Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy)

By bootydesu

57.6K 1.6K 497

Riley is gay, awkward, and dramatic. He lives an average life--until his stupid best friends force him to go... More

Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy) <3__<3 SCENE II
Gotta Catch Him! (BoyXBoy) <3__<3 Scene III
Gotta Catch Him! (BoyxBoy) scene 4!
Gotta Catch Him! (boyxboy) scene 5!!!
part 6

Part 1

30.2K 340 62
By bootydesu

Hana: Asfgjhdsjkjd. Okay, um, hi, yes, all right, READ MY STORY! Boyxboy, don't like, get the fuck out. kay thanks. You do like? keep reading! kinda slow at first sorry, but it'll get better! So comment. and fan. and like. and dance. Kthxbai. <3

Scene 1: How Did This Ever Happen?

“I like your ass in those jeans.”



“What?!” Now that we've established the fact that my mother is a pedobear, allow me to go on with my little life story.

I live with mum, Linnet, and Pip. Linnet is my cum-stained bitch of a sister, and Pip is my 2 year old cousin.

“What? No skirts today?”

“The whore speaks.” Linnet. Spawn of Satan. I'm tempted to throw my breakfast, but Pip would start crying. He seems to like the bitch. For unknown reasons.

So I bet your wondering, “Jesus, he must hate his sister!” And yeah I do. And don't. I mean I wouldn't speak to her, or share anything with her, and she's a bitch. But if she were about to be run over by a car, I'd jump out in front of it to save her.

I guess that's the thing about families.

Pip is an odd thing. He's fat and squishy and all he does is shit his pants, follow Linnet around and cry. I don't hate him. But I don't enjoy being in the same as him. I guess I’m not that much of a baby person.

“Linnet, would you put a shirt on?” Ha! And not dress like a cheap drugged up hooker? Not a chance!

“Mum! This is a shirt!”

“And that dental floss is actual underwear.” I point out.

“Shut up!” Nice come back. I really want to throw my waffles at her. Blehg.

“Riley, I don't want to have to ground you.”

Oh, my name is Riley.

Oh, and I'm a boy.


“Riley!” I sigh and turn my head. It's Annie and April. Their sisters, also my best friends. A lot of people think that I'm dating one (or both) of them, but that's just ridiculous. I'm gay after all.

Annie jumps on over, and shakes something in my face. It's a slip of paper.

“And this is?” I say, and scratch my head.

“The godly paper. Noah Underhill. Asked me out on.” Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu????!?!?!?!?! That sex plate? That tall dark handsome football player? Annie? Well, fuck.

“Congratulations you traitorous whore.” I say pathetically.

“Aww come on! Don't be jealous!”

I shrug. “If only I was a girl, he would have been all over me.”

“You say that about everyone.” April says, and grabs my hand, looking earnestly into my eyes. “You'll never know unless you try.”

I roll my baby blues and try not to snort. “No thanks, I'd rather not have guys look at me with disgust.”

I don't even want to try. Why should I? Straight guys don't want to be near me, let alone have me like them. That's why I only have girl friends, guys never think of me the same way after they find out I'm gay, and that's not a hard thing to find out seeing as though, I even cross-dress on occasions.

Do I hate being a guy? No, I just wish people would treat me the same as everyone else. And I like girls stuff, it's pretty.

April growls. “You, are dam sexy! Guys would be all over you if you just tried! Put yourself out there!” She looked me over. “Okay. Promise me.”

“Promise you what, bitch?”

Annie sighed, “How do words like that come from such an adorable kid.”

“Hags.” I mutter. So I have a chubby face, and big eyes. I'm small and skinny too. I like that though, I can pass as a girl if I ever wanted to! Ha!

“Promise me, the next guy that talks to you, you have to make them your boyfriend!”

“Um no thanks! What if the next guy who talks to me is a creep?”

“Deal with it.” then she gives me the eyes. Sweet mother of god, not the eyes! I was about to say something when a hard shoulder knocks into my sexy delicate one.

“H-Hey!” I stutter out, and then I see him.


“Fucking watch where your going, dumb fuck.” My jaw drops. And he walks away.

“I-It's Leatherface!”

April, and Annie are over there laughing like a bunch of whores.

