Sexy Manager -ziam

By zeeyumRule

181K 9.8K 5.4K

Zayn, 21, was the only son of the owner of the famous 5 star HOTEL *TWILIGHT* in London!! After studying in... More



4.8K 284 61
By zeeyumRule

(Chapter dedicated to Chikapikamika because she iz such a pumpkin💕💋❤)

Its has been an hour and liam still hasn't returned making zayn more than nervous. He couldn't stop blaming himself for all he did. He cursed himself for not trusting his heart. He knew- he always knew that liam would never do that but he let other control his thoughts. It was so stupid of him- but the question was what's next? Now that liam has left- what can he do alone. He cant face his father specially after being the reason why he is here. And Liam's words hit him like a twisting knife mostly because they were true and he never in his life felt so broken.

His thoughts shattered when a doctor from Yasir's ward came out.

"He is slowly recovering but asking for someone.. umm liam? Is that you?"


"No its-"

"That angry guy? Thought so" the doctor scoffs awkwardly "where is he? It will be nice if he will be around him, maybe Mr.Malik will wake up sooner than we think"

"I-i will look for him. THANK YOU" Zayn nods to himself and runs down the stairs as fast as he could. At the ground level he sees niall and harry in the cafeteria, looking tired.

Did they stayed here the whole night too?

He went to them and suddenly harry's face turns dark on seeing him and gladly niall was right next to him so zayn can be sure about his safety.

"Where is liam?" He asks quickly, his nerves nearly exploding in anxiety.

"You honestly think we will answer that?" Harry asks, raising his brow.


"Dont you dare call me that after what you've said me" harry slams his hand loudly on the table making everyone look in their direction.

"Babe please" niall squeezes harry's hand.

"I am sorry harry! I really am" zayn sniffs and long waited tears starts falling from his eyes " I am such a douche. I am so sorry! But please tell me where is liam- Da-d is slowly getting conscious and asking for liam. Doc-tor said that he may wake up soon if liam is around an-" he sniffs again, wiping his tears "i dont deserve your forgiveness but please tell m-" zayn widens his eyes when he forced into a tight embrace.

Harry's big arms wrapped securely around zayn, making him feel so warm and loved that it became too much for him to contain and zayn tugs on him even tighter, burrowing himself into harry's shoulder and started crying-

"I dont deserve you guys" he says but makes no move to unleash himself from harry.

"Ssshhh strong boy! Thats okay! We all makes mistakes- everything is fine when we except it" he rubs zayn's back and comforts him and waits until he breaks the hug.

After few minutes zayn finally pulls away, he sooo needed that. "Thank you" he sniffs and wipes his tears "h-hav you seen liam?"

"He was here an hour ago and then left. I dont know where but lets find him together, yea?" Harry suggests.

"I've a better idea! Why dont you go back to Mr.Malik and here we will search for him? I mean someone has to stay near Mr.Malik" niall says and already fishes out his phone to call liam.

"Thanks you two and i am so-"

"Don't mention it again, zayn! We are kool" harry winks at him and pulls him into another hug but a smaller one which again felt nothing but warm and cozy.

Zayn walks back to his ward and surprising could hear voices coming from it.

He slowly opens the door but just to hear the conversation, he couldn't even afford to see his father after what he did.

"Now this is the first time you've disappointed me, Sir"

"Liam" tears of happiness circles in zayn's eyes on hearing liam's soft voice filled with offense.

"How dare you decide to face this all by yourself? What if i said i will leave,huh?- did you really believed that? You think I'll ever leave you? And am i not like your son? You excepted me as family, right? Then why instead of sharing your problem- you kept it to yourself? Sir! I am so disappointed- and i promise you till you back in shape I'll mend everything, trust me. Y-you just pl-ease wake up- for me- plea-se, Dad- I beg y-ou"

Zayn can tell that liam was already crying but hearing liam call Yasir 'Dad' created butterflies in his stomach and he just could get enough of that feeling.

For a while zayn could hear only sniffs then he heard liam's foot steps coming closer so he moved back quickly.

Liam's eyes were puffy red when they made contact with zayn's eyes.

He sniffed and glared at zayn who was looking at him with soft teary eyes "What? You really thought i will leave him to you? Give it a rest- i dont trust you, Malik" liam rudely scoffs but that was suppose to hurt zayn but instead he found him smiling like crazy.

All zayn wanted to do was kiss liam and tell him how much grateful he is to see him and how much he plans on keeping him.


Zayn promises to himself, his smile getting even wider and if that didnt scared liam.

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