Secret Delivery //

By alydeeraly

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"Special Delivery to my one and only love. From: Secret Deliverer" More

Part 2: I found you

Part 1: Mr. Awkward

10 0 0
By alydeeraly



Ghaaaad! What time is it?



I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. Today is my first day as a freshman in college. I sluggishly stood up from my bed and started stretching before doing my 10-minute morning abs workout called Bretman Rock's ABSolutely NOT Challenge. 

1. 20 crunches
2. 40 in and outs
3. 1 minutes plank
4. 30 seconds break
5. 20 plank twist
6. 40 mountain climbers
7. 60 scissors
8. 30 seconds break
9. 20 leg raises
10. 40 toe touches
11. 60 seconds 6 inch holds

After the workout, I went to get my uniform ready. After that, I took my towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I walked straight to the kitchen after putting on my uniform and getting dressed, where my mother was making breakfast. I sat at the table with my father, who was eating a sandwich and sipping coffee while watching my mother prepare.

"Good Morning Mom, Dad!"

I spoke. 

While flipping the pancake she was preparing, my mother smiled and answered, "Morning!"

Before I had a response, dad had finished devouring his sandwich. "Hey daughter."

My mom put two pancakes on a platter for me, topped with sliced bananas and honey. 


"Thank you for the food!"

I happily replied before digging in.

"By the way, after you've finished eating, can you wake your little brother? It's also his first day in middle school. Also, there's another gift I found outside the door. It's for you again."

My mom replied as she sat next to my dad.

"Sure mom. Where's the present from the anonymous?"

Before I had to shift my seat to wake my little brother upstairs in his room, he was already slogging across the dining table with his eyes half asleep. My mom pointed at the flowers on the vase and looked at my little brother in awe.

"Aww, my baby!"

My mom extended her arms to embrace the young one. My brother, Aljohn, sighed, but still gave himself in.

"Mom, I'm like, thirteen."

He pouted.

My dad heartily laughed.

"Since when did my son's voice start to be so deep? I bet you already have a girlfriend aye?"

My dad joked as he raised and lowered his eyebrows playfully whilst sipping his coffee. Aljohn shrugged and sat beside me to eat.

From: Secret Deliverer <3

For the past 3 years, I've been getting gifts from this so-called 'Secret Deliverer'. I wonder who he is.

"Alright, time for me to go to college."

I wiped my mouth with the table napkin before standing up.

"You want me to drive you to school?"

Dad suggested and I nodded.

"Alright, Lei lei. Good luck on your first day!"

Mom said.

"Good luck, sis!"

I nodded at my brother and smiled at them.

"Thanks fam!"

I returned to my room to retrieve my bag. Before going to the door, I looked in the mirror and murmured to my reflection, "You can do this!"

The journey to school was good. Dad told his stories all the time when he used to be in college but today I couldn't hear some part of his stories since I was so focused on my new school. Heck, I was nervous!


I got startled when my dad waved his palm in front of my face.


"We're here!"

My dad squealed like a teenage girl. Why is he more excited than me though?

I turned to my right and saw a massive gate in front of us. I can't believe I'm a college student. One day I'm in grade school and the next thing I know, I'm already in college. How did I grow so fast huh?

"How did my daughter grow up so fast?"

Wow is this telepathy or what?

"I thought about that too dad. Time for me to go. I need to find my classroom."

I got out of the car and bid farewell to my father. I took my matriculation form from my bag and had a look at my first class. I took a few deep breaths before continuing to go ahead but then someone bumped me causing my matriculation form to rip.

Wow. First day! I haven't even entered the premises yet.

"Hey watch where you're going!"

I yelled before looking up to see a familiar good-looking face. My angry mood started to subside.

"Oh my g..I-I'm---" 

"Hey did you perhaps go to Charnila High?"

Before he had to apologize, I butted in. His expression changed from concern to anxiety. He didn't reply and instead walked away pacing quickly, looking embarrassed. 

What's wrong with him?

I sighed in despair as I pouted and glanced down at my torn matriculation form. Fortunately, the context of the matriculation form is still legible to me so I continued my way to my first class. 

