An accident, but no mistake...

Bởi PrincessPonies

420K 10.3K 578

Becoming pregnant with a guy who was soon to become leader of a gang, Lauren goes through more than a young t... Xem Thêm

Chapter One- Edited.
Chapter Two- Edited.
Chapter Three- Edited.
Chapter Four- Edited.
Chapter Five- Edited.
Chapter Six- Edited
(20) Extension to chapter 19
Sorry, no more sequel!


10.4K 354 7
Bởi PrincessPonies

Ok, so I know I said I was going to do a major edit as I didn't like it... Well, I really can't be asked when I have no idea where this book is going to go, I’m writing as I go really, so I'm going to write the rest of this version, then keep this one up as I write another new and improved version. 

I don't have the best memory and I forget quite easily so some stuff might not make sense or fit with other stuff I have wrote about, also my motivation levels are like nil at the moment, so it’s probably going to be sucky.

Thanks for reading though, hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Please vote or comment if you like it, it really does help!


Lauren was scared. She wasn't scared for her life but her baby's, she didn't want any harm to come to her unborn child and according to what she read, her baby was in the most critical period at the moment. 

Her back was forced against the dirty brick wall of the alley way and she whimpered in pain, the rough force making her head hit the hard surface painfully. Her hands wrapped protectively around her belly and she looked up towards the assailant. 

''Give me all your money!'' A deep men's voice growled out. Their gravely tone sending chills down Lauren's spine. The knife was still at her throat and she was becoming angry, fear hiding away in the corner of her body for the moment.

''All I have is a ten. Nothing else of worth on me either.'' She stated calmly. Maybe if she didn't aggravate him she would be let go unharmed, but then her anger was getting the better of her. ''So I suggest you let me go!''

''Don't lie to me bitch!'' The man snarled and pressed the knife a little more into her skin, breaking the skin enough for it to start to bleed. It stung but Lauren could deal with it for now.

''I'm not.'' She just simply stated, hoping that he would leave her alone. She couldn't see his face as a mask was covering it, but she could tell underneath the thick black hood and jogging bottoms that he was well built and could easily break snap her arm like a twig.

The man growled and used the hand that wasn't holding the knife to check her front and back pockets. Lauren's arms were still protectively around her belly and she almost jumped with joy when the man pulled the knife back.

Only he replaced his hand with it instead.

The man squeezed her neck enough for it to feel uncomfortable but she didn't let the barrier made by her arms around her belly diminish. The assailant pocketed his knife and then brought his fist back.

''You wasted my time you little bitch!'' He snarled and brought his fist forward into Lauren's face. 

Pain exploded across her temple and down her cheek, lingering across the whole left side of her face. The back of her head roughly hit the hard brick wall for the second time and she felt a tickling sensation down her neck. 

Lauren was used to being hit, experiencing pain and dealing with it. But, she hadn't had to deal with that for a while and she had got used to not being a human punching bag. The blow had stunned her, caused her to let a small cry of pain out but she still didn't let her arms leave her stomach.

Another punch to the face caused Lauren's legs to buckle. The explosion of pain right that second in her nose made Lauren's eyes water and her arms hesitate to move and nurse her now broken nose. She didn't want to move her arms, but the pain in her face was too much to take. With her parents it had always just been one punch to the face and the rest somewhere unseen so they didn't look suspicious, Lauren wasn't used to a broken nose.

The assailant was too angry about not getting what he wanted so he punched her again, his angry grunt echoed around the alley and he let his grip on Lauren's neck go. She fell to the floor, her head cracking painfully against the hard surface of the ground. She didn't know how much more her head could take, the pain she felt was like no other.

''How do you like that now huh bitch?'' He growled at her, talking to her like it was her own fault he has got no money to pay for his drug fix. 

''I'm sorry! Just please let me go.'' She retorted to begging, she could still feel the anger simmering in her, but she was level headed and rational, she knew she couldn't let anger get the better of her at this moment.

''Not until I get my fucking money!'' He was stupid, but not stupid enough to shout and draw attention Lauren thought whilst he kicked her in the chest. She quickly wrapped her arms around her stomach as best as she could, just in time for the next kick he delivered. 

''Please stop!'' She tried to shout out, hopefully to draw attention to them but her attempts were futile. She was winded from the strong kick to her chest and it was hard to speak. She was getting extremely worried for her baby now, she was sure her arms was not enough to protect them.

She didn't know if it was pure luck or what, but his kicks stopped raining down on her and she heard a phone ring. The man growled out of frustration for being interrupted and snapped into the phone when he answered.

''What?!'' His voice wasn't as quiet as before and Lauren flinched at his tone. ''Important? I'm busy right now man.'' He waited for the person on the other end of the line to reply before he growled that low guttural sound again. ''FINE!''

Lauren whimpered when he disconnected the phone. She was still in her foetal position with her arms tucked tightly around her, waiting for the next blow. 

