
By jooee-yoonyul

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By jooee-yoonyul

Seoul Incheon International Airport

Reporter: We are here live waiting anxiously for the return of singer Kim Taeyeon, who has been in California for a promotion for almost 3 weeks.

Tiffany and Taeyeon step off the plane. They are immediately surrounded by reporters from tv stations, newspapers and magazines.

Reporter: Taeyeon, is this your new girlfriend? what about your relationship with Sunny?

Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, bewildered.

Reporter 2: Miss, are you and Kim Taeyeon dating??

Reporter 3: Miss, how did you and Taeyeon meet? Whats it like to be dating one of the most popular singer in Seoul?

Taeyeon's Agent: I'm sorry, Taeyeon has a CF to shoot, she is not available for discussion right now.

Taeyeon's agent pulls Taeyeon away, leaving the mob of reporters surrounding a frazzled Tiffany.


Three days later:

Ring, ring.

Tiffany clicks off her handphone.

Ring, ring

Tiffany picks up her house phone.

Taeyeon: Fany?? I got your phone number from the phone company. please let me talk to you.

Tiffany hangs up.

Tiffany has locked herself inside the house for the past 3 days. She hasn't eaten since she left the airport surrounded by reporters. Jessica hasn't come back from California yet. Tiffany has been left alone and wondering. She hasn't answered any of Taeyeon's phone calls. The paparazzi has been outside her house the hole time. The only thing Tiffany does is think and cry herself to sleep.

(from now on, thoughts will be in brackets [ ] )

Tiffany [ Wae? why didn't she tell me? She lied. She told me she was a business person. Silence offers too much time for thought]

Tiffany sighs and clicks on the TV. Yet another show about Taeyeon is on. Tiffany clicks it off and turns on the radio. More news about Taeyeon.

Tiffany [ I don't want to hear about her anymore. why wouldn't she tell me the truth? Was i just a game for her? Just someone to be with while she was in Calidornia? And whats this about Sunny? If she has a girlfriend, then why mislead me? ]

Tiffany turns off the radio and turns on her CD player.


Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson

I will not make

The same mistakes that you did

I will not let myself

'Cause my heart so much misery

I will not break

The way you did, you fell so hard

I've learned the hard way

To never let it get that far

Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust

Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you, I am afraid

I lose my way

And it's not too long before you point it out

I cannot cry

Because I know that's weakness in your eyes

I'm forced to fake

A smile, a laugh, every day of my life

My heart can't possibly break

When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard to trust

Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you, I am afraid

I watched you die, I heard you cry

Every night in your sleep

I was so young, you should have known

Better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else

You just saw your pain

Because of you

I never stray too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play on the safe side

So I don't get hurt

Because of you

I tried my hardest just to forget everything

Because of you

I don't know how to let anyone else in

Because of you

I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty

Because of you, I am afraid

Because of you

Because of you


The song had always touched Tiffany. Up until now, she had never known what the song truly meant. Taeyeon had lied, yes, but she still loved her. Even if she really had another girlfriend, she would still love her. The events at the airport had stunned and hurt Tiffany. Taeyeon leaving her there with the reporters had angered her, yet she still loved her. Even if being with her in California had just been a game for her, even if she was a player, she still loved her. If only she felt the same way. If only...


Tiffany sat alone in her house. Tears glistened upon her cheek. The phone rang again. Tiffany picked it up.

Taeyeon: Fany? Fany-ah?!! Let me talk to you, please?

Tiffany: If I let you talk, will you leave me alone?

Taeyeon: Is that what it takes?


Taeyeon: Ok. I'll leave you alone if you'll talk to me. Open the door.

Tiffany: Mwo?

Taeyeon: Open the door.

Tiffany stands up, wipes away the tears and opens the door.

Taeyeon was standing outside.

Taeyeon: Fany!

Taeyeon embraces Tiffany tightly, however Tiffany pushes her away.

Tiffany: You said you would talk and then leave me alone. Talk.

Taeyeon: Fany-ah, mianhae. I didn't want you to know and what happened at the airport was exactly why. I didn't want you to have to put up with the reporters constantly in your face.

