~Alpha Blind My Emotions (Boy...

By Deprivedtears

73.8K 683 130

[Notice: This story is an actual rough draft from when I was younger. There are lots of mistakes in here...]... More

Chapter 2 *Triple Everything, Or Falter*
Chapter 3 -What Now?-
Chapter 4: [Answer Me!]
Chapter 5: (Nothing Never Remains, Does It?)
Chapter 6: _Let's Get This Over With_
Chapter 7) Call Me Whatever, Alright?(
Chapter 8 _Sweet Welcoming, But Not Usual_
Chapter 9 "Nice To Me-Nah I Hate You!"
Chapter 10 Xx Drama Clubs, Are Fun? xX
Chapter 11 /Amuse Us All/
Chapter 12 -Generated Blown Fuse-
Chapter 13 [Classified, But Never A Lie]
Chapter 14 # Time For You Only#
Chapter 15 'Complete Me'
Chapter 16 • Love Me, Or Use Me•
Chapter 17 (Decievable Allies?)
Chapter 18 +Crashing Truth Hurts, Right?+
Chapter 19: Never Follow My Footsteps
Chapter 20-Perfectly Gone
Chapter 21-Get Lost-
Chapter 22-Lick Away That Past-
Chapter 23-Facing Them Ahead-
Chapter 24: Time Shouldn't Beg For Patience It Doesn't Deserve
Chapter 25: No Storm, Just An Unrelaxing Calm
Chapter 26: Clever Alpha

Chapter 1 *Cancel That*

17.9K 110 9
By Deprivedtears

(There is a rewritten version of this one that'll have more of a plot line and a twist. It's called "Contort My Breathless Vision, I Dare You".)

I dedicated it to her, because she wanted me to make a boyxboy werewolf story. So enjoy. :D

© All rights reserved 2012. Everything in this story belongs to DeprivedTears.


Chapter 1 *Cancel That*


The misty fog covered up the entire road, masking everything else far out of my sight. View. When I was ten, and thirteen I would be so terrfied that I had to hide behind my sweet, caring older brother. Merlin. But not now, it'll never be that way again. I clenched the black steering-wheel tightly, and I felt that anger creeping back up again.

To stop myself from loosing concentration, I took a deep breath to calm my trembling body. I kept my gaze straight ahead, the last thing I need to do. Is get into another pointless wreck, accident. Making sure that no headlights were coming my way, or behind me; I switched lanes. I knew this road by heart.

Why did I choose to leave at night anyways? Sighing, I turned up the volume to my radio. Hopefully some songs would get my mind to stop itself from thinking way too much.

Song after song played soothing me, and easing my agitating mind. Before I knew it, I was back in the city I had grew up in. Two years ago, I had left this place with Merlin. It was difficult for either of us to let each other go. Ever since I was born, we couldn't be separated without throwing a huge dramatic tantrum because of that. So our parents made sure that we went everywhere together, he was the big brother.

Others wished and dreamed for. I was just lucky to have him. Despite my folks better judgement, or insane happiness. He had me move in with him, he has always been a big softy. The most sensitive one compared to me, I knew that this year was gonna be extremely difficult without him. But I guess, I'll manage. Or at least try too. I think I came back here, so I could just face my-"Ring!", "Ring!!", I held the steering wheel with my left hand only. And used my right to fish out my Black-Blackberry cellphone out of my dark blue jean's pocket. Then I quickly unlocked it, before answering it. "Hello?", I asked slightly breathless.

"Kemie! Why did you leave?!! You didn't have too!!", Merlin cried making penitent wash over me. My smokey-gray emerald green eyes had welded up with hot fresh tears. Waiting to spill, and saddness wanted to conquer my emotions. I knew I couldn't let it. I need to be STRONG. "I know, Mer. But I have to go back, I need to see little Jam, and stubborn Joseph", I muttured Joseph's name in a bitter tone.

His happy-filled laughter had me smiling like a maniac. Ah. He has finally gotten over it. That is typical Merlin.