''You're lucky bitch.'' Was all she heard before footsteps echoes around the alley way, getting quieter and quieter until they disappeared fully.

At that moment she felt extremely lucky. I was like a moment of peace, she felt nothing but peacefulness until the pain kicked in. 

She groaned and rolled onto her back, that just hurt even more but she couldn't move back to the slightly less painful position. Her hands were still over her bump, unknowingly protective even though there didn't seem to be a threat at that moment. She was on high alert, she couldn't believe it had ended that easily.

She leaned her head to the left and a silver wrapped packet caught Lauren's eye, her cookies. A little thought came to her mind at that moment and she felt selfish, but she hoped the cookies were OK. Trevor made the best cookies and she really wanted to have some, by some stroke of luck they were still perfectly wrapped and intact. 

A sharp pain in Lauren's chest reminded her of her situation and she quickly tried to get up, she needed to get home and call an ambulance or her brother. 

OK Lauren, you just need to get home and get to your phone, you can do that... She told herself in her mind, she was still unable to speak without causing herself unnecessary pain. 

With that thought in mind, she set a shaky hand on the ground beneath her and maneuvered herself until she was on her knees, she unknowingly grabbed the cookies on the way. When she succeeded she let herself rest for a couple minutes, she was panting and sweating, the pain taking its toll on her.

When Lauren thought of her baby, a sudden burst of energy caused her to painfully make it to her feet. The wall was a major part in aiding her and she let it guide her to the entrance that was twenty meters from her house. 

She was sure she would be able to make the stretch in her condition if she took it steady, and with that thought she set of on a determined stumble to her front door. No cars passed, no people walked by and no one looked out her house, just as secluded as Lauren always wanted, only at a time like this it was a pain the backside to Lauren.

In her eighteen years of life Lauren never thought about herself getting mugged. She had watched TV enough times to know it was something that happened enough times for it to be a problem, but she never thought it would happen to her though. She felt sorry for all the victims, some would turn out like her, beaten up and badly shaken whilst others were killed or luckily came out of it unscathed.

Blood was dripping out her nose now in less quantity than before, her neck was slightly drying up and the back of her head felt sticky still. She had never received a beating like this, she supposed she was lucky she never had it this bad with her parents as she wouldn't have been able to take their daily onslaught then. 

She felt broken though, a pain in her chest was nearly bringing her to her knees but she kept going. Her legs hurt too, from the kicks he gave her she wasn't surprised. She was happy though as she didn't feel much pain in her belly, it was only a mild uncomfortable feeling but worry was still seeping into her. If that bastard has harmed her baby she will be angry, murderous even. The love she now had for the little life growing inside of her was strong. 

Lauren made it to the front door and she thanked whoever was up there that she had the key still in her pocket. With shaky hands, the pain becoming slightly too much for her to handle again, she managed to unlock the door and make her way into the kitchen. 

Grabbing the cloth on the side, she held it up to her still bleeding nose and walked to her phone that was placed on charge next to the fridge. Dialling in the right number, she slumped in front of the fridge and slid down, the blood on the back of her head smearing a bright trail against the whiteness of the door. 

''Emergency service, which service to you require?'' A woman's voice sounded from the other end of the phone. Lauren sighed in relief, she would be OK.

''A-Ambulance please.'' She shakily breathed into the phone, her lungs struggling to breathe without causing her too much pain.

''OK, we will need some details. What is your emergency?'' They went through standard procedure and Lauren was kept on the phone till someone arrived. 

Lauren was nearly unconscious by the time help arrived, the phone that had been put on loudspeaker was now on the floor by her lap, the operator no longer needed.

The knocks on the door were replaced with it opening when they didn't receive an answer and they found Lauren slumped on the floor, blood covered her front from her nose. Lauren was finding it difficult to breathe now, she couldn't reply to them, only shake her head when they asked her questions.

''Ma'am, where are you hurt?'' The man asked who was now situated in front of her with a bag at his side. 

Lauren did nothing but stare at the man under her droopy eyes and make a small shaky motion that she couldn't talk. Breathing was getting extremely difficult for her and she felt like her lungs were on fire. 

''Paul I need an oxygen mask quickly, she can't breathe properly!'' He shouted at the other man who Lauren now knew as Paul. She tried looking at what they were doing but she was becoming extremely tired. 

''B-Baby.'' She hoarsely whispered out in a barely there voice. She managed to bring her hands up over her belly. ''M-Make sure... My b-baby's OK.'' It hurt her extremely badly to talk, but she wanted them to make sure the baby was fine, she couldn't look it. Her voice was a broken whisper that only just made it to the man who knelt in front of her. 

''Paul she's pregnant, we need to hurry up and take her to the hospital! Hang in there dear, you're be OK.'' He promised her, Lauren would have chuckled at him if she could, of course she wasn't going to be OK, and she felt like she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen in a minute. 

