Boy In Luv { hiatus }

By rachallie

5.4K 169 113

Luna is 21 and just getting out of college. She decides that she wants to travel the world and see new places... More

Paris France
Yoogni's Mixtape
Agust D
Give It To Me MV
Pride and Prejudice
Important Authors Note!
Authors Note: Hiatus
Wine Pt2
hiatus: authors note


249 9 33
By rachallie

Authors Note: I'm screaming. Bangtan is really trying to send me to my grave early. Bighit over here dropping videos with no explanation. They have me in my room creating conspiracy theories. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

I've been laying in my bed for the past hour thinking about last night. I can't believe I kissed Yoongi.

My fingers went up to my lips, it felt as if his lips were still lingering there. Is kissing cheating? I thought.

It was just a kiss though, nothing more. It can be forgotten. I sat up and looked out the window. Downtown Seoul was buzzing with cars and people.

I got up to make me some breakfast because my stomach was screaming at me to feed it.I open the fridge but found it empty and then I realized I never went grocery shopping. I decided to go then since I had nothing to do.

I took a shower and got dressed in some joggers and a t-shirt, not caring what I looked like today. I remembered seeing a grocery store down the block from the building so I decided on walking.

On my way I thought to myself. I feel super bad for kissing Suga, I have a boyfriend. I decided to call him, not to tell him what happened but to check up on him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, it's Luna." I said.

"Hey baby, how's Seoul? You seem to be having fun." He asked.

"It is fun here, I met a lot of new people." I remarked.

"Their not bad influences are they? You never been drunk before." He said.

"Cory, I'm 21, I can't live my life?" I asked. I was getting annoyed, him and my mom are always questioning my choices.

"Of course you can, I'm just worried about you." He sighed.

"Can you just please stop telling my mom things. She acts like I'm still in highschool and I'm not." I huffed. I was right in front of the grocery store now. A woman held the door open for me and I silently thanked her.

"Yea, I won't." He promised.

"Thanks Cory, I got to go. I love you, bye." I said and hung up.

I felt relieved that he wasn't suspicious or anything. I felt a pang in my chest. I broke his trust. I thought.

I grabbed a cart from the front of the grocery store and walked around, looking for things that looked appealing.

I wasn't really paying attention when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I said, looking away from the canned carrots that caught my eye.

"It's ok- oh, hey Luna." The person said.

I looked a bit closer and saw that it was Jin shopping with V.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"Yea, just shopping. The boys eat so much." Jin whinned.

"Can I get this?" V asked, holding up a bag of Doritos.

"No, put it back." Jin said.

V stomped away, and threw the chips into the shelf where the rest were.

I chuckled, V was such a child.

"If you want you can come to the dorm and hangout. I making a special dinner." Jin said picking canned vegetables off the shelf.

"But what about my groceries?" I said, putting the canned carrots that caught my eye in the cart.

"I'll drive you home so you can drop them off." He said.

I thought for a second. I don't want to face Suga, it's probably gonna be awkward between us since we kissed. But I also told Jungkook I would hang out with him at the cafe. But to be honest I don't feel like doing anything today.

In that case why not just lounge around in there dorm. I could probably play video games and watch movies with them.

"Yea sure, let me just get a few more things and I'll meet you at your car." I said.

Jin nodded and left the aisle. V walked off behind him and behind his back was the Doritos he never put back.

V is a trouble maker. I thought.

I got the rest of my groceries and went to the cash register. The cashiers name was Bob and he kept on staring at me.

"Can I have your number?" He asked, right when I was about to swipe my credit card.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Can I have your number?" He asked again.

"I'm sorry." I said shaking my head.

He frowned and started bagging his items. I silently thanked him and left. In the front of the store Jin had his car parked at the curb along with V listening to trot music in shot gun.

Jin opened the trunk and put my groceries inside.

"What is your address?" He asked as we drove off.

"It's the big building in downtown Seoul." I said from the backseat.

Jin nodded and V continued singing along obnoxiously to music.

We got there in no time, I went up and put my groceries away quickly and grabbed my sweater just in case I needed it.

Just before I was about to leave when my phone dinged.

Jungkook: Are we still going to the cafe?

Me: Change of plans, I'm coming to the dorm.

Jungkook: Even better, we can watch some movies.

Me: Yea, Jin is driving me there. I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Jungkook: How is Jin... You know what, tell me later.

Me: Lol.

I locked the door behind me as I left the apartment, not knowing when I would be coming back either later or tomorrow.