Tiffany: So, you lied?

Taeyeon: I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you the truth.

Tiffany: Which is the same thing. We've talked. now, leave me alone.

Taeyeon: I won't leave you alone. I promised you we'd always be together didn't I?

Tiffany: well, I release you from that promise. You promised to leave me alone after I let you talk.

Taeyeon: I lied. I can never leave you alone. Don't you understand Fany? I knew from the first time I saw you in California. Even when I thought you only spoke english. I would have learned English if it had meant that we could be together.

Tiffany: So you lied? Taeyeon, it all comes full circle back to the fact that you lied to me. I can't trust you.

Taeyeon: How do I make you trust me again?

Tiffany: You don't have to. You go and find your girlfriend and leave me alone!!!!

Taeyeon : Fany, you don't believe the reporters do you?

Tiffany: we've talked, now leave!

Tiffany pushes her out the door and slams the door shut. She sinks down behind the door and begins crying.

Taeyeon pounds on the door : Fany!!! Let me in!!! I won't leave. I can't be without you. If we have to be on opposite sides of the door, then thats what I'll do.

Tiffany doesn't answer. Her tears flow freely: [ I won't listen to her. she's lying. even if i love her, i can't let myself be hurt. ]

Taeyeon: Fany!!! Fany-ah!!! Open the door.

Tiffany picks up the phone. She dials Taeyeon's cell.

Taeyeon clicks on the phone: Fany?

Tiffany (weakly): Taeyeon, please don't do this. We can't be together. if you really care about me then leave me alone. I can't do this, you'll drive me insane. (pleading) please, please just leave me alone.

Tiffany clicks off the phone.

Taeyeon: Fany?

Taeyeon ceases the pounding, but stays in front of Tiffany's door in the hopes of seeing her.


A week later...

Tiffany had not left her house since the incident at the airport. She spent her days miserably sitting around the house and thinking of Taeyeon. She constantly scolded herself for even thinking of her. However, she could not help it. The house had been cleaned out. there was no food, no basic necessities. Tiffany hadn't even changed out of her pajamas in a week. She would occasionally call for takeout. Leaving money in front of the door and picking up the food after she was sure no one was outside.

Taeyeon had driven by Tiffany's house each day that week. She would sit and stare up at her window for hours, it was the closest she could get to her.

Tiffany's house:

Tiffany heard the lock click and the front door open.

Jessica: Hey Fany-ah!!! I'm back. Happy to see me?

Jessica saw that Tiffany was in her Pajamas but didnt notice that tears stained her cheeks.

Jessica ( jokingly ) : Sleeping in today? You were always a morning person. Out late last night with Taeyeon right? (tauntingly).

At of the sudden Tiffany started crying.

Jessica ( worried ) : Wae?! Whats wrong???

Tiffany tells Jessica about everything that happen after she came back with Taeyeon

Jessica: Maybe she's telling the truth. Maybe she just didn't want you to have to put up with the pressure of reporters in your face all the time.

Tiffany: So she lied to ME? We could have kept it a secret from the reporters.

Jessica: Fany-ah, if there was a girl who thought that far ahead and as thoroughly as that, we would not have any doubt about it, she trying to protect the one she love.

Tiffany giggles slightly.

Jessica: Look at you, tears on your cheeks and a goofy smile. Does this mean you're going to forgive her?

Tiffany: Even if I did, she have already given up. I've set myself up on a pedestal, how am i supposed to get back down?


Jessica walks downstairs so she can head for the market to replenish the supplies in the house. She sees Taeyeon sitting in a car by the building.

Taeyeon steps out.

Taeyeon: Sica? Did Fany talk to you? DId she say anything? How is she?

Jessica: You Jerk!!! She's miserable. All she does is sit and mope and watch TV.

Taeyeon: How do I apologize? She won't talk to me.

Jessica: All she does is sit and mope and WATCH TV

Taeyeon: Um... didn't you just say that? Or was that just me? Wow, strange feeling of Deja Vu.

Jessica: All she does is sit and mope and WATCH TV... TV!!!! Does that help, Ms superstar whose on TV alot????!!!!

