Lost Soul, Now Found

By WWESpongefan

810 36 1

So much going on here. First there's Bray's Sister Abigail coming back to life and finding love with Luke Har... More

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 1)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 2)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 3)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 4)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 5)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 6)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 7)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 8)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 9)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 11)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 12)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 13)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 14)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 15)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 16)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 17)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 18)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 19)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 20)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 21)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 22)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 23)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 24)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 25)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 26)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 27)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 28)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 29)
Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 30)

Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 10)

32 1 0
By WWESpongefan

Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Ten

It had been an interesting twenty four hours for Abigai, the people that she grew up believing were her parents had left her in a mental hospital. It took one painful shock in her head to trigger her memories. She realized who she really was, at first she had grown up as a wrestling fan and just felt connected to Bray. As it would turn out, as she regained her memories she remembered that Bray really was her brother. Bray had promised her that they would see each other again, and he kept his promise. Not only did he show up to see her, but he got her out of the mental hospital that her "parents" had left her in. Bray had brought her home, Luke, Erick, and Braun were all her friends growing up, what surprised her is that Bray had been letting them live there.

At first not everyone was happy to see her. Luke was still having a hard time believing that she was Abigail. He wasn't as spiritual as the rest and also didn't believe that she was Abigail because of her age. He didn't mean to upset her, he had apologized once he saw her again. Abigail felt like there was more to Luke now than when they were kids. Luke had apologized for upsetting her and told her that he would like to start over. He had talked to her more than the night before on the porch. He seemed to be hiding something from Bray and the others. She told him that they could keep things between them, but he wouldn't say much of anything else. She hoped that in time Luke would come to trust her again and talk to her more. He seemed broken inside and Abigail wanted to do whatever she could to fix him. She had wondered if at some point Luke started hating her because their last encounter in her past life wasn't pleasant.

They would start traveling with WWE again. Abigail felt touched that even after fifteen years, Bray had left her room the way she remembered it. To everyone else, her room was almost like sacred ground, no one else was allowed in her room. Bray always had hope that one day she would be returning, he was the most spiritual out of the group and believed in life after death. Bray never let anyone in Abigail's room because he thought, if anyone messed with anything in her room, it would bring shame to her memory, she would want everything to be right where she left it. Abigail went upstairs to her room to look through her clothes. One thing that Abigail was concerned about was if her clothes from her past life would fit her new body. She tried on a few outfits and was pleased that they still fit. Most people in society would think that her clothes were outdated, but of course Abigail never really cared about what people in society thought about her, not even in her past life. Once they all had clothes packed for several weeks, they loaded up their vehicles and hit the road. Braun and Erick would travel together while Luke traveled with Bray and Abigail. Abigail was the first one to start a conversation.

"So I know Bray has always wanted to get into wrestling, but what about you Luke? What made you want to get into it?"

"I would watch wrestling in my spare time after work. It interest me, and I grew tired of my old job. I was always the first to show up and the last to leave, I worked hard and came home feeling tired and under appreciated. I worked at that furniture factory for two years. I actually enjoyed making things out of wood as a young boy."

Abigail actually knew that, she just wanted to hear Luke talk. Even as well as Luke and Bray knew each other, even Bray didn't know this story. They listened as Luke continued to talk.

"I actually had a lot of experience from making things out of wood. My boss is an educated man, he thought I was dumber than a pile of rocks. I actually showed a lot of other employees how to do things. I would show them until I thought they understood, then I went over to start something new. My boss would walk by and I would over hear the new guys taking credit for my work, then my boss would look over at me and see me starting something new and thought that I was being too slow when I had actually done more work than anyone that worked there. Who do you think got promoted?... The guys that looked smarter than me and the guys that took credit for my work. As these guys were being promoted and paid more. I was always stuck doing the same thing and I would over hear my boss and the guys that were promoted talk about how slow I was and they insulted my intelligence."

Bray interrupted briefly.

"See this is what I keep saying. You break your backs trying to earn a little bit of cash to survive day to day life."

"Finally I had enough and walked out. I was so frustrated, I wanted to take my anger out on something. Bray and I started tagging together in NXT. It took several years of wrestling about the world, but finally WWE noticed me. They noticed my power and of course Vince was impressed with me being a bigger guy. Everyone knows Vince likes bigger guys to be champions, but it wasn't long before I joined Bray. Erick and Braun eventually made their way to WWE. I hate to say it, but Erick and Braun do not have the same amount of skill as me and Bray."

Bray silently nodded his head in agreement. Braun and Erick both wore the sheep masks and were possibly kept around in WWE just to help Bray. None of them would say any of this to Erick and Braun. They had always been like brothers and would surely be upset if they found out about this conversation. They didn't really have much farther to go and they all stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Once they arrived at the arena Abigail went with Bray to WWE creative, they would pretty much let Bray do what he wanted, Bray wanted to introduce the world to Sister Abigail. Finally five minutes before they went on Abigail started feeling nervous.

"After growing up in a new life, in a new body, being here with you is something I've always wanted. I'm excited, but I'm kind of nervous too. How do you deal with nerves Bray?"

"First of all you don't let anyone know. Don't let it show. For me, I always just made it look like I was angry with the world. If you show that you are angry with the world, no one will suspect that you are nervous."

Abigail could hear the roar of the crowd outside. Bray could tell that Abigail was nervous and brought her in for a hug.

"Do you think you can do this Abigail?"

"I'll get through it."

"If you get lost, just at me or Luke and we will take over for you."

