious face, because in reality, I was serious.

“Oh please. I could take you down in a minute.” Ethan said.

“Wanna bet?” I said. I REALLY need to stop doing this!

“Sure, what’s the bet?” Ethan said.

“Whoever can get the other opponents shoulders to the ground for 3 seconds wins. The winner gets to choose what song we sing for the duet.” I said with a smile. No way am I letting him win.

He returned the smile. “Shake on it?” he said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

I grabbed it quickly. Let the games begin.

“Let’s walk to the wrestling room so that you don’t get hurt when you get thrown down.” I glared at him.

I walked behind him to the end of the hall and turned right. We went up some stares and passed the smaller gym. We continued until we were to the front of the school by the office. We turned right and went into a 2 million dollar gym. It was huge. The floor of the gym was in the middle of cascading bleachers on all sides. It looked like a stadium.

We opened the door to the gym and walked around the outer edge to get to classrooms on the farther side of the gym.

When we reached the other side of the gym I noticed that there was a weight room, dance studio, and an athlete’s lounge with couches and drink machines.

Ethan opened a door that led to stairs that went down stairs. I followed him until we had gotten to the underground level.

He followed down a hall and turned right. There, was the wrestling room.

He opened the door to the room and motioned me in. There was no one in the room but it had plenty of mats. Everywhere. It was like Mat Central.

Ethan walked to the far wall and slipped off his tennis shoes.

I slipped mine off too so that it would be fair.

Ethan turned around and faced me. He had an evil glint in his eye.

I glared back.

“So we both know the rules of wrestling?” he said.


“Make your stance babe,” he said.

“Don’t call me babe.” I said as I stared at him.

We took our stances.

Ethan had set a timer to start so we started at the same time. Right before the timer went off he just had to say, “I’ll call you what I wanna call you, babe,”

The timer went off and I straightened my stance so that I looked like I was going to walk off. But instead, when he walked towards me I kicked him to the chest and he stumbled back.

 I kept round horsing him until he was lying on his back but keeping his shoulders above the floor. He jumped off of the floor.

“You wanna play hard ball babe? Let’s play hard ball.” He said as ran around me and held on to my abdomen.

He swung me over his shoulder and started to walk around the room with me on his shoulder.

“Ethan, put me down!” I yelled at him.

“You’re the one that wanted to play hard ball babe.” I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Right before he was about to throw me to the ground he slapped my butt. He threw me to the ground and got on top of me to pin me.

“Sorry but I don’t go for arrogant jerks.” I said as he climbed on me and started to pin me but I kneed him in the crotch before he could.

He stumbled backward and landed on his back again. This time I climbed on him and pinned his shoulders.

“I win.” I said as I was about to climb off of him but he rolled us so he was in position from before.

“No, I win.” He said right before he slammed his lips to mine. He continued to kiss me but I didn’t respond. I tried to move away from him but he was really strong and had pinned me to the floor effortlessly.

I tried to move one more final time but I didn’t budge. Time for a different approach.

I thought that if he didn’t let me go, then I should try something else. I kissed back slowly after he gave a slight growl because I hadn’t responded.

When I started to respond to the kiss he loosened his grip on my arms. Ethan moved his right arm to my face, and then his left arm left my other arm and started to slowly go under my sweatshirt. That’s when he noticed it. I wasn’t wearing a shirt under it.

His fingers rubbed against my bare stomach. Slowly going up further.

“You’re so hot Aria.” He said as he trailed kisses along my jaw line.

Time to play this jock at his own game.

I pulled up my left hand and touched the one on my stomach. I guided his hand higher and I could feel the smile on his face.

Ethan nibbled on my bottom lip for entrance. I gave it after about a minute when he was getting annoyed that I wouldn’t open.

I have to admit, he was a really good kisser but his personality is too cocky.

Ethan’s thumb played at the edge of my bra. This is my time.

I pulled up my right hand and went up under his purple V neck. I slowly brought it down to the edge of his jeans. I felt the edge of his boxers.

I started to play with his boxers until I got both of my hands to the edge of it.

Here I go.

I gripped onto the boxers and pulled straight up. Major wedge in the front. God he’s going to hate me.

He sat up right immediately. He jumped away from me. I ran to the other side of the room and grabbed my shoes before he could come at me.

I didn’t even bother to put them on as I ran down the hall. I could hear him following. I ran up the stairs and into the gym. I was running on the walk way and yelled back to Ethan.

“You’re a really good kisser but not my type,” I yelled to him.

I got to the doors that take you from the gym to the front of the building. I turned and saw that Ethan had slowed to a walk.

“How do you run that fast with that short of legs?” he said. He sounded like he was out of breath.

“It’s not that hard. You’re just too cocky all the time. And I really don’t care what song we sing so you can pick.” I said with a smile.

I turned and walked out of the gym into the front of the school. I have got to figure out who got the solo.

I walked to the chorus room once again and looked at the solo.

Solo: Aria Strider

There was a side note on the paper.

--Aria, please pick the song you are going to sing by tomorrow morning. We are all looking forward to your performance.

I know the best song.

I went back to DST slowly.

And to think that I still have one period left.

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