To Be A Princess (court life)

By DylanOwhyareyousofab

341K 10.2K 879

Rosalind was not your regular lady. She did not wish for marriage, or money, she only wished to be free to t... More

1- Lady Rose
2- Scoldings and Servants
3- Presents and the Palace
4- Accepting fate
5- Arriving at the Castle
6- Devishly Handsome Footmen
7- Stableboy
8- Court Life
9- New Maid
10- Thoughts.
11- Monsters and Beasts
12- The Kitchens
13- The Girl In The Dress
14- First Goodbyes
15- The Royal Masquerade
16- Prince Stableboy
17- Apology
18- The Archer and The Queen
19- Step One: James
20- Step Two: Prince learns to cook
21- Step Three: Blacksmith, Black Eyes
22- And the Clock Strikes Midnight
23- Step Four: Secret Room
24- A Royal Suprise
Part 2
2.1- Wife and Strife
2.2- will you marry me?
15 years later...
IMPORTANT (but like not really)

25- Sorry is the Second Sweetest Word

7.6K 265 8
By DylanOwhyareyousofab

What was I supposed to do? An apology? I was not prepared for this. I'm not going to lie, I didn't think to highly of Theo when it came to not being a stuck up brat. So for him to accept that he is not a god incapable of mistake is truly shocking.

I stood, my mouth agape and my stance shaky.

"Of course," he mumbled, embarrassed. "You shouldn't forgive me, I apologise, I shall leave you now." He got up and stumbled out of the room, crashing into a pile of pots and then cursing before limping away.

My mind and logic was telling me to let him walk away. He did not deserve my forgiveness, and if I gave it to him, he might just break my happiness again.
But the other side of me, my heart, it was telling me something else. There was something about this boy. Something so ridiculously and unbelievably captivating that I could not resist the urge to have a taste of. Something so tempting and addictive that after one small glimpse I've fallen and never want to leave.

There was simply something about him.

"Wait!" I called.

He waited.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for saying those nasty things about you at the masquerade. I'm sorry for being so cold to you at archery when all you wanted was to apologise. I'm sorry for being rude and selfish and unbelievably stupid these past two weeks."  I blubbered.

Silence hug in the room like a foul smell.

"Well, I mean... You've been stupid your entire life, not just these past two weeks." He smirked and I punched him in the bicep. Life began to feel exactly like it did just days ago. I laughed.

"Wait, the surprise is just beginning!" Theo explained and ran off and out of the room.

I followed and we arrive in front of the apple cellar door. "After you, milady." Theo bowed and extended his hand. I placed my hand on his... palm to palm, finger tip to finger tip, and I felt tingles run down my spine. I shuddered at the sensation.

We descended the staircase and came across the cellar room, but today, the cupboard was not covering the passage way, instead the door was left bare and exposed. I began to feel intrigued yet also excited.

We entered the corridor and I followed Theo as he walked straight past the costume room.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

We continued until we reached the hole in the wall that lead to that secret, old, dusty room. Theo climbed through the hole and I obliged to follow him. I entered the room and glanced around, before exclaiming an audible gasp from my lips as I took in the splendour.

"Woah, what happened here?" I muttered in astonishment.
"I cleaned it myself." A proud Theo stood, smiling and improving his posture, puffing out his chest with a sense of accomplishment.
"You did this, all by yourself?"

Theo. Prince Adrian Theobald. Cleaning. Cleaning? I had never heard of such a thing. I was shocked. Impressed. Slightly amused.

"Well, of course... Elizabeth did help me." He mumbled quietly, his head down before bursting up again, eyes ablaze with excitement. "But, what I did do... ALL by myself, is this." He announced, flourishing his hand as he raised the silver dish on the coffee table, only to reveal a stack of scrumptious looking pancakes. My mouth watered at the sight.

"You made these?" I gasped.
"Yes, all by myself. They are for you, as a peace offering."
I laughed. "If you made them, I'm afraid to eat them. I might die of food poisoning."
"Shut up, as if you could do any better?"
"Gasp, how dare you address a lady of my standing with such profound language?" I mocked.
"Please accept my humblest apologies, your ladyship." He bowed and we both began to giggle.
"Shut up." I smirked.

"I have another thing for you." Theo smiled, taking from behind his jacket a velvet bag and handing it to me. I opened the package curiously, only to find the most gorgeous necklace I had ever seen in my life.

"I cannot accept this. It is too much." I stuttered, handing the necklace back to him.

"Don't be silly, I made this myself too. Unlike the other one you refused to accept because I was being a prick."


*two hours later*

"Check mate!" I shouted, my brain buzzing slightly from the fine wine I had been drinking all night.
"You got me again! Damn." Theo giggled, the bubbles of the champagne clearly affecting his mood.
I laughed foolishly before hiccuping, spluttering and rolling on the floor.

"Come catch me Theeeeoooooo!" He laughed and stood up, tripping over himself as he did so.
I guess you could say we are a bit tipsy. Not drunk, heavens no, just tipsy. Okay, so we were drunk.

"Sorry is the sweetest word, don't you believe." I blubbered out for no apparent reason.
Theo turned silent, as if thinking, before replying.

"I believe it comes a close second. For no word can compare to 'love'."



I have decided to split the story into two parts. So now the next part is on its way. Literally, on the next page. Hope you enjoyed this cute moment with Theo and Rose. Awwwwwww

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