Fifteen Thousand

By dathomestuckgal

3 1 0

I dont know where I'm gonna go with this story, but it is for a little challenge on fanfic amino. I might tur... More

chapter one

3 1 0
By dathomestuckgal

Fifteen thousand. That is the amount of people attending our first concert. Holy shit. That many people came to see us? But why? The bubbles may never know. This was the most we've ever gotten, but this is an actual concert, so that makes sense. We got pumped up before the concert, as always. "DSD's first concert! This will be epic!" I smirk. Of course it will be. We have new music ready for the waiting fans, as we make new music all the time. How else to we get rid of the boredom that is the dream bubbles? We walk onstage, I'm holding my bass, tuning it as we walk. The fans are cheering, screaming our name. The band's name.
We have a dramatic entrance to the first song, the crowd going wild. Strings are plucked and pulled, and drums are banged on so skillfully. We blow the fans away, and move on to the next song. This song was my particular favorite to play, and I keep to the beat of the drums. The last song, the ending song, left the crowd begging for more. We couldn't, however, since we were called off, walking offstage after the last song, the crowd screaming and hollering and clapping. I kept a cool face through it, and I put my bass back in its case, preparing to leave.

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