My Time With Rammstein (On Ho...

By Morgenstern

22.3K 523 370

Fresh out of culinary school, Mikaila moved to Germany to study further. After a while it was apparent she ne... More

My Time With Rammstein
A Tour Miss?
A Free Day
Full House
Chapter 5 - Awkward interactions part 1
Chapter 5 - Awkward Interactions Part 2
How About a Hike?
Tequila Nights
Chapter 10 - Camping!
The Sad Parting...
Sorry about that.

Horses, Horses, Horses.... Ding-a-ling-a-ling!

1.5K 45 27
By Morgenstern

Chapter 9 - Horses, Horses, Horses... Ding-a-ling-a-ling!

Mikaila woke up to her alarm and sat up groggily, she went and shut off the music and remembered that Bruno had offered to make breakfast. So she crawled back into bed opting to sleep for another hour.

Eventually she woke up and padded into the bathroom and to her closet. She threw on her favorite jeans and an old T-shirt  before putting on light makeup and putting her hair up in a bumper bang and ponytail. Walking out of her room and heading towards the kitchen, her thoughts were lost until she heard the familiar sound of a horse’s hooves clip clopping across concrete.

Wondering what on earth it was Mikaila wandered out onto the back porch. What she saw caused her eyes to about bug out of her head and her jaw to drop. A man was leading a beautiful painted mare across the patio towards the back lawn. The man was old, his face and skin had a leathery look to them and he moved like a timeworn farmer. He had to at least be in his seventies. Mikaila smiled to herself upon inspection of the old man and his friendly demeanor.

“Mikaila!” she was startled out of her thoughts and turned to see Bruno leading a second horse across the patio. A big grey Belgian horse with a spotted grey and black mane. Mikaila was in shock, and in love at first sight. Bruno smiled and led the horse towards the porch, “Guten morgen, how are you feeling?” he was grinning as Mikaila took the few steps down to the concrete to where Bruno held fast to the reins of the beautiful creature. She approached slowly allowing the horse to get used to her presence and smell before she reached up and ran her hand down his strong neck.

“He’s beautiful,” she said a grin spreading across her face.

“I’m glad you think so,” Bruno half laughed, “His name is Mondstein, It means Moon Stone.” He informed her as she ran her hands through his mane.

“How appropriate,” said gazing at the beautiful beast in complete happiness.

“Where did they come from?”

“Oh an old friend owed me a favor,” he grinned, “Thought they’d make you feel better, a little more at home.”

“Oh Bruno, I don’t know what to say or how to thank you,” she turned her gaze away from Mondstein to look at Bruno.

“Well, you could-”

“Was ist das?!” he was interrupted by a surprised Paul who’d just come out on the porch.

“Paul! Aren’t they gorgeous?”

“Ja, but where did they come from?”

“That would be my doing, sorry Paul I should have told you, I thought we could go riding today is all,” he was talking to Paul but continued to watch Mikaila.

“Huh, sounds good, I’ll get the others.” Paul turned back into the house.

“Ah! You must be Mikaila, I’ve heard a bit about you,” the Old man approached Mikaila winking at Bruno as he said this.

“Oh, uh, hi nice to meet you.. uhm..”

“Bernard, just call me Bernard,” the old man said in a very thick accent, as though he hadn’t been speaking English long, or at least hadn’t very often.

“Bernard,” She smiled kindly shaking his hand.

“Ja, Bernard here has been a good friend for many many years,” Bruno said sharing a kind look with Bernard.

“They are both so beautiful,” Mikaila gushed,

“Oh there are a few more in the trailer out front,” he grinned widely,

“Would you like to see them?”

“Oh I’d love to!”

Mikaila ran towards the front of the house while Bernard and Bruno laughed. Bruno went to tie Mondstein to a post in the yard and Bernard accompanied him.

“Sie ist wunderschön, Bruno” Bernard chuckled.

“Ja, I know that, trust me,” Bruno replied smiling himself,

“And she’s not too terribly young for you,” Bernard continued in German, teasing Bruno.

“Not quite, however I think she has a few other admirers and admires a few others herself,” Bruno pointed out trying to hide the disappointment in his voice by putting false laughter in his voice.

