Make You Mine [Un-edited Vers...

By NalaHeart

1.1M 30.7K 6K

"I've been watching you, waiting for you, and wanting you for so long. Now I have a chance. A chance to love... More

Make You Mine [Editing On Hold]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Very Important Author's Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49: Part One
Chapter 49: Part Two
Chapter 50: Epilogue
Will There Be A Sequel
Sneak Peek Of Sequel

Chapter 28

18.1K 493 149
By NalaHeart

Chapter 28! Un-edited. I gave you guys a looonnnnggg chap so you won't be too upset if I don't update as often. :)

Feel free to message me or contact me about anything (Except read for reads, I have 4 already and I don't have much time to read them at the moment). Thanks! I love you guys!

Vote, fan comment. :D



"Ava!" Dana continues whispering to me while leaning over my stiff, frightened body.

My eyes are wide open but all I can see is darkness and all I can hear are Dana and Jared's worried voices. I want to yell, shout, scream and cry all at once but I think I've done too much of that. I try to move my mouth to talk but no sound comes out. What's wrong with me? I take rapid, shallow breaths as my chest constricts in pain. The thick, metallic liquid flows freely down my legs like a stream. And my hair covers most of my panicked face as it sticks to my still clamy skin. The blood, saliva, and cum on my lips have dried. And the tears in my eyes continue to spill over.

The pain in my broken hand and my private area is all I can feel. It went from a raging throb to an ongoing ache. And what's worse is the aches range from extremely painful throbs to mildly painful throbs. It's like a deck of cards, I don't know which one will come first.

"I think she's in shock. Just leave her alone for a while." Jared's soft voice emits through the basement.

"But if I do she could die."

"I want to." My weak voice whispers. If only they knew how bad I want my life to be over. My vision slowly comes back and I'm slightly relieved.

"Omg! You're alive!" She goes to hug me but I flinch away.

The look of sadness in her eyes hurts me more than rejecting her hug.

"I'll still be here." She lays beside me and gently places her hand across my stomach. It doesn't hurt as much anymore and I don't push her away.


"Y-yeah?" I feel small pain in my hand and it's causing me to stutter but I'm not going to tell them that.

"Remember that time we spray painted Mrs. Doyle's wig blue and everyone called her a smurf."

Yeah. We did because she gave us F's on our English papers so Dana got mad and had the bright idea to paint the lady's wig.

She gives me a goofy smile and we burst into laughter. I laugh so hard my stomach starts hurting again. Leave it to Dana to make me laugh. Everytime something bad happens Dana always stays positive. She has the same fate as me and she's the one making me laugh.

"You have a nice laugh." Jared speaks and we instantly stop.

"Who is that?" She whipers to me.

"I can hear you." He mumbles loudly.

"Then tell us your name." She retorts.

"Ladies first. Who are you?"

"This douche is about to get bitch slapped." She whispers to me and I hold in a chuckle.

"This is me being polite little miss slut."

"If I weren't chained to this damn pipe I'd kick your ugly ass!" She yells.

"Geez, does it come with a 'pause' button?"

"Look you motherfu-"

"Dana that's J-jared. Jared this is D-dana." I have to step in before they drive me insane with their pointless arguing. I hold in a curse as the blaring pain attacks my lower body.

"Her bestfriend." She finishes. And I can almost picture her crossing her arms.

"Her annoying friend." He huffs.

"You're officially ignored."

"Then why are you still responding to me?"

"G-guys! C-chill out!" They're starting to give me a headache.

"Sorry." They both say in unison.

A sudden pang in my already throbbing private area causes me to scream and clutch the mattress with my other hand.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. I'm o-okay." Another sharp pain goes from my private area to my stomach. "Ah!" I grunt, trying to hold it in.

"She's pregnant and that prick raped her, that's what's wrong." Jared's angry tone scares me. How did he know?

"Pregnant?" She lifts up my torn shirt and presses her hand gently on my stomach. Her mom's a neo-natal nurse so she's picked up a few things.

"And married." Jared continues.

I totally forgot about the ring I put in my pocket. If Ian finds out I took it off he'll do worse damage.

"Oh my God..." Dana's wide brown eyes look horrified as she observes down there. But I'm not worried about that.

"C-can you get the r-ring from my pock-et?" As much as I loathe Ian and my awful reminder of forced marriage, i.e. the ring; I need to put it back on before he comes down here and does something drastic.

"Ring? What ring?" She asks with confusion lacing her tone.

"Her wedding ring." Jared replies sadly.

"P-put it back on my f-finger please."

Her mouth forms an 'O' as she picks it up off the mattress and slides it on my left hand.


"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you're wrist was broken." She side hugs me while I tell her it's fine.

So it's my wrist that's broken, not my hand.

"Do you see anything around you that she can use to wrap her wrist in?" Jared asks.

Dana frantically searches for a bandage but comes up short.

"I don't see anything and my chain is too short." She says on the verge of panicking.