''Here, put this on her Jonathon.'' Paul said the man in front of her. My father was called Jonathon, she thought whilst they put the oxygen mask over her. 

''What the hell is happening?! What's going on?'' Another voice shouted out in the hallway, it all just sounded like an echo to Lauren now, she was losing consciousness. ''What the fuck happened to my sister?'' 

It was Liam, and he sounded hysterical once he caught sight of Lauren's slumped figure next to the fridge. The blood and already bruising body of his sister wasn't something he could take, he's always been a big softie for her and he felt like he could cry then at the sight. 

''Lauren? Lauren! Stay awake!'' Jonathon shouted at her, but Lauren couldn't hear him. She had fallen unconscious and the men needed to hurry. Paul rushed outside to get the stretcher for Lauren and returned not even a minute later. 

''What's wrong with my baby sister?'' Liam sounded like a lost kid, he rushed over to Jonathon's side and took Lauren's hand, it was covered in blood and he was becoming even more upset. He should have never left her he kept saying to himself. ''Lauren, stay awake please, Lauren please?'' 

Lauren didn't even bat an eyelid at him, the pain had caught up to her and made her pass out. Liam couldn't bare the thought of losing his sister, being away from her for five years was bad enough, but actually losing her, he didn't know what he would do. It certainly wouldn't be good though.

''Sir please step back now, we need to put her safely on the stretcher.'' Paul explained and Liam stepped back but didn't let go of her hand. 

They managed to get her on the stretcher with Liam still keeping his hold, being extremely careful as they didn't know the full extent of her injuries. Liam was in a daze as they took her out, his mind was full up of different scenarios that could now happen to her, some he didn't even want to think about.

Liam shut the door behind them, still keeping her hand in his, and followed them into the ambulance that was parked on the side of the road. When he saw it and Lauren's front door wide open with blood on the front, he was in panic mode instantly. He didn't know what happened to her, but with Lauren being pregnant it couldn't be good.

The ride to the hospital was tense, Liam couldn't stop murmuring in Lauren's ear comforting things even though he knew she couldn't hear. A third man that was waiting in the ambulance drove whilst the other two, Jonathon and Paul, dealt with keeping Lauren stable. 

''WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T STAY WITH HER?'' Liam shouted angrily when they made it into the hospital and he was told he would have to wait in the waiting room. He was furious, he did not want to leave Lauren's side at all. 

''I'm sorry young man, we have to get her sorted and we cannot do that with you in there.'' The doctor who was now taking over told him, turning his back to Liam and walking through the double doors. 

Liam’s back hit the wall of the hospital hallway and he slid down till he was sitting. He brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, leaning his head back against the wall in defeat. He was extremely worried about Lauren and her baby, she looked terrible earlier and Liam couldn't get the image of his sisters beaten body out of his mind. 

He sat there for what seemed like hours to him, people passed and gave him odd looks but none stopped. He didn't care though, he was in his own world. I should phone Sebastian, he has the right to know... Liam told himself and wobbly stood up, his legs had gone numb but he willed them to move. 

Getting outside, Liam retrieved his new phone from his pocket and called Sebastian. Liam swore to the air when he didn't answer. He should have known though, Sebastian would have been busy after what they had just done.

Hospital. Lauren. Now! It was simple, but Sebastian would know a text like that meant it was serious. 

He sat on the bench out front waiting for Sebastian, knowing he would read the text soon. Sebastian never got texts that often and when he did they were serious, everyone knew to phone him. 

Liam leaned his elbows on his knees and held his face in his hands, he was so stressed out, after what he done earlier and what happened now, his body was as tense as ever. He was going to kill whatever bastard had harmed Lauren and he was going to make it painful, hurt them as much as they had hurt Lauren. 

''Liam, what the fucks going on man?'' A frantic man’s voice called out and Liam lifted his head up to see Sebastian. Liam didn't even look over his bruised and cut face as Sebastian rushed forward, he had heard what happened earlier and he was furious, but now it was time to worry about Lauren. 

''I don't know. I came home and there was an ambulance there. She was all beat up man, she looked terrible.'' Liam replied, his tone sullen and suddenly exhausted. He was going to go to straight to sleep when he got it, but now it looks like he won't be getting any for a while.

''Well what's happening now, she's ok right? And the baby?'' Liam could tell Sebastian was extremely worried, he could tell that he cared for his sister deeply too. Sebastian's mind was spitting ideas at him one after the other, he didn't want some of the suggestions to come true, he wouldn't be able to cope.

''I don't know. I know nothing.''

Both boys walked into the hospital and sat down in the waiting room. Neither talked, looked at each other, or even move. Both were stuck in their unwanted thoughts of what could happen, hoping only one thing but knowing a hundred other possibilities could happen. Some that the definitely wouldn't like.

 Vote if you like it, that would be much appreciated! 

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