“Oh come now my friend. No need to speak like that,” Bernard spoke encouragingly patting Bruno on the back as they continued toward the front of the house. They rounded the corner to see everyone gathered around the horse trailer. Till and Schneider on either side of Mikaila as she tip toed to see the horses inside.

“Can you see alright Mikaila?” Till asked her smiling at her efforts to make herself taller.

“Huh? Oh well, kinda,” she laughed,

“Here,” Before she knew it Till had picked her up by the waist and held her up so she could see perfectly fine. She squealed a little at first because she was so surprised then began laughing. Till hugged her waist but leaned so that she was against the trailer also for balance and support. Mikaila was now a Till and horse trailer sandwich. Her heart fluttered and she was a nervous wreck because of the contact with Till. This was not a situation she had ever pictured herself in. Though the butterflies in her stomach remained she turned her thoughts to the beautiful horses in the trailer, all Belgians. Big work horses but all seemed of perfect temperament to ride, Mikaila reached in one of the windows to pet a big  red roan. He eyed her suspiciously for a moment but then curiosity and the small space got the better of him and he willingly sniffed her palm before gladly allowing her to stroke his nose.

Till on the other hand was enjoying himself completely, he reveled in the looks he received from the others, the dirty one Richard gave him he enjoyed most of all. He was normally a shy man, but she’d lived with them for quite some time now so that was no longer an issue, he would boldly go wherever he so choose, and right now he chose to become closer to Mikaila. He wouldn’t pressure anything of course. He’d let things happen as they would… though he’d give a few hints and nudges here and there.

The horse next to the red roan Mikaila had been petting whinnied and she laughed in surprise. She heard the others laugh as well, little did she know it wasn’t with her… It was at what they knew their good friend was doing.

“Well shall we take them out?” Bernard asked approaching Mikaila and Till,

Mikaila turned as Till put her down gently, her heart was fluttering like mad again and Till gave Bruno the mischievous grin he’s so good at.

“Oh yeah Bernard, that’d be wonderful, can I help?!” She said enthusiastically, the excitement glittering in her eyes. The old man patted her shoulder and led her around the back of the trailer.

“Natürlich liebling,” He smiled, “Lets all help shall we?” he called in German to the others. Everyone slowly moved behind the trailer, flashing grins between one another, and each lead a horse down the ramp and into the back yard.

There were seven horses altogether. Enough for all but one person.

“I apologise, Belgians are all I own, draft horses, to work the land. I am sorry I don’t have any of the ‘pretty breads’” Bernard apologized but gazed at each of the beasts with admiration.

“Oh no Bernard, they are beautiful, marvelous creatures, I prefer Clydesdales and Belgians to quarter horses and those other breads. Beast of power and muscle, I mean look at them!” Mikaila looked on them in amazement. She went over to Mondstein, the horse she had first seen and fallen in love with.

“Can I ride this one?!” She asked Bernardo with pleading eyes,

“Hahaha of course you can my dear! Whichever one you choose!”

Mikaila hugged the old man tightly, “Thanks you so so much for this!”

“Haha Bitte, but it wasn’t all me,” he nodded toward Bruno.

“Thanks Bruno! It means so much!” she ran and hugged him just as tight if not tighter, seeings as his frame was much more solid. He hugged her back lightly unsure as to what just happened. She slowly let go and scooted away bright red in the face, but Bruno gave a satisfied grin which everyone but her saw as she ran back to the horse.

“Well, lets all Pick now?” Schneider asked.

“Ja, ja!” Bernard answered waving his arms towards the horses, they all began choosing which one each liked best before mounting them. Mikaila was already trotting around the grass with hers she’d chosen. Bruno watched for a moment before heading back towards the house.

“Bruno? Where are you going?” Bernard called after him.

“Just inside there are only seven, I figured you’d be going Bernard,” Bruno answered a little confused..

“Oh no my friend, you must go, I am much too old for such adventures, I trust you completely to take care of my horses,” He smiled broadly,

“Are you sure?”

“Ja, of course I’m sure. Now go catch up,” he said making his way up the stairs, “Don’t want to let a mare like that be taken now do you,” Bruno assumed he’d meant the mare that was left, but the wink that Bernard gave him before patting him on the back and making his way to the chair on the porch told him otherwise.

