Tree Hugger

By PHenson

22 0 0

Eve is a 17 year old girl who has never been courted a day in her life. Instead of having her own heartbreak... More

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The man from the tree

3 0 0
By PHenson

I couldn't believe it. He said my name how did he know my name? "You're na-naked." I stuttered. He stood and I quickly covered my eyes not wanting to see everything. I covered his bottom half from the distance. What I did take in was amazing. The human body in perfection. His cream colored skin covered in muscles from abdomen to chest and shoulders just a body of a god from every angle. His face was symmetrical with a strong jawline that looked slightly tense. His brows were furrowed in confusion. His dark hair whisped perfectly. I was practically drooling over him which was crazy this whole thing was crazy. He looked down at him self with realization and hid behind the tree. His embarrassment was kind of adorable. I had so many questions for him. "I can get you clothing, will you stay here?" I half smiled reassuringly because he seemed just as confused as me. He responded with an even tone "Of coarse" I walked quickly to my house and rushed upstairs and my dad stopped me at the top. "Whoooa where are you headed?" I smiled and responded quickly "Im going to my room to get writing things because I've been writing a lot." I thought up the lie quickly mostly because it wasn't really a lie. I had been writing a lot. "Alright kiddo be back by 7" He chuckled at me and jogged down the stairs. When I was sure he was out of earshot I opened the door to my older brothers room and rifled through his dresser finding an outfit for the man. I strangely trusted him because he had known my name. He must be important. I stuffed the clothing and pair of shoes that I hoped would fit into a bag and rushed back to the tree. My older brother was away at college so he would't notice the clothes he left behind if the went missing. I got to the field and was completely out of breath. I calmed my breathing and heard his voice from behind the tree, "Are you alright?" I let out a breathy laugh and raised my eyebrows. I was okay but not exactly in the best shape of my life. "Yeah, I hope these fit" I handed them behind the tree and turned around waiting. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see him dressed. The clothes looked amazing on him like they were made for him. The dark navy blue shirt clung to his muscles and the black jeans hugged his legs perfectly tapering off at the bottom. I blushed and couldn't make eye contact right away so I looked down. "Thank you for the clothing." He stated and I nodded at him. I started in on my questions, "Where did you come from?" I looked intently for him to answer. He tilted his head innocently and said, "The tree of coarse didn't you see?" I laughed. I couldn't tell if he was joking but he seemed to have some sort of serious tone to it. His serious face broke into a smile. "Alright well you seem to know my name what's yours?" He looked into the distance. "I do not know you may call me whatever you'd like". How could he not have name? "Where will you stay?" I couldn't possible bring him with me and he clearly seemed to be clueless I needed to help. "With you Eve" He said so matter of fact, like it was obvious. "I can't bring you home with me my dad would freak but, we have a cabin that we never use so I think I have a plan." I was kind of proud for coming up with this because it was actually doable. "You'll Come with me to school and you'll have to have a cover we will plan tonight" I got sort of excited. I needed to know more about this strange man and why he was here and Ill be able to tonight. I walked him to the cabin and told him to stay I would be back. Once back to my house I spotted my dad. "Hey dad?" He nodded at me looking up "I was wondering If I could stay the night at jess's house?" Jess was not a real person. I knew my dad could not keep track of names though and it was a weekend so I doubted he really cared. "Sure honey make sure you're home before school on monday." I smiled so far so good "Thanks dad." I hugged him and packed clothes and food. The cabin was stocked with canned food but I brought some extra in case. I went back to the cabin and sure enough the strange tree man was still there. I put the food away and sat next to him on the couch letting out a tired sigh. "We need to talk."

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