"I-it's fine. Don't worry a-about me."

"No it's not Ava, you're wrist is broken and you're bleeding profusely down there. If you don't get medical attention you'll bleed out."

"I d-don't care. Just let m-me die!"

She ignores my outcry and starts yelling for help. Is it really that bad?After a few yells I realize what she's doing and I panic. If he comes down here he'll kill Jared and possibly her. "N-no. Please d-don't call him."

"Why?" Dana asks curiously.

"Because he'll kill us to punish her if she says or does something wrong." Jared interjects.

"But she needs a doctor. And if she's pregnant then her and the baby could die."

"That's what I want and that's what I've been asking for! Just kill me." I don't give a fuck if the baby dies. I don't want or love it. Never have and never will.

"You know that's not happening so get the fuck over it." Joel's voice causes Dana to send a hateful glare his way.

"Why are you here?" Jared replies angrily.

"I can recognize Dana's screaming anywhere." He winks at her and she tries to lunge at him but her short chain causes her to fall on her face.

"Ian's coming to get you." Get me? For what and what will happen to Dana and Jared when I'm gone?

"W-what about Dana and Jared?" I can't leave them here alone.

"Dana's my friend now so we're going to do friendly things." He makes kissy noises at her while she cusses at him.

"Don't worry about us Ava." Jared reponds.

But I am worried about them both. And why does he seem so nonchalant about this?


Every small movement caused me to writhe in pain as Ian carried me to the bedroom. He kept telling me to shut up but I couldn't because it hurt too bad. I grunted in pain when my wrist landed awkwardly as he threw me down on the bed.

"What did I say?" He stares at me as if I'm a child.

"W-what do you m-mean?" I try to shrink back from his angry tone but he glares viciously at me before grabbing my neck.

"I'm getting so tired of your shit Ava."

Why is he so angry now? I thought he'd cool off by now.

"W-what did I d-do?" My right hand grips his hand as I gasp for air.

"Explain why I got a tip that your parents had the police trace the call you made in the diner?"

"I don't k-know anything about that." I'm not lying. I only spoke to my mom for 10 seconds before he cut the chord. She must have called the police to trace the call. Thank you mom.

"They had stopped looking for you. Did your friend tell you that?"

My face fills with sadness and despair at those words.

"You know better than to fuck with me Ava. I own you, this town, and the people in this desolate piece of shit town. Did you honestly think the police would get involved?"

I can't breath and it's hard for me to answer.

"Answer me!" His olive eyes show anger and power as he demands.

"I-I j-just wanted to go home."

"I've told you before if you won't let them go then I will for you."

The last time he threatened me Chris died. He can't kill my parents too.

"I love you too much to let them take you away." He whispers as he releases me from his grasp, kisses my forehead then calls for someone to come in.

It's a doctor but before I can say anything he says,

"This is doctor Boyce. He's my family's doctor and there's nothing you can say to get out of this."

"Good morning Ava. I'm Dr. Boyce." He smiles at me before coming closer.

Ian continues to glare at me while leaning against the door. His strong build and crosed arms intimidate me as much as his stare so I look down.

So if he called a doctor then he knows what he did to me and he's trying to make it right. But that means he must have done it as my punishment but only to realize he might have possibly killed his unborn child in the process.

But why does he claim he loves me if he's going to inflict pain on me? Maybe he does "love" me but doesn't know how to genuinely express it. Who am I kidding, he doesn't love me. I bet the asshole doesn't even know what love is. This is the biggest mindfuck in the entire universe.

The sound of the gloves clasping onto his fingers snap me out of my thoughts.

"Now Ava I'm going to take a look at your private area. Is that okay with you?"

I nod my head. What's the worse that could happen?

"Ahh, you have a typical episiotomy or second-degree tear." Dr. Boyce confirms.

I wince slightly from the pressure and the coolness of the medical device he inserts in my private area.

I notice Ian move towards us and I freeze with fear. Was I not supposed to wince?

"What the fuck are you doing? Trying to hurt her more?" he scowls at Dr. Boyce.

"I'm just checking to see the amount of damage you caused. She's in enough pain because of you and quite frankly, I'm not an abusive pig like you." He sneers.

My breathing quickens as I watch him grab Dr. Boyce by the collar and pin him against the wall.

"What did you say to me?" He breathes angrily as his face turns red with fury.

Dr. Boyce is literally shaking with fear as he holds his hands up defensively.

"What. Did. You. Say?" Their noses are practically touching as Dr. Boyce tries to speak but can't.

If I don't say something to stop this it could go really wrong really fast.

"He's a d-doctor w-who knows what he's d-doing. Just let him do his j-job." Hopefully that calms him down and besides I really need something to stop this excruciating pain because the sooner the pain goes away, the sooner my stuttering goes away.

But I regret saying anything at all because at that moment he let's him go while smirking at me. And I've been here long enough to know what that means. I'm screwed.