"I actually don't have to say anything tonight... Creative said I would actually be introduced next week. All I have to do is run in as a distraction and help you guys beat Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. I'm really excited."

"I know. When it gets close to the end of the match, the lights will go off, you will come out to the ring and knock either Dean or Roman off the ring apron when they are about to tag."

"Ok. I'll be ready."

Abigail watched as The Wyatt Family went out to the ring and the match began. It was a back and forth match, most of the time in a match where Dean and Roman were tagging, Dean would always tag Roman for the hot tag. Tonight things were different. Roman was in the ring for most of the match and was about to tag Dean in. The lights went off and that was Abigail's cue. She ran down to the ring as fast as she could. The lights were out for a few seconds and no one really understood why. Abigail went up to Dean and tripped him up by his legs and he fell off the ring apron. Dean fell to the floor and grabbed at his knee. The lights came back on, some in the crowd cheered and some booed. Roman could see that Dean was on the ground in pain. He was going to check on him when Bray turned Roman around and quickly hit him with Sister Abigail to win the match.. Once again some of the crowd cheered while others booed as Abigail joined him in the ring. Bray laughed as he put his hand around Abigail's shoulder. He grabbed a mic and spoke to the crowd.

"I knew she would join us... I knew she would join us eventually. She has finally gained enough power and is walking with us again my brothers. If you have paid attention and listened to the stories than this woman needs no introduction. Sister Abigail... has returned to us."

Bray put the mic down, laughed again as he held out his hands, looked up and said his usual follow the buzzards before the lights went out. Once the lights came back on, you could still see Dean on the outside of the ring in pain and Roman laying in the middle of the ring, but the Wyatt Family was gone. At the time Dean was upset that someone had interfered in his match, but he was more curious and wanted to know more about this Sister Abigail. Backstage after the show The Wyatt Family and other WWE talent we're welcoming Abigail and telling her how well she did for her debut, how she fit right in, and how no one say it coming. She would definitely be the talk of the WWE Universe for the week.

Abigail enjoyed traveling with Bray and the rest of The Wyatt Family, but what she really wanted was more time to talk to Luke. The next week things were a little different. Abigail had a certain outfit that she had to wear to look the part of Sister Abigail. She went to the Women's locker room while the guys were getting ready in the Men's locker room. It didn't really take long for her to get ready and she was ready before everyone else. As she was leaving the locker room, the door bumped into someone. This got a reaction from whoever it was that was hit by the door.

"Hey! Watch it."

Abigail was quick to apologize.

"Oh I'm sorry I..."

Abigail stopped when she realized that she had bumped into Dean Ambrose. Dean smirked at her.

"I see you're at a loss for words... Yeah, I have that affect on women. Oh... Now I recognize you... So it was you that attacked me last week."

"Hey. Don't take it personally..."

"So... You're the famous Sister Abigail that Bray is always talking about. I've never seen you before... Are you new?"

Dean had a smirk on his face, he was eyeing her up and down, he liked what he was seeing, Abigail felt slightly uncomfortable about this.

"Um... New to WWE television."

"Interesting... You know what I think? I think... You should ditch the Beverly Hillbillies, and let a real man show you how to have a good time. Usually I would hold a grudge against anyone that cost me my match, but uh..."

Abigail felt uncomfortable about how close Dean had suddenly got. He put his hands on the wall, one to the right of her head, and one to the left of her head. Abigail didn't really have anywhere to go now. Dean finished what he was going to say.

"How about we go somewhere private for a few minutes... And even the score... If you know what I mean."

Abigail was disgusted, but mostly afraid, she didn't really know what to do. She still tried to remain calm and respond back.

"Um... No...Sorry Dean... I'm not really that kind of girl."

The expression on Dean's face got darker as he leaned in closer, his breath going down her neck.

"I don't think you understand... I wasn't really asking."

Suddenly Abigail started to freak out as the memory just before her death flashed through her head. Luckily, someone showed up and over heard what was going on. Luke had finished getting ready first and came out of the men's locker room. He saw the way Abigail saw standing, trapped there with Dean and knew she felt uncomfortable. He could also hear the things that were being said between the two and knew that he needed to step in. He yelled, getting Dean's attention as he started walking their way.

"Hey! Is there a problem here Ambrose?"

Dean backed off from Abigail once he knew they weren't alone anymore. He still smirked and looked at her.

"No... No problem at all. Just getting to know the new girl... Sister Abigail."

Luke still walked closer as Dean backed away.

"You have no business here boy... Stay away from Abigail...Renee is down the hall on your right."

Dean didn't really have the same smug attitude anymore, he stormed off knowing that he wouldn't get what he wanted. He just thought to himself.

"What the hell?! Someone actually told me no?! Nobody... Says no to Dean Ambrose. Maybe not today... But someday... I will have you."

Abigail instantly felt relieved once Dean was gone and surprised Luke when she hugged him.

"Thank you Luke."

Bray and the others came out and were confused by what they were seeing.

"What was that about?"

Abigail let go of Luke as he responded.

"Ambrose... Got a little too "friendly" and made her uncomfortable."

Abigail spoke up now.

"I'm ok... Thanks... It's no big deal. We should just forget about this and move on. We need to be getting to the entrance area."

Abigail didn't want any trouble getting started, she just wanted all of them to move on. They all agreed and made their way to the entrance area. Luke and Bray both exchanged looks of concern with each other. For Abigail's safety, something may need to be done about Dean Ambrose.

(To be continued. I hope that everyone enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading. Review.)

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