Room B412...What does this mean?

Luckily, as I was walking towards the function hall, I noticed a lady reading a book. I bet she's ahead of me. I approached her and asked.

"Hi. Excuse me miss."

She looked up at me.

"Oh hello. Can I help you?"

She asked, closing her book.

"I would like to ask regarding the figures here in my matriculation form...Um, here."

I presented it to her and drew her attention to the figures.

"I notice you're a freshman."

She chuckled and I giggled.

"On the school grounds, there are five structures. A, B, C, D and E are the different buildings. Your room is labeled B, thus it's most likely in building B, just over there."

She pointed to a building on the north east wing. I nodded in agreement.

"The 4 alongside B indicates that your room is on the fourth level. Your room number is 12. To summarize, your first class is in room 12 of building B, which is located at the 4th floor. B412."

She explained. 

"Ooooh. I see, I see. Now I get it."

I smiled, feeling thankful as she hands me back my matriculation form.

"By the way, you're still on the block section because you're a freshman."

"I understand. Thank you so much for your help, Miss!"

I smiled. She smiled and responded "Anytime." before returning to her book. I began pacing a little faster since I already knew what the figures indicated, and I was concerned that I would be late because the building was a little further away and my room was on the fourth level.

This is going to be tiring.

As soon as I entered the lobby of Building B, I noticed that there was an elevator. I breathed a sigh of relief because class will begin in 5 minutes. I recognized the man from my high school as soon as the elevator doors opened. He's also the same guy who bumped me, causing me to rip my matriculation form. His eyes widened when he noticed me, which is why he looked anywhere but not my way and fiddled with his fingers.

Why is he so uncomfortable?

I couldn't go in for the next elevator since I'd be late, so I took the elevator regardless of how awkward it was.

"Hey high schoolmate."

I spoke as soon as I got in but I got no reply.

Okay then.

I realized we were going on the same floor since the button 4 has already been punched. After a minute, he continued to give me this uncomfortable sensation, so I began to talk.

"Hey why aren't y----"


But he went out abruptly and hastily, like I was some kind of ghost to be terrified of.



I was directly behind him when I exited the elevator. I'm hoping he doesn't go where I believe he'll go.

But he did.

It's alright Lei lei. It's just for the 1st semester.

Thankfully, my subconscious is calming me down; else, I could have lost it. It's the first day of my college life after all.


I was able to see all of my classmates because I arrived just in time. Some are making new acquaintances, but the majority are sitting silently. I surveyed the area for an open seat and, lo and behold, my gaze was drawn to an empty seat next to Mr. Awkward.

Perfect. Juuuuust perfect.

I walked up to him and noticed that he was heaving a big sigh, almost as if he wasn't getting enough air. He simply concentrated his attention on his desk as he stared at it. Why am I bothering myself with this? All I know about him is that he was a previous high school alumni, but we don't even know each other, so why bother?

"Good Morning, my dear freshmen!"

When the professor entered, the chaos began to dissipate.

"Alright. How's your first day everyone?"

Not quite good, Professor.

I exhaled when I heard favorable feedback from my classmates. The professor grinned as she expressed her delight at what she had heard.

"That's fantastic news! You already know that you must introduce yourself on the first day of class, right?"

"Yes ma'am!"

One of my male classmates eagerly responded.

"To start off, I'll take the initiative and be the first to introduce myself. My name is Victoria Lee, and I'll be your adviser for the whole first semester in my tourism class. My expectation for this class is that you'd always arrive in class on time. I want you all to be passionate about your life goals. I'll always be available to you and make every reasonable effort to assist you in attaining your academic goals."

She finished off with a warm smile. She looked at the student who had been the only one to respond to her a while ago.

"Hi there! Since you're the first and the only one who responded, I'd appreciate it if you would go first."

She gestured for the floor in front of her, glanced at him and smiled. He confidently rose up and walked in front of the professor, smiling brightly.

"You must identify yourself, state your goals for the class, and explain why you picked tourism as a major."