Taeyeon stares.

Jessica: PABO!!! Do I have to spell it out for you?? TV, she watches the TV!!! On which you are often seen speaking, and sometimes in shows apologizing!!!

Taeyeon finally gets it and immediately gets into the car and leaves.


Reporter: Kim Taeyeon has just called a press conference for the first time in her career. She usually avoids the public, but we are here live waiting anxiously to hear what she has to say.

Tiffany was sitting at home when Jessica returns and immediately turns on the TV.

Press Conference:

Taeyeon: I have something to announce. I am officially dating Miss Tiffany Hwang. She is the one you surrounded in the airport lobby. In the future, I would ask that you not surround her as she is not used to publicity and there is no way you can replace her in my heart if something happens.

Reporters are shocked and several people ooh and aah.

Taeyeon: Fany-ah, if you're watching, Mianhae, jeongmal mianhae I didn't tell you I was a singer. I'm sorry you were overwhelmed by reporters (glares at several of them whom she recognizes from the airport) since this is the only way I can get you to talk to me, I will say what I have to say to you on public television.

Yes, I was telling the truth when I said I didn't want you put under constant pressure, but theres something else. You liked me for who I was, not what I was. That meant more to me than anything. sure, people say I could have anybody I wanted, but you liked me as Kim Taeyeon, not as "Taeyeon the famous singer"

Fany-ah, if you're listening, I'm sorry that I hurt you. But I can't possibly have hurt you unless you truly cared about me, and I know you do. but see, I have a problem. I care about you too, more than anyone else in the world, and it hurts me to see you in pain. please forgive me. I can't possibly find anyone else who is pretty, have a perfect eye-smile, smart, talented, caring, kind, heck, you're just perfect. And I can't live without you, even though I'm sure you could move on without me. Tiffany Hwany, Please forgive me.

Reporters start to clap at the moving confessions.

Tears glisten on Tiffany's eyes as she watch the press conference...


Jessica ( jokingly ): Can you get down from your pedestal now that she have built you a golden staircase???

Tiffany: I think so... ( tears glisten on her cheeks, but this time it is because she's so touched by Taeyeon's words) Wait, did you happen to have anything to do with this?

Jessica: Dae, ( kidding ) don't you love me? On second thought, of course you don't, you have Ms Kim Taeyeon..

Tiffany: Shut up.

Jessica: Well, don't you love her? Cus I think she and I would make a nice couple too. I mean, you shouldn't force yourself into a relationship with someone... If you dont want her, I wouldn't mind taking her...

Tiffany: Shut up!!

THe doorbell rings.

Jessica: Why don't you go open the door for your Taetae??

Tiffany had already rushed to the door.

She opened the door, expecting to see Taeyeon, but not finding anyone. Instead, a bouquet of flowers and an envelope lay in front of the door. Tiffany stoops to pick them up. She opens the envelope to read the card:


Everything I said today, I meant from the bottom of my heart. I know I've hurt you and no matter how many times I apologize, I can't pretend it didn't happen. I can't change what I did or didn't do. I can't force you to forgive me. All I can do is to beg you : Fany-ah, please forgive me?

Forever in love with you,


Tiffany finishes reading and looks around the hall. She doesn't see Taeyeom anywhere. [ Where is she? Maybe she sent a florist to drop off the flowers, but then they would have asked for my signature right? ]

Tiffany runs down the hall and frantically presses the elevator button. However it didn't move, Tiffany ran for the stairs. When she finally reached the lobby, she was out of breath. Her eyes search the room for Taeyeon, but she's not there.

Running outside, she scans the busy street for her face.

Taeyeon: If you wanted to see me, you could have just called...

Tiffany turns around to find Taeyeon with a dorky smile on her face.

Tiffany: Oh yea? Who said I was looking for you?

Taeyeon: You weren't? Oh, my mistake then. Sorry. I guess I'll leave you to find whoever it is then...

Taeyeon turns and starts walking away. [ mentally count 1, 2, 3! ]

Tiffany: Wait!!!

She stops but doesn't turn.

Tiffany: Are you gonna give up that easily??!!! If you really care about me as much as you say you do, are you just gonna walk away?