"Yep. He is the stubborn one, just behave and be careful when travelling. Kem", I nodded my head in comprehension.

"I will Merlin. Can I speak to Caile?", Merlin let out a fake annoyed sigh. That guilt tripper.

I heard the phone being passed over "Hey, man. How's your trip going so far?", I smiled at least he gets me. I think.

"It is going well. Just don't tell Merlin about the huge creepy fog", right on que I heard Merlin shriek.

"Fog?! Pull over right now, Kemie!! I demand you too!! Caile, hurry up!! We need to go help my Kemie!!", Merlin was over exaggerating again.

"Caile, can you keep him safe? And don't let him come, I'll be fine. I will call, when I get home".

"I sure will, Kem. It will be difficult doing that task, but I will win. And I will tell him, goodbye".

"Bye", I quickly hung up my phone. Before setting it down on the cup holder that's below the radio, and a/c control. Okay, I probably need another hour on the road until I finally get there. Patience isn't me, but this time I gotta do it. Unless I want to be stuck here for awhile...No. I will not do that.

Bright red and blue lights flashed from behind me, this is just great! That police siren sung its song mocking me, and hissing that I'm gonna get it now. Was I speeding? I guess there is one way to find out. Without hesitating, I pulled over to the side of the road smoothly. Then I put my hands on the wheel, it didn't take him long to approach me.

He had on a dark blue button-up shirt tucked into his dark blue kahki pants. A police badge was on the left side of his chest. His light brown eyes starred at me in wonder, his jet black hair was put up into spikes. He didn't look an age over thirty, probably a beginner. Rookie of some sort. "Do you know why you were pulled over?", here it goes.

"No, officer. But I will take any punishment for the law, I accidentally broke", I spoke truthfully. He barked out in laughter, what is going on?

"You're alright, kid. Maybe you want to follow me over to Fells' Dinner. Because this fog can cause many wrecks, I'd hate for you to be one of them", how thoughtful?

"Thanks, officer", he nodded. Spun around on his heels, waltzed over to his police car. Got in, drove in front of me. I started my engine, and followed him. Other than him pulling me over, he looked rather very familar. Where, though? He reminds me of someone.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that we were already here. There was no mist here but all around it, wierd.

Many teenagers were hanging out in the parking-lot just chatting. Others were sitting in the Diner getting cozy with their boyfriend/girlfriend. About three females and males skated around the parking-lot giving out orders. The girls wore a bright silver button-up shirt, with black knee-length skirts, and had white ribbons either tied into a bow. In their hair, or wrists.

Now the males wore black silky button-up shorts, light gray pants, and there was a white and black tie placed loosely around their necks. Never would I have expected that. Oh well.

Fells' Diner was painted a dark black color, with japenese colored creamy white fishes. The name was in bright gray colors flashing to a hot pink. Nothing from the outside could compare to the inside, I shutted off the engine. And got out of my black Dodge Challenger SRT8 that has dark blue flames, with creamy white tips at its ends. I slammed the car door shut behind me, and waltzed over towards the entrance of the Diner.

Many of them were starring at me, I just shrugged off their annoying nosy-stares. Damn teens. One of the female workers stepped aside, and I knew that she was checking me out. I smirked at her, but never looked her way again.

In the inside all of the booths had red comfy seats, and the tables in the middle were pitched black, the tiles were a mixture of white and gray. There was red streamers hanging from off of the hot pink cieling, and I could see that there was some sort of black cursive letter quote up there. It says "Others can treat us terribly, but we're not like them. Those monsters, who want to decieve others. We'll be not most confident, but ri-"Hey, man!!", hearing that familiar deep musciline voice. I jerked my head to the left to see none other than Joseph himself.