The professor added.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook, and I'd want to introduce myself. I am 19 years old. My father was a pilot and my mother worked as a flight attendant. To be honest, I don't have any plans for the future, which is why my parents encouraged me to enroll in this course. Nonetheless, I am hoping to develop a fondness for this course in the future. I also hope that we will all get along for the duration of the semester."

He slightly bowed and still showed his bunny smile despite the fact that his parents pushed him to go for something he's not so sure about.

"That was surprising, to say the least. But thank you for the extremely personal introduction, Jungkook. Please give me a number between one and forty."


I began counting faster than my professor with my eyes, hoping it wasn't me. Luckily, all eyes landed on the guy beside me...Mr. Awkward.

His expression was frozen in astonishment, as if he was going to flee the classroom. I saw him swallow a lump and get up shakily, fumbling his fingers like a kindergarten student. 

"What a beautiful group of tourism students we have here! Certainly, girls and boys from different departments would be interested in seeing this class."

Our lecturer chuckled halfheartedly, but Mr. Awkward did not grin or smirk once.

"Alright. Please introduce yourself."

He took a step forward in front of the class and glanced up shyly before muttering.

"Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm good boy."

He hastily started pacing back to his seat and shook his head. Despite the fact that the whole class was laughing, some females were squealing. I caught a glimpse of him looking at me shyly before facepalming and covering his face with his hands. His ears were crimson, so I could see his humiliation.

So his name is Taehyung huh?

"Okay, that was a snappy response. Please choose a number, Taehyung."

Our professor reminded, containing her chuckle.


He answered, his hands still covering his face.

Nice one Taehyung. You just picked me.

"Finally, the first lady in class to introduce herself."

The professor clapped her hands joyfully. I smiled shyly.

Now this is making me awkward.

I walked to the front and saw Taehyung uncover his face as I started speaking. 

"Hi classmates, hello Professor Victoria! My name is Alaia Park. Alaia is pronounced as 'Aleya'. I like to major in tourism since I wanted to work on a cruise ship in the near future. I have loved making boat origami and watching them row on the river near our old house since I was a youngster. I've vowed myself that I'll have to ride one sometime since then. Today, at the age of 19, I'm a few steps closer to achieving my dream. Also, I love dogs!"

I grinned, pleased with my response as I trudged back to my seat. Taehyung then began to fix his gaze on the professor.

"I like dogs too."

I smiled to myself as soon as I heard Taehyung, pleased that he was initiating a discussion with me. Individual introductions continued till the end of class. We have 2 hours vacant before the next class. 

I got up and went to our department to make a locker request. A person appeared in front of me while I was packing my belongings. Jungkook was the one who stood in front of me.

"Hello Alaia. Perhaps do you know where the Tourism department is located?"

I shook my head and said no.

"I'm heading there. Do you want to come along? We could ask the other students on our way there."

I suggested. He happily agreed.

He's such a happy guy.


He motioned the door open and let me go first before following me out. A gentleman, I see.

After asking a few students on campus for directions, we arrived at the department. Before knocking and twisting the door knob, Jungkook and I exchanged glances.

"Would you want to be the first to enter and welcome the dean?"

I asked him because, to be honest, I preferred for him to approach the dean first because I'm too nervous to do so.

"A shy tourism student?"

He smirked before twisting the doorknob.

"Just for today."

I pouted as he walked inside, and I followed.

"Hi, uncle Dan!"


"Jungkook! My nephew!" 


"Oh by the way, Uncle, meet my new classmate and friend, Alaia!"


*knock* *knock*

"Good morning, is this the Professor's office?"


"Good timing cousin!"


Taehyung looked at me and blinked a few times. His lips curved into a narrow line and he bowed slightly at me. I did the same thing.

"Taehyung, do you already have a locker?"

Jungkook gazed at Taehyung. He shook his head.

"Come inside, Taehyung. The three of you, take a seat on my new couch."

Dean Dan suggested and gestured for us to seat.

"Uncle Dan, we would like to request for our locker, pretty please."

I suppose I don't have to say anything. Jungkook is doing all the talking.

"Anything for my nephews. Wait a sec. I'll get the keys."