That is not funny! That guy was a serial killer! And a crack head! He had piercings all over, and he was like 10 feet tall! Everyone calls him Leatherface, because of the Texas chainsaw massacre—He's that fucking scary.

“Imagine it—Ohh, sweet Leatherface! Attack me with your machete and let me ride you!” I blush, horrified. “Leatheface, oh Leatherface!”

“He would break me! In pieces!” I gasp, and hold my hand to my frightened heart. No way. No, Not that monstrosity.

“You have to or I”ll blast those pics all over Facebook.” April threatens, eyes glinting with evil. Crap. Last week, I gave them a mock lap dance in a bra and spongebob tidy-whitees.

How dare they?

“I'm scared!”

“Too bad!” April. You hag.

Annie smiles sweetly, “Think of it this way, when your bullied, Leatherface will stalk and stap them in the dead of night. . .”

Oh yea, that's attractive.

“I hate, you, your gonna make me cry!” I don't wanna date, Leatherface!

“But what if he has a sweet caring personality?”

“Annie. He was in Prison.”

“Juvenile hall! And you don't even know why!”

“I heard he got in a bar fight and beat two college students half to death.” April said flippantly,

“Gee, your helping,” I say, horrified, “No!”

“You promised. All you have to do is date him.” She shrugged, “You don't have to sleep with the guy, or touch him at all...”

I'm fucking done. This is scary.

“April, Annie--”

“If you don't care having all of my 1,608 friends seeing you--”

“OKAY YOU BITCH!” I blush, and grabbed my bag. “I'm-I'm going to independent study hall.”

“You have these next 2 weeks to make Leatherface yours!” April shouts as I make a run for it. I ignore the odd looks, and run to the library.


I've learned shit all day. I haven't heard a single word from anyone. All I've been doing is thinking about Leatherface. Okay, maybe I should start using his real name. So far I've realized I have seventh period P.E with him. And It's the middle of 6th.

I'm going to die of a heart attack before this class is over. April's practically orgasmic, laughing at my pain, in the back of class. I see you. Yea, you, skinny bitch with the flat ass chest. Go die.

It's not like I'm used to just going up to some guy and flirting with them, frankly I'm scared and embarrassed to do so. And that's with a normal, non-psychopathic guy, not this horrible creature! Just what am I supposed to do, eh? EH?

The bell rings. And I just about piss myself. I had to look down, to make sure I wasn't covered in fluids.

“So, Riley,” April says, grabbing my sweaty hand and dragging me out of class. “His name is Nikita Mikhailov.”

EH?! Such a pretty sounding name! Leatherface is actually. . .Nikita?

“He's from the Ukraine. He moved here when he was six, and he's had. . .a few run ins with the law . . .”

I give her the “Are-you-fucking-kidding-me” Look. A few? That guy lives in a jail cell.

“Oh, just hush! Plus, how have you never noticed you guys change in the same locker room for P.E?”

“He must have been so tall I mistook him for a locker or a door.” I shrug. “I hardly change in the locker rooms anyway.” They look at me, as if I’m some kind of strange rapist checking out their parts. It makes me feel really uncomfortable.

“Why not?”

I just shrug. No need to explain it, she'd get all pissy and defensive.

I walk into the locker rooms alone, suddenly feeling really nervous. God I hate it in here. I just stare at my colorful converse and, shuffle along, careful not to look up, or draw any attention to myself. I quickly change my shirt, and I look up suddenly when someone bumbps into my shoulder.

It's some blonde athletic looking guy. “Oh, sorry bro.”

He's half naked.

“Hajish. . . ?” I mutter and then turn abruptly staring at my locker in horror. Get your mind out of the gutter Riley! It's just a chest!

I finish up and run into the Gym, searching mindlessly for April and Annie. How convenient. They were sitting two bleachers away from a very tall intimidating Leatherface, giving me the eyes. Oh how I hate the eyes. Why must they give me the the eyes?!

I don't look at him as I quickly sprint to their side.

“W-Why must you do this to me?!”

“Because you need it.” April says sternly. Then suddenly, in those few words my life had changed.

“Hey! Nikita, right?'

Fucking Annie!


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I'd like your feedback people, and sorry that it's really unedited and kind of sucky, but you know, i thought it was kinda funneh ;) anyway. VOTE. Or not. Your choice. 

Please vote though. e______e

<3 Kthxbai.

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