Ah, my big stubborn older brother whom loathes me. We meet again, after two whole great years. His ashe-blonde shaggy hair was a mess like he had just got out of bed, his sky blue-chocolate brown eyes held nothing but amusement in them. He still had that lightly tanned square-shaped face, it seems that he has a five o'clock shadow too. A slightly crooked nose, (I do recall when that had happened), and hot pink lips. Joseph seemed to choose the badass attire now. Hmmm...I should've guessed that he'd do that. He shrugged off his black leather jacket, and tossed it to one of his buddies. Who caught it easily. So he has a follower too.

He had on a black t-shirt, with baggy black jeans, and black steel-toe boots. He grew about two feet, now he's 6ft. 2 in. No longer scrawny, but muscular. Hopefully, he didn't get into Jam's head. Lets hope that he never did. If so-I clenched my fists tightly together. Just because he never knew me, it doesn't mean that he could-Never mind! I will show Jam the right way.

"May I take your order, sir?", I glanced to my right. To see a pretty waitress with brunette wavy shoulder length hair, her eyes are a beautiful hazel green color. She's slim, but kind of tall like 5ft. 4 in. So pretty, but should and could be a model. Jealous females would call her average, but that is them.

For a matter of fact, I knew that she wasn't idiotic like the rest.

Leaning closer to her, I noticed how she stumbled back. Cute, she's shy. We'd be great friends. "I will take whatever you suggest", I flashed her my rare friendly smile. She opened up her mouth to probably protest "Don't second think it. Just do, and before you go. I handed her my phone, I want your number", her cheeks became rosy red. Awe. She is embarrassed.

"O-Okay. My name is, Sandie. I will be back with your specail order", she quickly scurried off. So adorable. Feeling a heated glare on me, had me looking straight forward to see Joseph glarring daggers at me. But when Sandie talked to him, his eyes had softened. Who knew it? He is not a complete asshole afrer all. I adverted my gaze to my fisted hands to see them resting on a black table. When did I get in here?

"Why are you hitting on my girl!", Joseph hissed. Making me smirk in a taunting manor.

"She's not a toy, besides Sandie would've told me that you two were together", I looked up to meet his narrowed eyes. "Aren't I right?"

He yanked me out of the booth, and chunked me towards the check-out. I bit my tongue to stop myself from grunting in anguish. Oh, he's gonna get it. I hopped back up to my feet "Are you sure that you want to do this?", he answered with swinging his right fist at me.

Very easily I blocked his hit with my left arm, then I shoved him back. Before bringing up my left leg, and knocking him right in his chin. Joseph went crashing into the booth that I was in moments ago. His followers tried to help him, but he shoved them away with his hands. So stubborn. He got back on his feet and charged at me, I slid over to my left. So he could collide into the check-out.

I ruffled my dark bluish-jet black raven, shaggy hair that has silver tips at the ends. In mere frustration. I took one step towards him "Are you finished?", he got me right in my left eye.

Instinctively, I clutched onto his left hand's wrist. Joseph struggled to get out of my grasp, then I yanked him forward. Quickly pulled my right fist back, and hit him square in his nose once again. He yelped. I let him go like he was nothing. "You son of a b-".

"Is that a way to treat your little brother, Joseph?", I rudely cut him off. His eyes had widened.

" You cannot be him!!", he hopped back onto his feet. "He vowed to never speak to me again!"

"Trust me. I still don't, after all. No one is better in the end. Nice seeing you again, it has been two long years", clutching onto his bloody nose. He had to ask.

"Why did you come back anyways?!", my eyes hardened.

"It is none of your DAMN buisness!!", I barked back. One of his followers shoved me back, and using my left foot. I quickly put it behind his left foot, then I tugged him forward. Ducked, making him fly over me. "Crash!", and girls screaming came after it. These dumba-Another fist other than Joseph's aimed itself towards my face, I held my left hand flat, and slapped him hard on his ear. Grabbed the back of his head with my right, than I banged his head against the creamy white counter. He cried as I dropped him onto the ground. Staying silent, I called Joseph's buddies with my eyes. Challenging them, and saying if they want to be stupid. To come cross me again. Just then another one had chose to step forward "Bang!", a twelve gage shotgun ws shot. "Take one step towards that boy, and I will shoot you!", an elder bellowed in anger.