“Yes sir, make yourself at home, there is water and other drinks in the fridge,” he smiled before heading towards the chestnut mare. He was mounted in a blink of an eye and joined the others who were stopped in a group watching as Mikaila lead Mondstein around the lawn, faster and faster each time, seeing just what the horse could do.

Laughing excitedly she finally noticed the others were ready.

“Lets go!” She yelled taking off down another path leading off the yard, different from the one she had taken with Till. It seemed a lot more wide and flat so the most suitable for such a parade for horses.. the other laughed following suit, Paul beating Till for the spot just after Mikaila, then Schneider, Richard, Ollie, and last but not least Bruno. Trotting after them laughing at the shouts and yells. He hadn’t seen the guys act like this in some time. But he enjoyed it.

They rode for a while allowing the horses to trot and simply walk her and there. After quite a while they came upon a lake. It was large and beautiful with a decently sized dock that reached what seemed to be pretty deep water. They all hopped off and led the horses to drink. Mikaila began rubbing Mondstein’s back and neck as he drank.

“It’s beautiful up here!” she enthused looking around. She took a deep breath in of the fresh air. She found a fallen log and sat on it, Till and Schneider following suit.

“This is so awesome, are you guys having fun?” She asked them slightly worried they weren’t enjoying it as much as she was.

“Oh ja!” Schneider said smiling, “We haven’t ridden in a long time right Till?”

“Ja,” Till agreed simply, smiling softly to back up his answer.

“Oh good,” Mikaila breathed out deeply, relieved.

They sat a while and then decided to head back. This time Till got right behind Mikaila, followed by Schneider, then Bruno, the others followed a bit later. A while into the ride Mikaila saw a path off too the right that branched off and came back a few hundred feet down the trail. She’d noticed the other end earlier on the way up.

She brought her horse into a gallop and sped down the side path the others unsuredly followed her matching her speed.

“Woohoo!” She yelled, suddenly there was a large fallen log in the path and with her reflexes kicking in she jumped it gracefully as she’d done so many times as a child. The others had slowed in time and went around. She looked back at them laughing and galloped on. She finally stopped where the trail met with the original and waited. A few moments later they caught up.

“Took ya’ll long enough!” she laughed,

“Well we aren’t all expert jumpers like you apparently are,” Till chuckled,

“Well I’ll take that as a compliment she grinned.

“That was impressive Mikaila, did you used to do show” Bruno asked genuinely,

“Haha, no I just loved riding and when it got boring I started jumping, no need to do it for a group of strangers,” they each gave her a ‘not bad’ sort of look before continuing on.

“You know what that reminded me of?” Mikaila asked thoughtfully looking back at Till and Schneider,

“Was?” Schneider asked.

“You’re second Du Riechst So Gut video, you know the one from ’98 with the girl on the horse, that’s what I like to think about when jumping,” she grinned looking back at them.. well she grinned until she realized what she’d just said… the look of surprise on their faces reminding her just who she was talking to.

“Was?” Schneider and Till asked almost in unison.

“Uh… Nothing? Haha nothing nevermind.. uh… race you back!” She yelled before taking off down the path home.

“Did she just?” Schneider started,

“Uhm… Ja I think she did,” Till answered,

“Do you think she looked us up after she got here….. Or knew who we were before?” Schneider contemplated

“Sounds like she knew before but I’m not sure,”

“Huh,” they both looked after her thoughtfully.

“Well no use standing here lets get home,” Bruno pointed out, taking the lead, Richard and Paul caught up soon after and they all trotted down the path towards home. They soon lost thought of that which Mikaila had said as they fell back into chatting as they normally did, about everything and nothing.


After Mikaila reached the house she almost couldn’t convince herself to get off of Mondstein, that he wasn’t hers to keep. She had fallen so in love with that beautiful horse. When she finally did, Bernard came over to help her cool the horse down. As they had just finished and Mikaila was tranquilly brushing him. The others reached the yard. She hadn’t realized just how fast she’d taken off and got back. The memory of what she had said flashed into her mind and caused her to blush greatly, to avoid everyone’s gazes and try to rid her mind of the thoughts she put more urgency and concentration into the brushing of the beautiful horse.


