Corruption of Heart~ APH Fanf...

By UrbanSweetsBeast

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"A prisoner of love is a prisoner none the less." When a certain three personifications of countries fall in... More

Corruption of Heart~ APH Fanfiction
Ch.II) Home is Where the Heart Is, Bonds Never Break
Ch.III) Fork in the Road
CH.IV) Final Goodbyes and the Beginning of New Lives
Ch. V) Half A Day~
Ch. VII) Moving On~ The End is Nearing
Ch. VII) Georgia's Story
Ch. IX)
Ch. X) Weakness Should Be a Sin
Ch. XI) Nothing Hurts More Than the End

Ch. VI) A New Horizon

393 14 13
By UrbanSweetsBeast

Meghan collapsed onto the bar counter, burying her head in her arms. Silently, she let malice fill her senses and block out the smell perspiration, grudging old men, and air filled with disease and decay. The tavern was nowhere near well-kept. Meghan was instantly repulsed by the sight of moldy walls and the scent of rotting wood when she entered at Arthur’s tail. She had nervously avoided the glares and curiously venomous gazes of pirates and convicts alike. She knew what they wanted, an opportunity. They wanted a vulnerable novice to walk in so they could feast on said novice’s existence, ripping them apart mentally, and for fun, maybe even physically.

 Now, five minutes after entering, Arthur had seated her at the counter and told her to wait while he took care of “unfinished” business in a room near the far end of the tavern. Meghan was so focused on her own misery, she barely noticed the small woman sitting beside her, tears in eyes, waving a half-hearted goodbye to the short, black-haired and stoic man who slowly left her, muttering apologies.

The small young woman absent-mindedly rested her head on Meghan’s shoulder, seeking another woman’s comfort, snapping Meghan out of her thoughts. Meghan cast her a bitter look, before regretting her actions and changing her attitude. Meghan wiped a tear from the younger girl’s face.

“Hey…stop crying now…what’s wrong?” Meghan whispered, eyes darting cautiously to the pirates and criminals who might be listening. To her relief, most were still chatting happily in their own world, seemingly unaware (or maybe they just didn’t care) that there was a crying girl in the tavern, filling it with her sobs. “And what’s your name? Your age?”

The girl sniffled, wiping the untouched tears from her face. She smiled weakly. “I was…given away…My name is Leila…Sixteen years of age.”

Meghan blinked. “You were disowned? That’s horrible…I’m so sorry-.”

“No…I said I was given away. That’s a lie. I was ripped away from my sister’s arms and sent to live with a foreigner. I’m nothing more than…property in their eyes. You…ma’am, you look like my people. Are you from…?” Leila’s lips sealed as she neared the end of her sentence. Her eyes glossed with pain, and her throat welled with a sob. She couldn’t bear to even utter her homeland’s name.

Meghan smiled grimly. “Yes, I believe I am. But I’ve never seen you. Ironically, we meet under such circumstances.”


Both women silenced themselves as their respective ‘partners’ returned, both exiting the same door. Kiku looked uneasy, brown eyes looking directly at Leila. She sensed his fear and stiffened. Arthur however was grinning wide. He tipped his hat. “Ms. Leila.” He greeted tauntingly.

Meghan and Leila were fully aware of the dark flash in Kiku’s eyes. Clearly he wasn’t accepting of Arthur’s false formality. Arthur seemed to have noticed the tension as well, as he looked to Meghan. “We’re staying the night.” He muttered, motioning to the stairs. “Here, in this tavern. Would you two like to share a room?”

Before Leila could answer, Meghan eagerly cut in. “Yes, yes!” She choked slightly. “I mean…please…if you’d be so kind.”

Arthur tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowed. “I’m hurt. You don’t want to spend time with your captain, sir? Well…and why are you so eager to spend the night with a woman?  She might be uncomfortable. Just look at her face!” he said, voice laced with humor. Meghan paled, looking to Leila and with disappointment seeing that she was, in fact, fearful. Meghan sighed. “Where do we sleep, captain?”

Arthur’s eyes flashed. “Don’t worry. I got us the most romantic room in this dump. I’m sure you’ll enjoy our stay.” Meghan nearly gagged at the thought of being alone for a whole night with Arthur, but she swallowed her bitterness hastily. She wiped her palms in her pants, trying to destroy the sweaty feeling.

Kiku looked to Leila. “I-I think it would better if you were protected in a place like this.” He said softly. “I arranged to have our rooms next to each other. You’ll still have your privacy, I promise.”

Leila nodded gratefully, blushing slightly. “T-Thank you, sir…” she whispered, eyes glossy with tears. Kiku smiled calmly, motioning for the group to follow him up the stairs.

Maria spent the evening emptying the contents of her stomach into a bucket. Ever since Georgia’s departure, nothing she ate would stay down. Whether it was from anxiety of losing her empire (which wasn’t actually hers anymore), the pain from losing the only person she could confide in, or the fear of being unsheltered when near Antonio, she couldn’t begin to understand. Maybe it was all three that were stressing her, ruining her habits and way of life.

