Marvel Imagines

By Marveltrash78

60.2K 491 192

Various X Reader one-shots from the MCU. More

|Triggered|Clint Barton X Reader
|Loki's problem| Thor X Reader X Loki
|Just My Type| Tony Stark X Reader
|You're just a puppy!| Pierto X Reader
|Dad Jokes| Steve Rogers X Reader
|To the end of the Line| Stucky
|On your right!| Tchalla X Gender Fluent Reader
Tony Stark's Daughter
Thor Odinson's Daughter
Natasha X Reader (SMUT)
|Found Love| Loki X Reader
|Highschool AU|Stony X Reader
|Sugar| Bucky X Sugar Mommy Reader
| Aquariums | Clint X Reader
|Halloween| Peter Parker X Reader
|I'm sorry| Wade Wilson X Reader
|Under Pressure| Stony X Reader
|Pumpkin Decorating Competition| Avengers + X Reader
|Playful pranks| Steve Rogers X Reader

Bruce Banner's Daughter

841 11 3
By Marveltrash78

You wake up in a rush. College was a pain. Since you lived close to your school, you usually woke up later than the usual students. But today you completely missed your alarm.

Groaning you get out of bed and check the time.

10:00 AM

You had thirty minutes until class started. You quickly brush your teeth, put on makeup. Managed to slip into some jeans and sweater.

You were too rushed to do anything with your hair, so you just put on a beanie. It was still September, it was too early to dress like a slob, so you beautify your ensemble with a gold chain, matching it with your hipster glasses.

You quickly jog to Starbucks, which was conveniently situated a block away. You order your favorite caffeinated beverage.

As soon as you got your cup and paid, you walked in a rushed pace to your college. Your dad was a science teacher there, so having a messed up attendance didn't look right. 

You studied literature there. It was an interesting subject, you always liked to read and write.

Walking into class with the others you sit down next to your best friend Chen. She smiled and pulled out her laptop, you do the same.

Today's class was boring. Just revising stuff you already knew and could teach to a preschooler. It was your only class for today so you walk to your dad's classroom.

You knock twice, waiting for an acknowledgment. You hear a faint 'come in". So you push the thick wooden door and greet your dad.

"Hey, dad." You smiled, sitting down in front of his desk. "Hi, (Y/N)." He pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "Could you help me with something?" He asked.

"Sure what is it?" You crossed your legs, giving him your full attention. "Well, you see... The students. I need to know better ways to inspire them to like science and enjoy the class." He explained.

You tapped your chin. "Hmmm...." You thought aloud. "You could jump on the desk and say everything in an exaggerated voice." You suggested.

He just cocked an eyebrow.

The Next Day During Bruce's Class:

"Good morning everyone!" He shouted, taking everyone by surprise. Some students said good morning back. "Today! We are going to learn about-" he jumped on the desk. "Molecules!" He smiled, earning chuckles from various frat boys.

"Fun fact!" He shouted, holding his pointer finger out. "Oxygen gas normally is the molecule O2, but it can also be O3 which we call ozone!" He smiled. Students wrote down what he was saying, still laughing though.

"Carter!" He pointed the dark-skinned male. "Yes, professor?!" He shouted back, the class chuckled.

"What percentage of the human mass is made up of oxygen atoms?!" He grinned.

"Uhh..... 66% sir!" He shouted. "Cooooooorect!" He pumped his fist.

"Lisa!" He pointed towards her. She just laughed nervously. "True or false," he said in a funny voice. "Molecules can have different shapes?" He asked, leaning forward, waiting for her answer.

"True?" She asked unsurely.

"Coooorect! God, I have good students!" He smiled enthusiastically.

Most of the class were filming him at this point, without him knowing.

"Tim!" He pointed towards the blonde boy. "Yes!" He shouted back, flashing his pearly whites. "What is a single molecule that is made out of carbon atoms?" He asked.

"Uhhhhhhh......" He dumbly smiled. "It's uhhhh..... Wood?" He laughed at his answer. Bruce just scrunched his nose and shook his head.

"Nope! But it's alright I haven't focused on that subject much! I'll let it slide, for once! The answer is, a perfect diamond!" He shouted.

"Maybe try letting them blow more stuff up?" You grinned.

He tapped his chin.

The Next Day During Bruce's Class:

"Alright class today...." He reached from under his desk and picked up a pure block of sodium, plopping it down on his flimsy surface. "We are going to blow some stuff up," He smiled.

The class got excited really quickly, talking to their friends on the other side of them, or getting all excited and laughing immaturely in joy.

He leads the whole class outside. They were all equipped with goggles and lab coats for protection.

"Alright...." He shut off the hose, that he was filling the kiddy pool with. "This is sodium." He held the block with his thick rubber gloves.

He quickly dropped the block of sodium into the pool and ran as fast as he could. It exploded, breaking the pool in tiny pieces because of the impact.

"Shit!" A student yelled. "Holy fuck!" They cussed and panicked. Bruce got up and lifted both his hands.

"That! Was an explosion!" He shouted in accomplishments.

The students all shared a look then started cheering. "Mr.Bruce! Mr.Bruce!"

Second explosion. He had the inside of an old washer set up on top of a fire pit. The placed a can of Raid, in the pipe and started the flame. Many minutes after, the can overheated and exploded, making the raid particles burn in thin air.

"Woah!" Brent exclaimed.

"Maybe just, be yourself." You explained, stroking his arm lovingly. He smiled.

The Next Day During Bruce's Class:

"Alright, class." He said, setting his briefcase on the desk.

"Are we blowing up some more stuff today Professor?!" Xavier asked. "Are we having another pop quiz sir?" Melanie piped up. "Or are we-"

He cut off his student. No, we are not doing anything of that today. He said shyly, just feeling the embarrassment now. They just whispered to themselves quietly.

"It seems, that you only like me when I'm extravagant," he sat, on a stool in front of his class.

"What do you mean teach?" Jake asked, fiddling with his football. "I mean, you only like to learn when I do crazy stuff, and not like when I do it my way." He explained rolling up his sweater sleeves.

"Nah man, we like you just fine!" Sebastian encouraged. "Yeah, Mr. Bruce!" Chris helped.

He had a small feeling of hope, maybe they really did mean it...

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