¤Fly On The Wall¤ A Kiba Love...

Por xUrubex

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Kiba was training with his team-mate, Shino, when suddenly a girl appear there showed out to be Shino's young... Mais

¤Fly On The Wall¤ A Kiba Love Story
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Seventeen

1.9K 62 10
Por xUrubex

Chapter 17: There Is Hope.

After a while, I could feel Kofura getting tired, so I told him to find a safe place on the ground. I jumped off Kofura's back, feeling the ground under my feet. I hadn't realized before now, but I had missed being on the ground. I guess that even if humans could fly like the birds, we would still land on the ground cause this is where were we belong. That's only a guess, I can't be sure about it since I can't grow wings like that.

I looked around in the area Kofura had picked and wondered where we were. I don't think I've been at this place before.

~I still don't understand.~ Kofura said and lay down, his head resting on top of his large claws, like a dog.

"What is it that you don't understand, Kofura?" I asked him and scratched him behind the ear, the place he loved to be scratched so dearly. He growled lowly in his throat, almost like a pure. He had his eyes closed as he savored the feeling.

~Why Kabuto hadn't giving us the signal yet. Do you think he had betrayed us?~ he asked after a short while, opening his black eyes to look sadly at me.

"Maybe. It wouldn't surprise me if he did." I told him, removing my hand from Kofura and sat down on his side, my back against him. "Or he could have been caught by Konoha or maybe killed. Who knows?" I said, shrugging. "I knew somewhere inside me that this plan was doomed from the start. Us and a single man with no particular talents, taking down the entire Akatsuki?" I huffed, not expecting an answer of some sort. "As if that would ever happen. It's the same if humans tried to get up to the moon."

We sat there for a while, just breathing. None of us said a word for what were we supposed to say? That everything would be alright? That Konoha would forgive our betrayal and welcome us with open arms?

No, cause we both knew that it was too late and whoever would find us here would either kill us on the spot or transfer us to the Hokage or the ANBU. Whatever the Hokage's order is.

I sighed, closinh my eyes and rested my body completely. Whatever my future may bring me, I was prepared. For whatever might come, even death...

"Shinju? What are you doing here?"

I widened my eyes and jumped up faster than lightning. I turned halfway to the left, seeing Shino stand with his sides hanging at his sides and his hood were down. Otherwise he looked like himself.

"Shino?" I said and took a step back. Whether it was in surprise or fear, I didn't know.

Fear for what?

I already knew the answer.

Fear of reject.

"What is it that you're wearing?" Shino asked me, but I just took a step back for each of the steps he took. He stopped, realizing what it was I did. Kofura lifted his head, looking sadly at us.

I ignored his question, putting my hands in my pockets and turned halfway to the right, avoiding Shino's gaze. "Aren't you supposed to be in the village? Fighting against the Akatsuki?" I asked him.

"Yeah, that's what I'm supposed to, but Father wouldn't allow me. He said it was too dangerous for me and wanted me to stay outside of the village, where I would be safe." Shino told me.

"I see." I said, still not looking at Shino. Kofura made a sound there sounded sad, sitting up and shook his wings a little. He were in distress, just like me.

"Shino." I said.

"Yes, Shinju?" Shino answered quickly, taking a step but then stopped again. He stood still, awaiting my response.

I turned to him, facing him fully and then walked up to him, standing inches away from him. He looked down on me, waiting. Hoping.

I took a small breath and then whispered in his ear; "Sorry, Shino. I couldn't keep my promise."

Shino's Pov

"Sorry, Shino. I couldn't keep my promise." Shinju whispered in my ear.

Her promise? What promise?

That's when it hit me.


I was six years old. I was out in the forest with Shinju.

"Onii-san, look! I found a beetle!" Shinju said cheerfully.

I turn and smile. I look down to her hands to see the beetle she held. I could tell that she was proud of herself since she found a beetle before me.

"You're right. You even found one before I did. You're getting better, Onee-chan." I said.

"Onii-san?" She sounded sad. I was worried.

"Yeah? What is it, Shinju?"

"Will you promise me something?" I was a bit relieved. At least she didn't fell sick, but she still sounded sad.

"What's that? Whatever it is, I'll help you. You know that."

"Will you promise to stay by my side? No matter what happens?"

I smiled and placed my hands on her shoulders. The beetle in her hands flied away.

"Only if you promise to stay by my side."

She hugged me and I could tell that she was smiling.