Antonio rubbed her back soothingly. “Ai, Maria, you are frail, no? We have to find something for you to eat.” He scolded, running a hand through her hair. Maria sent a bitter glare into the bucket she’d been leaning over, no longer strong enough to protest. The constant choking and ups and downs had made her weak and sickly. Maria had been told nothing she suffered from was fatal. She surprised herself in wondering if that was a good or bad thing.

Antonio sighed. He hadn’t been expecting an answer. Gently, he lifted Maria and brought her to his room. “Stay.” He commanded, smiling warmly. “I have a few things to discuss with you, Maria. I will be returning to Spain temporarily. In that time…” he sat beside her, smile not faltering even when she flinched away. Maria scrunched against the wall, shifting fearfully when Antonio leaned over her.

“Calm down, mi Maria. In that time, I don’t wish to be alone. I want the love of my life with me…I want to bring you, Maria. You can see my homeland…the cuisine….Does it interest you, Maria? Will you willingly come with me?” he questioned, eyes shining hopefully. Maria wanted to snarl at his charming smile. Even after the horrible wrongs he’d committed, she’d seen how women of her own still swooned when he passed by. Was it possible to be attracted to someone so wicked? Would she fall for him, too? And with her emotions tangled with grief, she knew she’d become vulnerable….more than she already was.

Antonio patiently awaited an answer. Maria crossed her arms. “I won’t leave my people.” She said through grit teeth. She tried to avoid his gaze, hoping to keep her opinions strong. Antonio forced her gaze back to him. “Maria, look at me. Los barbarous-“

“What!?” Maria hissed, eyes flashing. She’d heard the word before, and it cut her still. “Tell me what that word means!”

Antonio frowned. “Savages, Maria. That’s what they are. I’m asking you kindly, mi querida. Come with me?”


“Then I’ll have to treat you like a prisoner, rather than the princess you are. It will take a while to return to Spain. For months, I will be your only salvation. There will be no garden…no servants….no kingdom, and I won’t spoil you any longer. You choose to act like a slave. I will grant you your wish, Maria. You’re not my princess any longer.” Antonio breathed, placing one hand on the wall. “Just remember…” his voice was low and sharp. “Everything you have now can be taken away in an instant. Did you honestly think I’d leave you here to your own devices…? Kiss that boy goodbye…he’ll be dealt with before we leave.”

Maria shivered with fear as he pulled away, exiting sharply. She placed her hands on both sides of her head in grief. “No, no….no!” she chanted. She lifted herself immediately, wincing at the pain. Quickly, she rushed out the room, hoping to reach Erel before Antonio. She hurried down the stairs, avoiding any passing slaves. Antonio couldn’t have left already…then again, when he was angry, nothing seemed impossible.

“Thank goodness, he’s gone! Maria, one of the servants told me…I’m so sorry…”

Maria’s eyes widened and her lower lip trembled. “E-Erel…” she whispered, turning sharply. Erel was hunched over, palms on his thighs, breathing heavily. His brown eyes shined with relief and he strode to her quickly, embracing her. “Oh, Maria…” he murmured, nuzzling her hair. Suddenly, to Maria’s disappointment, he pulled away.

“I’m sorry, princess.” He muttered, bowing graciously. Maria shook her head wildly. “No, Erel, don’t call me ‘princess’. To you, I’m Maria…I’ll always be Maria. I have to tell you something urgent!”

“He’s looking for me.” Erel stated roughly, taking a deep breath. “I was told that as well. Maria…what can I do? Where can I hide? What will….we do?” he spoke softly and directly, emphasizing the  we. Maria held her breath. It wasn’t just ‘her’ anymore. She pulled Erel back to her and sighed. “You have to leave, Erel.” She breathed, eyes wide with fear.

Erel shook his head. “And leave you with that…that…!”

“Antonio will be calm if you’re away from me.”

“That can’t be assured-“

“It can.” Maria interrupted voice hoarse with grief. “He’s taking me to Spain.” Erel staggered away from Maria, shaking his head. “What!?” he screamed. “You can’t go to that horrible place! Any place that could create a monster like him is not suited for a princess!”

Maria nearly died of bitter laughter. Princess? What was a princess? “I’m not a princess.” She said darkly. “I’m going as a prisoner, sir.” Maria collapsed onto the floor, clutching her head tightly. Erel’s eyes burned with a bitter soul as he bit his lip. He kneeled down, bowing once more. Slowly he took her hand in his and kissed it.

“You are a princess, and never a prisoner in your own home, Maria. I will save you…no matter what the cost.”

“What cost? You’re not going to try anything-“

Erel slammed his fist on the ground. “What would your father say if he heard you say such a thing!? You’re not fit to rule, Maria. He’d grimace and turn away from you, look down upon you mercilessly. He’d be ashamed to call you his daughter. Maria, you’re older, stronger, and the most wonderful person I’ve ever met. Do you love me, Maria? Then show me this is what you want…show me you want ‘us’.”

“I don’t think that’s what she wants, chico.”