As they rounded the last few trees the guys all trotted into the yard and saw Bernard hanging the saddle and blanket on a lawn chair, and Mikaila herself brushing the horse that it had belonged to. Schneider thought she was trying to avoid looking at them but couldn’t be sure. Bernard slowly walked their way as they hopped off of their horses and lead them to where they could be hitched.

“How was your ride?” Bernard asked them all brightly.

 “Wunderbar!” Paul grinned walking towards Mikaila patting Bernard on the shoulder as he passed him.

“Ja! Es war schön, und… Enlightening,” Schneider winked at Mikaila who had looked over due to Paul’s approaching her. She blushed and turned her attention to Paul who was now next to her.

“Ah, und what does that mean?” Bernard asked glancing back at Mikaila then turning to Bruno.

“It was nothing, thank you so much Bernard for coming, it was, very kind of you,”

“Oh Bruno it was no problem,” Bernard smiled and gestured Bruno to follow him. With a slightly confused look Bruno walked with him away from the others.


Till had finished cooling his horse and began walking towards Mikaila and Paul, upon seeing him approaching she looked up, nervously said something to Paul and walked quickly toward and then into the house. Paul turned towards Till a little befuddled,

“Is she ok?” he asked in German,

“I’m not sure, I think she let something slip she didn’t meant too,” Till said thoughtfully.

“Did I miss something?” Paul asked, Till then explained what had happened on the trail before he and Richard had caught up.

“And that’s really bugging her?” Paul chuckled.

“Ja, apparently, I can’t imagine what else would be,”

“Well, maybe it’s the random out of the blue handlings she has been receiving from you lately,”

“What? I don’t know what you mean,” Till laughed, half smiling the way he’s done in many a photo shoot.

“Ja, you do, I mean the horse trailer?” Paul gave him a look like it was the most obvious thing in the world.. which.. let’s face it, it was.

“I was simply helping her see the horses,” Till defended half-heartedly, knowing he’d been caught, not that he was trying not to be.

“Oh ja, that’s all,” Paul mocked jokingly rolling his eyes.

“Where did she go?”

“Apparently to make lunch,”

“Sehr Gut, I’m starving,”


“Now Bruno, did you get what you wanted out of all this?” Bernard asked lightheartedly but had a serious look in his eye behind the smile he portrayed.

“Bernard?.. I’m not sure I know wha…”

“Oh yes you do. Come on boy, did you or not?”

Bruno thought for a moment, “Yes I did, she seems like she feels a lot better,”

“Yes and that’s all very well but did you get what you wanted?” Bernard pushed.

“I’m not sure yet. We’ll see though I suppose,” Bruno shrugged.

“Yes I suppose we will,”

“Thank you again Bernard, you’ve been a great help, she seems be happier a bit, from what I can tell,”

“You are more than welcome, I’m glad I could help, and though it is a bit of a drive I don’t mind coming down here if you need it,” Bernard smiled softly squeezing Bruno’s shoulder, Bruno gave him a kind look. Bernard had been a father figure to him for a good many years, and he appreciated all he’d done for him.

“Bruno!” Ollie called from near the porch.

“Ja?” Bruno called back squinting into the sunlight. Watching as everyone headed up the stairs

“Mikaila is nearly finished with lunch!”

“Be right in!” he called back, Ollie turned and followed the others into the house.

“Well, would you care to eat with us before you go? I can help you with the horses after lunch,” Bruno smiled turning back to Bernard.

“Oh, I don’t know..”

“You realize you have to otherwise Mikaila would be distraught,”

“Would she? Well in that case, can’t make a lovely young girl like that upset now can I?” Bernard chuckled with Bruno and together they made their way up to the house.


Everyone sat around the dining table eating and talking loudly as Mikaila scurried around making sure everyone was taken care of. When she was finally able to sit everyone had nearly finished eating, as she filled her plate she said,

“Thank you so much Bernard, today was so fun! I loved it!” she was grinning ear to ear, if there was any coldness at all in that old man’s heart (which is highly doubtful) it would have melted with her sincerity.