The elevator doors were just closing, so I hurriedly got to the elevator before it could.

"Hold the elevator."  I rushed out.

A hand came between the elevator doors, stopping it from closing on me.

"Thank you." I said to the man as I got in.

"No problem, you must be the new tenant. Welcome." He said smiling.

I smiled back, "Thank you." I said.

"My name is Kai, nice to meet you." He said sticking out his hand.

"Luna." I said shaking his hand.

The doors opened and I rushed out, knowing that Jin was waiting.

"Took you long enough." V said from shot gun as I got in.

I chuckled and Jin drove off leaving my building behind. We got to the dorm in a matter of minutes since traffic wasn't so bad.

We walked through the door finding Jimin, Namjoon, and J-hope on the couch lounging. Jin went straight to the kitchen with the groceries with a lanky Namjoon, who got up and waved at me silently. V sat down the couch next to Jimin, taking Namjoon's spot.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey Luna, Jungkook is in the room with the boys." J-hope said waving me off as he continued scrolling through his phone.

I put my sweater down and went to the bedroom. Jungkook was turned away singing quietly to himself while doing something.

I snuck up behind him and put my hand lightly around his eyes.

"Guess who." I said smirking.

"Beyoncé." He said.

"You wish." I laughed pulling my hands away from his face.

He chuckled, "Hey Luna." He smiled.

"Hey, what you doing?" I asked sitting next to him on the single bed.

"I was just searching through Tumblr. Have you ever read these theories on the MV's we put out, there amazing." He said scrolling through his phone.

"You guys probably be leading them on." I laughed.

"Yea we kinda do." He laughed putting down his phone. "Let's watch a movie." He continued, getting up and leading me to the living room.

Jimin and V were playing Mario kart, screaming as they bumped into each other as they raced. The dorm smelled amazing almost like someone's mother was cooking.

"Who's cooking?" I asked.

"Mama Jin." Jimin answered sticking his tounge out as he flicked the controls on the controller.

I waved to Jungkook telling him I'll be back and went to the kitchen. "It smells amazing in here." I said as I snuck up behind Jin and Namjoon.

"Yea, can you help Namjoon cut the onions, he's doing a terrible job." He said gesturing to a struggling Namjoon.

"I understand my mother's pain." He said as a tear spilled out of his eye.

"It's okay, let me do it." I nodded.

I washed my hands and took the knife from Namjoon. I quickly minced the onions and put it into the dish Jin was making.

"How did you do that?" Namjoon asked, his eyebrows raised in amazement.

"Magic." I said smirking and doing jazz hands.

He rolled his eyes and starting cutting something else. I walked out the kitchen and found V on the floor in a fetal position.

"What's wrong?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Jiminie beat him." Jungkook smirked, playing Mario Kart against Jimin.

"I've never been beaten..." V whinned.

"You win some you lose some?" I shrugging.

"Nooooo." V cried.

"It was daebak." Jimin flaunted.

"Nooooo." V cried once more.

I stood up from V's side and watched Jungkook and Jimin play against each other.

"Can you get the charger for me? It's on my top bunk." J-hope asked Jimin.

"No get it yourself." Jimin said continuing the game.

"Can you get it for me please?" He asked me this time.

"Uh, yeah sure." I said.

I went to the bedroom and looked over each bunk. When I got to the second to last bunk I found the charger.

I climbed up and snatched it. I started climbing down and then I was startled.

"What are you doing?" A voice said from behind me.

I fell down off the little ladder and landed on my bum. "Don't do that, you scared me." I said getting up and rubbing my butt.

"You were on my bunk first of all, and second of all that's my charger." Suga said snatching it out of my hand.

"No, J-hope told me that his charger was on his bunk and this was the one I found." I said trying to snatch it back.

"J-horse is always trying to use my damn charger." He said moving his hand away.

"Don't call him that." I said in his defense.

"Make me." He said getting in my face.

I stared intensely into his eyes which I never noticed were brown. His breath was fanning in my face and it smelled of spearmint, a smell I was starting to become fond of.

I huffed and turned to walk out the door. But I was suddenly pulled back and lips were pressed against mine in an instant.

I felt the fire ignite in the pit of my stomach as I kissed back, our lips moving in sync with one another's. Suga's hand went to my waist, pulling me a bit closer to his chest.

His tounge went across my bottom lip begging to enter and I let it happen. I let go.

We pulled away for a breath an his eyes were filled with lust. He bit his bottom lip and opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off.

"Tell me this isn't what it looks like." J-hope said standing there with a charger in hand.

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