"Get back to your job so you can get the fuck out."

Dr. Boyce walks over to me and continues.

"As I was saying, this second-degree tear involves skin and muscle. Now I'm going to clean and stop the bleeding then stitch you up."

"How l-long will it t-take to heal?" I ask as he cleans the coppery liquid wound with a few wipes. I have the sudden urge to vomit and I don't think it's because of the blood. I feel it starting to rise and I swallow it. The burning, acidic tastes makes me frown but no one seems to notice.

"It usually heals in two to three weeks."

He starts the first stitch and I cringe.

"Sorry." He gives me a sympathetic expression before continuing. "The stitches dissolve on their own during this time. And you may feel little pain after a week but after that you should be good as new."

"So is the baby alive?" Ian asks impatiently.

"Yes, it miraculously survived." He smiles warmly at me and I look away.

Shit! Why can't this little bastard die? I hate thinking like this but I can't help it. This baby is a mistake and if I do give birth to it then I'll be responsible for killing it with this awful mess of a life.

"What about her injuries?" Ian seems concerned.

"Her injuries weren't that severe. Just don't get too carried away next time you two, ya know?"

I nod my head fervently agreeing. That's the most intelligent thing he's said since he's been here. In fact, I'd be perfectly fine if Ian never did that again. I shudder at that horrific memory.

"Good, because I already have my perfect wife. And I can't wait for my little son to complete my perfect family." The bed dips as he sits down and I watch as he caresses my cheek.

How does he know it's a boy? It could be a girl for all we know. But he'll never find out because this little accident isn't going to survive.

Dr. Boyce must sense the tension between us because he clears his throat then continues.

"Okay let's have a look at your wrist."

He starts examining my left wrist by pressing his thumb on it. I try to hold it in as tears flow but I break, releasing low cries of displeasure before he let's go.

My wrist lays still under the x-ray as I wait. I find it weird that he has a mobile x- ray machine but hey, whatever.

After a few minutes he analyzes his findings."Hmmm." He rubs his chin then says,

"Okay, from the looks of it I'd say it's a severe wrist sprain. In case you don't know, there is usually only complete tearing of the ligaments in this case. Nothing partially torn but completely torn."

"What does that m-mean?"

"Because it's severely sprained, you're experiencing swelling and limited ability to move the joint. With that being said, I'll need to re-align the torn bone ligament."

"Re-align?" I'm get more frightened everytime he speaks.

"Well, Reduction is the technical term for this process in which I move the torn piece into place. It's been less than eight hours since your injury so it's not too late."

"Wait, don't I get Anesthesia or s-something?" He can't expect me to just be okay with this. My wrist is finally numb right now and I plan on keeping it that way. No more pain please.

"Ava stop being whiny." Ian bosses. I want to smack his teeth down his throat. How does he expect me to be with this horrible pain? Calm? Hell no. It hurts like hell and if I could get up and knock his face in I would without hesitation. Whoa Ava, slow down. He has Jared and Dana in case you act out. Ugh.

Dr. Boyce glares at Ian before speaking. "Yes you do get sedated because it will be a Closed Reduction. It's a non- surgical procedure that does require Anesthesia."

As he applies the Anesthetic I close my eyes, willing myself to calm down but I can't. My heartrate increases as my palms get sweaty. I can imagine how I look with my bruised face, torn shirt and bare, bloody legs. A pitiful mess.

"One...two...three." I brace myself before hearing a 'Crack!' sound. I expected more pain but I don't feel it. Opening my eyes, I smile in relief.

"Better?" He smiles warmly at me as he wraps the cast around my wrist.

"Thank you." I say gratefully.

"Thankfully it wasn't as bad as other fractures I've seen. Just keep it wrapped, elevated, and iced often. It should heal in two to four weeks. The pain should die down with Tylenol."

I smile at him anyway while laying my casted wrist on my bruised stomach. The Anesthetic hasn't worn off yet and I'm thankful for that.

"Oh and I can't promise that you're wrist will be the same afterward. I'm so sorry Mrs. Hunt."

My mouth forms a tight line as I close my eyes. That's the first time someone has called me that and I resent that foul term of "respect". And for that I blame Ian. I don't want him or his criminal name.

"Call me Ava." I demand solemnly while my eyes are still closed.

They both turn to me with confused faces. But Ian seems to get it becasue his face turns to annoyance as he rolls his eyes.

"Just ignore her. She's still sedated."

And that's what they do. They both ignore me. And for some reason it doens't bother me. I already said what I had to say and I meant it.

"I'll prescribe some painkillers for her wrist and bruised stomach. And I'll give her a cream for her vaginal area." He says as he stands up to leave.

"Goodbye Mr. Hunt. Mrs. Hunt." He closes the door and leaves me with the monster of my dreams.

Tell me what you think! And thanks for the votes, comments, and fans so far. All of you are truly amazing Royal Readers (My new nickname for you guys) :D

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