Exactly like that? Why hasn't a letter of request been submitted? Oh well, since Taehyung and Jungkook are related to the Dean, they get a free pass. Minutes later, the dean handed us our personal keys to our lockers.


I squealed internally.

"Thank you so much, Dean!"

I bowed and clutched the keys as if they were my most prized treasure. I looked to Jungkook and gave him a big smile.

"It's great to see you both get a friend on the first day of school."

The Dean glanced at me, sending me a warm smile. We thanked the dean and went our own ways.

"Alaia, do you want to grab some lunch? Let's eat together. The three of us."

After hearing his speech, I returned my gaze to Jungkook, then to Taehyung, who remains uneasy as ever. He glances everywhere but not to my direction. 

Instead of seeming strange, he appears to be adorable. 

"Sure. Where to?"

When Taehyung heard my response, he smiled. 



She recalls who I am. She recalled that we attended the same high school.  Back then, I was quite overweight. I was wearing a pair of geeky round spectacles and people think I'm strange because I communicate with dogs. I was bullied for years. Heck, I never even had a friend.

That's probably why she thinks I dislike her. I'm just extremely worried about how I'm going to talk to her. People approaching me first is something I'm not used to.

Students on campus used to make a lot of discrimination out of me back when I was still my old self. They would say nasty things to me, causing me to lose my self-esteem and confidence. Then there was this honors student who stood up to me.








I've had enough of the cruel statements. Right now, all I want to do is die.

"Hand it over, man!"

One of my male classmates handed over an apple to another male student who had requested it. One of them took my glasses off and stepped on them, shattering them.

My mom gave that to me as a present.

"Hold him boys."

Four guys immediately began holding me down harshly, the man with the apple attempting to open my mouth to shove the fruit into it, making me look like a roasted pig. They even tied my hands.

I wanted to shout. I wanted to get angry. But I'm helpless right now. I feel so ashamed. They were all laughing at the same time. I was weeping and looking around, and they were all cackling and pointing their unclean hands at me.

"Now look what we have here."

When I turned to look in the direction of the voice, I noticed a lovely brunette girl. Her cheeks were flushed, yet her grin was ferocious. She was approaching me with a smartphone in her hand.

"It's the student affairs president."

I heard among their whispers.

She held out her cellphone so that everyone could see what was on it. It's a photo from a while ago, and everyone's faces are clearly visible.

"I am pleased to inform you that everyone in this place will be subjected to strict detention or worse, expulsion. The photo has already been forwarded to the student affairs office. A proposal is now being written and will be forwarded to the principal. Thank you very much."

She took a bold step forward, poised and elegant. I sat up and stared at everyone's ghastly looks. Some of the attendees were on the point of sobbing. The men were absolutely taken aback and surprised.

"Now, SCRAM!"

Everyone fled, leaving only my messed-up self and the school president. She looked at me with a worried expression on her face. She walked up behind me and undid my ties. She shook her head in disbelief as she took the apple from my lips.

"Why do people need to be so cruel? You poor thing. Let me help you get up."

She grabbed my arm and attempted to assist me in standing up. Despite my size, she treated me as though I were a regular kid. She glanced at me as soon as I stood up, and I returned her stare. She smiled warmly at me. I felt like my cheeks turned red and my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"Asking you whether you're okay would be a ridiculous question, so I'm just letting you know I'm here if you need to vent. I'm Alaia Park. Just look for me, okay?"

I didn't get a chance to express myself. When my mother saw my state, I transferred out of another school in the United States as soon as possible. 

I used a punching bag to express my rage for three years. I went to the gym to become in shape. I sent gifts to Alaia's house in Korea for those years. But my gifts are all unnamed. Every day, I am grateful for her. 

"Mom, I want to go back to Korea for college."

I requested.

"Why the sudden change of mind, my son?"

My mom held my hand and my face. I smiled.

"I like someone in Korea. I want to find her."

My mom chuckled.

"Oh! My son is in love! Who's the lucky girl?"

She asked.

"Someone who saw me when no one else did.














Her name is Alaia Park, mom. My one and only love."

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