Camp Unexpected (Editting)

By thebeaniee

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Camp Unexpected (UNDER MAJOR RENOVATION + EDITING) "...Maybe the most conventional way to meet long lost fami... More

Chapter 1 (Finding Out)
Chapter 2 (Moving back for Gracie's Private School)
Chapter 3 (Bonding through Sexy)
Chapter 4 (Leaving the Family)
Chapter 5 (The Campsite)
Chapter 6 (Arriving at the Scene of the Crime)
Chapter 7 (Finding Spencer Montgomery and Figuring out stuff)
Chapter 9 (Show Down on the Beach)
Chapter 10 (Show down on the beach part 2)
Chapter 11 (Changing up the Game)
Chapter 12 (Spinning the Bottle: Fraternal vs. Identical Style)
Chapter 13 (A Different side of the Kissing Games)
Chapter 14 (The Different sides of Confession)
Chapter 15 (The Day is up for Grabs)
This is a co-authors note. not an update. special announcement for 2 people
Chapter 16 (The day for Set-Ups)
Chapter 17 (The Fight Club)
Chapter 18 (The Reunition Phase)
Chapter 19 (We think...We lost count... :P)
Chapter 20 (Read with Caution. Fragile Object Enclosed)
Chapter 21 (Ethie is Alive!!!)
The Apology/Announcement

Chapter 8 (Birthday Party!!!)

213 13 7
By thebeaniee

Heyyy guys its time to pump up the PARTYYY!!!! LOL 

Gaelan and Daniel are bothh 18 today!! YAY!!!!!!!

lol me and the co writer are prolly the only ones excited arent we :P

WEllll hope u like this chapter !!

btw i was insanely jealous also when daniel ...does stuff.... lol cant give away stuff now can i ?

heres a pic of Miles and Xavier :D

Daniel’s POV

The introductory meeting was pretty boring I wasn’t really listening to it, but  on that note...

I don’t think anyone was listening to Adriana...

I feel kinda bad for not listening, but I have a lot going on through my head.

The one thing bugging me the most is what if this kid’s Gaelan is also my Gaelan.

Could he have replaced me?

I know I could never replace Gaelan.

Sure I have Gracie and Emily, but they are my little sisters...

I lost my big brother.

Even though he’s only older by three minutes.

They’re the best but they could never replace Gaelan.

Luckily Adriana didn’t see Ethan beside me.

I’m sure he wouldn’t have been the only one in trouble.

Since I am the one who snuck him in here knowing he wasn’t allowed here.

“Hey you okay to get back to your brother Ethan?”

I ask once I notice that the meeting ended.

“Yea, he’s just over there with his friends.”

He says pointing over to a group of about 5 guys and a girl whose facial structure reminded me of Spencer's, but like the rest of the guys, the details were carefully hidden by shadows.

“Alright, well I’m gonna go back to the cabin but if I’m not there when you get back don’t worry I’m gonna go down to beach.”

I say as I get up and ruffle his hair playfully. 

I wonder if this was how Gaelan felt when he got to be my older brother...

Playful, yet brotherly, and caring all at the same time...

“Bye Daniel!” He laughs nervously as he smacks my hand away and gets up.

He slowly heads towards the group of boys.

I wait until he gets to them and watch as one of them wraps an arm around his shoulders, the guy who wrapped his arm around Ethan, had a familar build to their body...

Like I had seen it before...

Many times...

Hmm..maybe that was my Gaelan? 

Wow, I must be going crazy...

I'm starting to belive in that mumbo jumbo business of luck and coincidence...

I shake my head and walk over towards my cabin.

I reach the cabin and grab my sketch book and some pencils, and an eraser, and head off towards the beach.

I sit on the grass just before the sand.

Leaning back against a tree, I take out my sketch book and flip to new page.

I start sketching the only thing that’s caught my eye today and has been on my  mind all day.


I draw her soft, oval face.

Then her doe like brown eyes and arched brows.

Her sweet little nose.

Her her straight hair cascading just below her shoulders.

Now I’m working on her full pink lips.

I make them into the smile her face lit up into when I told her that I’d help her with her bags.

I add the blush was on her cheeks.

I’m so engrossed in my drawing that I don’t hear someone come up behind me.

“Is that me?”

A voice behind me says softly.

I think I jump about a foot in the air.

I quickly flip my sketch book closed and turn my head to see Spencer standing behind me.


She inquires.

“Well what?” I ask genuinely confused.

“Is the girl in your drawing supposed to be me?”

“Oh, ummm... yea.”

I say quietly looking down at the sketch book in my hands, I can feel my own cheeks heating up, luckily its dark enough that you can't make out my blush.

She sits down beside me and places her hand on my knee.

“Can I see?”

I don’t say anything.