Taeyeon turns to face Tiffany and smile cutely: I can walk away because I know you'll call me back..

She embraces Tiffany tightly and whispers softly in her ear: Forgive me?

Tiffany responds by returning her embrace.

Taeyeon: I'm gonna take that as a yes if you don't say anything.

Tiffany: Then I guess I won't say anything.

Taeyeon: You just did...

Tiffany: Shut up! You're starting to act like Sica.

She hits her playfully.

Taeyeon (anxiously): But you like Sica, right? So that means you like me too.

Tiffany: Dae, but seriously though, I need you to promise me something.

Taeyeon: Anything.

Tiffany: I want you to tell me everything. I don't ever want you to hide anything from me. Promise?

Taeyeon: Only if it means you'll never leave me.

Tiffany smile and nod.

Taeyeon: Dae, I promise.. Saranghae Fany-ah~

Tiffany: Saranghae Taetae~


A reporter comes up to the couple in the street.

Reporter: Taeyeon, Is this Ms Tiffany Hwang?

Taeyeon: Dae. Please do not spread any rumors about her. As an singer, I expect bad publicity along with the good, but Fany didn't. I'll let you know anything you want about me.

Tiffany: You would do that for me?

Taeyeon: I would do anything.

Reporter: Omo so sweet. Taeyeon, would you mind if we did an article on the two of you? As a couple. just the basics, where you met, how you met, a little basic profile on Ms Tiffany, etc...?

Taeyeon: I don't think -

Tiffany ( joking ): Taetae, don't you want people knowing who your girlfriend is?

Taeyeon: you're okay with this?

Tiffany ( laughs ) : Dae, its expected when you date a superstar!

Reporter: great, um... How bout an interview?

Tiffany: Dae.. 


A few days later...

Tiifany wakes up early and calls Taeyeon.

Taeyeon: Yoboseyo?

Tiffany: Did I wake you?

Taeyeon: Aniyo, I've been up since the crack of dawn. Our magazine article comes out today. I'm worried about what that reporter wrote. I still can't believe you agreed to it. You never know what reporters would write.

Tiffany: Its better to give them stuff to write rather than have them dig up dirt.

Taeyeon: I guess you're right.

Tiffany: Well, anyways. I just got a call from my boss, they need me back at work today.

Taeyeon: So soon?

Tiffany: My vacation was over a couple days ago, I just called in and told them I wasn't ready to go back yet and Sica filled in for me some.

Taeyeon: Do you really have to go?

Tiffany: Dae, we just got some important clients.

Taeyeon: Will I get to see you today then?

Tiffany: How about lunch? You can bring the magazine article and we'll read it together. We'll figure out how much damage was done then.

Taeyeon: Araso.. I'll see you at lunch then.

Tiffany:I have to go now, bye.

Taeyeon: Bye.

Tiffany barely steps out of the house when her cell phone rings.

Tiffany: Yoboseyo?

Taeyeon: How about a ride to work?

Tiffany: Don't you have work yourself?

Taeyeon: I can be late, they can't start recording my song until I'm there.  Bogo shipossoyo.

Tiffany: Dae dae, where are you?

Taeyeon: In front of your block.

Tiffany ( laughs ): You wouldn't have taken no for an answer would you?

Taeyeon ( dorky smile )

Taeyeon drops Tiffany off and heads towards the studio.


Tiffany walks into her office.

Everyone greets her and welcomes her back.

Tiffany's phone rings.

Taeyeon ( Aegyo ): Fany-ah bogoshipossoyo

Tiffany: You just saw me...

Taeyeon: I know, but I still miss you.

Tiffany: I have to work now ok? Be a good girl while I'm at work.

Taeyeon: Dae, omma...

Tiffany hangs up and looks over a file for the client whom she'd been assigned by her boss.

Her cell rings again.

Taeyeon: Omma, I want to go to work with you...

Tiffany ( laughs ): Taetae... You'll see me at lunch, let me work okay? My boss will be mad if he knows I'm just talking on the phone all day.

Taeyeon: If he gets mad at my Fany, I'll beat him up.

