Captured Innocence ➵ [Complet...

By RaeSarai

202K 6.5K 404

A Niall James Horan AU. ❝You're not tainted like the lot of em', Lyla.❞ All Lyla Pembroke, a young woman... More

Captured Innocence |n.h|
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goodbye wattpad


3K 109 12
By RaeSarai

[Warning: There will be time jumps ahead in the future]

|37| Lyla Pembroke |

10 months later...

"A contraceptive? You have no right to interfere with God's will. You will beg for your forgiveness!"

When I found out that I was pregnant I thought in would be nine months of a nightmare between Niall and I. Instead, I'm even more delicate to him so he's been around more to keep an eye on the baby and I. I wasn't expecting an undeniable bond to be formed between to us as mother and father.

Love would take longer to form but he gained my trust back. There's a world outside of this house, I know it, but I don't remember it. I can't keep my real family in my head all the time or the guilt will kill me. I have to focus on my new family.

I find myself smiling nowadays and I love that I can be happy about something. Twenty-five wasn't too young to have a baby but I never planned to be pregnant at this stage in my life. It's spring of the next year, we survived an extremely cold winter and now the baby's going to be here any minute.

We chose the names. Well, Niall did, but I chose their middle names. Soon we'll either have a Grace Juliette Horan or a Callum William Horan.

Dressed in a cream colored sundress I open the backdoor of the house. Usually it's locked but Niall is home and he trust me a lot more. Plus, where am I going to run while I'm nine months pregnant? I walk, more like waddle, passed the cellar and towards the shed where I know he's hard at work.

"Niall, babe?" I open the big wooden door and peak inside. It doesn't smell the best in here so I don't want to stay long. I see him with his back turned to me, radio blaring the blues and his hands busy at work with some wood project. "Niall?"

At the mention his name again he turns around to face me. "Hey, what do you need?" I rest my left hand on my stomach and hold up my right.

In my right I have a glass of lemonade for him. "I made lemonade and thought you might want some." I step fully inside and set it down on the work table as I take a look around.

"You're the sweetest angel." He comes over to place w hand on my waist and lean down to kiss me. Instead I press the glass against his lips.

"Maybe after nice long shower," I smirk and he chuckles. He takes the glass from me and raises it to cheers. I open my mouth to asks about what project he was working on but I feel a sharp pain in my stomach area. "Ah." I wince.

"What is it?" Niall asks worriedly as he looks me up and down.

"I'm fine. She's just been kicking a lot lately."

A smirk pulls at his lips and he puts his palm over my baby bump to feel the kick. "How do you know it's going to be a girl?"

I shrug. "I don't know, Mother's intuition."

"Well I think it'll be a boy, call it Father's intuition."

I roll my eyes playfully. We'll just have to see who's intuition was right when the baby comes soon. I reach into the pocket of my dress to pull out something he could take with his lemonade. "Now, what I really can here for..." Niall stared down at the two blue pills in my hands. "You said you've been taking your medicine all week but I found a full bottle underneath the bathroom sink."

"I don't want to take them anymore." I felt like a mother scolding a child.

"You promised me Niall. You promised me for the baby," I argue hoping that he'd take them from me. "They help keep your schizophrenia under control. Can't you see that you've gotten so much better over the past few months?"

He was too stubborn to see a therapist so this was the other best option. "They make me drowsy and sluggish..."

"They also help stop the hallucinations and delusions. Look, if you want to be a proper Father to our child than you'll take the medicine, Niall. Please, for the baby." He lets out a sigh before taking the small pill from me. I smile and move closer to him. I run circles around his back, trying to sooth him as he takes the small pills.

"We'll have a relaxing night on the couch and watch one of your favorite movies, okay?"

"Okay Angel."

[theres three more chapters and an epilogue left]

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