"Of course, Onii-san. I will."

End Flashback

"What do you mean, Onee-chan?" I asked, using the suffix of my sister I always used whenever we were talking about personal matters. Or if something were serious.

She didn't answer me, but instead I could hear something, like flesh being stabbed by a weapon. Shinju made a sound in her throat, like the air in her lungs had suddenly been removed and leaned forward, her sudden weight overwhelming me for a second. I catched her, holding her up, but then I could feel something warm gathering on my stomach. I put Shinju down on the ground, I myself sitting with her on my lap and saw blood. Her blood.

"Onee-chan?! What happened? Why are you bleeding?" I asked frantically. She didn't answer me, only pulling out the kunai there had stabbed her in the stomach. The weapon there had made her bleed. The weapon, that I realized, she has been using on herself.

"Onee-chan?" I said softly, taking the kunai in my hand, seeing more blood. Tears gathered at the edge of my eyes. "Why?" I half sobbed, couldn't contain my feelings.

"I'm sorry, Onii-san." she whispered, smiling sadly. "Can I... Can I see your eyes... for one last time... You have such beautiful eyes..." Shinju said weakly, putting a hand on my cheek. Her grasp were weak, faltering. Her life were ebbing out already.

"No. Don't do this, Onee-chan!" I said and threw the weapon away, didn't care where it ended. "I need you! Why would you leave me like this?!" I half-shouted, tears falling down on my cheeks. My goggles were slipping, almost revealing my black colored eyes. Almost.

"The village... won't accept me anyways..." Shinju said weakly, her hand dropping down between our bodies. "If I can't return to my family... my life won't have any meaning left... This..." She coughed, stopping herself in mid-sentence and I could see some blood dripping down from her lip.

Red blood.

Red doesn't suit Shinju. I've never really liked it, but now seeing the color red on my sister, I now know I despite it. Red shouldn't exist.

"Don't over-strain yourself." I whispered, hugging her tightly, but made sure she wasn't in any pain. "You're only jeopardizing yourself." I told her, tears flowing freely from my cheeks.

"Onii-san... I want to see your eyes..." she whispered. I released the hug, but still kept Shinju close to me. I first removed Shinju's glasses, revealing black eyes there had a soft amount of dark brown on the edge of her iris. I put the glasses down on the ground and then removed my own goggles, revealing my completely black eyes to the world. I put my goggles down on the ground and then looked down on Shinju, seeing a little smile on her lips. I smiled sadly, hoping it would bring Shinju a little peace in her heart.

Kofura went over to us, poking me gently with his nose. He growled sadly, nudging his nose against Shinju there laughed lightly, but it was weak. She was growing weak. She was slipping from me. My own sister.

"Don't worry, Onee-chan." I whispered and gave my sister a light kiss on her forehead. It's been a long time since I've done something like that. Kissing my sister on the forehead. The cheek. Holding her like this. It's so... surreal. "Everything will be fine. I'll protect you, no matter what." I continued in a whisper, letting a new flow of tears roll down my cheeks. I rested my head on top of hers, feeling her breath ghost over my neck. She is still alive. She's still here. There's a chance.

There is still hope.

But the blood on my shirt and pants proved otherwise. She was losing blood and fast. If I didn't get her to a hospital soon, her life would be gone. Gone like a leaf in the wind. Like the sunlight disappearing in the horizon. Like a fish in the water.

"We have to get you to the hospital." I whispered, afraid that I would lose my self-control if I spoke louder than that. Afraid to lose my sister.

"It's already... too late and you... know that, Onii-san... There's nothing you... can do now to... save me..." Shinju whispered, her voice weak. I could feel her breathing slowing. Less and less air got down in her lungs.

"It's not too late." a voice suddenly said from the trees. I widened my eyes, looking around and then rested my eyes on a pinkette with a red shirt and pink skirt with dark blue shorts. With her were Kiba, Hinata, Naruto and Neji. I could sense there were more nearby, so I guess all of Konoha 11 were here. Including Shinju's own team.

Sakura and Ino stepped up to us, releasing Shinju from me and began to heal her. Shinju had her eyes closed, breathing weakly. Kofura had stepped aside, after confirming that they wouldn't hurt her.

Shinju's face were more pale than usual, showing her bloodloss. But as Sakura and Ino kept their healing process, her color came back, little by little.

She is alive.

She's still here.

There is still hope.

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