I silently open it to the page and hand her the sketch book.

She doesn’t speak for what feels like hours.

I see her squinting her eyes a bit, probably trying to adjust to the faint light that is falling from the nearby cabin.

She just stares at my drawing.

“It’s... it’s beautiful, Daniel.”

My head snaps towards her and I smile.

“You really think so?”

“Yes, I love it!”

I take the book back and carefully rip the page out.

“What are you-” but I cut her off.

“Here you keep it. I can always make another.” I hand her the drawing and get up.

“Come on. Let's get back.”

I hold out my hand to help her up and she takes it.

I was going to let go of her hand the second she got to her feet but she starts walking and pulling me along.

We walk back to the cabin hand-in-hand.

When we reach the door I lift her hand up and give it a light kiss.

She blushes but I don’t bring it up I just smile.

“I have to make a call but I’ll be back in a few.”

“Alright.” She says.

I go around to the back of the cabin and dial my home number.

Gaelan’s POV

“Hey Ethan! I see you found a way to sneak into the meeting.” I say as I wrap my arm around his shoulders.

“Yup!” He says leaning against my side.

I want to introduce Ethan to Spencer, god they were so alike...both sweet, and simple, and in need of some love, and protection. 

They would be best friends in an instant!

I look around for Spencer, but I notice she’s disappeared.

"Gaelan, who was the chick you were with?" Ethan asks, and gets a confused look in his eyes when he hears the snickers erupting from Ash, and Cam.

"Oh, her name is Spencer! E, you'd love her man! She's perfect for you, if only she was your age..." I linger on that last bit for it to settle in.

I know he likes another girl, but I just don't know who, and this is the only way I'll find out.

"No, its okay Gaelan, she's yours, I have Gracie." He says while turning red to the fact that he finally admitted to me the mysterious girl's name.

"I got it out of, after what? Days of trying?!" I triumphantly state.

Luckily the Cameron, Ashton, Miles and Xavier had moved further from us and were talking to some other group of girl counselors, and hadn't heard the confession, and in Ethan's case, seen the blush which I could see clearly because I'm sitting right next to him.

“Who was the guy that you wer sitting with E?” I inquire, because when I saw him last he was walking away...

“Ohh, you m-m-ean D-Daniel?," he says while stuttering...hmm, he only stutters when he's super nervous about something...I look up into his eyes, and I know instantly he's hiding something from me, something important, "he’s just Gracie’s big brother.” He says putting a lot of emphasis on the word just... well, clearly someone's no longer embarassed that I found out he likes her.

Everyone says i should be a cop, the way I can easily see through people's actions and emotions...I guess it just comes naturally.

Like my personality and all, I like to figure people out, and know more about them..everyone just says its my excuse for being nosey, but when i do it, I genuinely do it for good reasons!

Like to help...but in this case...

Ethan's hiding something big from me. 

I will find out.

“Alright Ethan," I decide to let it go for now, so he doesn't suspect me, but just like me, he has heightened senses, and can tell when he's being lied's weird how Daniel could never do that, but Ethan, my no blood relation brother can.

"Come on guys," I holler, "Let’s get to the beach before we get cornered by Adriana.”

The guys take that calmly, because ever since we found out she's a lesbian, we all know she is no longer a threat to our safety...unless she's jealous that we six hot guys, maybe more, are taking up all the girl's attentions.

They all quickly agree and we take off.

When we get close to the cabin I see two people on the porch.

“Wait isn’t that Spencer?” Ashton says nudging me.

“Yea it is. But who’s that with her?”

I watch as the person with her kisses her hand and makes his way to the back of the cabin.

As I watch the little scene happening in front of my eyes, I feel something churning in my stomach, I hate this feeling! 

I want to be doing all that with her. 

I want to drop her off at our cabin, not have some random guy doing that!

I want to be the one kissing her hands. 

Guess the jokes on him!

I kissed her cheek! 

I held her by her waist!

So haha guess who got the short end of the stick!


What the hell am I saying?

Whose telling me to say all this?

Ew...this feeling does not mix well with my system...

I mean, a few hours into knowing her, and shes already got me acting and feeling like a lunatic...

Damn...this feeling is screwing with my mind already...and she's not even mine yet!

Is this what love feels like?

Wanting to go kill the person who just touched her?

One Direction's damn song One Way or Another kept popping into my head...don't ask. 

Just blame my mom.

I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight 
I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight 
I wanna hold you, wanna hold you tight 

“Hey I’ll see you back at the cabin.” I say to Ash, Cam, Miles, Xav and Ethan, who all just nod in understanding.

I scurry off before any of them can follow me, and I go into full stalker mode on the guy that had just kissed My Spencer's hand.

Trust me, I have a very good reason for this!