All of us looked to the old man that looked about sixty. He also wore a uniform, but his name tag said Fells. No way. The owner?

"You punks listen up! This is a family fued! If Joseph is too much of a chicken to fight his own battles. Then that's his problem! I own this place! And if you damn punks want to play unfun, then my nephews will take his side. But nor here! So either Joesph and his sibling rumble by themselves! Or Joseph and his gang get the hell out of here!!", Joseph brought his left hand towards me. On impulse, I spun on my heels, and caught his head in a tight head-lock.

That old man laughed "You need to learn a few moves from him, Joseph".

"Let me go!", I held onto him tighter. This is as close to a brotherly hug I'll ever get.

"Stop trying to come at me. I am tired of you!", I bellowed, before dropping him onto the tiled floor.

Huffing, he struggle to get back on his feet, and when he did. He screamed these words at me. "So why come back?! No one wants you here, mom and dad don't want you. Either!", I' m not gonna lie. His words pierced me straight into my heart, cracking it. Splitting it into too.

"It wasn't for you, or them! So get over it!!", he didn't seem satisfied with my answer.

"You are lieing! You missed us didn't you!", never.

"Whatever!", as I was about to walk out. He shoved me against the check-out counter.

"Tell me?!"

"Why?! Huh! You were never there for me, anyways! So why come back to you! Oh, and Merlin said, Hi! Now are we finished here?!", he clenched his jaw, before stepping out of my way.

"Never are we, little brother", I shook my head at him. I used to cry, when he stole my friends and made them ditch me. Make fun of me. But now. These tears never come, when he is the one trying to cause it. I'm immune to his blows, but my heart never will be. I ache in the inside, always. Life made me strong on the outside. Am I an idiot for wanting to take a bullet for him? Even if he was asking for it?

Furious, I opened up my car door, and hopped in. "Hey!", Sandie bellowed just as I had started my challenger.

Like the gentlenan I was, I waited for her. She knocked on my window, making me lower it down. Smiling at her I spoke "Hi, oh and here", I slipped fifty into her hands. Dumbfounded, she stuttered these words to me.

"H-Here is your cellphone", she leaned in and kissed me on my forehead. "Thanks for showing, Joseph. Please call me, when you need anything", I gladly took my phone from her. Smirking evilly I said.

"Anything, hmmm?", she started to blush. Her words came out stammered, making me laugh.

"Don't worry. I know what you mean. You should give Joseph a chance, though. Well after befriending me first", she hung her mouth open in shock. I saluted her goodbye, before burning out of the parking-lot. Smoke was left at my wake.

Steam needs to be burned off!! Slowly the mist started to disappear as I raced through the night. A loud whimper from inside of the forest, had me slamming my brakes. Making an illegal U-turn, before driving straight through the forest.

Tearing up nature, I floured it. Going who knows where. Why am I even doing this? Not even I could answer that question. Maybe I finally lost my mind!! A huge black blur, had me come to an abrupt stop, then I hopped out my challenger. Sprinted through this dimly lit forest. "Howl!", my heart ached hearing that wolf. It let out a sorrow cry. I felt another pang, sting in my chest.

My breath got caught in my throat at the sight in front of me. There stood a six foot tall sky-blue werewolf, with snow white paws, a black circle on his left eye. Light gray tips on his ears, but his eyes. They were this stormy honey-brown color. 'Run you idiot!', my conscionce hissed at me. Run? How could I?


N-No! I want to stay, not go. So, oh so. Unconsciously, my feet had carried me forward, it let out a low whimper. "Don't cry", I softly muttered. Adoring it, I took another step forward.

Hearing twigs snap, I looked to my left. To see a dark gray wolf that has a huge black spot on it, and it charged forward. Towards- "Never!", I cried as I got in between the two werewolf's. Not him!


So what do you think about the werewolf story?

Shall, I continue? :D

Thanks for reading it! XD


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