Maria yelped as she was pulled away and into another’s arms. Antonio glared at Erel, pulling his axe of his back. “Have you forgotten about me? Why would I let you come here and take mi Maria, my Maria…I am so much better suited to her. What can a weakling like you do to help her? Besides…she loves me too. Don’t you, Maria? I know you do.” Antonio smiled and pushed his lips against Maria’s, holding her tightly. Maria pushed against his chest, but Antonio refused to let go. He ran his hand down her back, causing her to yelp.

That’s when it began. Maria began to lose her senses as he continued. Erel watched in shock as she shyly but truly pushed into the kiss. Maria didn’t understand what she was doing, though Antonio was fully aware of what was happening. A smug smile crossed his lips as she began to gasp for air.

Not yet, Maria.” He teased, tangling a hand in her hair. Erel watched bitterly and shook his head, backing away. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore. He left the palace quickly, not turning to see if Maria had stopped. Antonio loosened his grip, thought he still held Maria’s waist as he pulled away.

Maria gasped eyes glossy with tears. “E-Erel?” she whimpered with disbelief. Antonio stroked her hair. “You’ll get over it in time, Maria. You shouldn’t lose yourself over a boy. Wouldn’t you prefer a man?”

Jackie sat in front of the altar as Feliciano and Lovino blessed people who came in. She watched wearily, wondering how someone could call himself a priest when they harbored such dark thoughts. Feliciano glanced to his right, and frowned at Jackie’s displeased demeanor. He kneeled down and hugged her, relaxing slightly when she didn’t fight his embrace.

“Bella…you are so docile now. You’d been attacking us just moments ago. Are you hungry?” he murmured in her ear. Suddenly he pulled away, revealing a light blush.  “W-We’re in a church…” he said shyly. He smiled nervously. “You give me bad thoughts, bella.”

Lovino turned to his brother and sighed. “We are done blessing for the day. It’s late. Jackie, what do you wish to do?” he asked. Jackie hugged her knees to her chest. “I wish to see my sister again.”

“That wish won’t be granted. Try again.”

Jackie grimaced, bowing her head in shame. “Then I wish to start over. I can’t hate you…my mother told me never to hate. If you hate, dark spirits will hurt you and those around you. Can I be with the other servants?” she pleaded, voice quivering with disgust at her own words. She rose to her feet and dusted herself off, waiting for an answer.

Feliciano looked worried by the thought while Lovino scowled. “Why would you want to wallow in filth? What do you want me to say to you1?” Lovino hissed. Feliciano frowned. “I want you near to us, bella. Are you lonely? I-If so…I think I know what you want me to say. I can’t say it in a church, though, bella. It provokes dark thought.”

Jackie nodded solemnly as they led her out the church and through the corridors. Lovino gestured to a spot in the garden where all three sat down, gazing at the moon. “It’s beautiful, no?” Lovino murmured, resting his head on Jackie’s shoulder. Jackie relaxed a bit, unable to stiffen at the sight of the moon. It always made her feel so strange. She always had seen lovers gushing over the moon and the stars. She thought the feeling she had was the same one those lovers felt. But how could this be possible? She wasn’t in love…she’d never been. Would she ever be?

Feliciano squeezed Jackie’s hand with his own. “Si, fratello. J-Jackie…bella, do you like the moon?”

Jackie felt her eyelids droop as a tired feeling washed over her. “I do.” She stated calmly. Her thoughts dwindled on the moon, wondering if Leila was watching the same moon. Maybe her little sister was gazing at the stars at the moment? Lovino shifted. “So many sinful things happen at night.” He muttered. Jackie smiled. “So many wonderful things as well. Shouldn’t the good overshadow the bad? Or maybe it depends on your opinion?”

Feliciano smiled. “Bella….ti amo…” he murmured, leaning into her neck. Jackie jumped slightly as he took a deep breath. He came closer, smile widening airily. “And you give me such bad thoughts…why do you do this?”

Lovino snorted. “Don’t forget me. Watch what you do.” He warned. Feliciano grinned. “Never, fratello. She is mine as well as yours….but you have yet to tell her that.”

Jackie felt the tension within her rise. She didn’t know much Spanish, or Italian, and she certainly had never heard that phrase. Suddenly Lovino’s lips met hers. He pulled away quickly however, covering his blush with his hand. “Ti amo…” he murmured dryly. “I can live like this. I don’t need a wedding or a night with you. This is enough…no matter how much you may dirty my mind.”

“I didn’t dirty anything.” Jackie grumbled under her breath. “I can’t understand what you said. What is ‘ti amo’?”

“You’ll know one day. Pack your bags.” Lovino said softly (for once). Jackie raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

“We’re going to Italy! It’s be so much fun, bella! Food, singing, merry fold! You need it too…you’re very grumpy.” Feliciano said happily. Jackie scrunched her nose. “Why would I enjoy a place like that? However…I’ll go…willingly. I don’t want to stay here…bad memories…” she whispered. Feliciano gazed at her sadly. “That was simpler than I thought.” He admitted. “We’ll make you the happiest girl on Earth, bella. Just wait…por favore…”

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