“You are most welcome Mikaila, and thank you for lunch, it is delicious,” he smiled just as warmly back,

“Oh its nothing,” she blushed, “It’s what I’m here for,”

“And we are all grateful for that!” Schneider laughed causing the others to cheer and chuckle in agreement. Mikaila turned red as a rose, the blush in her cheeks feeling hot enough it would burn to touch. She coughed slightly and stared down at her plate trying to make it so no one could see.

“Thank Bruno he’s the one who called me,” Bernard nodded towards Bruno who sat at the other end of the table across from Ollie. After looking back at Bernard from Bruno, Bernard gave Mikaila a small wink, so subtle she almost didn’t catch it, and in all honesty she kind of wished she hadn’t. Her cheeks lit aflame once again.

“Are you alright Mikaila? You seem as though you’ve been sunburned,” Paul asked with authentic concern in his voice and on his face.

“Oh uh, yeah I think I might have actually,” Mikaila accepted the excuse immediately, glad he had thought of it before anyone else said anything.

“I burn really easy, my skin is just so sensitive it’s crazy,” she informed him, taking it a few steps further. It wasn’t really a lie. She had very, very fair skin and did burn easily, even if that wasn’t the case at the moment. Mikaila then glanced at Bernard who chuckled softly a look in his eye that said he knew perfectly well what she was doing. Man this guy had good observation skills. Maybe it came with age.


After lunch they all helped Bernard load up the horses and sent him on his way. Apparently he had some errands to run before going home and needed to leave right away.

Back in the house it was just another lazy day, well for the guys it was. Mikaila ran around cleaning, doing laundry, vacuuming, hanging laundry, the works. While she was mopping up the kitchen Schneider came in and sat on a barstool and kept her company for a while. When she was just about to finish up Schneider asked her something she had been afraid of from the beginning.



“I’m going to ask you something and you need to be honest with me,”

Mikaila’s stomach dropped to her feet as he said this.

“y-yeah, ok” she stuttered.

“Did you have any idea who we were before you came here and met us?” he asked innocently and sweetly enough but Mikaila turned bright red as her heart now leapt to her throat.

“Uh, well…. The truth?” she glanced up from the floor to Schneider as he nodded.

“Well, yeah.. I guess so… a little bit…” she admitted, a bit embarrassed.

“Really? Just a little bit?”

“Well yeah, I mean you guys have good music, and some awesome videos, nothing wrong with that right?” she put false confidence in her voice trying to cover up her real feeling. Much to her surprise Schneider began laughing.. and rather hard at that.

“W-what?” she asked suddenly confused,

“Nothing, I just think its so funny you’ve been with us this long and haven’t said anything, and on top of that when we met pretended not to know who we were, it amazing really, not many girls your age would do that I can’t imagine,” he continued to laugh, his laughter softening. This time it was Mikaila’s turn to laugh and she did. He had a point. It was kind of silly for her to keep it in, but when someone has to deal with fans whenever they go out why would they want them to deal with them at home as well?

Besides.. Schneider had no idea just how big of a fan Mikaila was, and she was ok with that being left out of the conversation.

“Don’t tell anyone ok?” she said quietly glancing into the next room to be sure no one was listening. They both stopped laughing completely left only with smiles on their faces,

“Alright, but why not?” he asked watching her dump the mop water and wash the mop.

“Well, I just don’t want things to get all awkward or anything, and besides I think there is a certain person… or two… who just wouldn’t like that too much,” she said in a sweep it  under the rug sort of manner.

“Ah, I see, well that’s alright I just had to know for myself,” he laughed half-heartedly, “So, if you don’t mind me asking, which album is your favorite?” he asked, a grin spread on both their faces and they dove into a conversation Mikaila had never pictured herself having with a member of only her favorite band ever. Needless to say… she wasn’t complaining. 


Sorry about the wait, there you are, hope you liked it, and i'm just going to leave my story titled as on hold because clearly i never know when i will get the chance to write or publish, so hang in there, this chapter, i like it alot, let me know what you guys think and what should happen next, or any ideas on what you would want to see happen? let me know!

Guys please please vote!! It helps alot and i'd much appriciate it! and it takes two second, if you want to see more and you like it then why not?! lol 

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