Tiffany: Taetae-ah~~

Taeyeon: Araso, have a good day. I'll see you later...

Tiffany hangs up only to hear the phon ring yet again.

Tiffany: I thought we agreed you would see me at lunch.

Man: We did?

Tiffany: Oh, um.. Jwesonghamnida, I thought you were someone else.

Man: Its ok. Are you Ms Tiffany Hwang?

Tiffany: Dae, may I ask who's calling?

Man: I'm Lee Soo Man, from S.M Entertainment. I saw your picture on the cover of the magazine. I think you have stage presence and I'd like you to audition for a part in the new CF.

Tiffany: Um... Jwesonghamnida, I'm not interested. I don't want to get into something that would get me publicity. I mean, you saw the article, right? I'm already dating a famous person, I don't think I need any more media on me.

Tiffany hangs up


Over lunch Tiffany discusses the phone call with Taeyeon.

Taeyeon: I think you'd make a great CF. Maybe we would be in a CF or music video together. It would probably be a romance CF/Music video with what we have going on...

Tiffany: What do we have going on?

Taeyeon ( ignores the question and continues ): Hm... Maybe with lots of kissing scenes. that doesn't sound so bad... I could get me a little something if you know what I mean...

Tiffany: Byuntae!!!! You have a perverted mind.

Taeyeon: Do I?

Tiffany: Dae!! You do!!!

Taeyeon: Well you can't blame me considering I have such a hot girlfriend.

Tiffany ( blushes ): Back to the topic at hand, do you really want me to audition?

Taeyeon: I want you to do whatever it is you want.( jokingly ) besides, I'm sure I could get lots of kissing scenes without acting in the same CF/MV as you.

Tiffany ( laughing ): Dae, you'll get them acting with other girls in different CF and MV.

Taeyeon: YAH!

Tiffany: Yah yourself! Anyways, did you bring the magazine?

Taeyeon pulls out a magazine. The article was not revealing or negative in any way and pictured the happy couple on the front.

Tiffany: See. What were you so worried about? The article isn't bad.

Taeyeon: Araso, I guess. Maybe reporters just like you more than they like me... (sighs)

Tiffany: Aww... Its ok, I still like you.

Taeyeon: Hey, one of the directors is throwing a party on saturday cause we finished our MV ahead of schedule. ( Aegyo ) Will you go with me?

Tiffany ( kidding ): As your female escort?

Taeyeon: Aniyo.. As my girlfriend.

Tiffany ( teasing ): Darn, no salary then

Taeyeon: I will pay you anything you want. but I figured my undying love was enough...

Tiffany: Aww... How sweet... Araso, I go with you...

She looks at her watch

Tiffany: Lunch break is over ,I need to get back to work,

Taeyeon: Dae, I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow, and I'll call you tonight


Tiffany was just getting off work.

Her phone rings.

Taeyeon: How about dinner and a movie?

Tiffany: I can't, I need to go shopping for my date tomorrow night.

Taeyeon: Who is the lucky person??? She must be perfect!!

Tiffany: Don't you get embarrassed? You get compliments from lots of people, must you flatter yourself too???

Taeyeon: Dae..

Tiffany ( laughs )

Taeyeon: Fany-ah, can I come shopping with you?

Tiffany: Nope, you can't see what I'm going to wear. it'll be a surprise.

Taeyeon: You can't surprise me, I know you'll look beautiful no matter what you decide to wear.

Tiffany: Aww... But you still can't go though.

Taeyeon: Will you call when you're done so we can have dinner?

Tiffany: Aniyo, Sica and I are going to discuss whether or not my girlfriend is worthy of my attentions.

Taeyeon: All the more reason for me to go. ( Aegyo ) Please?

Tiffany: Nope, Be good. I'll see you tomorrow night.

Taeyeon ( Sign ): Dae, but will you still call me tonight when you get home? Bogoshipossoyo I have to hear your voice otherwise I won't be able to sleep. Then I'll have panda eyes and my agent will blame you and you'll have an ugly date to the party tomorrow. Please? please?

Tiffany ( laughs ): Araso... I'll call you tonight...

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