I don't do this everyday, but it's like that damn One Direction song all over again.

Just blame my mom. 

The true Directioner or whatever the hell you call it.

Great now the songs stuck in my head! 

One way or another, I’m gonna see ya 
I’m gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha 
One day, maybe next week 
I’m gonna meetcha, I’m gonna meetcha, I’ll meetcha 

I will, drive past your house 
And if, the lights are all out 
I’ll see who’s around 

And I just had to remember the stalkery part, and the other part about holding the girl tight.

I sneak around to the cabin, and I take a peak around the side of the cabin and see the guy with his phone up to his ear.

“Hey mum, is everyone still up?”

He turns his phone on speaker, obviously thinking he's alone, well he would be, if I didn't see him kiss my Spencer, making me go all full out stalker mode.

A woman's voice blares through his phones speaker.

“Yea the girls begged your father and I, to stay up.”

“Sorry I would have called sooner but I had a meeting.”

“Oh it’s alright Daniel. We figured it was something like that.”


As in my Daniel? 

It can’t be my Daniel!

His mom is my mom so this can’t be my Daniel.

He already has a mom...he can't  have another one!

“Okay is it okay if I talk to the girls first then talk to you and dad.”

“Oh of course honey. Emily, Gracie! Daniel’s on the phone!”


Two younger female voice yells.

“Hey Gracie and Emi.”

Gracie? Ethan's crush? 

This is Daniel...

Daniel laughs.

After they talk for a few minutes.

“Okay girls time to go to bed.” He says strictly, like a true older brother would say.


Both girls whine through the phone.

“It’s alright I’ll call you guys tomorrow. Okay?” He says.

“Okay...” They say sadly.

“Wait! Wait!” one of the girl's say, or rather scream.

“What is it Gracie?”

Not my Daniel says.

“Well I know it’s tomorrow but HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!”

Wait 18th birthday?


That’s my birthday?

This can’t be my Daniel!

He called someone else mum!

He has two little sisters!

This can’t be him!

It just can’t be!

“Daniel how was your drive up?”

Dad? I almost begin to hyperventilate...I'm so close to giving away my stalkerish ways and to jump out and grab the phone from not my Daniel's hand, and demand to know why my dad, our dad, is talking to him, but not to me.

It might have been 9 years since I heard his voice but I’d know his voice anywhere!

“It was really long. I’m still cramped and sore.”

“Well you’ll get over that as soon as you start Football and Soccer in the Fall.”

“Yea, I know.”

“Well I better let you go Son. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

“Alright dad. Night.” He hangs up shortly after.

I stick around just a little longer to see him stand there and shove his hands in his pocket, and let out an anger filled sigh.

I may not have been the same nosey guy I was earlier, but that sigh was seriously so familar to me...

Like  I had grown up with it for nine years of my life...

I quickly and quite expertley, thanks to years of sports training, make why way back to the beach where the guys are goofing off, and laughing not caring that Ethan is there.

This is why I love them. 

"Hey guys! Let's go back to the cabin, and call it a night!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and they looked at me like I was a magical genie or something who had granted them the one wish everyone wanted...


We all head back into the cabin, and just jumped into any available bed.

Daniel’s POV

I wake up early to the tune of Heart Attack by One Direction playing.

God I'm going to kill that Gracie!

I take a look around to see everyone still sleeping.

Jeez, everyone is so weird here, they all sleep with their faces being covered by either the pillow or the quilt. 

I get up, grab my phone and head outside.

“Hello?” Emily's voice comes on quietly, like she's waiting for me to yell at her for waking me up at 7 in the morning.

“Is that anyway to say hello to your now 18 year-old big brother?”

She laughs.

“Hey Daniel, Happy Birthday.” Emily says.

Then I hear a lot of whispering on the other end.

“What’s going on? Hello?” I ask quite feeling quite confused...

“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Daniel! Happy birthday to you!”

Gracie, Emily, Dad and mum sing.

“Awe thanks guys.”

“We know you probably have to go, but the girls are gonna bring your present from me and your father, with them when they come up.”

“Alright. Well I’m gonna go get some breakfast at the mess hall. Gracie, Emi you are gonna love the food here.”

“We can’t wait! Bye!”

I hang up the phone and run over to the dining hall before it gets to busy.

After I get my bacon, mushroom and swiss omelet with orange juice.

I look around and see Spencer sitting at a table alone.

So I walk over to her and sit down across from her, so that I can see her beautiful face.

“Morning Spence.”

“Good morning Daniel.”

“So you wanna go down to the beach today before the meeting?”

“Yea sounds fun!”


Gaelan’s POV

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I hear several voices yelling at me.

I open my eyes and see Ash, Cam, Xav, Miles and Ethan all hovering over my bed

 “Ugh! It’s too early E!”

"Ash, go to bed, I know you like your beauty sleep! Cam you too!"

"Miles and Xavier, ugh just go somewhere! I'm too sleepy to care!" I say with a muffled voice cause my head is underneath my best friend at the moment. 

My Pillow.

I peak from the pillow and see none of them have moved an inch.

I groan rolling over.

“It’s too early for presents?” They all ask me.

Well that gets my attention.

“Presents?” I say as I bolt up in bed.

“Yea! Here’s the one from me.” Ethan says cheerily...hmmm....cue the suspicion card!

He says handing me my first gift.

I open it and stare at it dumbfounded.

“A One Direction CD?”

“Yea! Do you like it?”

The guys all start laughing, while Ethan smiles at me hopefully.

“Y-yea I love it.”

I try to say as enthusiastically as possible, cause I don't want to hurt his feelings.

Ethan suddenly bursts out laughing, and soon all of them are laughing yet again, and I'm sitting there as dumbfounded as ever.

“Dude it’s a gag gift. But your face was priceless.”

He says between fits of laughter.

I shove him aside and he falls off the bed while still laughing.

Cameron helps him back up, while Ethan pushes ahead with the present giving.

“Alright, Alright, here’s dad’s gift.” He tries to sound happy, but I can see and feel his sadness.

I get why he’s sad, Ben has never remembered his birthday in all the time they have been apart of our lives.

I open it and see the IPad air.


“What’s wrong G?” Ashton asks me when he sees me put the gift under the bunk.

“Nothing, what’s next?” I ask.

“Alicia’s gift. Here you go.”

I unwrap the gift to see that my mom got me Grand Theft Auto 5!

All I hear are the gasps of everyone including me except for Ethan.

The lucky kid already knew and he kept it from me!

“Holy Crap! We are going to have a blast playing this when we get home.” I say.

“We?” They all ask.

“Yea, of course E, Ash, Cam, Miles, and Xav!”

I stare at them like they are all the biggest idiots ever! Why would I play GTA 5 all by myself?

“Awesome! Oh and here’s my real gift.”

Ethan hands me a little silver box.

I lift the lid and find a keychain.

Tears almost well up in my eyes...and I'm a dude...we don't cry, unless its truly heart breaking.

When I lift it out of the box I see that it’s engraved.

On one side it says “Brother’s For Real.”

On the other side it says “E & G.”

I quickly take out my keys and attach the keychain Ethan just gave me.

“I love it Ethan.”

I say pulling him into a hug.

Ashton comes over with a present also. 

He hands me a rolled up poster.

I unrolled it, and inside I see all of the signatures of Hedley's band members, and a little message from them I guess.

Happy Birthday Gaelan! We heard you were a fan, so we decided to send you a fan also!

Ashton hands me a fan, a literal flipping fan...from HEDLEY!


I'm having my very own fangirling moment!!!

Cameron runs over to his bed, and from underneath his bed, he takes out a frame, and he brings it to me, and I see the frame.

It's a picture of the 5 of us when we went hiking one time. 

I pull both Ash and Cam into a big bear hug, and Ethan and the twins join us for a big group bear hug. 

"Happy Birthday Bro!" They all shouted right into my damn ear.

“Thanks guys!" I scream right back. 

"WAIT!" Both the twins scream. 

Miles rushes to his bed beside mine, and pulls out a guitar.

"You got me a guitar!?" I ask almost breaking down into real tears. 

"Correction, we both got you a guitar! We know how much you like to play, and we know you're damn good, so we both pitched in and bought you the Acoustic" Xavier says in a matter or fact tone.

I pull both of them in for yet another hug and then we do the slap thing we guys do.

"So what do you want to do for your Birthday?” 

“How about we go to the beach before I have to go to the meeting?”

“Sounds great. But can we get some breakfast first?”

They all ask, practically begging.

“Of course! I am starving!” I say equally begging.

I grab a shirt and put it on.

“Gaelan?” I hear Ethan call

“Yea buddy?”

“Can I have a piggy-back ride to the mess hall?” The guys start laughing but I pull on a serious face.

“Yea sure, hop on.” He jumps on my back.

We all head out the door and go to the mess hall.

ANDDD SCENEEEEEEE!!!!! goood chapter eh??! when i read it (when our co writer sent it to me, I was in awe actually! i was like this chaoter/bday party cudnt be better said! and yea so i just added som e bits for gaelan pov but thats about it so thank @chocolatecupcakes96 until next time !!!

So you guys know the drill by now right?

Comment!!! (Weee love reading them and answering each and everyone of them!!)


Vote!!!!! (if you like it, cud you show it? We'd love a few votes! lol )

fan?!! anyone?

I'll love you forever :D

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